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Be Known, the Truth-(Marvel) Lady/Fox

“Would not.”Steve huffed a little. “I know. He was always a little shit. Prissy to, couldn’t stand to sleep on the ground.”He snorted, though he knew it was more because no matter what body he was in, james had always made sure steve didn’t have to sleep on the ground for fear he’d get sick or damaged. Smiling slightly. “yes, candy.”he said looking amused as they got the candy, amused as he checked out the candy, shaking his head amused as he considered just how much james had gotten for himself. “Come on then. We’ll go to the pet store to. I want to get a fluffball.”He said smiling as he carried their purchases, heading for the pet store.
"Would too." Rumlow just laughed wildly because, yeah, James was a bit prissy now that he thought about it. he complained if his gear was dirty, if his mask wasn't on straight, if his hair was in his face. he fussed about the weirdest things too. like the black smudge to keep the glare out of his eyes. or the scope of his gun, or the shape of his pancakes. James had always been oddly picky about things.

James instantly perked up at the mention of a petstore. "Kittens?" he demanded, already making a beeline for the door. he knew exactly where the nearest petstore was. by the time Steve was able to catch up, he had already made it into the petstore and was holding a kitten. hey must have been there a lot because the sales lady didn't look fussed at all, though she did give Steve a wary look. "you're not the one he usually comes in with." sh accused, James looked up at her. "Captain." he informed her, holding up the kitten for Steve's inspection before returning to playing with it, the woman relaxing at James show of familiarity with Steve. "He's such a darling. the man who usually comes in here, Alexander, he's so sweet with James." she admitted, smiling at Steve. it wasn't hard to guess that she thought James was special needs.
“Yes, kittens.”Steve promised laughing a little as he realized he was being left behind in the face of kittens. Shaking his head a little as he jogged after him a little, not truly worried about keeping up. Amused as he walked into the store, he tensed, but smiled. “No I’m not. I’ve been on a mission for awhile, only recently returned. And yes, I’m the Captain.”Steve said rolling his eyes a little at james’ word before smiling as he saw the kitten. “He is a darling, and I’ll have to remember to call Alexander sweet. Not a man who usually is. Teasing him with be great fun.”he said snickering a little, before sighing softly, his smile just as soft as he watched james, “Jamie?Will you choose a kitten for me? I’m going to take one home.”
she smiled at him. "well welcome home then." she said happily before grinning at James. "Kitty." he informed Steve again. "he calls me Kitty. he can't seam to pronounce my name. i'm Hermione by the way... and the books and movies." she admitted with a chuckle. "he is a stern sort of fellow." she agreed with a smile. "Kitten?" James asked, staring at Steve. "Kitten for Keeps?! This Kitten." he ordered, on his feet in an instant and pressing his hand against a cage. it was the tiniest kitten ever and most importantly, it was missing an arm. "that one is his favorite." Hermione admitted with a chuckle. "i don't think it needs explaining. "Little bitty." James said, grinning when she puledthe kitten out and settled it in his hands, making James very happy again.
“Thanks.”Steve smiled a little before tilting his head. “Ah. Well, you have the kitties he wants to see. And hermione is hard.”He said saying her name slowly himself to make sure he got it right before nodding at steve. “yes, kitten for keeps.”He said watching them before looking at hermione, nodding a little. “Little is little bitty.”Steve agreed, “Okay, now choose another one James. We’ll take two.”he promised, because he had planned on only one, but he knew if he just took little bitty, james was going to kidnap his cat-despite already having one in his room-, and he wanted one for himself. He needed something to cuddle. After james chose, he looked at hermione.”Okay, we’ll take these two, and all the stuff we need to go with it.”
"Hermione is pretty hard." she agreed with a smile. "Just call me Neenee. everyone else does." she offered with a smile. "Kitten for Keeps!" James gasped, stunned by the amazing idea of it. "Two?" James asked, his eyes wide and stunned. two kittens? he was moving in a flash and was opening a gage and presented Steve with a fluffy monstrosity. "Maine Coon." Hermione informed him with a smile. "it can get up to eighteen pounds and is very gentle but loves to play. very active cats that tend to be a bit 'dog like'. very smart too. this one is only nine weeks old." she admitted, chuckling as she gathered up everything they needed as well as the toys James insisted they had to have. Little was cradled oh so carefully in James flesh hand, so small it could curl up there and be warm and safe.
"Okay That works."Steve Smiled At her."yes, two kitten for keeps."steve said looking utterly pleased with the others reaction before staring at the monstrosity in his arms. Sighing a little before nodding."okay, I really am getting a fluffball."he looked amused as he paid for everything before heading back to the base, ignoring the looks they were getting for walking in with all the pet stuff and cats.
"Kittens for Keeps!" James crowed, happily and carried both kittens as they drove back, Bruce met them at the doorway. "just in time. they just napped Pepper." he admitted. "Tony's hiding in the workshop." he admitted before blinking at the kittens and sighed. "Steve... your not supposed to spoil Soldier." he mock chastised. "Little!" James informed Bruce happily. "Little is Soldiers for keeps! Captain said!" "very good." Bruce said, smiling at James. "honestly, i think it will be good for James to have a pet to take care of. never mind the stray that goes in and out of his room as it pleases." he admitted. "come on. Pierce is going to start questioning Pepper soon. you wanted to be there, right?"
"Good. He should stay there while they do that."steve said before snorting a little.b they're not both for him. Ones mine, I figured the only way I'd get some kitten time for myself, I had to get two since he sorta is attached to little."steve said sounding defensive, before nodding."I think it'll be good for him to."he said before sighing, thinking it over before nodding."yea. I better sit in."he said though he didn't look to sure about that. He wasn't sure if he could stand it if she was hydra.
"yeah, as soon as the proximity alarms went off that she was coming, Tony vanished... i think he's scared of what he's going to learn... Thor's down there with him, they're snuggling. or as close to snuggling as Tony ever gets." Tony only ever tolerated real snuggling from Pepper and Steve. "Of course you had to get him Little. we all knew as soon as you said you wanted a ct that he was going to get Little. he would have stolen the kitten if not." he admitted, amused. "and what exactly is the other monster he's holding?" he asked, looking amused as he led the way to the interogation room where Pierce and Rumlow where questioning Pepper with the normal 'did you know fury was an ass, are you connected to Hydra, ETC. questions."

(don't forget your playing Pepper ^^)
Him sure he is...he'll I am."steve swallowed thickly, if she was hydra none of them where going to do well. Snorting a little."you guys could have warned me. I would have been better prepared to bring home two cats then."steve made a face as he handed the cats and things over to james.b take them to your rooms for now, please?"he asked before smiling."that would be a Maine coon. It's going to get bigger."he snickered a little . Looking into the interrogation room, and while pepper wasn't happy to be doing it, and worried about tony, steve was glad to see that She was passing. At least he wouldn't have to tell tony his friend and sometimes flame was hydra.
"Yeah.... it'll kill Tony if he finds out she was spying on him or trying to control him or something." he admitted softly. "why warn you? whats fun about that?" he asked, looking very amused. "okay." James agreed, taking the cats away happily, uncaring there was a red headed woman in the other room because he had kittens! "bigger!? it's already as big as James hands!" Bruce said, looking startled. "how big is it going to get?! if your brought home some kind of tiger crossbreed i'm not oing to be happy Steve." Bruce warned, looking amused before sighing as Pepper passed, moving into the room. "we're sorry Pepper." he said softly. "we had to be sure... Erik Selvig was Hydra." he admitted softly. "and Fury is Hydra.... and so is Natasha and we suspect Maria is too." he admitted, gently unstrapping her because Rumlow was worried that she'd punch them. "Tony's pretty torn up... Erik's betrayal hit him hard."
"Well he looked so disappointed that I was taking him on a shopping trip instead of a mission, it wouldn't have been fun if he'd sulked instead of being happy."steve sulked a little before laughing out loud.bit is pretty big. And the girl said up to 18 pounds...does that count as a mutant half breed?"he asked smirking a little. Relieved as he followed pepper in, even if he ws careful to stay back, well aware bruce was probably the only person she wouldn't consider punching at the moment.b...what about the boys?"her boys, because they mattered to tony, clint and phil had been adopted into her little family, looking pale at the knowledge that natasha was hydra.b where's tony?"she demanded. "In the lab here."
"Well, he's not too fond of shopping. i think he misses the mental stimulation of real missions." Bruce admitted. "we thought about teaching him monopoly but we didn't think it was the best idea." he admitted with a chuckle. "eighteen pounds. shit Steve.... ah well, it'll be good to have a monster cat. we won't accidentally crush it or something." he mused before focusing on Pepper. "i'm sorry Pepper. right now we don't know. i don't want to believe Phil could ever, but they could very well be using him. his loyalty to Fury... it's well known and we have to believe the worst for now. he'll be coming in next i think. we don't know about Clint either, but if Phil an Clint are not, we're hoping Natasha can be talked out of her loyalty to Hydra." he admitted softly. "i'll take you to Tony. if he's not in the lab then he's with Loki." Bruce admitted softly.
"So I discovered. Though he did get a lot of Chocolate."steve snickered a little before grinning at bruces response."a very good thing. I won't accidently hurt him cause he's to small or anything."which he always feared, that hed forget his super strength and accidently crush someone or something to death. "Yes...he's loyal to fury...."pepper muttered looking ready to faint at the idea, pale and shaken as she stood slowly."yes....I need to see tony." "He's close by and safe. I promise."steve said following after her and bruce, hovering worriedly.
"Of course he did. have you not seen him with the pancakes?" he asked, looking amused. "we'll have to moderate him you know that right? or he's going to eat all of it and then get sick and he'll try to kill us for poisoning him." he admitted before smiling at Steve. "you won't hurt things. you're way too careful." he admitted. "We'll be bringing Phil in next Pepper. and then probobly General Rhodes." he admitted. "we'll be talking to Phil, if he proves to be okay and trustworthy, on how to bring in Natasha and Clint." he admitted. "possibly Maria as well." he admitted, leading her down the the labs where Tony was frantically flitting from table to table, anxious and upset and working out the frantic, manic energy as best as he could. "Pepper!" Tony gasped, realizing she was there and he did something he only ever did with her. he flung his arms around her, buried his head into hre shoulder and began to cry. the emotions simply too much for him to handle.
"....never really considered it. Though it makes sense....first few times tony fed me I got sick because I just kept eating."especially with shields restrictions on his food, he'd ate himself sick when he had the chance to eat as much as he wanted."yes....if phil proves trustful, I f might be a good idea for him to bring Rhodes in to. Tony could get him here, but if phil words it as a war machine mission support...might be easier."pepper said frowning a little as she stepped into the lab, looking at the slightly shorter man, because she was in heels, as he flint ed around the lab, barely having a moment to brace herself before he was in her arms, golding onto him, gently stroking his back."shush, I got you, tones. It's okay."
Bruce nodded. "i did too." he admitted. "for like, a week." he admitted. "i was never able to eat enough, in my entire life until i moved in with Tony." he admitted. "even before the accident. my father hated me and didn't think i deserved food he spent good money on, and i was too poor during collage to actually have enough to eat. after the accident... well, i think you can tell what happened there." he admitted before he nodded. "that's a good idea. i didn't think of that." he admitted, watching Tony flit around nervously before sighing, relieved when Ton let his emotions out instead of bottling them in. Tony was clinging to her now, his hands fisting her shirt, wrinkling her expensive fabric an holding so tightly she was probobly never going to get the wrinkles out. Clutching her so tightly she couldn't get away because he had been so very scared he was going to loose her forever. finally, finally he let her go and stepped back and wiped his eyes with his forearm. "sorry... sorry it's... it's been a really hectic couple of days..." he always apologized after breaking down.
"Me either. Tony let me eat as much as I wanted."he smiled a little.wincing a little at the idea of bruce not eating enoughx a protective angry growl escaping his throat before he could stop it.b pepper always has the best ideas. We should let her run things really."strue snickered a little. Pepper sighed stroking his bwck, not caring he was ruining her dress with tears and wrinkles, simply trying to comfort him."it's okay. You know I don't mind you crying. Steve either, he'd probably like to help you to."she said looking at the blond super soldier who looked decidedly fidgety at not being able to help, before sighing."its going to be a he tic few more days, but we'll be here to help you okay?"she said looking him over."now what's this project your working on?"she asked because she knew he wouldn't want everyone to worry and comment on the tears.
"Yeah Tony's the best for that." Bruce agreed with a smile before grinning at Steve's growl. it made him feel warm and happy inside to know people cared about him so much. "She does have the best ideas." Bruce agreed. "she' probobly be the best person to help Pierce. between you, Tony, Pepper and Pierce we'll be unstoppable in no time." he admitted with a grin before stepping back because he knew Tony wouldn't like him watching while he broke down. "i shouldn't be such a pussy." Tony huffed, sniffling a little before flushing hard when he realized Steve was still there, ashamed of his inability to maintain a proper facade. "yeah... i'll be okay now." he promised before brightening as he started babbling at her, showing off the half constructed metal arm and a voice simulator that read brain wae patterns for Loki, because he couldn't make his mouth work properly after all the brain damage. it was like Loki'd had a stroke. Bruce was confident in a full recovery, but Loki was going to need a lot of help.
"Not sure about unstoppable, but we'll have the prettiest team."syeve snickered a little. "Hey, what did I tell you?you can just be tony around us? I've seen you in more compromising things then crying, so this is okay."pepper said sighing a little. Bhey tony."steve smiled as he listened though both him and pepper by the end looked a little glassy eyed and spaced out as he watched them.Bhey tony, time for a nap. You need one."steve decided looking the genius over.
"we will have the prettiest team. though, being honest here, Pierce isn't all that pretty." Bruce admitted with an impish grin. "yeah... yeah. just Tony." Tony agreed, relaxing a little because he liked and trusted Steve so it was okay to cry in front of him. "What?" Tony asked, blinking at Steve. "no. i'm not tired." he protested, doing as he always did and shoved a handful of wires into Steve's face. "look! i'm almost done! just ten more hours or so okay? please!?" man, if he was begging he was really exhausted. "Steve! Steve! i'm almost done! i don't wanna sleep!" he protested, even as he snuggled into Steve, half asleep already simply because Steve was warm and comfortable. about to fall asleep standing up.
"Well, if you like them older, he is."steve snickered a little before smiling at tony."yep just tony."he said. "You're begging. You need a nap tony."pepper said looking amused because the captain was one of the few people who could ever convince tony to nap."you need sleep."steve said picking him up and heading for james rooms, wanting to check on the kittens before he tucked tony into bed."james?"he said as he knocked on the foor, holding his bundle of sleepy genius easily.
"I don't need to nap!" Tony whined pathetically, wriggling in Steve's arms in what he thought was protest but was really just settling in for a nap. he was asleep by the time they got to James room. James who was playing with a tiny kitten and a monster kitten while a short haired calico watched, bored from a shelf. James scowled at the knock but allowed for Steve to come inside. "Bug dead?" James wondered, examining the sleeping Tony. "Little mine." he informed the man, holding Kitten close as if wary that the other was trying to take it away, though the dark furred Main Coon continued to attack the string dangling from his fingers. it was kind of cute.
"No, bugs not dead. Don't look so hopeful. He's just sleeping."steve said smiling a little before nodding."I know Littles yours. But can I have my kitten, james?or do you want to keep watching him for awhile?"he asked a soft smile on his face as he watched the scene in front of him.
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