Destiel is My Piece of Heaven. (katisacat and Krystal_Atems_Girl)

Dean smiled, giving him a kiss and stroking his cheek. He would never get enough of this. "I love you, Cas. So so much." He muttered softly, content to just stay like that awhile longer, even if he was getting closer to cumming.
Dean snuggled a little closer. He wasn't ever gonna get tired of hearing that. He kissed his lover again, speeding his thrust just a little more. "I'm gonna cum soon. Do you mind if its inside?" He asked, kissing at castiel's neck.
Castiel blushed more and shivered a little at the kisses and his words before he began gasping and groaning with each thrust. He closed his eyes as he panted heavily and groaned out Dean's name.
At each groan, Dean could feel himself getting even closer. He kissed his angel so hard, running ing his hand all over his body. When he was finaly ready, he nibbled at Castiwl's ear. "I love you baby." He whispered, letting ropes and ropes of his life giving cum out into his angel lover.
Castiel groaned and whimpered softly into the kiss and shivered at his touch. He trembled at the nibble to his ear then his eyes widened and he gasped, trembling and whimpering at the strange feeling of Dean cumming in his ass as he panted heavily, groaning as he said "I-I love you too...."
Dean kissed him again as he let his cum go, moaning into softly. "I don't ever think I will tire of hearing you say that, my heart. I've waited since them moment we met to hear you say that. I'll always love you. Forever." He whispered softly, kissing him all over. He loved him so much, his beautiful angel.
Castiel was blushing madly as he spoke and closed his eyes at the kisses all over him, shivering a little as he lay on the bed, panting. "I-I... I'm glad.."
Dean nodded. "Maybe we should do it outside then... do you feel as strong as an arch angel?" He asked, simply curious. He felt stronger too, like he was no longer quite human. He felt happy for one of the first times in his life.
Dean gave him a sidways glance. "Do you want help with that before we go, my heart?" He asked, knowing it could be painful if it lasted to long, and he was a good dom. Always took care of his sub's needs first. He believed it wasn't right otherwise
Dean gave him a kiss, motioning for him to sit back down on the bed. "I want to. Besides, those can get painful when not attended to." He explained, running his hands up and down castiel's cock softly, before taking him in his mouth, flicking tongue all over his angerls cock. He gently ran his teeth over it as he stroked his balls slowly.
Castiel blushed more as he was motioned to lay back and he was surprised to know something so pleasurable would hurt if left alone. He twitched a little as Dean rubbed it with his hands then he gasped and trembled at is tongue. He then tipped his head back and groaned a little at his teeth, panting as he stroked his balls. "D-Dean..." he whispered his name.
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