Elf Struck(moon/lady)

Cas nodded, not getting closer or taking offense at being growled at, simply handing over the bag before nodding. “Then I will stay in the hall and stand guard, yell if you need anything.”He said before quietly walking out again. “N-no d-d-”Morrigan stuttered a little struggling against him a little at his words, whimpreing as he cleaned her up. Going quiet as he wiped her, trembling softly but not protesting. Shivering as he dressed her, looking lost and hurt as she helped him get her dressed, relaxing a little at the scent that hit her senses. Dean. Cain. Safety. She was safe. Slumping a little as she made a face at the beer but took it. “Kay.”She muttered, sounding compliant. To hurt and brutalized to protest more then she had about getting dressed, sipping it and sighing quietly as she leaned into him a little. “Cain?”She muttered.
"Castiel..." he looked at the other. "thank you. i will not forget th help you have given me today." he promised. "i will not forget the risks you took." he assured him before gently soothing her as he wiped her clean, using the entire box of baby wipes to gently clean her, and himself. "that's right. shh. your alright." he promised her. "yes. it's Cain. it's okay. i'll protect you." he promised softly, urging her to drink at least half the can before getting her to eat one of the candy bars that Cas had in the bag, probobly snuc in b Luca or Sam. "here nibble on this. that's it. good girl." he murmured. "take your time." he urged before choking as he felt the nausea sweep over him again and staggered over to the corner to gag and heave. there was nothing left to actually puke up though so a lot of nothing really happened.
“...I didn’t do it for you, Cain.”Though in all honesty, the demon was starting to grow on him. Shivering as she heard his promise, sighing quietly. Good. Cain was there. And she could smell dean. “You two smell different...”she muttered focusing on something stupid, something so far removed from what happened, it made no sense to even be talking about it. Whining quietly about drinking the beer, but doing so. Sighing quietly as she nibbled on the snickers.”Sam has a problem with snickers....we should ask him to seek help. He’s a addict.”She muttered before stirring when she heard him through up, stumbling over to him, not quite able to walk, to hurt, to sore to be functioning well as she would be in a few days. “....Cain..we should go. You need rest and help.I can’t help you here.”She said sounding anxious and almost scared, as if she was afraid the others would come back now that he was vulnerable, even if cas was standing outside the door.
"I know. you did it for Dean. it is still not something i will forget." he admitted before he smiled at Morrigan. "different chemical composites are released depending on who has control of the body. it is what makes my eyes red, and his blue." he admitted simply. "it makes us smell different as well. i thought Deans scent might comfort you." he admitted, stroking her hair. "he does have a problem.... Dean has a worse one. him and that disgusting cream." he huffed. "there are days when i swear he's more cat than anything else." he admitted. "never give him Tuna." he warned before shaking his head. "Cas. come and take her back to the others. make sure she's safe and settled before returning to get me. you'll be teaching Dean how to move the way you do, i will not be relying on you for such ease of travel again. it's not practical." he admitted before he tensed a little. "did you hear that?" he demanded, his head tilted. there had been no sound and he jerked away from the wall wit a scream, scrambling backwards and moving to shield his face before realizing nothing was there, sweat beading at his brow and cheeks flushed and skin pasty from his fever. the AWS was really starting to kick in hard.
"Oh...I never thought of that..."she muttered looking a little shocky, zoned out even as she ducked her head so she could bury her nose in the collar of dean's shirt. Before giggling a little."he's going to have to share the cream...I want to know what it tastes like..."Morrigan said looking amused at his reaction before snorting."I feel the need to feed him tuna now."she tease, a little tipsy.enough to relax some. Cas stepped inside looking worried about separating them, before nodding slightly."indeed it is not practical and I will work with him."cas promised though he looked worried dean wouldn't be able to pick it up, but willing to try. Flinching at cain's reaction he swallowed thickly as Morrigan screamed at the idea of someone else being there, cowering between the two of them."there is no one there cain. I promise. I will return soon."he promised leaving, glad that Morrigan was tipsy enough that the flying hadn't totally freaked her out. Only a little bit. Settling her in with sam and lyra to look after her, before returning for dean.

"Dean?"he said looking worried aND upset at having had to leave him, looking around him for.
Cain smiled a little, stroking her hair. "he'll share with you and only you." he admitted with a smile. "go for it. he'd do almost anything for you. ever since he started having... Angelic genetics when the Mark separated, he' gotten almost, obsessive, about Cream and Tuna.... Pie was already a problem." he admitted with a chuckle. "Vanilla Ice-cream has also gotten fairly bad. i'm not sure if it's the Angel in hi or if he's reacting to the withdrawals or what." he admitted before he smiled at her giggles, glad she was relaxing. hopefully she would be okay. "yes... no one is here..." Cain muttered, his head turning this way and that, searching for the sounds only he could hear. had he been a normal person, he would have had to go to the hospital. Alcohol Withdrawals could get dangerous when people started having hallucinations. by the time Cas got back, Dean was in control again and he as curled up in a corner, whimpering with his eyes shut tight and his hands over his ears, shivering violently. without Morrigan to focus every ounce of his attention on, the withdrawals where hitting him hard. very hard. "go away.... go away... leave me alone... go away..."
“He would.”She smiled a little at the idea, sighing softly as the other stroked her hair, relaxing even more. “Probably a bit of both.”She muttered sighing quietly, looking worried about him as cas left. When he arrived CAs winced looking worried about him as he knelt down in front of him. “Dean, I need you to focus on me okay?”He said smoothing the slightly longer hair back from dean’s forehead, wincing at how clammy he felt. “I’m going to move you now. I know we were going to practice flying, but you can’t right now. We’re going to go get Morrigan okay?We’re going home.”he promised, resting a hand on Dean’s arm and flashing them both to dean’s room at the bunker, even if it was the home they’d made, a base of operations, he hadn’t wanted to come here before, just in case. Now , they had no other choice but to rely on the bunker’s very impressive shields, along with what him, lyra, and luca could put together. "Dean!"Morrigan stumbled out of the bed she'd been curled up in, looking worried about him, so worried that she was ignoring a protesting body who didn't want to be moving ye.t
"probobly." he agreed with a small smile. he was getting rather attached to Dean, if he was being honest. but he wasn't honest and would deny it to his dying day and beyond. Dean whimpered, clutching at Cas. "they won't stop." he whispered, sounding rather horrified. "they won't stop. make them go away! please make them go away!" he pleaded, clinging to the other, petrified, frightened and trying to hide himself in Cas's grip from the things only he could see. h didn't even sea to register what Cas was saying. "Yes. yes. Morrigan, i have to protect Morrigan." he whispered. "i can't let them gt to Morrigan..." he was sick again when they landed at the bunker, but very little actually came up. mostly it was just bile since he hadn't had anything to eat or drink since becoming ill. "Morrigan... Morrigan don't move!" Dean gasped "they're on the floor! the bugs! the bugs are all over the floor! crus them! crush them!" he demanded, stomping his feet. or trying to anyway, screaming in terror as he tried to crush bugs that weren't there.
“I’ll get you away, I promise. They wont get you.”Cas said looking worried and upset that he couldn’t help before nodding. “No, you can’t let them get morrigan.”She promised, smiling slightly at the protectiveness in the other’s face, before swallowing thickly as he winced, realizing what was going on. “Cas?”Sam looked worried as he poked his head into the room. “Sleep, Dean.”Cas said reaching out and resting a hand on his forehead. He might be unable to help with the withdrawal symptoms, but he was able to make sure that the man slept it off. Hopefully when he woke he would be readier. Swallowing thickly as he helped morrigan get dean into bed, making sure they were both resting easy after which he settled onto the chair outside the door to wait and wach over the two hurting damaged people. Also keeping the other's away for now.
Dean struggled against Cas' sleeping voodoo for all of ten seconds before he was out cold, panting and sweating, clammy and cold despite his fever, his heart racing and his blood presure up too high. it wouldn't, couldn't do lasting damage though. he woke after a day, well that was incorrect. he had woe several times but he was too delirious to make any sense. he screamed about the bugs, about all the people he had killed, about all the people he had failed to save. convinced they where haunting him, convinced they wanted to take Morrigan away. he had actually backhanded both Cas and Sam when they got too close, convinced they where dead spirits there to haunt him. only Morrigan was truly safe from his delusions. they where all glad to see Dean aware again, though still feeling miserable. "...i feel like shit..."
Sam looked relieved when he saw that Dean was aware again, looking like it’d been a sleepless night. And it had been. Only Morrigan had gotten any sleep really, and tat was mostly because Cas had put her to sleep to to sleep through the worst of her own trauma and dean’s. Having been afraid seeing dean like that would make her feel even more vulnerable and lost. Though he’d made sure she understood what he was doing, and agreed to it. She’d been forced to do enough already, the angel wasn’t going to force anything on her. And it said something to just how traumatized she was feeling that she had allowed it, instead of staying away to look after Dean. “You should. You’ve been out for a day, and when you were awake, delusional. But Cas thinks your through the worst of it, even if you’ll feel miserable for awhile.”Sam said from dean’s side of the bed, having made sure morrigan was curled up against the wall and dean’s body, the safest place for her, even if no one would hurt her to, he knew she felt better with dean between her and danger, even if dean was in no condition to defend. “You hungry?”
"Delusional?" he asked, startled before nodding. "i vaguely remember." he admitted softly. "there where bugs everywhere." he admitted, looking at him. "i think i'm over the worst of it too... as a humani'd be bed bound for a week, more like two. with Demon and Angel in my blood i might be out of bed by tomorrow." actually, he'd be well enough to et out of bed after a good dose of water and another nap. "ug... no." he admitted. "i'm not hungry at all. the thought of eating just makes me want to puke again." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at his brother. "i'm thirsty though. we have any coffee?" he asked hopefully. though he was pretty sure Cas, Luca, Sam or all of them would put their foot down and insist on water. he still wanted to go down to the kitchen, rip open his secret cache of alcohol nad guzzle it down, but it wasn't so intense he couldn't ignore it now either. "also, did you grab my bag?" he asked cas. "can you go get it?"
“Very.”Sam said wincing a little. “You got Cas all in a funk by the way. Apparently you thought his wings were full of bugs and molting....apparently this is something that freaked him out even if he could see the wings were fine. He’s downstairs grooming himself.”Sam teased, because he knew the idea of cas acting like a bird sometimes with his wings amused dean. “Good. We were hoping that would be the case.”Sam smiled a little before snorting. “You are not having coffee till later. Water.”he insisted before nodding. “Yea we got your bag.”He said before leaving to get the water and the bag, returning soon enough. Setting it on the edge of the bed before fidgeting. “also, we put Morrigan to sleep until you were feeling better. She kept freaking out, and you two seemed to feed each other.....”Sam trailed off, afraid dean would be mad at him for it, but they’d had to find something to help, even if it was as small as undisturbed sleep
Dean chuckled a little. "i'll apologize to him later." he promised. "he's cute when he gets fussy about his wings." he admitted before sulking. "can i have cream?" he asked hopefully. "and maybe some Tuna?" he muttered, licking his lips a little. he was such an overgrown cat. hedonistic to the extreme and lazy when he had the chance and extremely whiny when he didn't feel well. "she needs the rest." Dean admitted, watching her, gently stroking her hair. "after everything that's happened sleep is the best thing for her." he admitted softly before digging into his bag and pulled out the pack of cigarettes and his lighter. he didn't smoke all that much anymore, not since he'd taken up smoking, but he needed something to sooth him and cigarettes couldn't hurt him anymore, not according to Cain. since tey shred bodies, Dean was inclined to believe the Demon who couldn't lie. he checked to make sure Morrigan ouldn't be hurt by it either and was glad to find that not even Sam, with his demon blood, would be affected by the smoke.
“He is. He’s got Luca down there helping him look over the wings, make sure he really isn’t molting.”Sam snorted a little before staring at dean, sighing a little. “Okay. Just a little bit.”He promised, indeed along with the water and bag, he returned with a small glass of cream and a can of tuna. “Take it easy, don’t rush eating that.”He said setting the food and drinks on the nighstand. “She does. We thought it’d be better just to let her sleep it off till you could look after her....she didn’t want any of us to be near her.”Sam said, the pain in his eyes saying it had hurt ot see Morrigan, beautiful strong morrigan so scared of him simply because he was a moose, and big enough to hurt her even if he was mostly human. Rolling his eyes when he saw the cigarettes he didn’t say anything, knowing that between the venitlation and wards cas had set, even the smell of the smoke wouldn’t linger to badly. “You want me to wake her up?Well, have cas do it?”
"well at least Luca's making himself useful." Dean agreed with a smile. "i'm not sure that Angels can actually molt though can they?" he wondered before beaming at the sight of cream and Tuna, obediantly gulping down the water before nabbing his goodies, scowling at Sam's orders but sipping at the cream and nibbling the Tuna instead of gulping it like he normally would. "no i imagine not..." he admitted with a sigh, gently taking Sam's hand. "she'll be okay Sam. i know you feel wretched for scaring her, but it will be okay." he promised softly before enjoying his cigarette. "shut up. i have to have something." he grumbled before hesitating, examining her. "no. not yet. let her sleep for a while longer. she's still pretty exhausted."
“indeed he is, though if he keeps fondling Cas’ wings, Cas might have to invest in some lube.”Sam snickered, because he wanted Dean to think about something besides how miserable he was feeling, and well, seeing dean go overprotective on the angel’s sex life, was just sorta amusing. “And I don’t think so. He’s never molted before....but Morrigan very kindly showed him some videos of birds molting after he didn’t understand what you thought was happening....he totally freaked out. It was amusing...and saddening all at once.”Sam snickered a little, looking pleased at the other’s taking his time with the cream and tuna, before smiling as he squeezed Dean’s hand back. “I know...I hadn’t wanted to grab her, but she was damaging herself as much as you were.....I was scared she’d hurt herself....”SAm muttered hanging his head a little as he sat in his chair, hating that he’d upset her, but knowing it had been needed. Sighing quietly before nodding, looking at the exhausted looking woman, smiling a little as she shifted, snuggling closer to dean. “Okay. You should get some rest to.”
Dean instantly scowled but truth be told he rather liked the idea of Luca and Cas. he was pretty sure it was because through Cain, he knew Luca almost as well as he knew Cas and knew they where, well, kind of well suited for each other. "oh Morrigan, that was mean." Dean complained, looking very fond as he smiled at her. "Really really mean." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. he was going to make sure she got something very special for playing such a hilarious prank. "it's okay Moose." he promised, smirking at him a little. "she'll forgive you, and i'd rather her have a huge fright than her get hurt." he admitted before shaking his head. "Cream and Tuna. then rest." he mumbled, savoring every nibble and sip before settling back to sleep once his Cigarette was done. Luca poking his head in to inform Sam that Cas was all better now and asking about how Dean and Morrigan where doing.
Sam smirked a little, looking amused at how scowlly he got over the idea, before snorting. “It was mean.But she giggled herself into hysteria when he left, so I think he’ll probably forgive her.”Sam snickered a little before nodding glad dean wasn’t freaking out that he’d upset Morrigan. “True....she’ll be okay.”Sam said sounding relieved before snorting as the other settled back into sleep. Glad he was relaxing before going to inform the others how they were doing, hoping that the worst was over and when he woke, he’d be okay to look after morrigan. Settling in with cas to look up some things on angels in general. Hopefully they could find something to help.

Morrigan whimpered loudly, pale and shaken, a short scream escaping as Zepplin’s ramble on rang, cringing as she pressed as close to dean’s chest as she could as the man curled up around her. “Dean?”She muttered, startled awake despite having been put to sleep, she’d slept long enough that not even a spelled sleep could keep her down when a phone startled in the silence. cringing as she waited for whatever bad thing it was to happen.
"i bet she did. she's a prankster." he agreed with a happy little grin, very pleased that she had a moment of enjoyment to help offset the terror. "i'm sure she'll be okay." he admitted. he had to hope she would be okay. had to hope.

"easy... it's okay. it's just my crappy phone." he promised softly, feeling too tired to handle who he knew was on the other line. Ben, he had never had the heart to take Lisa and Ben out of his phone. Ben was Ramble On and Lisa was Looking for Love by Bad Company. amusingly enough, Cas had a song too, Come Sail Away by Styxx, and Sam was Bohemian Rhapsody. kind of a sick joke but oh well. he sighed and answered the phone, aware Ben was probobly going to be pissed. "Hey Ben."
Morrigan shivered in his arms, squirming closer, having been startled awake, the Adrenalin dumped into her system was making her shakey as she pressed her face against his chest. Sighing softly. “Dean?Where have you been?I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for two days now.”Ben said sounding upset and angry, definitely a boy who’d hit 16 with a vengeance, and was giving dean a run for his money as the angriest teen in existence. “...Dean?”Morrigan muttered shifting, frowning at the angry demanding she could hear on the other end, looking upset at the noise,even if the angry person wasn’t there, she was still responding to it.
"Hey. sorry, i was launching a rescue mission almost immediately after i went to save you and your mom. as much as i hate to say it, you where a distraction so i wouldn't notice they where being taken. and i spent the last... day and a half? i think? i as real sick, thought there where bugs on the floor and all kinds of nasty things." he admitted. "i'm not even sure how long i was actually out but you said two days so i'm guessing not longer than that.... i hope." he admitted. "it's a piss poor excuse but it's an explanation at least..." he admitted softly. "It's okay Morrigan. it's my s.... it's Ben." he explained softly. "he's just getting his rage out. it's to be expected after everything that i..." he grimaced a little because he had probobly been the worst thing that had ever happened to Lisa and Ben.
“You’re right, it is a piss poor excuse. Three days since you were here, dean. And no one to check on us. Did it never occur to you something would go wrong with just leaving.”Ben growled sounding upset and scared, and angry. As angry as he’d been with Dean for leaving them, for wanting to be a hunter more then what they had, he was angry with this. Angry now more then ever. “...Oh.”Morrigan muttered frowning a little as she squirmed around to face him, gently stroking his hair, comforting both herself and him. “Does he need something?” “Of course I need something. For you to stop having sex long enough to come help me with m-mom.”Here ben’s voice cracked a little, yep definitely not believing dean about going on a rescue mission, just angry enough to be lashing out and blaming the woman he could hear talking in the background.
"What the hell do you mean no one to watch you!?" Dean yelped before snarling curses under his breath about Cas slacking on the job. "dude!" Dean yelled. "i haven't had sex with a soul since i left! you think that was easy for me?! you where the best thing that ever happened to me, you and your mom." he glanced at Morrigan letting her know that he thought her the best thing to happen to him too. "i left because it was the only way to keep you safe... i thought it was the only way to keep you safe. i never imagined..." Dean's voice choked and he was on his feet, swaying before collapsing into a heaving fest of puking because he had stood up too fast and he was still sick. "Dean! you're supposed to be resting!" Luca chastised, rushing into the room. "Get off me! i have to go find Lisa!" "Dean! seriously! you're going to get sick again!" "Fuck getting sick!" Dean cured, trying to shove Luca away. "get the fuck off me!" "Morrigan! do something!" Luca pleaded. "Dean! you just puked all over yourself! you can't just run off!" Luca complained. "CAS! GET YOUR FEATHERED ASS UP HERE BEFORE I SLAUGHTER THE TWINK!" Cain snarled, hand wrapping around Luca's throat, choking him so he'd stop being annoying.
"Well no one was here, you just left us defenseless against whatever the hell happened!I don't understand what happened dean, but something did!"Ben snarled. Morrigan flinched at his words, looking away from him, not seeing the reassuring glance as she stared down. Fairly certain whatever had gone wrong was her fault."stop dean-"emorrigan begged flinching back from luca, even if she helped him get dean back to the bed, scooping up the phone he'd dropped. "Ben?"she said, going pale as the boy snarled at her and hung up."I'm trying!dean!"Morriganyelled dropping the phone as she reached for him."Bens with lisa. I know where lisa is."though she knew it wasn't going to help when she told him what had happened. "Dean?"cas looked upset and confused as he appeared, looking at the man, starting to reach out to calm him, but stopping short, knowing he wouldn't like being put to sleep again."dean, calm do2n. Please."Morrigan begged looking scared and upset, starting to panic herself, even if she trusted dean not to hurt her, he was still scaring her.
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