Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"if you say so." Cain mumbled. he knew she wasn't lying, but that didn't mean it as the truth. merly what she thought was the truth. or more likely, what she wanted to be the truth. "i'm not sure i like the idea of you rooming with Cas." Dean stated suddenly, looking amuse and very, very tired. "you might defile him with our womanizing ways." both Luca and Lyra snickered and Luca made a great show of looking over both Sam and Cas. "well. i wouldn't mind trading...." "nope. never mind. Sam and Cas are fine." that just made Luca giggle. "Cain as too tired to maintain control." Dean explained to her. "he's not used to having all these emotions and thoughts so he gets tired quickly. your exauhsted too. lets get you to bed. we'll all feel better in the morning."
"I wouldn't be aorrying. I'm not the one who he wants defiling him."sam said knowing he shouldnt, but teasing cas was second nature, and the man had accepted long ago he wouldn't be with dean, he was just coming to terms with it. "Besides, he doesn't want me.your brother wants the pretty bartender."cas said looking amused before raising his eyebrows at Lucas looking and dean's protest. It was amusing and a little painful but mostly amusing. Btrue...this wasn't the longest he's been out in awhile..."Morrigan agreed tired saying goodnight to the others before heading upstairs undressing to undies and one of dean's t shirts, snuggling into the bed."....you coming?"she said looking up at him, a quiet smirk quirking her lips
"Oh sure you do. if one of us is the twink it's you." Dean teased Sam with a chuckle. "Nah. i'm the twink." Luca admitted with a grin. "i'm a pretty sparkly unicorn." he admitted, looking very pleased with himself. "goodnight!" he called, happily heading to bed, Dean chuckling as he followed Morrigan, smiling at her. "yeah. i'm coming." he agreed, stripping off his shirt and sighing at how it had been ruined before climbing into bed with her. "...i'm sorry. about the way i yelled at you." he whispered. "i wasn't mad at you... i just.... i was scared, and i don't... emotions are...." he sighed. "emotions have always... hurt. so i drown them in alcohol so i don't have to feel them anymore... i was feeling things and that scared me and made me mad and i took it out on you because you where there and it was easy to blame you... even though it wasn't your fault."
"I am, but I still prefer girls."sam made a face at him. "Besides, I think human sex confuses cas. I mean, remember the time you took him to a strip club?"cas had totally tried to talk to the girl rather the watch her. Cas rolled his eyes before heading upstairs himself.

Morrigan sighed softly as she looked up at dean, shifting to lay on her side as she watched him."I'm sorry to. I didn't mean to make it worse...."she sighed softly, reaching out to gently stroke her fingers through his hair."I know...I mean...sam said you've never had anything....good. that didn't eventually go bad. So...we'll go day by day, okay?"she smiled a little, though his words did take most of the sting at being yelled at away, she was still feeling emotionally raw and tired
Human sex does confuse Cas. it's hilarious. i still think it's funner than hell that the oman thought he was a stalker and got him kicked out of the strip club." he admitted with a snigger.

"there's nothing for you to be sorry about... i was just terrified that if you got on that dumb bike i woul never see you again and i couldn't... i couldn't shake the feeling." he admitted. "i shouldn't have yelled but... well i don't know much else to do." he admitted. "i'm not used to... being close to people." he admitted, shaking his head before melting into her touch. "i like it when you play with my hair." he admitted. "i've.... the longest anything ever lasted was a year." he admitted softly. "and things never end well. not at all... i'm terrified that your going to..." leave. be mutilated... die.
Morrigan sighed softly, “Well, it could have happened, though I have a feeling cas was going to hover the whole way I would have driven.”She said, laying on her side, fingers absently tapping out a rhythm on his pec, simply needing to touch him. “well, we’ll figure out how to be close to people together.”She smiled at him, the smile widening as he melted into her touch. “...Yes....but I’m not lisa. We’ll figure it out together. And we’ll figure out how to keep the demons and angels away.”She said trembling a little, she was so scared of the things that were chasing her.
"well... i know he would hovered but lets face it. he couldn't have taken on too many attacking Angels and demons at once." he admitted before smiling s she touched him. he liked it when she touched him. "you don't have to be Lisa." he promised her. "you should be you. i loved Lisa, i won't deny that, but... i think i might love you too." he admitted softy. "i think i might love you more than i ever loved her." he admitted before smiling at her. "i won't let anyone take you away." he decided, wrapping his arms around her and snuggling close. "Goodnight... i love you."
"no he woulsnt, but it's over now, and we're never telling cas we doubted his martial prowess. He'd be insulted."she snickered quietly."good...cause I can't be her. I'm just me."she smiled before flushing, leaning in to kiss him lightly."I love you to."she muttered as she fell asleep.

In the morning sam flushed a little as he looked at the two as he set the food he'd been cooking, the hickey at his neck barely covered up, and cas was sitting at the table eating even if he didn't need to, he did enjoy the taste of food. Thouthe this was a normal occurance,sam and cas being up before dean, the fact that they both had hickey they were ignoring was intersting, and definitely something that had Morrigan elbowing dean over as she walked in.
"i always doubt his martial prowess. he's kind of a pussy." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i would never want you to be anyone but yourself." he promised with a smile. "i can't promise i'll never miss Lisa... but i can promise i'll never wish you where more like her." he said before smiling at the kiss and followed her into sleep.

Dean didn't notice at first, the mutual hickies on Sam and Cas's necks. it wasn't until Morrigan pointed them out that Dean noticed. and it wasn't a good reaction. he snarled, his eyes going blood red and he had the First blade out, ready to slaughter Cas. "You Sullied him!" Cain snarled. "You touched what was mine you feathered fucker!" he was about to leap across the table when Luca was suddenly in his face and kissing him. not really kissing him. but it was a light touch of lips on cheek and Dean blinked a few times. "....what just happened?" "oh. i put Cain to sleep. it's why he doesn't like me." Luca admitted with a smile. "...oh... seriously Cas! What the fuck man! you defiled my brother! i didn't even know he was gay!"
“I’ll be sure to tell him that.”morrigan rolled her eyes a little before smiling at his promise, relaxing at that. Glad to know.

Morrigan winced, hands going to his arm, trying to pull him back even as cas’ chair toppled back as he disappeared until he was standing behind sam, not willing to hurt dean, and if he started to fight back now, he would. Looking worried at dean’s sudden reappearance, morrigan looking at luca, looking upset before gently pulling him back away from cas and sam. “....You call me a twink all the time. And you’re the one who said I needed to get laid more.”Sam said looking calm and collected as cas looked utterly at a loss at what to say. “....I did not seduce him.”Cas said frowning a little.
"...sorry, Cain seams to think Sammie is his property." Dean apologized, glancing at Luca. "thank you. i'll make sure Cain doesn't try to hurt you." "he won't." Luca assured him before smiling when Dean scowled at Cas and Sam, upset but not sure why. "of course you didn't seduce him!" he snarled, well aware that Cas couldn't have. he didn't know how, but he was pretty sure Sam wouldn't have started it either so what the hell happened?! he needed a drink, bad. "our not allowed to drink anymore. it upsets the Lady." Luca informed him, making Dean grimace. "your just going to have to go cold turkey." Dean groaned a little but he had to admit, the other was right. it wasn't proper for him to go around drinking like a drunk. he was going to have to quit, even if he didn't want to.
"Yes I got that feeling."Cas said looking nervous even though he relaxed, smiling slightly at dean's words. "It just...um."Sam paused not sure how to explain it. because he was pretty sure dean would go ape shit over the reasoning, or how it had happened, so he'd let it go for now. Frowning a little as morrigan tilted her head. "Huh?He can drink. It's not as bad. I mean, as long as he's not yelling at me."She said, though she wasn't happy about it, and definitely upset with the idea of him seducing bartenders. "I mean, he's had enough things go wrong for him, he should get to drink if he wants."
"you explain this to me right now or Cain is liable to slaughter both of you." Dean growled, twitching a little because he wasn't sure he wanted either of them to live. he wasn't sure why he was so upset. jealous maybe? no. he was scared again. he recognized it now. he was scared that if they had each other they wouldn't need him anymore and they would leave. he couldn't stand the idea and he was desperate for a drink. "He cannot drink, My Lady. he is addicted. it is affecting his thinking and his health. it is ruining his life and he cannot be allowed to do that. he has gotten so used to drinking rather than handling and dealing with things that he cannot even understand his own emotions anymore. he doesn't even know why he's upset right now. that's a very serious problem. he has a very serious problem." Dean was grimacing because, well, all of that was true. "Stop being distracting! i want to know why they've been fucking each other behind my back!"
“Um. Okay. No need for cain to lose it. Though you look ready to kill us to.”Sam said studying his brother, looking thoughtful. Worried about his brother. “Dean?You’re okay.”Morrigan muttered looking worried for him, feeling the emotions coating her own, wanting a drink herself even as she tried to sooth dean, looking up at luca. “...Oh. I didn’t....I hadn’t realized that it had become that bad.”Though she wanted to make dean feel better now, in the long run it was better if he didn’t drink. Rubbing his back as she watched the other two, grimacing a little. It was upsetting and painful to see Dean this upset over things, to have no way to help him handle it better, because she just couldn’t understand that sort of addiction. Studying the two, her eyes went wide as she looked between them, having a idea, and oh shit, dean wasn’t going to be happy. “...Because he doesn’t look like you, Dean.”She said quietly. “He’s a friend who needed looked after in a way I didn’t have a problem doing. Besides, you keep telling me to get laid.”Sam said tense and ready to hit back if dean lashed out at Cas, finding in interesting that Cas wasn’t trying to protest or explain, as if he knew anything he’d say, would just make it worse.
Dean hissed under his breath, his fingers twitching, his talons sliding in and out as if he wasn't sure if he actually wanted to use them or not. "it is bad." Luca admitted softly. "he's going to go through withdrawals. it's going to be hard but we have to be strong because Dean can't be right now." he admitted to her. "...." Dean went very still for a moment when Cas spoke and guilt flushed through him so fast Luca nearly staggered and Dean slumped into his chair because he knew Sam and Cas both where struggling and suffering because of him and now he was screaming at them for finding comfort in each other. "i'm sorry... i dragged you both into this..." he whispered. "i'm so sorry." he whispered, feeling ashamed for hating them for leaving him. ashamed for being so selfish. "god.." Luca grimaced. "you have issues Dean... many, many issues." he stated. "you and i are going to start talking. every day. no arguments. i have a license in psychology." he admitted. "so if any of you need to talk i'm here." he stated before smiling. "and i'll even promise not to use my powers on you if it makes you feel better. now. im hungry. do we have any goat cheese and marmalade?" "uhm... why?" "i wish to make a grilled cheese sandwich." "for breakfast?" "of course. goat cheese and marmalade with a fried egg on top is a perfect breakfast." "...that's disgusting." "oh?... well maybe i'll just make scrambled eggs ith sauerkraut?" Dean actually gagged. he hated sauerkraut.
Morrigan swallowed thickly, shifting, resting her head against her head against his shoulder. “We’ll be strong. We can beat this.”She muttered startling a little as he slumped, moving to sit next to him, holding him gently. “...It is not your fault for not being able to love me. At least not...”Cas stuttered looking at a loss, because there were reasons he hadn’t mentioned anything to dean about sleeping with sam a few times over the last few years, because he’d been afraid of this reaction. Hadn’t known how to handle it, and since him and sam weren’t together together, he hadn’t figured it was worth mentioning, because it was just a comfort for a little while. “Dean....”Morrigan muttered looking so scared and worried about him, looking up at luca as she nodded a little. “Okay.”She muttered still worried and upset, before smiling softly. “....that is disgusting. I think we should send Luca out to eat his breakfast elsewhere, we’ll eat scrambled eggs, and sausage.”Sam said smiling slightly at dean, setting about to make his favorite breakfast.
"...i'm not strong." Dean whispered. "i'm just a coward." he pointed out before looking miserable at Cas. "isn't it my fault?" he whispered, sounding so torn and heartbroken. "isn't all of this my fault?" he asked, shaking his head. "never mind. it doesn't really matter." he whispered, well aware they where all going to leave him soon enough anyway. "it's not disgusting!" Luca whined, Lyra rolling her eyes. "it's disgusting." she agree. "he's half nuts. don't mind him." she said, Luca sniffing and shoving his nose into the air. "i'm going to the grocer. you peons clearly don't have any food worth eating." Dean snorted at that and Lyra just rolled her eyes. "and i've had to live with him for the last thirteen thousand years." she pointed out. "he eats like a pregnant woman." she scoffed, shaking her head. "i do not! i eat like a pregnant man!" "men can't get pregnant." "some men can." "really?" Dean asked, looking stunned, a little grossed out and curious at the same time. but then, he always looked a little grossed out when pregnancy and... female, things, where mentioned.
“A coward would have ended things long ago, Dean. You’re just broken. We’ll fix it.”Morrigan muttered, not sure that much damage could be fixed, but she would try and help him all he could. “Not really. You were the first person to treat me like....I was human. Sam tells me this is normal, that people fall in love with the people who are nice to them....he says I’ll find someone else.”Cas said trying to make dean feel better. “It is very disgusting, and I don’t even have to eat. Or taste food as they do, and it still makes me sick.”Cas supplied trying to distract dean a little. “....really. Though it is rare.”Morrigan said thinking it over. Sam snickered at the look on dean’s face, poking his shoulder a little. “I wouldn’t worry about it dean, if you were shooting anything but blanks, I think we would have heard about a little winchester running around by now.” Not that he thought his brother was actually sterile, but he was fairly certain it was only morrigan the eldest winchester could procreate with. teasing him about it, because it was a normal thing, a fight they usually had over dean being such a ladies man, and still not liking to discuss anything like that.
"I'm broken? no. i'm beyond repair." he scoffed, rubbing his face. "i'm so tired..." he admitted softly. "i'm so tired all the time..." he admitted before looking at Cas. "you're an angel Cas. don't think i don't know that. but your a person too. you have emotions too. your not always 'doom on God, obey his will'." he pointed out. "i...i'm sure you'll find someone who makes you very happy.." Dean managed to choke out, hating that he felt so heartbroken. he did love Cas, so much, just not the way Cas deserved. he didn't want Cas to leave but he knew, someday, Cas would because they always did. "...i do use condoms you know, Sam." Dean said, scowling at the other because, while he had been with Lisa, they had tried desperately for a baby and had failed over, and over, and over again. nearly every night they tried, sometimes more than that and he had failed and that too.... he feared he was cursed, that God hated him, that he was never meant to have his one deepest desire in life. a family that never left, that loved him and that he could love back.
“No you’re not.”She muttered sighing softly as she rested her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes, simply leaning into him. “I’m quite certain you know that I am a angel. Past experiences says you of all people, know this fact the best.”He said frowning a little as he considered the other, looking worried about him. “And you were the first to treat me like a person....and I already had him, but it seems that you have a better match then a fallen angel.”Cas teased a little, offering him that small half smile that was usually reserved for dean when Cas thought he was being ridiculous. “....I know.”Sam said frowning as he straightened a little, pausing as he handed Dean the plate of food, looking bemused. Not sure what he saw in the other’s face, but not sure he understood it either. He hadn’t meant the barb to strike to, and he could tell it had. Though he wasn’t sure why. “Hey. Eat. Then we’re going to lay by the pool, and you’re going to relax, and I’m going to read a book. And we’ll think of where we want to go next.”Morrigan muttered petting dean’s head as she ate, looking at him worried, and knowing they had to move soon. While the angels and demons couldn’t find the house, they had to know they were still somewhere in the city. They had to move, soon, otherwise they’d be putting the people here in more danger then they already were.
Dean shook is head a little but leaned into her as well, taking comfort in the contact. "i dunno. i could forget sometimes." he did forget actually, all the tim. Cas was weird but Dean always forgot that he wasn't totally human. Dean just felt more miserable when Cas admitted that he had someone he loved and knew he was talking about him and he shook his head. "i don't want to talk about this anymore..." it was just making everything worse. "...'m not hungry." he grumbled, poking at the food that had been handed to him. "i'm just going to go lay down." he decided, moving outside so he could crawl int a hammock, Luca sighing a little. "don't worry. he'll be okay." Luca hoped so anyway. "I'm sorry but i can't tell you what i learned, not without his permission. i can't break his trust like that."Luca admitted before any of them could ask him. "now... do you have anything edible in this house? no? that's okay i'll just cover my eggs in chocolate sauce and mustard." he decided, looking delighted when Lyra gagged and quickly left the room. he loved getting to her. after thousands of billions of years, it was getting more and more difficult to aggravate her.
“Not as often as you think you do.”Cas said tilting his head a little before sighing, looking equally miserable because he’d been trying to make him feel better, and it’d just made it worse. “okay, no more talking about it.”Sam said watching his brother. “Okay....”Morrigan sighed a little watching him go, glancing at luca. Raising her eyebrows but not demanding to know what he’d heard. Settling in with a book on the couch, simply letting dean have his space.

Though later, she moved out to the hammock, looking down at the man laying there, tilting her head slightly. “Dean?Can I join you?”She asked quietly, because his emotions and confusion was like a constant buzz in the back of her head, and while she was still recovering from her emotional upheavel, and dealing with what the recent attacks on her had done to her mental state, it was like a raw nerve to know he was this miserable. And she wanted to fix it. “Dean?”She muttered again, looking anxious the longer he went without answering, he was just staring at her. Not sure if he was actually awake, or was napping like Sam did sometimes with eyes wide open, or if he was just ignoring her. Starting to move away.
Dean shrugged. "i dunno... your just Cas most of the time." he admitted before nodding. glad that they wouldn't talk about it anymore.

Dean, for a long moment didn't move and then he blinked at her a little. "....Morrigan?" he asked, sounding sleep fogged and confused. "i dreamed you died..." he admitted, sounding trembly and upset. "i dreamed i killed you." he admitted, reaching for her because he was upset and he wanted to make sure she was really alive.
Morrigan smiled relieved as she realized he’d been sleeping before flinching at his words, movign closer. “Hey, hey I’m okay. I’m fine. Upset, but okay. We’re okay.”She muttered shifting, climbing into the hammock with him with a sigh, closing her eyes. Shifting to cuddle into him, needing held, and as much as that, needing to hold him.
he sighed, wrapping his arms around her. "i'm sorry. i upset you?" he guessed, grimacing at the idea even as he snuggled her as much as he could and struggling to ignore the burning need to go down to the beach bar to get drunk or to get laid. neither was conductive to his continued health and neither would actually make him feel better. it didn't stop him from desperately, desperately wanting either or both though.
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