Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"Okay...I will then."she said though she frowned a little."ah...well...I sorta like you you know. You shouldn't have to give up your body to him."she made a face at the idea of dean being gone completely."I don't think I'm the bitch here anymore if your going to go gaga over your nails....and they are very pretty."sam snickered. "Indeed they are."Cas agreed. "We'll make a fortress, I promise."Morrigan tensed ready to stop him if he went for cas, but not ordering him to. "I'm your best chance against angels cain, you can't kill me yet."Cas pointed out. Morrigan startled staring at the vanished wings, startling again as the disappearancestors made her lean into cain more. "Far. I was thinking north, the cold and wilderness will keep it from being to accessible to anyone."
Dean flushed brightly and he fidgeted. "i like you too..." he admitted shyly before shaking his head. "i already have to give up my body to him. i'm not dead and really, that's what matters the most to me." he admitted before examining his nails. "very pretty." Dean agreed with a smile before stepping back because in this state Cain was stronger than him, enraged and wanting to, if not protect Morrigan than at least keep her for himself. "yes. a fortress that no one can enter and that no one can escape." he agreed, licking his lips at the thought. a place that no one could come and no one could leave, not Cas, not Sam, not Dean not even Morrigan. he alone could come and go. his own little sanctuary. his own little slave pit. yes that would be very nice. probobly wouldn't turn out that way of course, but it was worth the fantasy. "...i will slaughter you when you prove to be useless." Cain decided, sneering at Cas. "i do not care what my pathetic human side thinks." he admitted, blinking when she leaned against him, his eyes narrowed at her suspiciously before deciding to ignore her for now. ".." he wasn't too sure he liked the idea of going somewhere cold.
Morrigan smiled at him a little before nodding. “indeed, it’s a good thing you’re not.”She smiled at him. “We’ll do that.”Morrigan promised watching cain, worried about how he’d do this. “Fine.”Cas said, knowing that was the best he was going to get. “...Fine. No snow. We’ll go...”cas frowned thinking about it. “Key west. The spirits activity there should cover the two of you. I think that would be good....”Cas said frowning a little, not sure about it, but willing to take a gamble on it.
"i do not know that location." Cain grumbled, looking annoyed. "can we not find some deserted island somewhere? perhaps someplace with an inactive but still alive Volcano?" he wondered. "then i can just dump all the people i hate into the Lava." he decided happily. "Dean's opinion does not matter. he seams to think we should go to the closest known location of the nearest Hell mouth. the moron." he grumbled before shaking his head. "we should just build a completely new dimension. you can stay here and i will take my pet there and no one will ever bother us again."
“it is a island, away from everyone.” “This late in the year, no one’s going to be touring there, weather’s not nice enough.”Sam said frowning a little. Key west in mid october was as close as to a deserted island that they were goign to get. “we could go to hawaii...its not deserted, but it’s a valcano...”Morrigan muttered before looking at the others. “No cain, we can’t do that.”She said shivering a little at the idea before getting up, straightening her clothes, well, his clothes. “let’s go. We’ll go to key west, and if we have to, we’ll go to hawaii after.”She said sighing softly heading for the door, well aware that they’d follow soon enough. They only had to gather the little bit of clothing they had, and anything else, they could get on the way.
"Well fine then. we'll go there and if it fails i get to pick the next place." Cain ordered. "there are a few islands of Hawaii that are abandoned. no people allowed and all that." Cain admitted with a sniff. "i used to own one, i think." he admitted. "you don't have a choice. i do as i please." he sneered at her before huffing, gathering his and Dean's things and let her pack whatever the hell she wanted. he didn't care. he gripped the First Blade tightly in his hand, examining it before tucking it into a hand made sheath that he attached to his hip. with that he was ready, and bored so he let Dean back out who sighed and finished packing and dragged himself after the others. this sharing a body thing was exhausting.
“okay, if you must, then you can pick it if it fails.”Cas sighed a little. “I do have a choice, I just try not to boss you around.”Morrigan said sighing quietly as they gathered their things, packing the girl clothes he got her, before they headed out for the car. “I’m going to go see about confusing the angels a bit. Say my name and I’ll come back though.”Cas said nodding a little as he watched them head towards the car. Smiling a little as he left. Trying not to worry them to much.

Sam glanced at his brother as they drove, head resting back against the headrest as he considered the man driving his precious impala. Wondering if he should comment or not at the angle of the mirror, or the fact that he could hear the quiet snoring coming from the backseat. Deciding dean deserved it, he smirked a little. “She’s not a baby, you don’t have to keep checking on her.”He teased.
"You have no choice. you are mine." he stated simply. he didn't say it, but he didn't feel she had any real right to make decisions for herself. she was. well, the same as everyone else. helpless, and useless. his, to to be sure but still a pathetic mortal human." she had no rights but what he gave her and he didn't intend to give her many. she could control him, for now, but he had a feeling that wouldn't last long. maybe if he was lucky the Angel wouldn't come back either.

Dean glanced at Sam with a scowl, lifting his lip at him in a semblance of a snarl before he turned the car and pulled it to a stop. "shut up." he ordered, unbuckling and sliding out of the car. "drive you shithead" he ordered, sliding into the backseat, unable to resist any longer, hesitantly sliding next to her in the backseat because he wanted to be as close to her as possible, but wanted to give her the chance to tell him off if she wanted to.
Sam smirked a little at the other’s scowl, raising a eyebrow as the car slowed to a stop. “You mean I can drive Baby?The wonders never cease.”Sam teased as he squirmed his way into the driver’s seat, waiting to make sure morrigan wasn’t going to kick him out before pulling back into traffic. “Dean?”Morrigan muttered stirring a little as she shifted from where she was laying out on the backseat, squirming around to let him have some room but not moving away from him either. Squirming to rest her head against his chest as he settled onto the seat with her. Nearly crawling into his lap to snuggle and rest, feeling utterly content to be held at the moment, not quite awake, so she wasn’t truly stopping herself from snuggling him.
"...only once, and only because Morrigan looks uncomfortable." he said, looking torn before smiling at her. "yeah. it's me... you looked, ah, uncomfortable..." he lied, sounding a bit sheepish because he wasn't sure he was telling the truth. he knew he wasn't telling the truth. he smiled and wrapped his arms around her, simply holding her because he liked holding her. "go back to sleep. i'll protect you." he promised her softly, pressing his nos against her hair so h could smell her while he dozed. "..what's your favorite song?" he asked suddenly, curious to get to know her more. "Mines a tie. i can't decide between Ramble On and Traveling Riverside Blues." he admitted. "Led Zepplin, of course."
“uh-huh. She looked overly uncomfortable back there.”Sam snickered a little amused as he drove, settling in for the long drive. It was a good thing he’d been sleeping mostly, he had a feeling he wasn’t going to be able to pry dean out of the backseat until key west. “Oh...kay.”She muttered sighing a little as she settled closer to him, content as he held her. Content with his promise to protect her before starting, stirring when he talked to her, before calming. Closing her eyes again, simply content but waking up more. “Ah. Good songs.”she muttered before thinking on it. “Well....”She frowned thinking on it. “I think... red is the rose by heather dale, or Hallelujah by leonard cohen...”Morrigan said blushing slightly at admitting it, sure he wouldn’t know either song since he’d named hard rock as his favorite.
Dean looked a bit puzzled by the titles and flipped open his phone and looked up the first song, looking surprised by the sounds coming from his phone before he smiled. 'it's a love song... the red rose song. it's nice." he admitted, listening happily until the end before looking up the other one. "oh! i love this song!" Dean said, perking up once he heard the tune, grinning as he started to sing along. "well, your taste in music isn't as terrible as Sammies at least." he admitted with a chuckle. "lets see. what else should i ask you?" he mused with a smile. he chattered with her for a while, snuggling her because he was finding himself falling in love with her. even if she had terrible taste in music and food.
Morrigan smiled a little at the sound of the music, closing her eyes for a moment. Simply enjoying it before nodding. “It is a love song. I spent decades in Ireland....sorta fell in love with the whole love ballads and such.”She said blushing more as she ducked her head a little, grinning as he sang. “You have a good voice.”She muttered relaxed, before snickering. “Hey, just cause you listen to Grandfather Rock, doesn’t mean the rest of us are tone deaf and listen to it to.”Sam protested from the front seat as he smiled slightly listening to them talking quietly. It was good to hear, dean simply being with a girl, of finding things out about her. It was such a rare occurance that he thought further then his dick when it came to the fairer sex.

“...”Morrigan blinked a little as she twisted to look out the window that evening, squirming to actually sit in Dean’s lap as she looked out the window, watching the sunset over the sea, resting her cheek against his forehead for a moment before dipping her head a little, kissing him slowly.
He chuckled a little and nodded. "i guess i can understand why you'd like the music." he agreed before thumping the headrest of Sam's seat. "shut up and drive, bitch."

Den had run out of things to ask and was instead humming Carry on my Wayward Son, by Kansas while he braided parts of her hair when she shifted all of a sudden and he felt a pang of disappointment that they where done snuggling before blinking at her. "wh..." he blinked when she kissed him and then smiled and deepened the kiss, setting a hand to cup the back of her head while the other settled on her hip, humming at the sweet taste of, her. he pulled back for a moment, checking to make sure she was okay before returning to kissing her, this was something he could happily get addicted to.
Morrigan smiled a little into the kiss, shifting to get more comfortable, snuggling close to him as she kissed him back. Whining a little when he pulled away before leaning in again, kissing him slowly as she wrapped her arms around his neck,gently stroking her fingers through his hair. “Hey, can you two at least wait till I’m out of teh car before you start having sex in it?”Sam asked looking at them in the rearview mirror, sighing quietly in relief when he saw a exit for a motel. They’d been in the car nearly 17 hours, probably a godo idea to stop anyways.
he hummed softly when she wrapped her arms around him, his hand sliding over to her ass, cupping the globe for better purchase while the kiss deepened even more before he broke it off with a curse at Sams intervention. "it's my Car, Sam. if you don't like it you can get out." he complained, scowling at him before sighing. "he's right though. we should stop." he grumbled. "if we're going to have sex, i want to be romantic about it." he admitted to her with a smile. "for all i know your a virgin. and Cain doesn't count."
Morrigan whimpered quietly as his hands landed on her ass, closing her eyes as she leaned into him. Startling a little, blinking stupidly when Sam spoke. “I am getting out. I’ll get us a hotel room.”Sam said as he pulled into the parking lot, rolling his eyes as he climbed out. “Oh. Well. No....at least I don’t think I am.”She said frowning slightly as she looked up at him, not moving from where she was sitting in his lap, not wanting to move just yet, even if she knew they should.
he moaned at her whimper, squirming against her because he was turned on and wanting. "Well your a bitch!" he complained, groaning and scowling at Sam because he hated his brother right then before he smiled at her. "well it doesn't matter." he admitted with a smile. "come on. lets head inside." he offered. "we should get some sleep." he admitted, smiling at her. "we can make Sammie sleep on the floor."
Morrigan shuddered a little as she rested her head against his shoulder, taking a shuddering breath. Laughing softly at the sound of sam complaining loud enough to be heard even through the closed windows, before nodding a little. “Yea lets....though you know, he’ll probably have the same problem with us sharing a bed, as he did with us in the backseat of the car.”She said giggling a little even as she let him lead her inside. For the moment simply relaxed in his company. Smiling as they headed into the motel room sam had gotten them, giggling a little at the sheer ugliness of the room as she slipped off her boots, biting her lip a little. Not sure this was a good idea, but not wanting to sleep alone either.
he chuckled a little. "then he can get his own room because he doesn't have any right to bitch." he admitted before smiling a little at her. "i did enjoy that though. your a fantastic kisser." he admitted. "i'm glad we where stopped though... i don't want to... take advantage of you like.. he did." he admitted. "when we go that far i want it to be because we love each other and your ready." he admitted, blushing a little because he wasn't very good at the romance thing. "...Sam?" Dean said, looking at his brother. "your not allowed to pick Hotels anymore." he informed his brother. "me and Morrigan get that bed." he said, calling dibs to see if Sam would notice what he'd said or protest about which bed Dean had claimed.
“I’m sure he’d say you had no right to make the backseat uninhabitable to him.”She grinned looking amused before ducking her head, blushing as she nodded a little. “You’re better. Definitely a take charge kisser.”She teased before blushing darker, looking utterly lost, cause she wasn’t used to being romanced. This was odd. “okay....and you know....even if Cain has some say in this....you can find someone else if you want...I mean....you don’t need me.”She shrugged a little before snickering at the choice of hotel rooms. “I wouldn’t have picked this one if you weren’t making out in the backseat.”Sam pointed out before smirking as he set his bag on the table, “Well, and here I was going to offer to share that bed with her. But if you insist.”He smirked a little as he slipped on his boots, settling in to get some rest. Having every intention of getting a few hours sleep then getting back on the road.
He snickered a little. "it's still my car. if i wanna have sex in the backseat there isn't shit he can do about it." he admitted before smiling sheepishly at her. "sorry about that. i'm used to the dominant role." he admitted before smiling at her. "i don't want anyone else." he admitted shyly. "i really like you." he admitted. "i can't promise Cain won't... stray. but i'd like to try, you know, dating... and i promise i won't stray." he promised. "i want to see if we can make this work, you know?" he asked with a smile before sighing at the room. "if i was the religious type, i'd be praying for patience right now Sammie, i swear." he admitted,stripping off his own shoes before he glared at Sam, his eyes flickering red. "Stay away from my woman." he hissed before they flipped back to blue and he flushed brightly. "sorry..."
Morrigan giggled a little, amused at the other’s response, and knowing Sam had only done it to mostly jerk his chain. “It’s okay. It’s nice.”She said blushing a little, before tilting her head. Looking thoughtful before nodding, “Okay....we can try this then.”She said before smiling a little wider. “You do pray to Cas every once in awhile. Some creative ones really.”Sam teased as he sighed. “I’m not going anywhere near her.”He promised amused as he turned his back as Morrigan stripped down to the underwear and dean’s long t-shirt, sleeping in jeans just wasn’t comfortable, though sleeping with dean barely covered had it’s own problems. Sighing as she got into the bed, getting comfortable as she curled on her side of the bed, leaving dean enough room to get some good sleep himself. Despite their day talking and snuggling, she still felt slightly awkward being in bed with him. And not just because of cain, it was just new to her, sleeping with someone. And the sick feeling that dragged at her at some moments, was worse, but she was working on it. Getting to know dean, was helping with those feelings.
he nodded. "it is nice." he agreed with a smile at her before blinking. "uh, i mean, your nice. i mean... oh damn i'm terrible at this." he admitted sheepishly before rolling his eyes at Sam. "it's called Sarcasm you smartass." he informed his brother before nodding. "i don't think Cain cares. you said it so he warned you off." he admitted before swallowing thickly as he realized Morrigan was wearing... oh god. "i think i need a very cold shower." he admitted. ignoring his arousal as he climbed into bed as well, sighing. "this is really awkward... i don't think i've ever slept in bed with someone i didn't... you know... do it with." he admitted. "and even then, they usually leave before sleeping." he admitted, chewing his lip. "do you want me to sleep with Sam? i can you know. he won't mind. we've done it before."
“....you are adorable like this, you know?”She teased a little. “I have a sense from sam and cas that you’re usually.....more smooth with the whole women/sex thing. This is sorta cute.”She teased a little. “Ah, well. I’ll remember to tell him you didn’t mean it when you told him to get his feathered ass somewhere.”Sam said snickering as he climbed into bed, snickering as he realized dean was having problems. His brothers girl problems amused him greatly, as much as he knew this wasn’t really their first choice, it was also very amusing to watch dean interact with a girl for longer then it took to just screw her. “.....I’m sorry...I can get dressed again...”She muttered shifting to look at him, laying on her side facing him, dark eyes sleepy and content as she studied the eldest winchester. “....you did it with sam?I didn’t know incest was a thing between you two.” “Morrigan!”Was sam’s sleepy protest from the other side of the room. “Sorry sam, I couldn’t help it.”she said giggling a little before sighing, studying him, because well. As much as seeing him like this was doing things to her, she also knew she wanted to figure this out with him. Edging closer, she scooted over to rest her head on his chest, “We’ll try to sleep. And remember that we have to get to key west before angels and demons, which means we have to get some sleep....and that sam is in the other bed......that should keep any shenanigans from happening.”Morrigan said now that she was relaxing, and that he wasn’t trying to force her-not that she’d thought he really would, but it had been a knotted tight ball of anxiety in her stomach as he headed for his shower- she was sleepy.
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