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Be Known, the Truth-(Marvel) Lady/Fox

James huffed. "Soldier doesn't like Bug...." he grumbled glaring at Tony, sulking because he didn't like how friendly HIS Captain was with the Bug. "...." he paused, hesitating, his eyes flicking from Steve to the Maine Coon and back, struggling with his decision before picking the main coon up and dumped it onto Tony who grumbled and wriggled a little before settling back down. James huffed and scowled at Tony again before stroking Little's head and was properly distracted. though he was following Steve when he went to go tuck Tony in and refused to leave Steve's side after.
Bi know you dont."steve sighed a little watching james. Knowing decisions were hard on him, but he needed to start making some on his own. Startling a little as the cat was given to him, amused as james followed them. Sighing as he settled them all in his definitely to small for three bed.

In the morning steve sighed softly as he snuggled against tony, spooning him even if he had a arm twisted behind him to make sure james stayed there to. Definitely sleeping gymnastics as the man tried to keep ahold of both men, and not even aware of the Maine coon sitting on his chest and watching him sleep
James was not actually sleeping while Steve was pulling his gymnastics. he had woken up but he liked to lay in the bed and no one was yelling at him to get up so he just laid there, not that he thought he could get away anyway, what with the arm wrapped around him. he supposed he didn't blame the Bug for liking to cling to Captain. Captain was very warm and soft in all the right places and firm in all the others and he smelled nice too. if he was being honest with himself, the Bug clearly needed Captain. he was a bit helpless really. maybe Bug was Captains pet? he knew other handlers had pets, they where called 'favorites' and got special treats and permissions. so maybe Bug was Captains Favorite?

Tony squirmed a little, pressing himself more firmly into the other with a yawn and mumbled about wanting Coffee and blinked at the cat. "Steve.... 's a monser on er chest." Ton slurred sleepily before tucking his face into Steve's side and prepared to go back to sleep.
Steve sighed softly relaxing as tony snuggled into him, shifting to get more comfortable before frowning s little at tony's words, starting to wake up, but not wanting to since he was very comfy between his's a cat....kitten..."steve muttered sleepily, turning his head, looking surprised to find james still there, despite his grip. Having expected the other to run."jamie?"
"S monser." Tony mumbled. "has monser ears." he mumbled, yawning. "Coffee...?" he asked hopefully. James just blinked at Steve, not reacting to the name because he didn't recognize it. he had heard James before and part of him recognized that people where talking to, or about him when they used it, but he wasn't sure who Jamie was. so he just stared at the Captain, waiting to be told what to do.
"Yes we'll get cofdee..."steve promised waking up more beforewincing as he realized that while the man he was golding onto was james, he was in no way his jamie. Sighing quietly as he looked at him.bsoldier....will you get us some coffee please?"he asked sitting up slowly.
James brightened at the 'order', delighting in having something to do and was soon out the door and headed for the kitchen, Ton smiling. "he's a sweetheart." he mumbled, stroking the cat. "James i mean, not the cat. he doesn't like me much but i think i'll grow on him." he admitted, yawning again. "...sorry. i slept on you. that must have been uncomfortable..." he muttered before beaming when James came in with two full pots of coffee and three cups. "Coffee!" James sai, looking so pleased with himself as he sat it on the bed net to the still sleeping Little. lazy kitten.
Steve smiled watching james go before smiling at tony."he's not sure about you. You know how most people react to your hyperness."he said before shrugging."it wasn't bad. Though this bed was kinda small for us and the cats."he said not about to admit he'd beend uncomfortable only because he'd tried cuddling them both at once."thanks soldier."steve said smiling at the sight of the coffee, smiling as he sipped his glass.
Tony nodded. "i know. he'll like me eventually. everyone always does." Tony admitted with a grin. well, not everyone, but Tony really hoped James liked him eventually. he really hoped so. "yeah it's a bit of a small bed. you probobly wouldn't so so uncomfortable if you laid like a normal person thugh." he admitted before happily pouring himself some coffee and watched as James sullied his with two spoonfuls of sugar an sipped at it. James didn't drink coffee to wake up, he drank it because he liked the way it tasted. "So! Solider boy. how would you feel about getting measured?" Tony asked James who looked baffled by the question. "i'm making you a new arm. i need to know the size specs." he explained. making James blink again and Tony sighed. "i need to know how big to make the arm. it has to match your other one or you'll be thrown off balance." "...okay." James wasn't entirely sure what he was agreeing to, but the words 'new arm' was always going to get an agreement out of him.
“He will. I like you. So he will.”he hoped. “Well, if you two weren’t crowding me, maybe I would have slept normally.”Steve grumbled, flushed bright red as he ducked his head a little sipping his coffee, he normally drank the first one black, then added sugar to the later cups. Looking at the two men he sighed softly, realizing tony was just going to confused james with talking. “It’s okay James. Really. He just wants to make sure you have the best arm he can make.”He promised as he got up, pointing towards the door. “Now out, you two. I want to get a shower.”
"you're the one that let me into bed with you. you could have left me in my own bed." Tony pointed out, though he wasn't about to deny that he really liked that Steve had taken him to bed with him, rather than dropping him off at his own. "Arm." James agreed, offering Tony his metal arm, Tony chuckling a little. "i don't need that one, i need the other one." that just made James look even more baffled and he offered Tony his flesh arm and Tony used his handy dandy Jarvis built phone, which could do anything, and scanned the arm. "perfect." he said with a grin before looking at Steve his head tilted, considering asking f he could join in before giggling and pranced out of the room to go pester Pepper for breakfast before getting started on the finished product of the arm and the mind to voice box he was making for Loki who was still too weak to leave bed but was getting better. James didn't leave. he just sat on the bed and played with the kittens and ignored Steve's every attempt to get him to leave.
"Well, you looked comfy. didn't want to disturb you."Steve muttered flushing a little before shrugging. "I don't know what he wants."Steve said looking amused at james reaction before sighing as he settled in to watch the other. it was just amusing to watch james play with the kitten. before sighing as he got up, trusting him alone in his rooms before going out to search for pierce. "You got a minute?"
"well i appreciate it." Tony admitted with a smile. "No one knows what i want." Tony said, looking very smug and pleased with himself before bouncing off. Pierce looked up from his paperwork and Coffee and smiled at Steve. "for you? you could have all day of my time." he assured Steve. "what do you need?" he wondered. "Tony hasn't blown something up has he? here. go through these while we're talking. Pepper has assured me your fairly good at paperwork." he admitted. Pierce could do paperwork and talk at the same time, if Steve couldn't, well then Steve would just have to focus less on the paperwork, that was all.
“You’re welcome. And neither do I, but I try.”Steve said smiling slightly, before smiling at peirce. “Well, I don’t want all of it. Just a bit.”Steve said looking amused before choking a little. “Why does everyone assume it’s tony causing problems when I come to visit? I cause problems on my own, you know.”Steve said sulking a little as he nodded, “Well, if you call figuring out tony’s dyslexic paperwork good at it, yea I can.”He said holding out a hand for some paperwork, before sighing a little. “I want to go talk to Phil. I know we said we’d bring him here, that you’d call him. But...”He trailed off, because phil had been one of his first friends in this century, and it was messing with him. he needed to know.
Pierce chuckled a little before giving Steve a firm look. "if it was you, we'd already be firing back." he pointed out. "your kind of trouble tends to involve beat downs and armies." he admitted with a smile. "Stark is dyslexic?" Pierce asked, looking a bit surprised before nodding. "that makes sense." he admitted before he paused, blinking at Steve. "if he turns out to be Hydra, you could be tipping them off." he warned even as he reached into a nearby drawer and handed him a small button. "if he's hydra, press that button. we'll evacuate and vanish. i'll drain the accounts too." he admitted. "we have backup plans amidst backup plans." he admitted. "be careful Steve. Bruce, James and Tony would be heartbroken if you where captured and tortured. it will be up to you to escape if your caught, but as soon as you do, we'll have Tony send you a signal. if we can, we'll mount a rescue, but we cannot risk everyone we have on you if they keep you someplace too protected." he looked at Steve. "i want, more than anything, to believe that Phil is not in the know. i am almost sure he is not. but there is a very large chance that he does know and that he is one of them so be careful, but i wish you all the best luck."
“Hmmm, true. Though James causes more trouble then me. He was always dragging me into his problems.”Steve said looking innocent and cute, and you totally knew it was usually steve who got james into trouble. “Yes. Severely. So if you ask him to do paperwork, know he’s either going to mangle it all to hell, or make jarvis do it.”Steve said before staring down, going quiet before nodding. “I could be. But....I watched the others when I talked to pepper. It was hell on them. I’d take alot of risk to spare them from worrying.”He sighed a little before nodding as he took the button. “I will. And I usually cause my own escapes, if needed....and even if it is a simple compound I was kept in, don’t come after me. I wont risk them for me. But I will risk myself on this.”He said not understanding why he had to, but he needed to. Standing as he smiled a little, handing the man back the paperwork. “Thanks. I’ll need it....and the others are busy. Don’t tell them I’m gone.”Steve said heading out, dialing phil’s phone even as he walked out to his bike. “Agent?”
"Right.f course. James, who went to a massive science fair for fun. and you who used to get your ass kicked in alleyways on a daily basis because you couldn't keep your lips zipped. mmmhmmm." Rumlow agreed as he walked in to start breakfast at James insistence. "i won't be asking him to do paperwork." he promised. "Tony's duties here is not in management." he promised. "i do think i'll be assigning him an assistant to handle the legislative for him though. there are a number of exceptionally intellegent people currently working with us and i think he would work very well with Leo Fitz." he admitted. "perhapse Peter Parker." he mused before nodding. "this is heart wrenching for all of us Steve. i can't imagine it is any easier on you than it is on Tony." he admitted softly. "ad if we have a chance to rescue you, Steve i will take it. not because you are more important, but because i don't think i could stop them." he admitted with a smile. "i will not lie if they ask, but i will keep it hidden if they don't." he promised.

"Steve! i mean, Rogers! i mean... i've been worried sick you dick!" Phil complained with a sigh. "there where reports that you where attacked and then you juts dropped off the face of the planet. Tony and Pepper have vanished as well." Phil admitted. "i think Pepper insisted on a vacation again so i'm not too worried about them. there was a huge cock up about something in S.I. so i'm not surprised they need the down time. are you alright? have you heard from Banner? he hasn't called in yet and i'm getting worried. the paperwork here says that he went to..." there was a rustling of paperwork. "Guatamala in search of.... something i'm not sure is an actual word but he's never missed a call in before."
“....Hey. He was going on a date. And he couldn’t keep his lips zipped either.”Steve snorted a little before nodding. “good, cause he really sucks at paperwork.”Steve snickered a little, looking amused at the idea of tony getting a lab partner, that just wouldn’t do anyone well, he expected the explosions to double. “...No, but I’ll handle it better then him.”Steve shrugged it off, before frowning. Looking annoyed but nodding. “Thank you.”he said as he left. Glad at least for that promise.

“Hey Phil.”Steve snickered a little at the other’s complaining, before wincing. “Yea, I was. Sorry. Holed up for awhile to heal and deal with things. And tony and pepper are here, on vacation with me. Apparently vacation for them means being very underfoot.”Steve snorted a little as he pulled on his helmet and swithched his phone over to that so he could keep talking. “I’m fine. So is Banner. Well. As well as anyone is.”He said vaguely, “Phil, wanna meet me in central park? We can grab lunch and catch up. Enjoy the warm weather and all.”And far away from anything that could record or overhear them.
"don't look so worried. both Leo and Peter are very mature. they'll be able to help keep Tony in line." he promised with a chuckle. "in Leo's case explosions actually upset him. so it might be better if i ask Peter.... well, then again, maybe i might as well just assign them both to Tony." he mused. "Bruce and Jemma have been getting along very well." he admitted. "i hope Tony and Peter and Leo will as well." he admitted with a smile.

"shit. where you hurt bad?" he asked, worried about Steve. "Thank god. i was well and truly starting to get worried." he admitted before sighing. "he broke his phone again didn't he? i thought Stark was going to make a hulk proof phone?" he asked, sounding disapproving. "well i suppose it can't be helped. as long as he's alright." there was a pause, a very long pause and if Steve knew Phil well enough he'd know Phil was struggling to keep his fanboy down. "i'll be there in a half an hour. i need to finish this paperwork. Tony attempted to do it himself again and it's worse than usual. and Jarvis wont answer me when i ask for his help. i must have upset Tony again, though i'm not sure how i managed it this time." he admitted, sounding baffled. "i now Jarvis is monitoring my calls too." he admitted. "but i think that's Tony's over protectiveness. he's gotten paranoid in the last year or so." he admitted. sounding a bit sad. "i think he's worried that someone's going to attack me again. i'm a bit worried that he found out about... well i'll tell you when i see you." he admitted. "i was frankly, pretty pissed when i found out this morning." he admitted. "remind me when we see each other that i need to shoot Fury."
“Not horrible, but getting shot makes me cranky, so hiding was good.”Steve said before wincing. “He did, and Tony is. He’s sorta...gotten distracted by another project for me. Apparently fixing it was more challenging then a phone.”Steve said rolling his eyes, smirking a little as he listened to phil struggle to not fanboy. “Ah. Yes. Well, tony’s been upset about Bruce, so he’s not doing as well at paperwork.....and well. That’s part of what I need to talk to you about. Tony and his paranoid-ness.”Steve said before startling, glad he was good at the bike, otherwise he might have wrecked as he headed into the city. “....well. It seems have similar points, shooting fury. See you soon.”He said hanging up.

Steve looked up from the food he was wolfing down, tilting his head at phil. “Agent, it’s good to see you.”He said eyeing the man, before gooing back to eating, using tony’s nickname for him, since the young stark had refused to use anything but the title of agent for him.
"Oh, well as long as he's not slacking." Phil said, sounding amused. "so Tony noticed Bruce was missing too." Phil muttered. "hopefully with Bruce back on the map, everyone will start calming down a little." he hoped before chuckling a little. "okay. whatever i did wrong, hopefully i can fix it." he hoped so anyway before pausing. "...see you soon."

"It's good to see you too Captain." Phil said, looking a little strained. "i'm not going to like this conversation. am i? i got the clue when you mentioned shooting Fury yourself... and there are... things, i've found..." he admitted. "did you know Loki was on earth? that he was turned over to Fury? i didnt. i found out this morning. i saw a medical report for him. non-responsive." here Phil swallowed thickly. "looking back on things, i think Thor knew. i know Fury knew...." he shuddered and rubbed the scar on his chest where Loki's scepter had slipped through him like he was made of water. "I've recently been noticing other unusual things. like a huge amount of money going to unknown sources..." he shook his head. "i think someone within Shield is not working for Shields good... i just can't figure out who, or why..." he swallowed. "i am beginning to become very concerned that things are not... what i thought they where. i thought about talking to the Director but recently he seams to be...." he shook his head. "and there are others. Natasha has been acting... odd, for her and people have begun disappearing." he admitted. "i worry that.... that we might be in the middle of a fight that we don't know we're in."
“He’s not. Just distracted.”Steve reassured before nodding. “you’ll fix it.”He said, hopeful.

“No, I don’t think you are.”Steve said as he ate, waving a hand at the seat next to him. “Sit. Some conversations should be had sitting down.”He said before nodding. “I know. I even know where he is.”he said studying the other, deciding to trust a little. “Loki is currently in Thor’s custody, and I would not trust anyone could pry him away from him right now. For being the younger brother, Thor acts like the older.”Steve said watching the other, tilting his head as he considered him. “You are in a fight that I thought ended in the icy waters of the arctic. Sadly, not all of Red Skull’s soldiers died with him.”steve said swallowing thickly. “We know Natasha is working for....them. But I was sent to find out if you, and Barton are. And well....I might not like killing, but if you answer anything badly, I will spare tony, and bruce....and the others from knowing you are not on their side....I’ll say it was a accident on the bike....wrecked with you on it. They’d believe I survived and you didn’t.”He said staring at him oh so seriously.
Phil nodded and sat down, looking a bit worried and took the extra coffee cup and the sandwitch Steve had ordered for him. his favorite sandwich even. he went very tense when Loki was mentioned at being in Thor's custody. that didn't make any sense! "he destroyed new York... shouldn't he be in jail?" Phil asked, it was easy to see he had no idea that Loki had been innocent. it was either that or he was one hell of an actor. "i thought Thor was the older brother..." Phil admitted, distracted for a moment before sucking in a harsh breath. "Hydra?!" he asked, looking paranoid now. "you have to be mistaken. Howard Stark and Peggy Carter stamped them out! they spent their entire lives stamping them out!" Phil protested. "We have files of Peggy stamping them out. there's no way they can still..." he swallowed thckly and then. "....the Red Room." he whispered, voice horrifed. "Natasha... she left them. she's one of us now. you have to be wrong... there's no way this can be riht. Fury would have known. he has her tested, every year for her loyalty, using the best lie detectors we have. there's no possible way..." he swallowed thickly, looking scared at Steve, because he knew Steve was saying nothing but the truth. "...i don't... i don't understand. Natasha is... she's... i adopted her. she's been my daughter... for years... she... she... and Clint. i selected him myself. he can't be Hydra... Fury would know.. Steve... Fury...." and then Phil seamed to understand. "Fury does know..." he sounded so stunned. so hurt. "Fury does know because he.... he.... i.... i need... i need to..." Phil didn't know. he didn't know how to react to this.nothing made sense. nothing at all. he didn't know how to handle this. "Steve...." Phil's voice was dangerously close to tears. "Steve you... you have to tell me... what to do here because... because i... i don't... i don't..." his entire world had just been ripped to shreds and now he was flaoting on nothing. nothing but his faith and trust in Steve.
“No, he’s innocent. He was....a puppet for the people who really wanted to destroy our world. But that’s not here or now.”Steve said wincing a little at the other’s words, “Peggy tried, but having a head of hydra as your partner makes it hard to do so. Howard stark was a bastard....but even I hadn’t realized just how much of one until recently.”Steve said staying calm as he ate, nodding slightly. “The red room indeed. And no. She didn’t. Not truly.”Steve said watching him before nodding. “Yes. Fury knows. He’s the current head of hydra.”He said swallowing thickly, “You’re going to help me find the rest of our team. And we’re going to find out if they can be turned away from hydra or....what we have to do to stop them. I don’t want to hurt them phil, and with your help, I think I can. They are loyal to you, more then anything else I think. I want you to help me.”Steve said looking hurt and desperate, needing to take care of his team, even if they were hydra, they were his. He needed to do everything he could.
"innocent?" Phil went very pale. "he was... he was innocent!? we... we beat the shit out of him... hulk broke sixteen bones and he was.... oh god..." he nearly jerked right out of his seat. "Howard Stark was... well fuck. Howard trained Fury himself...." he whispered. "Fury looked up to Howard...." Phil felt so betrayed. Fury had practically raised him. had shown Phil how to be a good person. how much of that had been real? how much about himself did he have to question? had he been told things he took as truth, only for them to be horrible horrible lies? "Natasha... my sweet Natasha..." he groaned. "and Fury... he was as good as my father. better than my father ever was. how could he!? how could he!?" Phil demanded, feeling furious now. how could Fury betray everything Phil had ever known, trembling with the rage of it. "i'll do whatever you need me to do Steve. anything. name it." Phil said, anger and pain burning in his bright eyes. "whatever i can do to make up for him, i will do it. anything to prove myself to you..." he hesitated, his voice soft now. "does... does Tony know about Howard?"
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