Destiel is My Piece of Heaven. (katisacat and Krystal_Atems_Girl)

Dean pouted a little. "Probably." He agreed, and sam nodded. "That's good. Hopefullybwe can find a way to either use the crown or rally enough forces against Raphael that he gives up." He replied running a hand through his hair.
Castiel nodded then thought a moment. "Actually... Dean, how secured is your bunker? Do you have protection against angels? Circles, cloaking spells, defenses?"
Dean nodded, but sam was the one who answered. "We have everything to ward away both angels and demons. The only reason you can get in is because we let you. The safe not only has warding on it to expel supernatural beings, it also has at least a dozen booby traps that activate if you pot in the wrong code, including, but not limited to a holy salt water shower, an angel trap, and a demon trap." He replied, sipping his beer.
Castiel nodded after a moment then rubbed his forehead. "Sounds sufficient, I think it will be safer there." He lifted the beer bottle to Dean. "Could I have another?"
Dean smiled and nodded. "Of coursebyou can, cas." He replied, taking the bottle and putting it in the rexycle before getting him another one. He was still in a mode where he felt the need to cater to the angel a bit. He was just so happy he was okay. "Did you manage to get the tracking spell off you cas?" He asked knowing that they were safe from angels and demons in the bunker, but he still worried.
Dean smiled. "Of course cas." He replied, getting up and getting him another beer. He handed it to him. "Here, let me rub your shoulders. Sammy does this for me when i'm tense." He explained, rubbing the tissue, humming softly.
Castiel thanked him and took the beer, downing it like the others then closed his eyes and groaned softly, sighing a little at the rubbing as he leaned his head forward on the table, groaning a little as he felt the unusual sensation of his stiff, constantly tense muscles, loosening and relaxing. "Thank you Dean..." The words were spoken in a groan as he slowly relaxed, a combination of massage and the very mild effects of the three beers beginning to work.
Dean smiled softly, continuing to rub the other's back. He could feel how tense the angel's muscles were. "Its no trouble Cas. I like helping you." He replied, prssing his palms into other's back, rubbing him like a skilled therapist. When you kill for a living, its easy to know wher to hitbto make or alliviate pain.
Dean smiled softly, still working his magic fingers on castiel. "you know, I don't remember who invented massage, but i'd say it's a good thing." He mused, rubbing the agel's back with hard strokes, feeling hiw twisted he still was.
Castiel twitched a little under his hands and groaned deeper as Dean worked on a particularly knotted muscle. "Man has know since the beginning of *groan* pain that soreness feels better when it is pressed on and *groan* rubbed."
Dean smiled. "Oh, I suppose that makes sense. But I meant the person who turned it into a science." He explained, still working the muscles. He wanted the man he loved to feel better. He hoped maybe he could confess soon.
Castiel was slowly relaxing with his eyes closed and head on the table. He let out a breath of comfort as he groaned out. "True, perfecting this skill was a smart idea."
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