Elf Struck(moon/lady)

“True, we do.”morrigan smiled looking amused though slightly disappointed at the thought of never resolving the heat that fairly lit the fire between them. She knew it was probably only a matter of time before they ended up in bed, no matter what they pretended. “They’re not. They’re decent size, considering your not supposed to have them as a human.”Sam pointed out snickering a little at dean’s response, something tight relaxing in his chest at the man’s normal response to the teasing. “Go lay down. We’ll be okay.”Sam smiled watching him head inside.

Later Cas smiled slightly as he looked at the two curled up together, a small sad smile that looked equally pained and amused as he hid just out of sight from them, glad that at least he could hide still from dean mostly, in that angelic creepy watcher way. Watching Dean and morrigan snuggle on the couch, tv on some show about dogs and cats, he sighed quietly, because it hurt, but...well, it was good to see dean that relaxed. Flashing into view he raised his hands in a defenseless show to make sure the other knew he was unarmed when dean bolted awake at the slight sound of him arriving,. “Don’t move. Morrigan’s still sleeping.”The angel said waving a hand towards morrigan who had allowed herself to lay down with him, but not actually cuddle him, simply snuggled down on the back side of the couch with her head barely resting against his hip, having snuggled down into the place left free near his legs. Taking up as small of room as she could, as if she hadn’t been sure of her welcome, but feeling needy enough to want to be with him, without waking him up.
"We make our own fates." eh admitted. "who knows. maybe we'll be married in a few years and have a dozen children and a couple of nannies and some dogs to keep up with them, but that's for us to decide." he promised her with a smile. "Shut up Sam! i'm gonna kick your ass. shut your cakehole!" he ordered with a sulk.

Dean was sitting up the instant Cas appeared, drawing the kitchen very nice knife he kept on hand.the metal glimmering in the light as he turned to look at Cas. "...huh?" he asked, looking down and blinking at her. how the hell had she gotten up there without him waking up? e smiled at how soft she looked when she was sleeping and leaned back again to make himself more comfortable so he wouldn't wake her up. "..Hey Cas?" he asked, looking mischievous. "how big are your wings?"
“...Ambitious aren’t we?Dozen kids?”She teased snickering a little amused as sam indeed, shut his cakehole. That was just amusing.

Cas watched the knife, not moving from where he was a few feet away, not about to test Cain’s tolerance, even if he knew it was dean who was in control at the moment. “Morrigan’s sleeping. Don’t move, otherwise she’ll wake up, and it looks like she needs as much sleep as she can get.”he said indeed, the serious look on his face said that he was seeing more then just the strain of being on the run that had put on her body, but the ragged marks across her soul as the mark of cain settled back to where it was supposed to be, the ragged edges where it wasn’t quite fitting as smoothly as it once had. As if, simply by so many years apart, that the bearer of the mark and the darkness weren’t quite a good fit anymore. Smiling a little as Dean shifted, he snorted quietly watching Morrigan simply squirm around as he moved setting her head back against his thigh, trusting that whatever had her pillow moving wasn’t dangerous, and if it was, trusting dean to take care of it. “....”Cas stared at Dean, raising his eyebrows, “More then adequate I should think. I have had no one complain. Indeed, the Hannah”-one of the angels that had sideed with cas and the winchesters in the war of heaven-”said they were the most impressive she’d ever seen.”He said, he was so cutely unaware of what dean could be hinting at. He knew there was a joke, otherwise dean wouldn’t look that mischievous, but he wasn’t seeing it.
"Yeah she is." he agreed, smiling at Morrigan because she was super cute when she was sleeping. he smiled again when she snuggled up a little more and gently brushed her hair out of her face so it wouldn't bother her. he scowled, annoyed with Cas's answer. "my wings are so totally bigger than yours... and prettier." he decided with a sniff. "go bother Sam. your going to wake Morrigan." he ordered, sulking even as he picked up one of his many books and settled in to read until she woke up. content to just sit there with her and read his book.
"Indeed."Cas said tilting his head a little at dean's answer, looking puzzled as to why his friend was upset before nodding."I'll help sam with dinner."he said knowing they needed to talk and plan, but unwilling to upset dean by waking Morrigan up. And he'd have sam explain why dean was upset about his wings."yes they are. Very pretty."he agreed as he walked out. It was a few hours later that Morrigan stirred, pressing her face against dean's stomach, not quite wanting to get up just yet."dean....?"she muttered stirring a little when she saw the expanse of bare skin in front of her face, trying to figure out how and why she was laying on him.
"Yes. they are very pretty. and big. and perfect." he said with a sniff before smiling as he settled in. "Morning." he said, smiling at her. "i was just about to wake you up. it's almost time for dinner." he admitted. "Give yourself a little bit to wake up." he suggested. "you looked really tired." he admitted. "so i made them leave you sleeping. Cas seams worried about you, i hope your not catching a cold or something." he admitted.
Morrigan sighed softly, relaxing at the sound of his voice, still feeling disoriented and sleepy."dinner?kay...dinner sounds good..."she said shifting to rest her head completely on his stomach, content to just lay there for a moment. Before frowning."...Cas is here?and he was worried?"she didn't like to consider what would worry a angel.
Dean nodded. "yeah. Dinner. though i'm a bit scared to eat anything that Sam and Cas might have made." he admitted before sighing. "yeah. Cas is here." he admitted. "he's always worried... i think i'm going to have to talk to him. i can't just keep.... ignoring things." he admitted softly. "it's not fair to Cas." he admitted before smiling at her. "did you get enough sleep?" he asked. "you really look very cute when your sleeping you know." he admitted. "and your warm enough that i didn't get cold." he admitted happily.
"....your brother is intelligent, and human. I'm sure he made sure whatever cas cooked is edible."she said sounding thoughtful ebefore giggling a little."I've only known him a bit, and he does give that aur a of constant worry."she agreed before sitting up slowly, still feeling exhausted though. The darkNess that made up her soul was having problems adjusting to being part of her again, and was taking a toll on her human body as it welded itself back into her. "...I think your going to have to...especially since he knows about us...I mwan it's not fair...."he's he sighed worried the angel wouldn't take it well, before nodding."I did."she said not wanting to worry him before blushing."I might be warm, but I don't think I'm that cute..."
"My brother is smart but a cook he is not." he pointed out, looking amused. "the only thing more terrifying is that i'm worse than he is." he admitted. "i hope you can cook, or your not unhappy with takeout." he admitted. "yeah... granted even without you it would never happen. Cas is great but... well he's male." he admitted. "more than that, he's more of a... well a father figure, or an older brother. i've always lacked in both you know." he admitted. "i just... i can't think of him like that and i feel terrible because i think i've been leading him on..." he admitted. "your super cute. might even be more cute than me." he teased with a smile. "wanna go see what hell Sam and Cas have caused?" he offered with a smile.
“Seriously?”she said looking amused before snorting. “That’s disturbing. And I can cook. And I like takeout.”She smiled at him, before wincing a little. “True. But I think Cas....well, he’s a angel. It sorta makes sense he likes the first person who probably treated him like a person.”She said thoughtfully before nodding. “I know. He’ll understand...even if he’ll be upset for awhile. It’ll be fine. He loves you. He’ll figure out how to stay around, because I bet life without you, isn’t awesome.”She said leaning in to press a kiss to his forehead before wincing. “Am not. Not sure it’s possible to be cuter then you.”She said, blushing brighter at that admittance, before nodding. “Let’s.” Cas grinned widely when he saw them in the doorway, for the moment the worry forgotten as he pointed to the pasta and steaks he’d managed to grill, though they were a tad overdone, it wasn’t to bad. And the noodles were good. Basic. Easy. Definitely something they could both make, even if it had taken a few times to do it, they’d just never admit that. “I can cook. Easier then you said it was, Dean.”
"Well good because we can't cook so if you ever want anything other than takeout it's going to have to be up to you." he admitted with a chuckle before he sighed. "i wish it didn't have to be like that... for either of you... i'm the worst person in the world to love." he admitted. "i just... get everyone i love..." he shook his head. "anyway. i am pretty awesome." he agreed with a smile at her. "And my wings are totally better than Cas's." he sniffed before smirking at her. "oh trust me. your more cute than baby sammie, buck naked and jamming out to music. you know. before he started to suck so royally." he admitted. "my god. you made edible food... we need to hide, Morrigan because Hell just froze over and heaven broke." Dean said, moving deliberately over to the garbage can to see how many tries it had taken them. it did not take two hours to make steaks and pasta.
“Okay then. I feel like I should try teaching you. Just so you never starve or something.”She said laughing a little before watching him. “You’re not so bad. Just a little rough around the edges.”She said. “Besides, I don’t think I can die. Otherwise those vamps would have done me in. You can’t get me killed, Dean.”She muttered. Looking concerned, not sure if he wanted to discuss it or not, and having a sense from sam that whatever had happened to lisa and ben, it hadn’t been good. While they’d talked, Sam hadn’t talked about anything that dean wouldn’t want to tell her. Or gone into details over everything that had been going on the last few years. “You are. And I’m sure they are.”She snickered a little before pausing, thinking about that mental picture. “....I don’t think I can look at him now. Thanks Dean.” “For what?”Sam said eyeing the two of them, raising a eyebrow. “Naked baby sammy.” “Dean!” “Hmmm, we might have to hide.”Morrigan agreed snickering as cas bolted for the trashcan, shoving dean towards the table. “you’re supposed to sit at the table, not the trashcan. Go sit. You need food.”
"Nah. we always have enough money to buy food and stuff." he admitted with a grin before he scowled a little. "no. maybe you can't die, but you can still be made to wish that you could. sometimes the worst thing about not being able to die, is having to live..." he admitted softly before he smiled at her. "well. we'll just have to do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen, right?" he asked, his head tilted at her, trying to be stronger than he was. "your very welcome." Dean said happily before laughing at Sam's protests and then Cas's instant refusal to let him into the garbage. "see the biggest difference Morrigan, between me and these two idiots? i don't waste food pretending i know how to make it edible." he admitted with a laugh, letting Cas stuff him as full as the Angel wanted.
“You’re still getting cooking lessons. Consider it payment for letting me wear your clothes.”She teased, looking amused, before sighing a little. “Yes...that is part of it. But we’ll figure it out. And right, we wont let anything happen.”She muttered smiling at him, before huffing. Sulking a little at the mental image of sam, before rolling her eyes. “What is?”She said looking curious, before laughing out loud at his answer. “So I can see. Though you gotta give them props, they did figure out how to make the food.” “While you were being lazy, sleeping the day away.”Sam teased looking amused as they settled in to eat, amused that both dean and morrigan’s plates had been piled with a impressive amount of food, as if Cas didn’t trust them to eat enough on their own. And looking even more impressed when Morrigan ate most of it, looking cutely full ,stomach rounded out, stuffed and content as she leaned back in her chair. “So, how was the hunting fight?”She said looking cas over worriedly, and knowing the angel was hiding things, and wondering if it was just because he didn’t trust her, or if it was something more.

“They’re becoming frustrated, mostly because both sides have started to suspect I’ve hidden you all away somewhere, but since your here, Key west has a history of being very....hidden. Ghosty and all. There’s so many cross roads of magic,faith, and slaughter that the islands are a good space to hide people when needed.....it’s not foolproof, they’ll figure it out eventually, but it’ll keep them chasing their tails for awhile.”Cas said, definitely focusing on just business, and not everything he could be saying.
"...maybe i'd rather be paid in not having to learn how to fend for myself?" he wondered, looking amused. "besides, better my clothes then the things Cain picked up for you. and i like seeing you wear my clothes." he admitted with a smile before snorting a little. "well. i'm sure they must have cheated." he admitted, watching Castiel and Sam cooking. "i was recovering. it's really hard learning how to fly!" he protested, sulking even as he started to devour his meal. "Hunting fight?" Dean asked, a little amused. "that's a good name for it i think." he agreed with a chuckle before watching Cas. "it's a good place to hide." he agreed. "and we all need the rest. i'm tired, a lot. i think my body is still changing." he admitted. "we have enough time to relax for a while. that's what matters." he admitted, gulping down the last of the food on his plate and checking to see if there where seconds. "i suppose for being terrible, you guys did a pretty decent job with dinner. it even tasted good." he teased.
“Okay, fine. I’ll make sure to cook for you when you don’t want takeout.”Morrigan said rolling her eyes looking amused before smiling, blushing a little at the idea of he liked her in his clothes. That was both cute and weird for a woman who couldn’t remember ever having a serious relationship for. It was going to take getting used to. “probably.”She agreed. “Only if you count cheating as we kept having to redo it.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little, before smirking at dean’s protest. “I know. It’s just good to be able to tease you again without you freaking out to much.”Sam said smiling at him. “Yes, it’s a hunting fight. They’re hunting him, and if they catch up, it’s a fight until he poofs again.”Morrigan huffed a little. Cas frowned a little looking at him, nodding. “You are.”He said, “It’ll take awhile for your body to adjust to everything. Even more so now that you are not doubling up on the mark of cain, you’re adjusting to have a less power level now.”he said his eyes studying morrigan’s face when she wasn’t looking at him, before snorting as dean finished his food, handing over his plate. Cas didn’t really need to eat, while he enjoyed it, he didn’t need to. And makign sure dean had food was good enough reason to skip eating. Studying morrigan, and not liking what he was seeing, before startling a little. “I am not terrible!I have watched humanity cook for a long time, I can cook. It was sam who kept messing up.” “....Why don’t I believe that?”Morrigan snickered a little looking between them as she finished up her food, sighing quietly.
"i'd actually like that. i bet your a brilliant cook." he admitted, smiling at her. "that's completely cheating." Dean admitted to the boys. "how many times did you have to redo it?" he wondered, smirking a little. "four or eight times?" he wondered before huffing. "your not allowed to tease me. you'll upset Morrigan." he informed them, smirking a little. "i really think it would be hilarious to see the look on those assholes faces when they find out they've been tricked." he admitted. "that's like saying you can cook because you watch cooking shows." Dean scoffed. "i don't believe you in the least." he admitted. "so i'm not only changing physically i'm like, shrinking?" he asked, patting his chest where he could feel his powers rolling inside of him, filling the empty space where the Mark f Cain had once pressed against im so much it hurt. "thanks Cas!" Dean said, inhaling half the food left before scraping the rest onto Morrigan's plate because he was full now and she was too skinny. "hey Cas?... i think we need to talk..." Dean admitted, hating himself a little bit for having to break Cas's heart.
“I wouldn’t say brilliant, but I can feed myself.”Morrigan said smiling a little. “IT is not. And it was less then that.”Sam said not about to tell him how many times they’d redone the food before eyeing Morrigan. “You told her about the air guitaring, I think you upset her first.”Sam decided. “Well, if you two are air guitaring naked now....I might be less upset then imaging it at age 2. That’s just creepy. Watching you two do it now would be awesome.”Morrigan teased snickering a little. “Yes, indeed it will be good to see them look like buffoons for once. They are not going to be happy about it.”Cas said looking amused. “....I have watched these cooking shows to. They are quite interesting.”Cas added not protesting that they couldn’t cook though. Before nodding. “Not physically shrinking but...metaphysically?Yes. You are no longer carrying more then what you were meant to. While it was a strain, you had adjusted to running so hot, it’s like getting used to a nuclear weapon, and down grading to uzi. Less power, but more managable, and less likely to kill you in the process.”Though, he wasn’t sure if Morrigan was going to survive it. Not that he wanted to say that, though the slight tightening around his eyes, was enough for the boys, who had gotten used to reading the small expressions on his face, to see. “Welcome.”he smiled amused as morrigan rolled her eyes and ate more. “You keep feeding me, I’m gonna get fat.”She muttered teasing a little as she finished the food. “...Okay.”Cas frowned looking up at him. “...Hey. Morrigan. Let’s go for a walk. I hear there’s a good nightlife here, one Dean’ll definitely want to check out later.”Well, at least former playboy dean would have loved anyways. “We’ll go find out if it’s true.”Sam grinned as he stood up, putting their plates in the sink to do later, before smiling as morrigan kissed dean’s cheek and muttered a goodbye. Watching her leave for a moment before looking at the other two men, a worried look on his features as he considered them. The look saying ‘be careful dean.’ He nodded a little as he left, trusting dean to not hurt cas to badly.
"Better than we can do, so therefore, brilliant." he admitted with a smile. "I'm sure it was more." Dean admitted before smirking a little. "you where super adorable before you turned into a huge nerd." he admitted to Sam. "i'll totally get naked and play some Zepplin for you." he offered with a grin. "they are pretty fun to watch." Dean admitted. "i like the infomercials the best though." he admitted. "yeah. i'm shrinking right here. it hurts a little but but it's a good hurt?" he asked, his head tilted. "like it's supposed
to be shrinking." he admitted before smiling a little. "it would be nice if i knew how to use it..." he paused, his head tilted. "oh... well i don't know if i want to let you out that long." he informed Cain. "no. i don't trust you. not at all." he admitted simply before he smiled sheepishly at them. "it appears that while Cain is in the background, the First Blade teaches him things. i'd have to let him out to learn what the Blade wants me to learn. i seam to have main control, but if i get sick or too tired, he'll be able to force me back." he admitted. "for now he isn't fighting me though, so i guess that's a good thing." he admitted before smirking at her. "you'd be adorable." he assured her at her complaints of being fat before he watched her and Sam leave and looked at Cas, wondering how in the hell he was going to do this. "...Cas... we need to talk. i can't... we can't let things continue like this." he admitted softly. "i'm hurting you, a lot and i can't stand that... you're y best friend. you're like an older brother. hell, like a father to me and i hate that i'm causing you pain of any kind..."
"I'm still adorable. You have no idea what your talking about."sam sulked a little as he made a face at his brother. "Yes. Infomercials are very good to."Cas agreed looking amused before nodding."yes...a good hurt that will eventually go away."though he wasn't sure Morrigan's would, he hoped it would be okay."ah...well. that makes sense. I mean...you were here first. And are human...makes sense you'd be in control most of the time..."Morrigan said sounding thoughtful.

Watching them go before he looked at dean, cas frowned at him slightly, the old walls up and feeling defensive in a way he hadn't felt in years around the boys. "We're okay dean...I mean. I've known. For awhile that you werent..."he frowned because he didn't know the word."gay?yes gay."he sighed softly. "No one could be around you for long without knowing that...even more now watching you with morrigan..."something ainful twisted in his features before he could hide it again. By our my best friend dean."he agreed sighing quietly not wanting to talk about it, not wanting to upset dean more.
"you're a nerd. you aren't cute in any manner." he admitted before grinning at Cas. "i lie the porn that comes on after the infomercials too." he admitted, well aware that was just going to make Cas whine about the Pizza again. "well. no. Cain has always been there. it's only that when i first gained the mark, it started... bringing him to life i suppose." he admitted. "it's just that i've been sentient longer, in control more and i'm good at keeping said control." he admitted. "i think. or he just can't be bothered. hard to be sure." he admitted with a grin and a shrug.

"No. i'm not gay." he agreed softly. "i do love you Cas. just not the way you want, or the ay you deserve and it hurts terribly that i can't be that for you." he admitted softly. "i thought i could, once... that i might be able to... ignore that you where a guy you know? but..." he shook his head. "i never loved you like that and it was wrong, so wrong of me to lead you on." he admitted softly. "i want us both to be happy and i might... actually find some happiness with Morrigan but that just makes me feel even worse because your going to be miserable every time i'm with her..." he admitted. "and i don't know how to fix that." he admitted softly. "i don't know how to make you not hurt anymore."
“I’m a cute nerd and you know it.”Sam huffed. “The pizza man does not deliver pizza in them. I find this very annoying. If they have a story, they should complete the story.”Cas said looking unhappy at the idea before nodding slightly. “indeed. You were in control for the longest, he probably can’t be bothered to want to be in control.”Cas said looking amused.

“....I know. I’ve known for awhile.”Cas said, looking uncomfortable and out of place, which was weird, because with the boys, was one of the few places anymore that he felt comfortable. He so didn’t want to be talking about this, when he had been dealing with it as best as he could. Especially now that he knew Dean was going to be happy with Morrigan....that was just hard to see. Even if he was happy for his friend. “I know...but you shouldn’t have to ignore that part....and not even knowing you’d like a girl more, would convince me to abandon this vessel....I do like this one.”Cas said making a face, because he could have inhabited a female, but...he was male, in all the ways that mattered, though angels didn’t technically have gender, he still felt male. “I’ll be happy. And seeing you this happy is good.”Cas fidgeted a little, definitely uncomfortable. Huffing a little, because well...there was something dean needed to know, before he got to attatched. Even if dean thought he was being self serving, that wasn’t it. He wanted dean to be prepared, just in case. “She’s dying Dean....the darkness....she’s been human to long. I do not know why, or how to fix it, but she is not adjusting well. It’s.....there’s shadows across her soul, like wounds that are bleeding. Your presence is a soothing aid, but I do not know how to help. She must accept it, otherwise it will kill her."he dedcided, going to business rather then this utterly uncomfortable conversation, though he knew dean was probably going to fight him on changing the topic
Dean snorted a little. "Cas? Buddy? the Pizza getting delivered isn't the point of the story." Dean informed him. "the point of the story is sex. the guy delivering pizza is just an excuse to get to that point."

"I'm sorry..." Dean whispered, swallowing thickly. "i Love you Cas. you're the closest thing to a father i've ever had..." he admitted. "i hate... being the one who has to do this to you." he admitted softly. "Cas... don't think you know how to be a girl." he admitted with a wry grin before looking vaugley uncomfortable. he always did when reminded that Cas was merely possessing someone. "i know you like seeing me happy Cas, but i feel miserable when your upset." he admitted softly. "and sh won't say it, but i think Morrigan feels guilty for taking me away from you." he admitted softly before he cringed at the idea of her dying before his face shuttered blank, shutting that out because e couldn't bare to hear it before cocking his head to the side. "...Cain... Cain says she cannot die..." Dean said, haltingly. "He says that if her body dies, she'll just be reborn in a new one, like he and i have been. only with the mark of Cain back in her power, she would retain her memories..." he mumbled. "he says she's missing something... he doesn't know what..." he admitted, frowning a little because he kn the other had changed the subject on purpose, but let him. dragging it out wouldn't hurt either of them.
“...then they should walk to the door and ask for sex, instead of delivering pizza.”Cas huffed a little. “....I know you do. It sorta sucks to be a angel sometimes you know?Able to see things that no normal human would have known about your feelings.”Cas wrinkled his nose a little, before snorting. “Indeed. Being a female would be....awkward.”Cas said brushing off the rest of that line of thought, knowing that it made dean and sam uncomfortable to know that he was possessing someone, even if now if he left, the body couldn’t survive without his angelic presence holding it together. “...It will pass. With time.”Cas said self assured, though he wasn’t sure about that, he didn’t want to make the two feel worse for him. After all, he’d been alive since nearly the dawn of time, and only the winchesters had ever tempted him, let him fall from heaven. It was....they were unique beings, the winchester boys. “....well. She shouldn’t. You weren’t mine to being with.”He said frowning, upset because he knew morrigan feeling badly wouldn’t help, and would probably just make cain even more annoyed with him then he already was. Looking a little relieved at Dean’s words he nodded. “Good....but I would prefer not letting her die this time....we’ll figure it out. And help her.”Cas sighed softly. “Might as well go looking for what she’s missing, since I have to keep letting the others chase me.”He made a face a little before eyeing dean, wondering if he was going to keep forcing the subject, or if they could just let it go. He so didn’t want to. Not when he knew it wouldn’t help either of them, or change anything.“We should go and collect the other two. Who knows what kind of trouble our Moose can get into.”He teased a little as he got up.
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