Elf Struck(moon/lady)

he groaned a little. "i'm so sorry... i don't... emotions are...." he swallowed thickly. "i never had anyone stay." he whispered. "everyone always leaves and i was so scared i was going to loose you before you had a chance to prove me wrong and worse... i was so terrified you where going to prove me right and...." he shook his head. "there's no excuse. i'm just an old drunken bastard." he whispered before leaning over the trashcan and heaving out a good chunk of what he'd drank. feeling miserable and guilty and disgusting. she was going to leave him now, he knew. she hated him. he was certain of it.
“I know. It’s okay.”morrigan said sighing softly looking down at him, “Or you leave them. Sam told me some...about lisa and ben...”she muttered watching him, sighing softly. “Not that old. Though you were really drunk. Almost made Cas sober you up, but Sam said you weren’t to the point of alcohol poisoning yet. Said you usually drink this much.”She said looking upset and worried for him, but not disgusted. Wincing a little as he threw up she sighed quietly. “....You want me to get cas?”
"'s not okay." he groaned before shaking his head. "they where kidnapped. they would have died. i almost got them killed..." he admitted. "i'd rather they forgot and live happy lives, than die..." he admitted. "at least this way. someday, i might get to see them again, even if they won't know me, i know they'll be happy." he admitted before shaking his head. "no.... i don't want to deal with his disappointment right now." he groaned once he was done puking. "i deserve this for being a dick."
“Okay, maybe it’s not okay. But you didn’t mean to dean.”She sighed softly, gently stroking his hair, nodding. “You did. And you get yourself nearly killed more often. But....you might see them someday again. It’s a good idea.”She said watching him, feeling petty and horrid for the small flicker of jealousy at the idea of sharing him with the other two, before nodding. “Okay then. We’ll stay here, and cuddle and you can rest. Besides, I think Cas is back to running angels and demons around the country, so we’ll let him do that for now. You just lay there and rest....and consider where in the world you want to go next.”She said hesitating before reaching out, gently stroking his hair.
he shook his head. "i did mean to... i's what i always do. i get upset. i can't handle it. i go get drunk and fuck whoever will fuck me and do it all over again in a never ending spin cycle." he admitted with a sigh. "yeah. i like to cuddle." he admitted unhappily, abandoning the trashcan to the floor and hauling himself to his feet to brush his teeth before collapsing into bed next to her. just drunk enough to mumble a small 'i love you' before he went back to sleep.
“Oh....well. I’’ll try and help....we’ll figure this out dean. I’m not going anywhere.”She muttered gently stroking his hair, before nodding. “Okay then.Cuddle.”She said watching him go before shifting to snuggle into him. Smiling softly at the I love you, muttering it back as she pressed a kiss to his hair, closing her eyes as she settled in for a nap.

Sam looked up startled when he heard the front door opening, hand closing around the gun at his side as he got up, moving towards the door. “Who is it?”He said growling, wanting to know who it was before he yelled for cas, knowing the angel was only a prayer away and would go get morrigan and dean out of here if needed.
"Okay." he murmured, leaning into the hand in his hair. that felt delightfully nice.

The young man who walked in was probobly one of the oddest people Sam had ever seen. not only did he walk in like he owned the place, but he stared at Sam for a long moment as f he couldn't understand a word that Sam was saying. he had a bright shock of pure white hair and eyes the color of rich tree sap. sort of a liquid brown color with flecks of tan that seamed almost too big for his face. he was wearing a scarf that was made from nearly every color possible and appeared to be hand knitted and a blouse. yes, a blouse, a pale blue pastel blouse with a large butterfly across his left ribs and flowers printed around his neck. he was wearing leather pants under that, black and so skin tight that he was almost giving them a show. he had a Micky mouse nose ring and two glittering ruby earrings dangling from his ears.

"Luca! We have to knock before entering houses! what have i told you!?" a young girl walked in next and she smiled bashfully at Sam. "i'm so sorry. he's not sane." she apologized before glaring at, what had to be her twin brother. they had the same face, exact same face. she even had a Micky mouse nose ring too. then the similarities vanished. where he was white haired, hers was a bright shock of true red hair that fell around her face and down her back. her eyes where a shockingly deep blue, so deep they almost appeared as if they would suck in the light. they didn't look black, they here a clear blue, like the ocean. so deep you would loose yourself if ou stared into them.

"Wjy don't you tell the probobly very overprotective man why we're here?" the girl suggested to her brother who beamed. "Hello Sam Winchester. i am Luca. this is my sister Lyra. we're here to serve our mistress." he informed Sam. "she goes by Morrigan now. and she's upstairs with Able and Cain." he admitted. "sorry. he's Dean now. is Castiel going to be here soon?" Luca asked Sam, his head tilted. "you can tell him he doesn't have to worry anymore. we have erected barriers. they cannot get into the house anymore." Luca promised, looking very happy before turning to Lyra now. "now can we go to the mistress? she is so very upset..." "No. if we go up there Cain is liable to slaughter us. we have no reassurances that he'll remember us anymore than Morrigan did." she admitted, scratching at something on her collarbone. being as she was wearing a strapless top with a skirt it was easy to make out the Mark of Cain. a true one, even. Sam could feel the faint power emanating from it. from Luca too, though his was on the other side
Sam tensed staring at the man, gun following him, sharp eyes eyes following him, but not pulling the trigger yet. He didn’t get the sense of demon, not yet, but not wanting to take any chances, so he was settling into that cold dark corner of his mind that let him kill. Tensing even more when hesaw the girl, shifting the gun so he could keep them both in his sight, finger twitching, starting to pull the trigger as he watched them. Staring at her, and wanting to set the gun down, no matter how much he was trying to fight the urge.

“....Mistress?”He said staring at the two, clearing his throat a little before nodding slightly. “Cas, your feathered ass needs to be here!”Sam yelled, because the oddness of it being sam you prayed for him instead of Dean would get a near instant reaction. Which it was, in a swirl of a trenchcoat and feathers the angel appeared, staring at them. “...”He stared, for once at a utter loss for words, even as he backed towards the stairs at Luca’s words, getting ready to go upstairs. “I would not try to go upstairs. Dean has had a very bad night, and not likely to be in a pleasant mood.”Cas said watching her, starign at the mark of cain, frowning slightly. “....Should I wake him?” “Yea...Cas..go wake them up. But tell Morrigan to stay upstairs for now, and get Dean down here.”Sam said smiling slightly as the angel went to wake up dean, not even surprised at the angel's blade hidden in the sleeve of his jacket, held ready to defend if they were wrong about the strangers.
Luca didn't seam bothered by the gun at all, though Lyra was watching it cautiously. "yes. the Dark Lady. we where created shortly after her to be companions, and to aid her in any way she might need." Lyra explained. "we're... whatever she needs us to be. body guards, maids, butlers, whatever." she admitted before smiling at the sight of Cas. it had been a very long time since they'd actually seen an Angel. "oh, Cain won't hurt me." Luca promised. "he might Luca. if he doesn't remember you." "but he has the first blade, surely he remembers us now." "that's not... how it works." "it isn't? i was sure that was how it worked." "the information comes back slowly. he might not have gotten to us yet." "oh.... well i can wait them... but it hurts Lyra..." "i know Luca. you'll be alright." she promised, taking his hand. "stay here with me. i'll help." "they think too loudly..." Luca complained softly.

"What?" Dean demanded, coming downstairs and blinking at the sight of the twins. "ah.... what?" he asked, looking a little annoyed that someone had found them. "Hi Able!" Luca said cheerfully. "oh. wait, you go by Dean Winchester now. i'm sorry." Luca said, moving to wrap Dean in a hug, Dean quickly backing up before the crazy man got any closer. it made Luca pout and he looked at Lyra. "he doesn't remember me...." "i know. i told you he wouldn't. the marks aren't resonating properly. something is wrong." "it hurts... i don't like how upset the mistress is..." "i know Luca. it will get better." Lyra promised. "is he nuts?" "no,i don't like nuts." Luca admitted before he smiled at Dean. "Your father was wrong, by the way." Dean went so tense, the others where probobly worried he was going to shoot Luca in the head.
Sam frowned looking ready to shoot them still despite the other’s words, frowning slightly. “She doesn’t remember things. She’s only recently remembered Dean and Cain.”Sam said watching them. “He might. We’ve been chased by all sorts of creatures. He is very very overprotective at the moment.”Cas said watching the two, not sure what to think, but starting to relax, realizing they probably weren’t a danger to them.

“Hey dean. There’s people here to meet you.”Sam said glancing over at him, tensing a little and finger twitching. “Don’t move.”He ordered. “Morrigan only recently regained her own mark. Until recently she had no mark of her own.”Cas said glancing up at dean, before nodding slightly. “I think he is a little nuts, but I do not think he is dangerous.”He said before looking at dean curiously, wondering what john had been wrong about, and more then anything wanting to comfort the man he loved even if he didn’t think dean would accept it. “Should we get Morrigan?”He muttered to dean, trusting the man to make the call, since he was the one who’d upset her, and was in love with her. It should be dean who made the calls about her safety when she couldn’t.
"Yes. we remember. her son Cain, who was named after one of his fathers, stole the mark from her after murdering his brother Able. they where fooled into thinking it was the only way to stop the Darkness. we don't know all of it, but after the Mark was taken from her, Cain lost control and nearly destroyed the earth. in the final fight before the Elders of Heaven and Hell managed to steal away his mark as well and bind him into human form, they flooded the entire earth." Lyra admitted. "without the lady Morrigan there, he has no control and seeks only pain, death and destruction. Able is much more calm, normally but he had no desire to stop Cain after they lost Morrigan." Lyra admitted. "Luca and i never lost ours, but without the Lady, Luca isn't very stable. he's not dangerous he just, can't function very well sometimes. i can't use my powers at all. we remember with every new life, but we are hurting just as she, Cain and Ab... Dean are." she admitted. "with all four marks, well, five, in circulation we should all be stabilizing again, but we're not and i don't know why."

"As long as he's not dangerous..." Dean mumbled before looking at Cas. "no. not yet... not just yet. Cain is rooting through his memories. once he remembers. if he remembers. we'll see. oh. you have it?" he asked, focusing inwards a bit. "so they are ho they claim to be?" he asked, his head tilting a little. "yes. yes i see.... okay that makes sense." he agreed before looking at the twins. "they where made as stabilizers because with only three of us we couldn't handle the power fluctuation. they keep our powers from devouring us and in return we contain their powers so they can safely use them. i think it's safe." he admitted, yelling up the stairs to Morrigan that she could come down now and that there didn't seam to be any danger.
“Ah.Now that makes sense. Morrigan said something about it, but she didn’t remember it all. Pieces, she remembered losing it to lucifer and Cain, but not what happened after.”Sam said frowning a little as he lowered the gun, “they lost her? I mean....how? I could understand her losing the mark, but they lost track of her?”Sam asked, the geek side kicking in, and much like he had done with Cas when they had a moment, he was asking questions, curious about the time before. “Five?There’s only four marks. Dean’s, Morrigan’s, and you two.”sam frowned a little, “Maybe because she is so upset and worried? She’s being chased, maybe it is messing with the marks.”Cas frowned slightly.

“No...I do not think he’s dangerous.”Cas said nodding a little as he waited to see what cain would say before looking a little relieved that they were indeed tellign the truth as he watched them. “Makes sense. Even as powerful as you two, the darkness is what came before.....it was not meant to be controlled, or if it was, not by two people.”Cas said looking thoughtful before looking up at Morrigan as she came down. “Dean?”morrigan asked quietly, dressed in her shorts but having stolen one of his flannel dress shirts, looking vulnerable and still upset, the fact that she was showing even that much emotion said she was more upset about him going out then she’d admitted to.
"when the mark was stolen from her, her physical form collapsed. she, by all intents, died. her soul was reborn, but without the mark she would not remember her past lives. Cain and Able once they where caught, the original Cain and Able, also had their marks stripped and added to their son, Cains mark." Lyra admitted. "The Lady is the only thing that keeps Cain in control. without her, he doesn't really have a mind." she admitted. "without the mark, all he was, was a pitch of darkness inside of Able's reborn soul." she shook her head. "there are five marks. mine, Luca's, The Ladies, Able's, and Cains. recently, Cain held control of all three marks. now, he only holds one, Dean holds one, and Morrigan holds one. that's why, for a while, Cain seamed so overpowered. because he was in control of three marks, not one. it's why Dean was also dying. because his human mind couldn't handle the pressure Cain was putting on him." Luca admitted. he had settled in and was knitting what looked like another brightly colored scarf.

"We do not control it. we simply stabilize it.... like a big circus tent. she is the middle pole, and we are the for outer poles, holding her magic open and free." Luca explained. "without us, she begins to drown. it wasn't too bad for her, without her mark. she barely had access, but now her magic is slowly killing her... it hurts..." he admitted, rubbing his mark again before leaping to his feet, both him and Lyra bowing to Morrigan with reverence. not the way one would bow to a king or queen, but bows of untold respect. like a young pupil might bow to a Karate master helping him on the path to greatness. or something. they clearly adored, respected, and loved Morrigan. the show made Cain growl in the back of his throat. "Good morning, My Lady." Luca said, breathlessly. "i'm making you a scarf. isn't it pretty?" "oh dear..." Lyra muttered. "i'm so sorry... there's just.... too many people here for him." she explained, Luca frowning a little. "you all think very loudly. i wish you would stop...." he knew they couldn't help it of course, but their thoughts and emotions nd memories pressed on him too much. he couldn't control the flow and so, sat there with his knitting needles and let it wash over him as best as he could. "...yeah we have no idea who these people are but they seam harmless...." Dean informed Morrigan. she at least would recognize them,as they had approached her while at the bar, they claimed to have mistaken her for someone else when she didn't recognize them.
“Ah. I see.”Sam shuddered at the idea of that, of how brutal those years had to be as things went a little insane as the marks tore things apart. “He had to much power, to much control....it was drowning him....”Sam shivered a little at the idea of his brother dying like that, that would be a horrible way to go, and he’d known it was happening, but it hurt to know he’d nearly lost his brother.

“....Yes. That is a good analogy. That is why she’s dying now?Even with Cain and Dean, it was still drowning her.....I am glad you are here. I did not know how to fix it.”Cas said sighing softly, relieved that they would be able to help morrigan hopefully, because he’d been afraid of what dean would do if she died. “.....Good morning.”Morrigan said looking a little freaked out that they had bowed, moving over to dean to lean into him, just needing the comfort before nodding. “Yes...it is very pretty.”She said biting her lip a little, “Is there anything we can do to help him?”She asked before looking at dean, frowning a little as she thought. “You tried to talk to me in the bar.....”She said tilting her head.
"yes. Cain who was reborn from the marks could easily control them. Dean, who was human first, could not handle it. he wouldn't have stayed dead of course, Dean is the body after all. if Dean had died the body would have followed and they would have been reborn, marks correctly intact. that would not have helped Morrigan however and the two souls would likely have had no control and would have simply become mass murderers or apocalyptic rage demons." she admitted. "well. in theory anyway. they might have been okay but that's doubtful." she admitted before nodding. "yes. because she still has two of her magic 'walls' pressing down on her still." Lyra admitted.

"i'm not sure we know how to fix it either. for some reason out marks are not conneting to hers. it's not too bad for us. Luca has trouble focusing on things instead of people without her but we're not in too bad of shape. Morrigan however...." Lyra shook her head. "if we can't figure out what's wrong her body will die. she'll be reborn but who knows what will happen then." she admitted before smiling at Morrigan. "i's okay. i think. Cain remembers them." Den promised, wrapping an arm around her. "they have the MArks too. they where created to assist you. if they're telling the truth anyway." "There's nothing we can do... Luca sees into people." she explained. "he can't control it." she explained. "he gets... well, overloaded. he sees their surface thoughts, their emotions, glimpses of their memories and an idea of their souls and personality. too many people and he starts to drown because he can't turn it off. there's ways we can help. water naturally muffles the connection. usually when he gets like this he goes floating in a pool or takes a bath."
"Huh...though if you really think about it, our kills have us way into mass murderer territory, even if they are monsters."sam said looking interested in the topic, even if the idea of dean dying freaked him out. "Yes....even the strain of one would be to much, much less two..."Cas muttered frowning a little. "Touch transfered the mark from dean to morrigan. Could it be because she's never known you like this, so it doesn't recognize you?"cas asked mostly theorizing because he had no idea. He wished so much that he could ask someone for help, but if he did, the angels would use the weakness to give her to Michael

"kh...okay."Morrigan Frowned Trusting Dean AND CAINS JUDGEMENT As She leaned into him. Tilting her head as she considered the twins."there's a pool outback if that would help. And we can all stay in here and let him have privacy."Morrigan offered still upsrt and trying to hide it because she didn't want to make Luca feel worse. Or dean.sighing softly as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"well. not really. you're killing yes, but only to protect innocent people. it doesn't exactly count. Cain, without Morrigan, just kills anyone he pleases. at the end, he was simply slaughtering anyone he came across. sometimes entire villages." Lyra admitted before nodding. "that could very well be true." she agreed with Cas. "in theory i would even say it's highly likely." she admitted. "we might have to touch her mark, or have her touch ours before we will all start to stabilize. Cain and Able might even have to get involved. it's supposed to be a five way bond after all." she admitted. "with Morrigan in the middle, of course." she admitted. "we're all supposed to be connected." "that would work wonderfully." she admitted with a smile, grateful they where willing to help. Luca had already abandoned his knitting and was following their thoughts to the pool and made himself comfortable in the water. "thank you." Lyra said, smiling at him ."we hope that once the bonds have stabilized, he'll gain control again. he won't be able to stop everything, but he'll at least be able to stop the flow from drowning him."
"Hm, the difference between warriors and serial killers. One fights to protect, and the other for the simple joy of it."cas said looking at sam, knowing the killing got to him sometimes."...."Morrigan stared at the all, and the slight blush that appeared showed what she'd thought of. Of course, she was thinking of cain granting her own mark back, wondering if she was going to be stuck in a five-some....it was bad enough figuring out things between her dean and cain, she didn't want to consider adding to more people to it. Before sighing setting that worry aside, she'd do it if that's what the needed from her."your welcome."she said watching Luca go, before rubbing a hand over her face, feeling overwhelmed and lost, and desperately just wanting things slow down so she could get some sort of control again
"Yes. exactly. without people like you, Sam. this world would be gone and dead. the monsters would have slaughtered everyone, and then they would have slaughtered themselves." she admitted before looking at Morrigan again. "it won't be like that. i do apologize, your beautiful and all, but i don't do women and i don't do my brother. a simple touch will suffice. the bonds are merely metaphysical and won't have any true impact on our thoughts, feelings or personalities." she promised with a smile. "i know this must be.... too much, for you." Lyra admitted to Morrigan. "but your dying. your body is dying. it can no longer sustain itself." she explained softly. "you need the bonds, we all do. without the bonds i cannot access my magic at all. Luca cannot control his, Cain will slowly grow more and more insane and Dean will be crushed by the weight of his power just as you are." Lyra explained softly. "you are dying. we are all dying without the bonds."
Sam smiled a little at that, feeling better with that knowledge."oh....good."Morrigan said looking relieved to know it wouldn't require sex or that it would impact them as them themselves. "Yes....it is...."she bit her lip swallowing hard clinging to dean a little, looking a little panicked at the idea that squiMish ess would get them killed. "Kay...what do I have to do?"she asked clinging to dean, but willing to try.
"we aren't for certain." she admitted. "but i think if we touch each others marks, that would do it." she admitted, indicating the mark on her collarbone. "if that works, then we will do the same with everyone else. if it doesn't.... we'll have to think of new ideas." she admitted. "i think it's okay. Cain seams to agree with the idea but i'm not convinced.... do you think it's worth a shot?" Dean asked Morrigan, not about to make her, or tell her not to, but wanting her opinion on it anyway. "do you want me to go first? sounds like i'm going to have to do it too anyway." he admitted, looking very hesitant about getting anywhere near Lyra who snorted a little.
"Oh...okay. that's not to bad..."Morrigan Frowned as she considered it. To overwhelmed by everything that had happened since the vampires had taken her, and it was hitting her hard,the shock of it all starting to wear off."yes...I think it is...but I also think you should go first. Cain won't like me being in danger, even if he thinks it's okay. Better to let him take the first risk."she said though she still looked hesitant at the idea
Dean nodded. it was much better than needing to have sex. "okay." he agreed, closing is eyes and stepping back and Cain opened his eyes, the eyes as blood red as always when he was in control and he wrapped his arm tightly around Morrigan, holding her close to him. protecting her. he was the warrior, he did the fighting. Dean was the healer, he did the patching up. Dean was also supposed to be the emotional one, but they where both pretty fucked up in that department. he finally, after long moment of sizing her up, moved over to her and pressed his thumb into her mark. for a moment nothing happened and then Cain shuddered when she pressed her fingers to his mark, bright spark popping between them before they both stepped back, Cain blinking and then nodding. "it's stronger." he looked at Morrigan. "it helps. Dean will go next." he decided, stepping back again, Dean blinking a little. "woah... hold on... info dump..." he admitted, looking like he wanted to be sick. "brain hurts... fucking knife..."
"It's okay."Morrigan muttered as she felt cain gripping her closer, resting a hand against his chest, even if she was desperately nervous heraelf, tense as she watched. Tense as she watched her eyes going wide when she saw the spark. Startling a little as she stepped back, nervous as she relaxed a little."you're okay...it's okay....sit."Morrigan ordered looking worried and upset at dean's reaction as she made him sit on the couch, smiling slightly as both sam and cas moved closer, they were such mother hens, even if only one of them had wings. "Your okay, dean."she muttered rubbing his back as she sat down with him.
Cain snorted a little. "it's my job to know if it's okay or not." he huffed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. because he wanted to, that was all. it wasn't like he was trying to comfort her or anything. that was a silly thing to think. "It's fine... it's fine... it wasn't from the mark. the First Blade seams to think i'm avoiding it on purpose and it's not happy with me so it dumped a whole, like, weeks worth of information right into my brain..." he admitted. "it's really.... wow. i can see colors..." "couldn't you always see colors?" Lyra asked, looking rather amused. "....yes. yes i think so. i think my brain is leaking." he admitted, making Lyra cover her mouth to keep from laughing at him.
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