Destiel is My Piece of Heaven. (katisacat and Krystal_Atems_Girl)

Dean smiled a little behind his coffee as Castiel began stroking his leg again. "Well, we'll see. Do your book say anything about the king?"

Sam shook his head. "No, not really. Only that he quietly mourns his neice and unborn nephew. Apparently the queen was pregnant when she was killed."
Dean nodded. "Well, if all goes well, maybe we'll become friends. I don't trust supernatural beings for the most part, but who knows. Bobby's always saying "family don't end in blood" he explained, looking curious. Sam just nodded. They wouldn't know anything for sure until they met him.
Dean relaxed anlityle while longer before he and sam paid and they drove back tonthe bunker with castiel. "Won't look so conspicuous here. Lets go then." He replied to them both, wondering what might happen.

Meanwhile the dark court king was reading the news, wondering how he might catch the killer himself. He didn't much like that Fae magic created by his neice was being used fir evil. It was an insult to the beautiful, kind leader's memory. "What to do.."
Castiel nodded and placed his fingers to the two of their foreheads and they were suddenly in the king's court room. Castiel dipped his head in respect to the king. "I have brought some men who might help with your dilemma your highness."
The king raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? And who might you two be?" He asked, looking curious.

Dean bowed along with sam an cas. "I'm Dean Winchester, your highness, and this is my brother sam."

The king scratched his chin. "Yes... I've heard stories of you two and your angel. What is it you need?" "
The king scratched his chin again. "The book is indeed in my posession in my libary here. It was my neice who devised the spell that has been killing mortals. She used it as discoplinary measure when a fae in one of the courts was convicted of a particularly heinous crime." He explained softly, and you could see by the look in his eyes that he didn't like that his neices's memory was being smudged by some human.

Dean sooke softly, still bowed in respect. He had never met a king aside from crowley, but this seemed like the proper thing to do. "We would bring you back both both books. Something created by fae or any other supernatural being, belongs only in the care of that particular being or someone who can handle it power." He replied, and the king nodded. He could see right through to all 3 of their souls, and he could see their good intentions. "You may use the book."

Dean smiled kust a little. "Thank you, Majesty. That's kind of you." He replied softly, bowing again. While it was slightly out of character for the man, he was trying very hard not to accidentally insult the powerful fae king.
When the King had the book in his hand, he handed it to Dean. "Please find whoever is doing this. Its an insult to sweet Krystal's memory to see someone doing this with her spells." He replied, and Dean nodded, bowing respectively. He smiled a little. "We'll do our best, highness." He promised, taking the book. He could just feel the magic coursing through it. Whoever his neice had been, she was powerful.
Sam snorted a little, and Dean frowned slightly. "You'll have to excuse him, Highness. He's a little human dense." He explained softly and to his his surprise, the king chuckled. He found him amusing, and in a way he reminded him of what might've been. "Its no worry. Just go and do as you need."

Dean nodded. "Lets go then cas."
Dean ran a hand through his hair. "Well, he seemed nice. So, where we going, sammy?" He asked, wanting to get this over with. He really didn't like the idea of a human having magic he or she couldn't control or hope to understand. Sam rolled his eyes. "Great lakes, Ohio. The Killings started at a spa and indoor waterpark."
Dean and Sam both nodded. "Okay Cas. Be careful." He replied, even if he wasn't all that worried. He knew that Castiel had become more powerful from them being together, and no matter how much he wanted to say his true feelings out loud, he kept it bottled. It was embarrassing with Sam around to hear him declare it.
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