Elf Struck(moon/lady)

Morrigan nodded a little, before shrugging.”Not just you. Or cain. Though I can feel how upset you still are....”She sighed shifting, getting comfortable and still wanting to see his face, smiling as the hammock forced them to snuggle or end up on the floor, which wasn’t a bad thing, so she was looking into bright green eyes, shadowed from years as a hunter, from inches away. “Just...everything. I was a normal girl a few weeks ago, you know. As normal as....well, as I thought I could be. Then the vampires....and you saving me....and then...this. And....can’t I just go back to being the girl who picked up the guy in the bar cause I thought he was cute?”She sighed softly, resting a hand on his chest, fingers tapping against his shirt, a nervous tic, because that’s how she’d ended up with the vampires, she’d picked up someone. And as much as she wanted to, she wasn’t sure if offering to have sex to take the edge off would help, even if she could feel just how wired he was.
He nodded. "yeah. i just... feelings are... they cling. i can't get rid of them." he admitted softly. "i hate it." he admitted, nuzzling the back of her neck before smiling as she turned to face him, gently giving her a kiss. "wish i could tell you i knew what it was like, but i grew up in this life." he admitted. "i was learning how to shoot guns when i was six. i was hunting my first vampires when i was eight. i was trained from the day Sammie was six months old to hunt and kill the things in the dark and honestly? i was never good enough." he admitted softly before smiling at her. "i wish i could make this better for you, but... i'm too selfish... i can't bring myself to ask Cas to take your memories away. i don't think Cain would let me anyway." he admitted softly. "all i can do is hold you as close as possible and hope i keeps the darkness away."
“Yea, it’s okay. Just worried about you. About how upset your feeling....”She sighed softly, shivering as he nuzzled her, before smiling into the kiss. “...Sounds like a bad way to grow up....you never got to be a kid anymore....you were just a soldier in your fathers war.”She sighed quietly, hating that, and mostly hating john winchester for doing this to his children. “You’re good. You’ve stopped how many apocalypses? Four? Dean, you literally was branded with the mark of cain, and still managed to not slaughter everyone around you. Yes, you went a little insane, joined up with crowley for awhile, but you got it under control again. You are good enough.”She sighed softly, because she knew she’d never convince him, before frowning a little. “I don’t think a angelic memory wipe would work anyways.”She muttered before shifting closer, sliding a leg over his, snuggling as close as she could. Knowing that this probably wasn’t a good idea, taking advantage of his vulnerable emotional state, but she wanted to make him forget just for a bit. “Then I better get as close as I can. And we’ll fight the darkness together. It’s what we do.”She said kissing him lightly, “CAuse I want to keep you out of the dark to.”
he shook his head. "you shouldn't worry about me... i just... i get melancholy sometimes. usually i drink it away but i'm told i'm not allowed to do that anymore." he didn't even have the energy to be annoyed by that. "what good is being a kid, when there are monsters in the dark?" he wondered. "what good is being a kid, when people die every time i take a break?" he shook his head. "the apocalypses i have ended before won't mean shit if the next one succeeds and i'm so tired. i'm so fuckin tired." he admitted softly. "some days, i almost find myself giving in, and letting him have me." not Cain, but Micheal. unfortunately, with Cain in him now, he was wholly unfit for Micheal to possess now. Cain would never permit it, and trying could kill the archangel. "sometimes, i even miss Crowley. i think that was the first time i was ever who i truly wanted to be. no responsibilities, no horrible memories, just whatever i wanted." he admitted. "i was greedy, and selfish and... and i never got to be that before and i'll probobly never get to be again." he admitted with a sigh before shivering as she pressed closer to him, feeling himself stir in all the right places. "hmm... okay." he agreed, smiling at her. "i don't much like being in the dark either, even if it doesn't hurt so much there."
"So I've noticed...but being in love makes you worry about the other person, even if they say it's fine....sorta like you worrying about me riding the bike by myself."she sighed a little."everyone deserves to be innocent sometimes, to not be forced to know everything...go know the world relies on thrm....dean..."she struggled looking so very upset because she had no comforting words for him, to make it just a little easier."....I don't think Michael wants you anymore. I mean...if he could, why would he be trying so hard to find me?it'd be easier to get you to say yes, then do whatever he wants me for."she sighed nuzzling him a little, "of course you miss crowley....it was the first time you got to have things for yourself...even when you were with lisa, you were still aware of everything else....as a demon, you werent burdened with that."he's he sighed raising a hand, cupping his face in his hand, leaning in to kiss him lightly. Shuddering a little as she felt him stir, shifting as close as she could."I won't let the dark hurt you, not anymore."she muttered, "...we should enjoy the sunsset, and look forward to night together."she muttered already in visioning trying to have sex in a hwmmock, and it just made her giggle.
"i'm sorry... i try not to be upset and stuff. it's just.. so hard." he admitted with a sigh. "usually i hjust... drink and it keeps the emotions away. i don't have any way to do that now. i have to feel them." he admitted before shrugging. "i had my year of innocence. it ended badly." he admitted with a sigh. "no. i don't think he'd risk it with Cain." he admitted. "i can't be sure but i don't think i can be possessed anymore, even with my tattoo." he admitted, indicating the devil's trap on his collarbone. "no... i wasn't... expected of anything i guess. it was nice. not having to worry about anything." he admitted before smiling at her, shuddering. "it wasn't the dark that hurt." he whispered. "it's not the shadows that make me ache." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "i like sunsets." he admitted with a smile, shuddering right back as she shifted against him. "what are you giggling about?"
I know. I wasn’t complaining, I just worry about you.”she smiled at him, “It’s better to feel them, even though it’s hard.....we’ll figure it out.”She said watching him, sighing softly. “you know, you might be right. With Cain hanging around, I doubt anyone could possess you anymore.”She muttered before tilting her head a little, “....I’ll help. Where I can. Whatever hurts you, I’ll stand as your shield, totally beat up anything or anyone.”She muttered flushing, ducking her head a little before she answered. “Trying to decide if sex in a hammock would just be a bad idea, or if the swinging motion would totally make it better.”
"i don't like feeling things." he whispered before smiling. "but... i guess... i got so good at blocking out al the bad feelings, i couldn't feel the good ones either." he mused before chuckling. "as possessive as Cain is, i doubt he'd share this body with a third person." he agreed with a smile. "...i'm not sure that should ask you to do that." he admitted softly with a smile. "after all, the person who hurts me the most is myself." he admitted. "i'm not sure you can protect me from myself." he admitted before laughing a little. "i don't know. never had sex in a hammock before." he admitted, smiling at her. "are you sure your okay for it?" he asked. "i don't want you to feel pressured just because i'm desperate for sex to drown out my emotions."
“I think you did....feeling bad is worth the good stuff to.”She muttered before nodding, agreeing that cain wouldn’t share with anyone. Frowning at him, she studying him, growling a little, so cutely protective that it was almost easy to see her puffed up like a kitten ready to defend him against anything, even if this kitten came with claws and teeth to put any cat to shame. Not that she’d use them on him, but she could protect herself, and him if she had to. Though she wanted to. “I can try.”She said before laughing at him, glad to see him smile. “A place Dean Winchester hasn’t had sex. I didn’t think miracles could happen anymore.”She teased kissing him a little before sighing, looking him over. “I’m not. I’m a adult, Dean. And horny. And have been sleeping in your bed for nearly two weeks, and it’s sorta driving me insane, you know. Waiting. I wasn’t exactly celibate before this.”She said making a face, sighing quietly. “besides....I think you should get to enjoy sex. I mean, the last time you did anything, it was cain and that....well...”She shrugged blushing a little. Fidgeting, because sex with cain still cared her some, but she was coming to love cain as much as she loved dean, and was trying to be comfortable with him to. And well....sex with dean appealed to her. "Besides. Sex in a hammock. gotta be interesting."
he chuckled a little at how angry and ferocious she seamed to get when it came to protecting him. she was so adorable, honestly. "where you a kitten in a previous life?" he couldn't resist asking. simply couldn't resist. "well, there are lots of places i've never had sex. i was a dog for a while that won't be denied but mostly it was hotel rooms or houses. i didn't have the time to get creative." he admitted with a smile. "i did have sex in the back of my last car though..." here he winced. "the poor baby... may she rest in peace." he mumbled before he smiled at her. "if it was bothering you, you should have said something. i was only reluctant because i thought you where still upset about Cain ra... forcing you." he admitted, stroking her hair. "it's been getting so much harder to resist you." he whispered. "i've never felt so desperate for someone in my entire life. not even when i was thirteen and had that crush..." he admitted. "and she let me touch her boobs even though she was like, twenty three." he admitted before grinning at her. "they where great boobs..." he examined hers. "yours are better. and real too i'd bet." he teased, smiling a little. "Sex in a hammock certainly has to be entertaining." he agreed, nuzzling her neck and laying a kiss there. "are you sure you want to? i had images of rose petals, candles and chocolate." he admitted.
“What?I’ve never been a cat. Nor do I look like one.”She said huffing, puffing up like a kitten, it was truly adorable, shoving him a little, laughing softly as the hammock swayed. “Ah. Well, maybe we should set about crossign some interesting and creative places off your list.”She teased before wincing at the idea. “You have a good car now. Good impala.”She smiled a little before nodding slightly. “I was....am. But...sex is fun. Cain still makes me nervous but....I want you. Always have. Even when I was scared.”She shrugged before sighing softly. “I didn’t want to seem like a whore just by asking for sex. Figured I’d wait and see where things went.”She muttered blushing slightly before smiling at his words, laughing out loud. “Heh. It seems no one can resist a charming Winchester. Even older woman.”she teased amused that he’d had a crush on a older woman, before flushnig, nodding. “Definitely real.”She muttered whimpering quietly as he nuzzled her neck, tilting her head back. “I do. And we can do that. Later. But right now, I think we both need something less stressful then trying a romantic sex life.”She said because there was all sorts of stress to go with setting up, waiting, wanting to get it perfect. Here, in this hammock, it was just them, and what they wanted from each other. And she wanted to help him relax. “we can enjoy the sunset out here to....and freak Sammie out by having sex in public places.”
He chuckled again, snickering at her and shook his head. "i never really had an interest in 'interesting' places. maybe you'll have to change my mind?" he teased with a grin, bending down his head to kiss her again. "hmmm. you taste mesmerizing." he admitted with a smile. "Cain says we're not like other people.... other humans. that sex is a way for us to connect on a deeper level. it's not just physical actions, it's how we tp into ourselves and each other." he admitted. "that was why you regained your mark during the... attack. because Cain connected to you on a metaphysical level and that the more we have sex, the more stable all three of us will be. the more contact we have, the better off." he pondered that. "is that why i've been having so much emotional control issues?" he asked, talking to Cain. "...maybe? you don't know... well. it might help at least." he muttered, nuzzling her. "it woul certainly explain why i always feel better when i'm holding you." he admitted with a smile before chuckling a little. "freaking Sammie out is always a bonus." he agreed with a chuckle, sliding his hands around her belly, stroking her smooth flesh with a sigh. "you feel wonderful, in my arms... like nothing can touch us."
“Hmmm, I’m sure I could.”She said looking amused as she kissed him back, shuddering, “You taste....like all my favorite things. Chocolate and whiskey, and good things.”She muttered softly, before thinking that over. Nodding a little. “It does explain why we always feel better together.”She muttered before laughing softly. “So, sex as therapy. I can get behind that.We’ll feel better...stable.”She said sounding thoughtful and interested, watching him talk to cain before nodding a little. “I bet it might be. Along with going through withdrawal.”She said before snorting, “I’m sure he’ll be freaked.”she agreed whimpering as he stroked her skin, moaning as his fingers danced over the mark, that felt good. “No, nothing can touch us here.”She muttered kissing him hard as she tugged at his shirt. Needing skin, hands sliding over his chest as she squirmed, laughing quietly as the hammock swayed. Sliding a leg over his, rocking her hips into his, just because she wanted to watch him lose that self control, to forget everything he was upset and worried about for now. Wanting nothing but them to be on his mind.
"hmm. you taste like... cream." he admitted, snuggling into her. "cream and something sweeter. vanilla maybe." not many people knew it, but Dean had a taste for cream. he hated milk, but he would drink an entire pint of heavy whipping cream in a single go if he could get away with it. he had a thing for ice-cream too. vanilla only, he'd eat himself sick on it. he wouldn't touch it if there was anything else though, no chocolate swirls, no nut chunks, it had to be straight up vanilla. "you taste... hmmm." he mumbled, sucking on her neck now because she was fantastic and tasted delicious. "Withdrawal sucks..." he didn't know exactly what would happen, but he had felt the touching edges of it before, trying to quit. it had scared him so he'd just picked up the bottle again. this time he would have to go through it, like it or not. "it's just us." he whispered, shuddering against her and stripping off his shirt for her. "mmm that feels good." he admitted, letting her lead the pace because he as lazy and didn't want to scare her. that and it was hot, the way she was taking command, his hands slid along her slender back, stroking her flesh before moving so he was sucking a hickey into her collarbone now. he was going to cover her in love bites and hickies before the deed was done.
"You have such a sweet tooth."she teased looking amused as she kissed him again.moaning as he ducked at her neck, tilting her head back to let him have more room to mark her up. Squirming, wet and hot at his touch. While she'd enjoyed sex with others it had never been like this, even with cain, it had been more potent, lust twisting her apart even if she'd been raped, it was one she'd accepted. Whimpering in need under dean's touch."it does...but we'll fill one need now. And not just to help with withdrawl. But cause I want you."she muttered before he could worry she was doing this just to help him. She was doing it because they both needed and wanted it."you're beautiful. So so beautiful."she muttered at his response and taking off his shirt, while she'd seen him naked before, this seemed different, better. Sliding her hands over his skin, tracing scars, touching, wondering at the stories, and wondering how many times he'd nearly died before she could have ever met this amazing man. Smirking when she realized he was letting her be in control, groaning as he bit at her collarbone, Lenin down to leave a similar mark on his collar bone even as she undid his belt, smirking as she slid her hands around to cup his ass, rocking her hops into his."we're wearing to many clothes."
he snorted. "Cream isn't sweet. it's thick and... and... tastes like milk is supposed to taste." he mumbled, nibbling on her sweet skin. "i hate sweets anyway, they're disgusting." he mumbled. and it was true, aside from vanilla ice-cream Dean hated sugar. he wouldn't touch pastries, cakes, pies or other desserts for the life of him. "Yeah. this feels amazing." he agreed softly. "it feels so good to touch you." he whispered with smile before blinking at her, blushing a little. "you, think so?" he asked, looking a bit shocked that she liked his appearance. "i wish i could think of word, beautiful just doesn't do you justice." he admitted softly. "i've never seen someone as amazing as you, let alone got to talk to her." he admitted with a smile before shuddering, black flames sprouting along their bodies. it didn't hrt, it wasn't even warm, all the fire did was eat away their clothes, which reappeared scattered around them, leaving them naked with fully intact clothes, making Dean snort. "...thanks Cain. that was ver helpful."
Breally?you'll have to share some with me. I've never had some....b she said looking thoughtful before smiling."ice cream and pie. Don't forget pie."she teased.flushing a little at his words as she nodded."I do. So beautiful."she muttered."now I know your teasing. "She said flushed at his opinion of her. Startling at the fire before laughjng out loud, groaning as she felt him hard and ready against her thigh."yes, cain that was perfect. Thanks."she snickered a little.

(You forgot dean has a pie obsession didn't you?xDD)
"...if i have to." he half grumbled, smiling at her. "well. yes. and pie." he agreed. "but only real pie." he huffed. "those fake pies are disgusting." he admitted kissing her again before snorting at her. "i would never tease you about how beautiful you are." he whispered. "your more beautiful than anything." he whispered. "Don't encourage him." Dean growled playfully, catching her lips in his as his hands slid down her hips, over her firm butt before sliding back up and down the other way, gently tugging on her curls before sliding his finger against the nub that was her clit.
"Only if you want to. Otherwise I'll make sam get me some."she teased a little before nodding."they are disgusting."she muttered before frowning at him a little. Embarassed that he found her beautiful."oh. Well. Then you have to believe me to...cause I wouldn't tease you about this either."she muttered. Before snorting.""he never needs any encouragement...and are you really going to complain about being naked?"she teased moaning as his hands stroked over her skin, gasping wuietly as his fingers found her clit, fingers tightly holding onto his shoulders, steadying herself a little, holding onto him like he was the last solid thing on earth as her hips bucked into his hand, rubbing both against his hand and the cock she could feel pressing against her stomach."dean!"
He smiled a little. "if i was going to share with anyone, it would be with you." he admitted, nuzzling her before smiling. "i know. i just... i'm not used to people thinking i'm... good looking i guess." he admitted."Once they see the scars they sort of get a little freaked out." he admitted before smirking at her. "yes, i am going to complain about being naked, i wanted to strip you down myself." he admitted, licking her skin. "i wanted to take my time and taste every centimeter of you. oh well. i'll have to do it next time."he decided with a grin. "oh. hmmm that feels good. keep doing that." he urged, grinning because he knew she wasn't exactly meaning to do it, rubbing his thumb more firmly while two fingers slipped inside of her and stroked around, looking for the places she liked the most. unlike most men, he knew how to find the G-spot. and unlike most people, he also knew that not every woman got pleasure from it, so he'd seek it out, see if she reacted and then explore the rest of her inner walls for any other places she might also like.
Bwell, that's good to know."she muttered shivering as he nuzzle her."yes, but I know the scars. Like here...this is cas' hand..."lot here...werewolf clasws..."she muttered quietly as her fingertips stroked over theraised and despite years of healing, still red looking skin, it'd just take time to fade, especially a angels mark."ohhhh...yes. I'll complain about that to...but next time."she agreed trembling a little at the ideawhimpering at the order, hands tightening hard enough to leave her own handprint shaped bruise on his skin as she squirmed against him. Gasping and moaning as be explored.moaning as he slide his fingers into her, eyes snapping wide as he found her g-spot, going bowstring tight as her orgasm crashed into her, bucking into him as she bit her lip bloody to silence the scream, and even as sharp nearly caw nails dug into his skin. While they werect nearly as long as cains, Morrigan had her own claws at times, slender and daint, almost like a cats, but wickedly sharp gasping as her hands bruised flesh before slumping a little, blinking at him slowly, as she rubbed aginst him, wanting him still despite a earth shattering orgasm, forcing herself to stop hurting him as soon as she realized she'd drawn blood
He grinned a little. "...yeah. that's Cas's hand. i kind of like having it there... it reminds me." he admitted softly before nodding. "yeah. and here, these are Vampire bites." he admitted, stroking his own scars. "this one here is a Wndigo. and this one if from a shapeshifter that turned into me." he admitted before chuckling. "to be honest, i don't think complaining is going to do anything." he admitted, kissing her again before groaning as she clutched him tightly enough to leave bruises. he moaned as he pressed against that place inside of her and grinned as she clawed his back apart. he didn't care if he was bleeding, that was damn hot. watching her come completely unglued. yeah, that was amazing. "you look fantastic when your coming completely apart." he whispered, shuddering against her, his cock leaving small streaks of liquid against her flesh. "i have condoms but we'll have to move and go get them." he warned. "if you trust me, i'm clean and i shoot nothing but blanks so..."
“It’s a godo reminder.That he’ll always come after you, no matter what.”She smiled a little before shifting as she watched him stroke his own skin, something soft and hurting in that look, knowing how many times he nearly died before she knew him, and how hurt he had to be, and probably had to doctor himself. “Hm, it probably wont.”She snorted amused. Trembling in aftershocks as her hands rested against his shoulders, not even really aware she was smearing blood on his skin as she held onto him, though the hold was gentle now as she looked up at him. Whimpering at the idea of him moving away, shivering at the feel of him rubbing against her. “I trust you. Always.”She said kissing him hard, clinging to him, squirming, needy.
he nodded. "he's the closest thing to a father.. a big brother, i've ever had. it's comforting to know how far he would go to save me." he admitted with a smile. "i'm still kicking his and Sam's asses. how dare they defile each other." he grumbled before huffing. "at least they're not having sex with Luca and Lyra." he grumbled, though he had no doubt Luca would happily seduce both of them at the same time.

"okay." he whispered, kissing her again and arranged them carefully, pressing himself against her lips and rubbing carefully. "are you sure?" he had to ask, because he wanted to be certain that she was willing and wanting. once she consented, he slid inside of her with a shuddering moan, arching against her because god damn that was the best ever! he waited a moment, gaining control of himself and bent his head to suck more love bites onto her neck, shoulders and chest as he slowly rocked his hips. savoring every sensation.
“I’m sure sam’ll consider sex in public places his punishment for defiling Cas.”She teased looking amused as she looked at him, before snorting. “You are adorably protective.”She teased kissing him again, smiling quietly as he rearranged them, looking amused as he rubbed against her, moaning softly as he did, whimpering as the hammock swayed a little with the motion. “Yes. Please. Dean!”She whimpered, whining softly as she wrapped a arm around his waist, wrapping her arms around him as he moved, whining quietly. Tilting her head back as the other sucked on her neck, shivering as each moment pushed her that much closer to the edge again, “D-dean!”She whimpered clinging to him, rolling her hips into his a little, holding onto him tightly, the last solid thing in her universe.
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