Destiel is My Piece of Heaven. (katisacat and Krystal_Atems_Girl)

Dean increased the speed of his mouth's thrusting, leaving a small hickie at the base. He was having fun pleasuring his angel. He cupped Castiel's balls with one hand while the other traced small circles over them. "Hows that baby?"
Castiel was panting and groaning as he gripped the bed sheets slightly. "I-It feels... very good..." He moaned out as he looked down at Dean, his face aflame and his eyes shy and embarrassed.
Dean continued playing with him, wanting to make him cum. He was glad to be making his angel feel good. "I love you baby." He muttered as he continued to shck, knowing Castiel would be able to feel the soft vibrations from his speech.
Castiel groaned deeper as he felt the vibrations and began panting heavier, moaning as he gripped the bed sheets a little tighter, feeling himself slowly building. "A-Ahhh... Dean..."
Castiel panted heavily and groaned deeper as he felt the vibrations and he moaned at the squeezing, beginning to gasp as he felt his balls tightening. "D-Dean...!" He gasped out, feeling about ready to burst.
Dean smiled. "Just let it come, Cas baby." He replied softly, still thrusting quickly as he squeezed castiel's balls a little harder. He ran his teeth up and down his angel's shaft, making soft purring noises to add to the vibrations.
Dean smiled a little. "Good. I'd be so lost without you, my heart. Please don't leave me alone for to long." He whispered in castiel's ear, kissing him softly. The angel was just as much his life as sam is, but in different ways.
Castiel blushed brightly, his heart skipping at the words and he nodded softly, kissing Dean back gently. "I'll try Dean..." He said, getting up and getting dressed.
Dean followed, looking curious. "Okay. Cool." He was secretly pretty excited about his new power. He wouldn't feel so helpless next to castiel now. He concentrated, making the fire appear, throwing it at a nearby tree. "That's wicked."
Dean smiled. "I feel kind of special having a power like this. Sammy's gonna be Jealous." He admitted excitedly, looking kind of like a child. He had never really beenspecial. He was just a hunter, like his dad. Sammy had always been the special one.

He heard the impala come back, but he didn't expect Sam to be all beaten up. "A demon jumped me. I killed it. Left a few scratches though." He replied frowning. He had liked this shirt.

Dean looked worried, and his hand glowed green. "Here, give me your arm, sammy." He replied, smiling as the cuts healed.
Castiel smiled a little seeing Dean so happy then blinked in surprise and walked over to Sam who's eyes widened as he saw Dean's new power. "The hell...?"
Dean healed the rest of his small cuts and things, smiling a little. "Cas says its called soulfire. Its a rare power some humans posess that is fire connected directly to the sould that can hurt enemies or, as you just saw, heal allies. He says it only appears when a certain seal is broken which is unique to the invidual." He explained, smiling at Castiel as he came over. He was actually feeling pretty happy. Even though he'd risked his neck many times to save the world from monsters and the like with this new power, he felt like he could do even more good than he did before.

Sam's were still wide. "Well, that'll be useful. Does it ever run out?" He asked, and Dean shook his head, directing the question to Castiel. "I dunno, sammy,"
Castiel shook his head. "It draws it's energy from the soul, as long as Dean's soul is strong, the flame will be strong. It's like a powerful representation of his will."
Sam nodded. "Oh I see. Well, he's probably the most strong willed person I know, so it probably won't dim anytime soon." He replied, quite interested in all this. He wondered what might have caused dean to gain this power, what seal he broke in order for it to appear.

Dean smiled, stepping closer to castiel, discreetly taking his hand. Sam grinned. It really was about time. "So, Dean said you had a theory cas?"
Castiel nodded. "Yes. It appears that the more physical contact I have with Dean, the stronger my powers become. I believe if I stay in enough contact with him for an extended period of time, I might become stronger than Raphael."
Sam nodded, looking curious. "That's a good thing though, right?" He asked, wondering what this might mean for the future, and for them.

Dean nodded slightly. "Well, I think it is. If we can beat Raphael, we might be able to put heaven back the way ig should be." He replied, running a hand through his hair.
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