Elf Struck(moon/lady)

“Ah...some?maybe?I don’t know. It was just...enjoyable.”She muttered squirming as she looked anywhere but him, not sure what to think. Or think about him responding this way to her. She had no idea what he saw when he looked at her, that made him want her so. And she was so very afraid it was just the mark. “Yea...”She swallowed thickly, as she dialed, looking startled when Cas appeared in the room with them. Though a little relieved that he was there, at least her and dean wouldn’t be getting it on anytime soon. She wanted him to be sure he wanted her, when it happened. Because while they were trying the dating thing, it was still new to her, and she was so scared of trapping him. “Good. We were worried. I knew you were fine, but it is good to see you two whole.”Cas said looking them over, not even aware of interrupting the conversation, simply glad to see them okay.
he flushed at her and smiled a little. "it was enjoyable.... even if i was asleep for most of it." he agreed, smiling shyly at her before snarling when Castiel flashed in, his eyes flaring blood red with his rage at being interrupted before he settled down again. "Sorry." he stated simply before he smiled a little. "we are good. just fine even." he admitted, slipping out of bed and sulking when he realized that he couldn't put his shirt on. "Cain broke my shirt."
Cas paused watching dean, tilting his head but not leaving before nodding."it's fine. I shouldnt have come in."most definitely because he hadn't wanted to see them together, but his concern for them overrode his caution."so I see....I can fly you back to the house, or it is the besch. No one would probably be surprised to see you shirtless."cas said not sure if cain would trust him to teleport them back to the house.
"It's fine... i think my body is... my chemistry...." he shook his head. "i think it's crossbreed mating season." he admitted, flushing hard. "i'm finding it very hard to control myself and i don't want to force her into anything. it's good you showed up." he admitted. "I think flying back would be best. we dout want them having any chance of catching on to us." he admitted, looking at her. "should we walk back to the house from the beach bar or should we just go straight to the house?"
“Ah. Well. It might be.”Cas said looking thoughtful. “....How about you fly back with Cas, he can show you how to use your wings better. I’ll drive the bike back and make sure the owner gets it back.”Morrigan said tugging on her jeans, sighing a little as he considered the other two. “Yes. That would be best. We can still watch over her.”Cas said tilting his head a little as he considered the two.
"What!?" Dean demanded, whipping his head around to look at her. "you can't go alone! what if they find you? it's not safe!" he protested. "they've probobly already called the Bike in missing, the police will find it before the hour is out, if they haven't already." he protested, shaking his head a little. "no! no way Cas! it's not gonna happen! it's just begging for her to be attacked!" he complained. "we're not separating! i refuse! it's not safe!"
Morrigan startled staring at him. “I can take care of myself for the few minutes it’d take you guys to get to me. I mean, you’re going to fly above me, you need the flying practice....”She said frowning at him, tilting her head. Looking upset that he didn’t trust her to look after herself, but setting her heels down about it now. “we can’t stay joined at the hip all the time. We might as well try out a small separation....” "no....I'm not getting involved."Cas decided at dean's question, sighing quietly.
"No. No absolutely not!" Dean protested. "you shouldn't have to protect yourself if we can keep you safe!" he protested. "I can't keep you safe if your riding on that thing!" Dean protested, looking mre and more agitated. "why not?! i like being close to you! We're not separating! you can separate once we're safe at the house!"
Morrigan frowned a little. “I can take care of a short drive, dean.”she said looking angry and annoyed, agitated.”I survived centuries on my own, even without my memory. I think I can handle a short ride.” Not that she wanted to get rid of them, she was just feeling trapped and closed off. “...I do not think it would be a good idea.”cas said interrupting the fight but not missing the angry and upset look on morrigan’s face before she sighed. “Fine.”She said sighing a little. “Let’s go.”
"But... No!" Dean fussed, unable to stand the idea of her going out on her own. he wasn't even sure why. something inside of him was screaming in terror at the idea of her going alone and suddenly he understood. he was scared. he was fucked either way. either she stayed with him and was constantly in danger. or she left him and he couldn't protect her. he was terrified and outraged and it wasn't her fualt. he hissed though his teeth, he couldn't do this. it was too much. he thrust himself past her, unable to take the emotions rolling through him, flared his wings and took off into the sky to get away. he couldn't handle his emotions and so was going to do what he always did... what he hadn't done for a good while. he was going to go and get drunk.
Morrigan startled as he pushed past her, eyes wide as she turned to watch him go. So startled by the fight, and by his reaction that she had no idea what to do. Looking at cas for help. “Let him go. He’ll get himself back to the house okay.”Cas promised before resting a hand on her arm and transporting her back to the house, worried for them both.

“What can I get you?”the female bartender smiled slightly as she sat a glass down in front of dean, raising her eyebrows.
"Hi. i could use a couple of shots of whiskey." here he grinned slyly at her. "and maybe some company?" he asked, flirting because flirting was what made sense. he got drunk, he flirted, he got laid and then he felt better. "You're a bit too pretty to be hanging in a seedy bar like this, don't you think?" he asked, smiling at her as he accepted the drink. "you should be hanging out in a movie theater watching your name go across the screen." he teased, smiling at her.
“Yea, I can do that.”The bartender smiled as she poured his drinks, tilting her head as she considered him. “The name’s cassandra.”She said studying him, before snorting a little. “I’m glad you think so.”she said before smirking. “Though you’re prettier. Definitely movie star look going on.”She teased back, before looking around the bar, seeing as it was mostly empty this early in the day she moved around the counter to sit down next to him.
"Thanks very much." he said giving her a toast. "would you care for one yourself? my treat of course." he offered with a sly grin before he grinned. "Cassandra is a gorgeous name." he admitted, ignoring the guilt firing up inside of him. "why does everyone seam to think that i'm pretty?" he complained, pouting a little. "surely i'm more handsome?" he asked, grinning at her a little as she sat down next to him and he offered her his second shot. "you know." he said, after a third 'glass' of whiskey which was supposed to be sipped. he had gulped them and was now more than a little tipsy. "i'm an asshole.." he admitted with a nod. "i'm a total asshole." and he felt miserable. "i shouldn't be sitting here in a bar flirting with gorgeous girls because i'm a total asshole who doesn't deserve to be loved..."
“Yes I would.”She said smiling as she poured herself a drink, looking amused. “Maybe cause you are pretty. And handsome. I’m sure you’ve heard it alot.”Cassandra looked amused. Sipping her drink as she watched him, tilting her head. “I’m sure that’s not true. Though drinking at 10 am says you’re upset about something.”Cassandra said looking concerned about him. “And everyone deserves to be loved. Even if you’re feeling bad right now.”Cassandra said watching him, trying to figure out how to help him, he just looked so miserable.
He actually looked surprised and he looked at his watch. "huh... it is ten in the morning. look at that." he muttered, amazed by that before he drained another drink. "i just... i just... everyone i love dies or gets hurt or hates me!" he told her, feeling horrible. "and i'm scared. i'm so, so scared because i'm going to lose her. i loose everyone. they die, or go away, or hate me, or... or..." he looked at her. "do you think i'm disgusting? i think i'm disgusting. i'm a horrible disgusting person." he slurred. "i was going to seduce you and make you happy for a night just to prove i wasn't disgusting but i am disgusting because i shouldn't be flirting with you at all even if you are beautiful and funny and perfect." he admitted, his lip trembling. "but Morrigan is so perfect and i've screwed it all up by being me and i'm such an asshole!"
“So it is.”Cassandra said smiling a little as she sipped her drink, before sighing. “I’m sure there’s someone who loves you. And your girl will stick with you. If she knows what your like, I doubt you can get her to leave.”cassandra said trying to make him feel better before sighing. “You’re not. I promise. Come on. You’re going to tell me where your staying, and your gonna go see your girl, and then your gonna flirt with her okay?”Cassandra said as she got up, wrapping a arm around his waist and getting him out to her car, settlign him in the seat before looking at him. “Come on, Dean. Tell me where I’m going.”She said soothingly to the drunk man.
He shook his head. "no one loves me. dad didn't love me... wasn't ever good enough for him. he loved Sammy and Sammy left. and Sammy doesn't love me because Sammy left me alone with Dad. and Morrigan don't love me because i'm an asshole and Lisa don't remember me and i'm a horrible horrible person..." he slurred at her. "and Cas loves me but only because he knows he can't have me and that is really awkward let me tell you... and they're all going to leave me soon and i'll die alone and miserable just like i deserve for being an asshole." he staggered but was mostly able to walk himself as she led him to the car. "you're... you're a super awesome person." he informed her. "like.. like the be...bestedstestest person ever. and, yu should totally meet my brother because he... he totally needs to get laid and i don't think you'd mind that he's hung up on jessississca." he admitted. "i...don't know we, rented the place an i was... only there last night because. because there was a fight an we stole a bike an ran away an then me and Morrigan got into a fight an...hold on!" he was ruffling through his pockets and pulled out his cell phone and stared at it for a moment. "the numbers move..." he said, looking like he wanted to be sick and he handed the phone to her so she could call the only number in his contacts list. Sam.
“It’s okay I promise.”Cassanda said sighing quietly. “I don’t think anyone’s going anywhere. We’ll just get you home okay?”she muttered lookign worried abgout the drunk man, wincing a little as he staggered, but glad he could walk some, otherwise getting him out to the car would have been hrribly awkward. “..okay. We’ll go to the house....we’ll drive around and look-”she said before looking down at the phone she was holding before lopking relieved a little as she called the phone number, looking pleased when someone answered and following his directions to the house. “Dean?”Morrigan rushed out of the car as soon as it parked, opening the door and peering in worriedly at him. “Dean?”She said anxious.
"no.no. she's going to leave. everyone always leaves." Dean said, sniffling a little. "you're a great person. you're just... just the best." he informed her, trying to kiss her cheek because that was hat guy friends did. right? "yeah. yeah. i should go home. i'm drunk. Cas is gonna be mad at me. he hates it when i'm drunk." he admitted. Dean looked up at Morrigan and burst into tears and clutched her around the hips, his face pressed into her stomach, begging her to forgive him for being such an asshole and babbling that this was Cassandra and how she was so nice and how he was such an asshole. it was mostly just a lot of incoherant babbling.
"Not everyone leaves. And I'm glad you think so."Cassandra said looking amused at the drunk man. He was fairly adorable like this."I'm sure he's only mad because he worries about you."she said smiling a little at the woman and man walking out to greet them."you got him?" "Yea thsnks."Morrigan muttered as Cassandra left gently stroking dean's hair as she tried to urge him to his feet but wincing when she realized just how drunk he was. "Sam?" "Yea I got him."sam said as he picked up his brother and headed for dean's room, not really surprised when Morrigan climbed in next to him and snuggled close.
Dean shook his head."everyone always leaves... sometimes they come back, but they always leave again." he admitted, blinking at her before smiling. "your awesome." he admitted, sliding out of the car but refusing to let go of Morrigan's hips, mumbling into her stomach. he whined when Sam picked him up and he waved at Cassandra. "bye! thank you. your the best. this is my brother Sam! he's a dork. you should date him.... i'm gonna be sick...." but he didn't get sick, thankfully and was soon snoring off his drunken stupor in bed. what an... exciting day.
"I'm right here, I promise."Morrigan said soothingly as dean whined, following after them. When he got up it was nearly dinner time and Morrigan was laying in bed, propped up against the headboard as she read, absently stroking his hair as his head resting on her stomach. Shifting when she heard the change in his breathing she lowered the book enough to look at him, a gentle smile on her lips even as she kept petting him."how are you feeling?"
he groaned a little as he woke up and blinked stupidly. "i feel like shit." he admitted, looking up at her. "i'm so sorry. i... i shouldn't have yelled at you. or gotten drunk. or flirted with that girl. or tried to set her up with my brother...." he paused. "i didn't try to set her up with Cas did i? i don't think he'd forgive me for that. he hates it when i get drunk anyway." he admitted, slowly sitting up and groaning again. "oh god... hangover... oh ugh.... i think i'm gonna puke..."
"No you shouldnt, but I think cas is considering how much a fool you looked, and acted as punishment enough. He might heal your hangover."she said helpfully, not wanting him to know just how upset being yelled at and abandoned had left her as she stroked his hair."and no, only sam. Though if you'd seen him, I'm sure you would have tried setting cas up with her."she teased before leaning over to the trashcan sam had conveniently put by the bed. Holding it out to him."here."
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