Destiel is My Piece of Heaven. (katisacat and Krystal_Atems_Girl)

Dean ran a hand through his hair. "Lets go get the stuff and get this show on the road!" He commented, clapping a hand over Sam's shoulder. He would be lying if he said he wasn't just a little excited to try out his powere a little more, even if her kept thise feelings in as he packed baby up for the journey.
Dean looked contemplative. "Go invisible and have a look around as we talk to the owners." He replied, walking b with sam to the front desk.

"Yes, I'm agent Stark and this is my partner agent Rogers. We'd like to talk to you and management about whats happened." He explained to the concierge, them both flashind their badges.
The concierge, nodded, bringing them up yo the penthouse suite where the owner was staying. He seemed like a nice enough man, but the two brothers could sense something off with him. Then they noticed something in his jacket pocket that looked like a book. They looked at each other. "A case never goes this easily, so keep your gaurd up" Dean muttered, looking around.
Dean held the seconbook in his hand, feeling its power as he chanted the spell that wpuld negate all the marks worn by the workers in the whole spa. He chanted another spell, the other's book flying to his hand. He closed it, and fae gaurds appeared. The took the owner. "We're taking him to be disciplined." A smirk appeared on the taller fae's face , and Dean simply nodded. He looked to sam and castiel. "Right, lets return these books then."
The king smiled as they appeared. "hello again. I take it that the mysterh is solved? He asked, raising an eyebrow. Dean noddes, handing both books over to him. He bowed, smiling softly. "Yes, highness." He said simply looking to the human in the cage. He was getting what he deserved.
Castiel nodded, not recognizing the look in Dean's eyes, and placed his fingers on their forehead and zapped them back to the car so they could drive back to the bunker.
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