Destiel is My Piece of Heaven. (katisacat and Krystal_Atems_Girl)

Castiel nodded. "Well, I do pray that Raphael comes to his senses and realizes that the apocalypse was not meant to be since it did not happen but odds are I will have to find a way to kill my brother."
Castiel sighed and nodded. "Well, I suppose I've had enough practice killing my brothers and sisters..." He said quietly then looked up as if hearing something. "I should get going." He said, setting the towel down as he turned to vanish.
Dean noddes and frowned. "Yes, I supposed you do, but isn't killing an arch angel different?" He asked, looking curious as castiel seemed to look like he heard something. "If you're sure..." he tried so hard to hide the sad and hurt in his eyes. He wanted to protect the angel. Wanted him safe.
Castiel nodded. "Yes... An arch angel is more powerful than one hundred of regular soldier angels like me. It will be challenging..." He said softly before looking back at Dean and noticed the strange look in his eyes. "Why do you look like that? I haven't seen that look on you since... since Sam was last killed..."
Dean looked thoughtful. "Can you use the crown against him?" He asked, expression turning blank as some pinkness came to his cheeks. "Just worried about you I guess. It probably sounds absurd, but you're important yo me Cas. I don't like seeing you hurt, evennI know you heal." He explained softly, chugging his beer before he said anything more. Now wasn't the time to confess.
Castiel nodded softly as he explained himself. "Well, thank you Dean, I appreciate your concerns. You are important to me as well." He then shook his head. "If it's at all avoidable I would rather not enslave my brothers... But I suppose it is a possible last resort."
Dean smiled a little. It was jice to know that he did at least care some, though he knew it was unlikely love like his. "Hmm, i see. Well, its at least a last resort. Hopefully it won't come to either killing or enslaving." He replied, looking thoughtful. He wanted to help.
Castiel nodded as he disappeared.

(timeskip to the next morning)

Apparently, the angel that had attacked Castiel left a tracking spell on him. The next morning, while Castiel was still gone, Raphael appeared in the boy's motel room. "Hello boys..." He said in his deep voice.
Dean was never surprized when angels just showed up. Annie and Castiel had been doing it for what felt like forever now. "Hello Raphael." He said simply, looking curious. For whatever reason he didn't feel threatened. Sam on the other hand was extremely threatened. "What do you want?!" He asked, looking worried.
Rapheal smirked a little. "I want Castiel. And I know he'll come running if his precious brothers are in danger." Sam protested. "What are you going to do? If we die you'll need to bring us to life again. You need us." "True, but I am a very... creative torturer." He smirked and raised his hand to begin.
Dean raised an eyebrow. Torture didn't phase him much, not after 40 years of enduring it day after day in hell. He didn't even flinch an inch, simply waiting for the angel to do his worst. Sam looked pretty freaked though. It wasn't like he could just kill this guy with an angel blade. This was an arch angel. He wasn't even sure if they could die.
Just as Raphael's hand started to glow Castiel's voice spoke from behind him. "Raphael. They are not going to be a part of this." Raphael smirked and turned. "Ahh... Castiel, just the 'angel' I wanted to see."
"Cas!" Dean visibly bristled at seeing the angel, and Sam winced. Now he would have to hear dean complain and feel guilty forever. It wasn't just that though. He worried about what might happen to castiel, not to mension if Raphael had a chance to get the crown.
"Well, I'm here." Castiel said simply, being his angel blades in both hands. Raphael just laughed. "You think you can beat me with those pitiful little tooth-picks? That's cute Castiel." He said as he began to emit lightning from his hands. "Dean, Sam." Cas called above the roar of the angel's sheer power. "Get going." He said as he was between the boys and Rapheal, with the boys on the side with the door.
Dean frowned but nodded, not let how scared he really was show. "Right" he replied, following sam out to the impala. He started it it, driving off quickly. When he was far away enough to think he was safe enough, he shut the car off, rested his forehead on the sterring wheel and just cried. "I should've stayed, sammy. I should have helped him, sammy." He muttered softly, Sam rubbing his back. "He'll be okay, Dee. He's a survivor." It helped a little, but he still cried. Sam just stay close, rubbing his brother's back.
Hours would pass and they would hear no word from Castiel. They would however find a lumpy bag in the backseat. It was the crown, it also had a note that Castiel had quickly conjured up.

"Hello Dean, Sam.
I'm leaving this with you. This crown is very powerful, not only does it curse he who bleeds on it but it can also cause he who wears it without bleeding to have the powers Jesus himself possessed in life. They shall be able to have all angels bow down to his will and can perform the same miracles that Jesus himself could, healing the crippled, creating what one needs most from thin air, and other such miracles. I do not know if I will survive my encounter with Raphael. However, if you do not hear from me this Thursday morning, three days from now, know that you are both back on the tracks to the apocalypse and you are both in danger of Michael and Lucifer again. If you do not hear from me by that day. I am dead.

Dean. Do not blame yourself if this comes to pass. I know saying so will not change any guilt you would probably feel, but if I was to die, I am glad to have died protecting you and Sam. You two are my true family.

Sam would be the one to see the bag in the back seat with the note attached. He shook dean, who whoke with a start. "What!" He squeaked, seeing the bag, and ripping the note from it. He read it aloud. "Oh cas.." he whispered when he'd finished, just a few tears falling. "I'll try." He replied to no one in particular, sam hugging him. "He'll be okay Dee. You'll see." Dean just nodded.
The days passed with no word of Cas and soon it was almost the end of the day Cas had set the limit at, he had an hour left before morning was officially over.
Dean frowned softly, looking quite distressed. "He's not coming back, is he, Sammy?" Dean asked, his expression shiowing just how hurt it made him. He loved Castiel, and evennif he tried not to, was still feeling guilty. Sam put a hand on his shoulder. "He still has an hour. He will come back, Dee. I know it." He replied, squeezing his shoulder a bit. He wanted to reassure him, even if he wasn't sure of his own words, he believed in Castiel, maybe even more than dean did.
It was just five minutes before noon when there was a wooshing sound and Castiel appeared, seeming exhausted and haggard but seeming to be fine physically. "Hello Dean..." He said.
Dean looked shocked, but so very happy to see him. He walked over to him, hugging him tightly. The he looked stern, wagging his finger. "Don't ever do that again!"

Sam walked in, smiling softly. "Glad you're okay, Cas."
Castiel tensed a little in the hug awkwardly then was surprised at Dean's scolding. "I don't think you're in a position to scold someone for recklessness..." He said in his usual monotone voice but smiled a little. He nodded to Sam. "I barely made it. I did manage to injure Raphael enough that he won't be a problem for a little while."
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