Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"I'm sorry Ben! i did what i could. i can't stop everything!" Dean protested, sounding so close to tears. "i can't be everywhere! i can't do everything!" he admitted before snarling at them all, Cain strangling Luca who didn't seam too worried about it, touching his fingertips to Dean's temple, forcing Cain back, not that Dean was much better but at east Dean stopped strangling Luca. "I have to get to Ben!" Dean snarled at Cas. "something happened! Lisa's hurt or sick, you where supposed to be watching her!" he accused. "you said you would watch and protect her! was that all a lie!?" he demanded, punching eakly at Cas's chest. "You swore! and now they where kidnapped and tortured and now something else has happened and you PROMISED me!" he said, weeping now because this was all too much, he couldn't do all of this, he couldn't save the world, protect his mate and protect his e lover and the boy he thought of as a son all at the same time. it was impossible even for a man thrice his age. hell, Angels couldn't even do that! "Just take me to Ben." he ordered, tears glittering down his face. "Do it now, or i will never forgive you."
"N-,o, it wasnt. I was watching them....I didnt..."Cas muttered.Cas paled himself looking shaken and confused, because he had been looking in on them. They'd been fine. He had no idea what was going on, but he had a feeling he'd done something so stupid that it'd go under the list of number one things he'd done wrong, including the time he'd tried to be god. Nodding a little he reached out, touching dean's arm as he transported them to where he could feel lisa and ben. Looking confused when they arrived at the house. Looking around as he tried to figure out what had gone wrong. "Dean!thank god."Ben looked close to collapsing despite the anher he'd been towing around at the man, the nearly as tall as dean teen hugged dean tightly, clinging to him."I don't know what's wrong but there's something. She was acting weird, but I thought it was just cause of what happened, then suddenly she just collapsed. We-we can't wake her up, and the doctors said that all that's left of her brain is basic functions and,and your still listed as medical proxy, and I don't know what to do dean."
Dean staggered, nearly collapsing again when they appeared, it was only Ben's hug that kept him upright. "hey Ben. sorry." he said softly before tensing in the others arms. "hey. hey calm down okay? we'll figure this out. Ben? this is Castiel. he's an Angel... i'll explain later." he promised. "i want you to stay close to him. if there's any danger, you get him out of here." he ordered Cas firmly. "excuse me a moment. i have to go puke." he informed Ben, staggering over to some bushes to be ill again. maybe drinking cream and eating Tuna hadn't been the smartest of ideas but, ah well, it was worth it. with that done, he headed for the house, entirely unaware of how he looked. pale and rather thin, dark bags under his eyes and covered in scratches when he'd tried to claw the bugs off of him in his delusional sleep. he looked like he'd gone one on one with a hell cat and lost. "Hello? i'm Dean winchester." Dean informed the doctor. "I've been sick." he explained, no doubt the doctor would recognize the alcohol withdrawal symptoms. "whats going on?"
Ben looked shocked when he got a good look at the man. Indeed startled to realize he really had been since."okay. We'll figure it out."he muttered calming because it looked like dean needed him to be, looking at cas with a skeptical look. "The friend you told us about?I thought he went away."he said looking interested even though he had other worries. "I did. Now I'm back."Cas said before nodding at dean."go. I'll look after him."he promised. If it was the last thing he did, he wouldn't fail dean again. Flinching as dean got sick, h3 sighed quietly, wanting so badly to fix it even though he coulent. The doctor looked him over, frowning slightly. WEELL That EXPLAINED Why They Hadn't Been Able To Get Ahold Of him."doctor Eliza colt."the woman tilTed her head as she studied him. Before looking at lisa, who looked perfectly normal, except she was in a coma. "We're not quite sure. From all indications she was healthy and fine, but two days ago her son drove her into the er for collapsing while fixing dinner. We cant find any causes, but her....her brain is gone...burned out. I've never seen anything like it, and I've been a neurosurgeon for 10 years."
Dean nodded. "yeah. the one that saved me from dying." he agreed. "he came back when.... when the bad things happened and i made you forget." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "my brother came back too actually. the asshole. he never called me so he was doing dangerous things and i had no idea he was even alive... i'll explain that later too." he promised. "Just collapsed?" he asked, frowning a little as he gently took Lisa's hand, hating how cold and limp it was and hating how horrible he felt, loving her and loving Morrigan at the same time. it was pretty fucked up he supposed. it baffled him that the two could just sit down for dinner after being attacked and witnessing the full blooded slaughter he had unleashed. "Never?" he asked, looking baffled. "so it's not just a virus or a flu or something? if, you don't mind... Lisa was very religious. a friend of the family, a priest, is outside with Ben, would it be alright if he came in and prayed for her? i think it would make Ben, and her, feel better." not exactly the truth but he couldn't tell the woman 'i want my angel to check her for demon tricks' without being landed in the hospital himself.
Ben nodded looking worried but better now that dean was there. Dean could fix things, he always had. "Indeed. She came jn like this, no response and no change no matter what tests or procedures we did. So we moved her home when it was obvious the hospital was just upsetting ben.Belize said, saying without really saying it, they'd sent home to die, and for Ben to come to terms with it."never. And no virus or flu I know of who shut down a perfectly healthy body so soon."the doctor nodded at his request. "Yes. Of course. I'll wait outside....but there my be a officer here to speak to you soon. The police have some questions about this, you might be able to help."the doctor said stepping out to send cas in. Cas paled when he stepped in, eyes glazed slightly as he considered her, trembling a little."i...I am sorry dean. I have made a unforgivable mistake..."he said sounding close to tears as he stared at lisa. Knowing what was wrkng, and why it had been done. And he felt like a fool. Dean would never speak to him again for this
"..." Dean had to struggle not to beat her face in for that. bringing her home to be 'comfortable' was the act of piss poor doctors who didn't know what else to do. they had brought her home to die and he hated them so much for that. he didn't say anything, or do anything. he just sat there and held her hand. "Thank you." he whispered, glancing at her. the misery in him clear to see. "....Lucifer... or Belial did this..." Dean whispered, baring his teeth, letting the longer cat like canines show in a snarl. "i will make them pay for this." he hissed before sighing, forcing himself to calm down. "i don't understand how this could have happened.." Dean whispered. "your protections never failed before..." he whispered, stroking her hair and examining the Devil Trap he had talked her into getting. it wouldn't stop high level demons though, and if she accepted them it wouldn't do shit either. "why are the police here?" Dean asked, sounding so very tired "do they think she was attacked?" Dean asked, lip trembling. "i wish i had never left." he admitted, stroking her face before he began to cry because she was going to die and they all knew it. there was nothing left to save.
“Yes. They did.”cas muttered looking around teh room, shivering a little at the hiss “We’ll make sure they pay.”He promised flinching a little at that. Because he hadn’t considered hiding lisa and ben as well as he had the boys, hadn’t inscribed the sigils into their ribs to hide them like he dean and ben. Had considered them hidden and safe, and when it all had collapsed, between then and now, he’d been so upset and busy, that he hadn’t even considered hiding them like this. And now he knew that this was his fault. Watching Dean stroke her wrist where the tattoo was, he swallowed hard. Glad the doctor wasn’t here to hear, otherwise this would be a horrible conversation. “I....I know how it happened.”he said his voice sounding soft and trembly, before nodding. “Apparently Lucifer took her for a joy ride before he burned her out.”He muttered not moving closer, as much as he wanted to comfort the other, he didn’t feel like he had the right to do so, when he failed so badly. “He changed everything, for you. You stand to get the house, money, custody of ben....anything that could be used to be a motive. Is directed at you. Only thing that’s keeping you out of cuffs is that it’s obvious you are in no shape to do anything, and that they have no medical explanation for this.”Cas said, having talked to the cops waiting downstairs
"that bastard.... who knows hat he made her do...." he whispered miserably. "So they think i killed her to gain everything... makes sense i guess." he admitted, gently opening her hand and pressing her cold skin against his cheek. "wait... i have custody of Ben!?" he asked, sounding stunned. "that's... i don't know how to take care of a teenager!" he protested. "i can't keep him safe!" he gasped, feeling the panic set in. "i'm going to be sick again..." Dean groaned, staggering out of the room, brushing past the police and into the bathroom to be ill again. he was never going to so much as sniff a beer again. ever.
“I’m sure we’re never going to want to know everything he did.”Cas muttered shuddering a litlt before nodding. “You do. And probably exactly why Lucifer set you up. He’s going to make it seem like your going to lose everything, and it will be your fault. Unless you give him morrigan. But you w....”Cas trailed off, sighing softly as dean left. Shaking his head as the other threw up, wanting to do more. Frowning slightly when he heard the door opening and closing, pausing, tensing as he saw the demon walking up the stairs. Well. It was probably a good thing thath Dean was to sick to deal with the scotsman walking up the stairs. “Gentlemen. Tracking you two is like trying to collar a hellhound.”Crowley said as he stopped at the top of the stairs, ignoring the angel who looked ready to smack him down, as he studied the bathroom door. “Winchester, you’re free to go. With the rugrat. The kind cops downstairs have decided you’re not worth their time. But there is the problem of ms. Braeden.”Crowley said sounding thoughtful, because he knew what lucifer had done. Had burned lisa out to the perfect point where she wouldn’t wake on her own, or ever, but not enough to die yet..... Lucifer was going to force dean to pull the plug, kicking off the self hate punishment lucifer wanted to break him with, so he could get to morrigan again
"i'm sure." he whispered before shaking his head, snaring at the mention of Morrigan. he had left her alone! shit! he was too busy puking to actually do anything about it at the moment but that was okay. Sam could protect Morrigan for now. he snarled even louder at the sound of Crowly and once he had finished heaving he slammed out of the door and landed on top of him, fists swinging because he was too weak to do any of his kickass Angel or Demon skills. instead he just wailed on the Demon, not that his punches did any real good. "I'll kill you! i'll fuckin Kill you, you bastard! i'll make what i did to micheal look like a scratch when i'm finished with you!" Dean hissed, struggling to keep going. but he was so tired, his entire body was shaking. he knew why the cops had let him go. Ben had probobly told them that they hadn't seen Dean in over a year. the doctor had told them that he was a recovring alcoholic. it wasn't hard to put the pieces together. Dean was kicked out for drinking too much but the woman loved him enough to hope Dean would be good for her, or their, son. in the police minds, the woman had probobly known she was sick and simply hadn't told anyone. in the police minds, everything made snse, but Dean knew better, knew somehow it was all crowleys fault, in his convoluted, grief stricken mind, he as laying it all on the demon of the crossroads simply because he was there. Dean just couldn't hit him anymore and he curled up on the floor, sobbing and broken because in the end he knew. it was all his fualt.
Crowlry, if anything looked amused at being weakly wailed on. Which he probably was, considering he was used to a dean winchester who slugged him hard enough to 0ut him on his ass. Shifting to make the man back off he held him off, shaking his head a little."if you must. But I came to see why the hell hounds I left where dead. And to check in with you when I discovered you weren't here."crowley made a face. "You enter to the bunker?" "Unfortunately."crowley said making a slight snarl as he remembered that encounter. Not even sams reassurancez had been enough to calm morrigan, and he had no doubt dean would try and kick his ass again when he discovered just how upset Morrigan had been at his appearance. "Dean...has glared at crowley as the man simply moved through the house investigating things himself as cas took care of dean. "...."he didn't want to say it, even if it was the only thing to do."...dean...we need to say our goodbyes....lucifer could be on his way back..."he said because he didn't dobut the demon king would stick around to witness the harm he'd done."and you need to be in bed."
"you... left hounds here?" Dean asked, looking stunned. Crowley had been protecting Lisa and Ben? that was... kind of sweet. "You where near Morrigan." he snarled, feeling his anger peek again. he knew it as unusual, even for him, he figured the rag and irritability where only made worse by the withdrawals. He ignored Crowley as the man wandered off and shook his head as Cas spoke. "No! No! we are not leaving her here!" Dean snarled, fighting against Cas. "there's a chance she could survive! there's a chance! i won't let you take her away before we even try!" he fought, he struggled, he scratched and hissed and tried to fight back but there was nothing he could do so he just needed up crying into Cas's chest. "...she... we have to let her go... don't we? she won't ever recover and with her body the way it is, sh could be possessed again..." he whispered, sounding so heart sick and aweful. "Ben will never forgive me for this."
"I did. I assumed that they could use some protection, and it would have held, if it'd been anyone else attacking them.b crowley winced a little because lucifer had created the hounds, he could make them simply step aside if he wished. It showed great loyalty to crowley himself that they'd died rather then step aside for their king."I was. Cute girl."crowley said smirking a little at how very angry dean was with him, because it was a rarity he didnt have to fear him when he was like this. At the moment he was all bark and no bite."dean...we have to."Cas said his heart breaking after doing this to dean, wrapping his arms around the other, stroking his back before nodding."yes we do....lucifer knew what he was doing. He knew how to hurt you the most....and that's by making you make this choice. Because there is no choice. I can't heal here, and leaving her us just asking for lucifer to come back."he shuddered a little before wincing."no probably not. But you're all he has now....we should get him. ..so you both can say goodbye...."Cas muttered not about to admit he knew lisa was already gone, that a reaper had already seen to it. That would just hurt the other to badly
Dean snarled and swiped at Crowley with his long talons but it was a weak swipe and missed by a mile, not that Dean hadn't truly anted to rip Crowley's face off, he just didn't have the strength to do it. "I don't want to." Dean whispered to Cas. "i don't want to. just this one time i want to be selfish..." he whispered, hiccuping from the force of his tears. "i'll kill him Cas.... i'll kill him dead." he whispered, sniffling a little because he was just too miserable to restrain his emotions. "Go get Ben." he mumbled, getting to his feet and heading after Lisa, stunned to find her dead and collapsed net to her, weeping against her because she was dead and he didn't know how to handle that. the need to drink burning like fire in the back of his brain, only the fact that there was nothing to drink kept him where he was.
"I know dean, I know. And if I could give her back to you, I would. But I cant. Not even a deal with crowley would do that."Cas said before nodding."okay I'll get ben."he muttered standing, glaring at the demon walking up the stairs after ben, knowing crowley had been listening to them. "D-dean?"ben sniffled eyes wide and scared, upset as knelt next to dean, sniffling as he said his goodbyes. Looking up when he heard cas talking to the doctor about what would happen next. And considering how easily she was going to let them leave lisa. Stepping back in, cas looked just as bad, looking lost and guilty, hating he'd screwed up so badly."dean."theangel muttered quietly
"I know." Dean whispered softly. "i'm beating the hell out of Crowley when i'm not so sick." Dean arned Cas, watching the other leave before looking up at Ben. "she's gone... i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." he whispered, his lip trembling because he was such a fuck up. "....n... i just.. i need a little bit more time." Dean said, gently tucking Lisa's hair out of her face. "she wanted to be Cremated... i have to arrange that. and. and a f-funeral. a normal one. i have to make sure she gets a Funeral." he whispered, sounding so broken. "she, she deserves to have a funeral." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "and i need... i need a few hours with Ben. he deserves to know. know everything."
"I think you should. He deserves it most days."he smirked a little at the idea of the demon lord getting his ass kicked, even if he'd done a good thing and set guards. Bens eyes went wide and tears filled them as he sobbed, trembling a little. But not saying anything."okay. We'll have a regular one. Don't worry take your time. We'll see that things get done."he promised, though it w as making the angel fidget staying out in the open. "And I'll call sam. Tell him were staying for awhile, for the funeral, and so you two can talk."cas muttered stepping outside to do that. Looking a little sick himself at having to make the call.
"Yeah. she deserves to have a normal funeral." he whispered before nodding. "just... just for a while." he mumbled. "once i have her cremation arranged, i can set everything else up from the bunker." he admitted softly before watching Cas leave and looking at Ben. "i'm..." he swallowed thckly and started talking. he told Ben about baby Sam and the Winchester parents and told Ben about his childhood being raised to be the perfect soldier. he told Ben about hunting demons and monsters and how he had dragged Sam into it because he was a selfish, bitter ass. he told him about his father dying, explained how it had almost been a relief. explained about Sam being part Demon and how he had died, how Sam ad died, how Cas had died. he explained everything he could, just talking because he had to, to fill the emptiness. he ended, explaining about Morrigan and Cain, Luca and Lyra and how they where all connected to each other and how Lucifer had kidnapped Morrigan and he and Micheal had taken turns raping her and he cried, explaining how he felt like a failure for being unable to protect anyone no matter how hard he tried. explained everything he could because he needed Ben to understand, because if Ben was going to come with them, then Ben needed to be prepared.
That evening cas returned, looking battered and tired as he looked at the two."dean? I spoke to the man at the funeral home. He is going to take her tonight and see to the cremation, and said you can either have a memorial for her friends and bury the ashses, or we can scatter them, or take thrm with us l....but I think you need to get some rest dean. Both of you."cas muttered studying the half slumped ben, who was nearly asleep kneeling upright, watching the two sadly. Not about to tell dean about the mess he'd left back at the bunker, he'd discover that soon enough.
"thanks Cas." Dean croaked. he'd stopped talking a wile ago and neither of them had made a sound since, just sitting there, watching Lisa. "we'll scatter them." he admitted softly. "she... she wanted to be scattered over the lake." he admitted, looking at Ben. "it... it might help us feel better.... set her free." he admitted. gently taking her hand and kissing the cold knuckles before forcing himself to his feet, his entire body aching and sore. "yeah... yeah Ben needs to get some sleep." Dean agreed softly. "Ben? Buddy. you need to wake up." Dean said, gently shaking the others shoulder. "come on... lets... lets go get some sleep. it's not safe here."
"Okay. The lake it is."cas smiled gently before reaching out to take dean's elbow, bracing the man as he got up. "Huh?"Ben looked up at them sleepy and sore before nodding as he blinked slowly. Staggering to his feet. "Let's get you two home."cas muttered touching both their shoulders before transferring them home, wincing a little at the sight that greet them. It looked like a tornado had scattered everything around, though anything irreplaceable or rare hadnt been touched, and the fact that it was just sam and lyra cleaning up, slowly at that, said everyone who'd been left behind was just as exhausted and mentally worn out. Sam quirk ed a small smile at the sight of ben looking around the bunker in almost tired awe, before wincing as he got a good look at dean."hey de an. You look ready to sleep."he said moving towards the other,getting ready to shuffle him into bed without answering anything. Hopefully dean would let him do it.
"thanks Cas..." Dean whispered before looking around at the bunker, blinking a little. "did you try to kill Crowley?" he wondered, looking around, too tired to actually care. "Yeah... sleep..." he agreed, looking at Ben. "Ben. this is Sm. he'll get you set up in a room okay?" he asked. "and this is Lyra. she's fine to talk to. don't talk to Luca. he'll make your head explode." he admitted before shuffling off, trusting Sam to take care of things. "Morrigan?" Dean asked, hesitating at the doorway. as if worried she was going to hate him for still loving Lisa. for loosing Lisa. for bringing Ben back. for existing.
"Sorta?Morrigan did."well, that was better then telling him Morrigan had tried to leave and only crowleyvs arrival had stopped her from doing so."hey ben." "Sam. I remember....okay..."Ben muttered flinching a little at the reminder dean had someone else before shuffling after sam as the man directed him towards a room gently. Morrigan stirred f om under the pileadership of blankets sam and buried her under, though there was a suitcase of her things siting at the end of the bed on the floor, hastily thrown together, she had so tried to leave."d-dean?"Morrigan shuffled around to look at him, squirming out from under the blankets to look up at him with wide sad eyes, stumbling, still stiff and achy herself as she moved towards him
"...Did that bastard hurt her?" he demanded before shaking his head and focused on Ben. "i'm sorry. i'm just terrible at this." he admitted to the boy he had always thought of as his son. "we'll sit down in the morning, after we've got some sleep and talk together. your well old enough to have a choice and a chance to make your own decisions." he admitted before heading off to bed himself. "...Morrigan?" he asked, blinking at the suitcase, feeling Cain Stir sluggishly in rage that she had been planning to leave but Dean soothed the Demon. she had been attacked, raped and they had left to check on another woman, of course she had reacted in such a manner. Cain still didn't like it, but he subsided. "you look ill, are you feeling okay?" Dean asked, hesitantly moving into the room. not wanting to upset her anymore than he already had.
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