Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"i probobly won't. i have a feeling it's going to be Sam who gives it to me." he admitted. "well. no. i don't want to hurt her but i always seam to... i'm really terrible at all of this." he admitted. "well. i don't know if "feel bad" is the words i would use. Cain more seams to 'mildly regret' it... he's not exactly Sane..." Dean admitted. "he's a lot better though, with everyone connected to each other again, he's settling down. not nearly so psychotic." he admitted before trying to sputter denials and failing because, honestly, Ben was probobly the only one who wouldn't just try to placate him. "...well i'll be honst with you, i'm not sure what Trigonometry is, but if your failing then it's a terrible thing. smart as you are, i'm going to assume it's the Teachers fault and get you a different one..." he paused. "Sam a teacher... why does that thought scare me?" he wondered.

he gasped as he was slapped, setting a hand to the side of his face, bleeding sluggishly. since they had been made by Morrigan, they would not heal the same way his other injuries tended to. he stared at her, wide eyed and almost frightened. hating himself, so much for frightening her, for being too weak to stop Cain, for being too much of a shit person to be able to do anything to help. Hating himself, so much, for so much. "...we should all go back to the bunker." Dean finally said, his voice oddly bereft of emotion. withdrawing inside of himself because he couldn't handle this.
"Well, consider that your punishment for being a pervert. No hot nurse for you."Ben snickered a little before frowning, thinking that over.b you are errible at it, but you try your best. I think that's all anyone can ask."he said before nodding at the idea of cain, but letting it go. Because that sorta scared him really, he remembered seeing cain. Smirking a little at dean's failed protests he grinned."it's graphs and stuff like that. High level math....abd probably cause he'll probably reward me with a beer or something when I get something right."

Morrigan trembled, watching them but not lashing out again when he didn't move toward her again."w-where's dean?he left?"she said looking around her, when she was lost, she never could find him, even if he was right in front of her. "Yea...cas. get her out of her."sam said watching the angel flash to morrigan side, wincing at her howl of protest as the two vanished. Looking at dean he winced a little."sorry...I didnt....I'm sorry. I hadn't thought to warn you...."sam sighed looking exhausted and guilty as he realized he'd hurt two people he cared about, looking up as cas rejoined them."I put her in your room. She's calming some, but I wouldn't try seeing her just yet."cas said to dean as he transported them all back to the bunker.
"well... to be honest i'm not much of a pervert." he admitted. "i was using sex as an escape to be sure but i was never very creative." he admitted with a chuckle. "your mom actually taught me a lot about... you know... things. i really shouldn't be telling you this." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "you know what? that actually makes me feel better." he admitted to Ben with a smile before choking. "you better turn him down!" he ordered. his son was NOT drinking ever! it was hypocritical but he didn't give a damn!

"I'm right here, Morrigan it's okay, i'm right here." Dean tried, shaken by being struck so suddenly but wanting to help her. "No... no it's okay. i've been expecting it." he admitted to Sam, touching his scratched cheek with a wince. while he had been expecting flashbacks he had never thought she might turn on him like that. he didn't blame her. not at all. still, he'd be keeping out of her way for a little while. he was just going to make everything so much worse.
"Ah!Dean!No. If I hear one more thing about her being a yoga instructor, I’m gonna scream.”Ben scowled, proving that teens had a one track mind, even if it involved their friends parents. “No, you probably shouldn’t. But it’s amusing that you are.”Ben snickered a little before nodding. “Good.”He said glad the other felt better before snickering, “If you insist, I’ll turn him down.”no that he actually believed sam’d offer him a beer. Maybe candy though.

Morrigan frowned, as if she could hear him, but not sure. Watching the empty space where woman and angel had been, sam sighed softly. “I know, but I forgot to warn you that she’s violent....at least you know she’s defending herself.”Sam muttered looking at Dean as he touched his cheek. “It’s all jumbled up for her....she can’t recognize cain, michael or lucifer when she’s like this....it’s like she’s seeing them all.”Sam sighed softly. “Just let her calm down now, and next time, make sure she can see you, or make sure she actually hears you approaching before you touch her, she seems to be okay when we do.”Sam sighed softly, shaking his head a little as they got back to the bunker, knowing nothing he could say now, would make dean feel better. Setting about helping lyra make dinner.

Later cas sighed sotly as he looked up from his book, looking concerned as he saw the exhausted looking man stumbling into the room. “You should be resting, dean.”he said setting the book down and getting up, looking ready to escort him back to bed.
he snorted a little. "remind me to go find your friends and beat them up." he offered the other. "and remind me to buy you a phone so you can stay in touch with them." he muttered. "and you need more cloths. i can see your ankles... i don't remember you being this big." being that he'd never been around Teens before, Dean had no idea how fast they could grow. he and Sam had hit their growth spurts at the same time really, Dean late and Sam early, so he didn't even have himself or his brother to compare. "i should teach you to shoot too. not because i want you to hunt, but because a boy your age should learn how to properly handle firearms." he admitted. "especially with so many laying around all the time.

"she can't recognize me either apparently..." Dean mumbled. "she is fighting back. i'm glad for that at least." he admitted, his voice trembling a little. "i'll remember that. thanks Sam." Dean mumbled, still strangely withdrawn.

"...Can i stay with you tonight?" Dean whispered. he had tried to go to Morrigan again and she had freaked out no matter that he had announced his presence first so he was really feeling a bit shattered. it didn't help that he'd had a nightmare before he tried to go see her so he was feeling very needy, desperate and he didn't wait for an answer before he crawled into bed with Cas and tucked himself tightly against the other. he was freezing, Dean was. the withdrawals, and the shock and depression was making him dangerously close to implosion.
“nah, it’s okay. I just don’t want to hear more about it.”Ben made a face before snickering slightly, nodding. “Okay....and it happens. Mom...”He cleared his throat a little. “Mom said I was hitting my last growth spurt. Sorta have been adding inches for months now.”he said before nodding. “I’d like that”.

“No....but she will. She’ll come out of it, dean.”Sam muttered looking worried for him, upset and scared for how withdrawn he was. “You’re welcome.”he muttered.

“...Huh?”Cas blinked slightly, surprised at the request before nodding. “Of course.”He said going quiet as he looked the other over, sighing quietly as he shifted, wrapping his arms around the other, drawing the blanket up more, afraid the other was going into shock. Rubbing his back as he wrapped his arms around dean. Guessing what had happened, he pressed a kiss to the other’s forehead. “It’s only been a few days, Dean. For you both. It’s been a brutal few days....I know....it doesn’t help. But...for as badly as she could be, this is one of the less severe reactions.”She could have shattered, a gibbering mess. Died. Gone mad, her mind as broken as lucifer and michael had left her body. “It took her most of a day to calm down when Sam scared her this badly....it’s not just you, dean. I promise. She’s scared of us all.”Cas said trying to make him feel better, to know it wasn’t dean- or cain- as much as it was simply her dealing with things. Afraid, neither of them would recover from this.a
Dean snuggled into Cas as much as he could, trembling against him. "i'm so numb..." he whispered. "it's like i can't feel anything at all... so numb." he mumbled, pressing his face into Cas. "please... i don't wont to be numb anymore. i'm so cold..." he mumbled, looking up at the other. "she doesn't want me." Bond shock maybe? she had refused him and him and his instincts where taking it as a rejection? it was hard to be sure and without Luca there, impossible to know. being so cold, it was a sign that Dean was suffering somehow, more than just common depression, anxiety and alcohol withdrawal. "she doesn't want me..." he whispered before he looked up at Cas. clinging to him. "do you still want me Cas? am i still good? i'm still good right?"
“I think you’re going into shock, dean.”Cas muttered sounding worried and scared, and wondering if it was indeed the bond shock. That because she couldn’t see him, refused to see him, dean and cain had taken it as a rejection. Knowing he couldn’t force Morrigan to see Dean, not when it would damage them both, looking down at the other. Eyes wide and confused, not sure what the other was asking, almost knowing, and scared to take advantage but....”I do. Always. Even when I like Luca, you are my Dean. Even if I have to share. Always so good.”cas muttered kissing him, not able to not to, not when Dean looked so desperate for some reassurance. Sure his friend would regret it later, but right now.....sighing as he closed his eyes, kissing the other, cupping his face in his arms, holding him ever so gently, like he thought the man would break.
Dean shook his head but didn't actually say anything. "You like Luca?" Dean asked, sounding baffled by the idea. granted, he and Cain had memories of Luca and even as Dean, Luca was grating and frustrating to deal with, so Dean had trouble understanding how someone like Cas could like Luca in the first place. "okay." Dean whispered, letting Cas kiss him because Cas was so warm, and it felt so very nice, kissing him back now because for the moment, he didn't remember that he wasn't sexually attracted to men. Cas wasn't a man anyway so it didn't really matter right? "You're so warm, Cas. please. i'm so cold." Dean whispered, not fully aware of what he was asking for, but despite what Cas would think, Dean wouldn't regret it in the morning. how could he when he knew Cas wanted this so desperately? that was why, in his grief and shock, Dean had gone to Cas and not to any of the others. because only Cas could make him warm again.
“hm, maybe. He’s entertaining. And he told me angels don’t molt, no matter what Morrigan tried to convince me.”Cas said sulking a little, looking amused at dean’s bafflement. “And I think Sammie’s got a thing for Lyra.”He teased, mostly because he could. Sighing softly as he kissed the other, shivering a little at how cold the other was. Nudging him a little with his nose, nuzzling him as he cupped the others ass in his hands, tugging him closer. “I will, I promise I’ll warm you up.”he muttered snuggling close giving into a desperate need to have dean, groping him, slowly undressing the other. Doing everything and anything he wanted, simply because the other was letting him. And ever so gentle with dean,careful to make sure the other was ready. Taking his time and enjoying it, because he knew this was probably the only time it’d happen, and he was going to make sure they both enjoyed it.

In the morning, Cas was cuddled into dean’s side, the slightly taller man spooning the smaller hunter, frowning a little when he heard the insistent knocking on the door. “Wake up you two!Now.”Sam snarled, sounding truly upset on the other side of the door, but refraining from opening it, because he could smell sex on the air, and he had no desire to confirm what had happened behind that closed door beyond informing them of what he’d discovered.
"well no, i don't think they do. Angels aren't birds after all. he agreed. "Sam and Lyra?.... i can see it." he decided. too lost in shock to care that Sam was having his innocence soiled. then all he could think of was how good he felt and how warm he was. Cas was so warm so very warm and it felt so, so good. he gasped and moaned and shuddered and by the time he orgasmed, he felt warm again and no longer wondered if he should see if he could fly up until he passed out from lack of air and see if the resulting fall would kill him.

"...Sam?" Dean asked, sounding sluggish and confused because he wasn't sure what had happened and he flushed as he started to remember. "oh my god...." he looked at Cas, wide eyed and stunned, but he didn't look like he was going to start screaming or hitting. "okay. so that happened..." he flushed harder and glanced at him. "...thanks... that... i'm not sure what would have happened if you... i wasn't... in a good place." he admitted before grimacing. "Morrigan is going to castrate me."
“Yea I know.she still took glee in showing it to me....if she hadn’t been so happy about it, I might be more upset.”Cas grumbled, though the small smile that quirked his lips said he hadn’t minded the prank as much as he pretended.

“yea. Get up. Now.”Sam growled though he stopped pounding on the door now that he was aware that the other two were awake. Cas whined, grumbling a little as he nuzzled his face against dean’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to the newly healed bite mark, the scar he’d left, not even realizing he’d covered a dainter, deeper teeth mark scar with his own. Oh yea, Morrigan....or cain....was going to casterate them for daring to rid dean of the mark she’d left behind, the only claim that was truly hers on him, and not the mark of cain. The mark was something that was fate, that mark, had been them. And now, it was gone, not even realized it’d been ruined really. “Yea...it did.”Cas flushed looking at him, shifting away. Watching the other for a long moment before smiling softly. “I know. I’m glad I could help....even if Morrigan is going to kill us both.”he muttered leaning in to press a kiss to dean’s forehead before getting up to retrieve their clothes, handing dean his and dressing before opening the door.

“What is it?” “....”Sam winced as he glanced into the room, he hadn’t thought she’d be in here, but he’d hoped. Dammit, just what they needed. The fact that neither lyra or luca could find her beyond knowing that she was okay, if upset and sad, didn’t bode well. “....So.”Sam swallowed hard, he so didn’t want to be the one to tell them. “....Morrigan’s not here. Anywhere. Me and Lyra already searched the bunker. The impala’s gone.”Which, she probably had taken simply because it was the only car that was currently running in the bunker’s garage. They had several, but the impala was the only one that ran with any reliablity, so she’d taken it, rather then risk breaking down somewhere. "Lyra can't locate her."He saidm which meant that in all likehood, they'd have to search the old fashioned way, somehow, morrigan was blocking them all from finding her.
Dean winced as he moved. wow, his ass hurt. it wasn't a bad hurt but it as certainly something he wasn't used to... was he gay now? was that how it worked? he grimaced as he realized Cas had bitten him, possessive bastard. then he realized where Cas had bitten him and he cringed violently as Cain started a scathing chastisement. "well what did you expect me to do we where dying! Cas was warm!" Dean finall snapped at Cain. "Morrigan won't hold it against us for too long, i hope." he admitted with a sigh before looking at Cas. "it was emotion i needed. i guess. i needed someone who loved me like Morrigan did to cut through the, what did you call it Cain? Bond Shock." he shook his head. "i can't remember what she said when i went to her but she made me... us, think she didn't want us... i hope she can forgive me for this...." he paused. "i... if i liked it... does that mean i'm gay?" he asked, looking quietly frantic at the idea before looking at Sam.

"What?!" Dean demanded, panic racing through him, wings, horns and talons bursting from him, making him curse because he had been certain he had been done doing that. "she took Baby! oh god i knew she was mad at me." he groaned. "i'm going to catch up to her and she's going to be burning it in a ditch!" Dean was not used to women who where actually hurt b his actions so he was only assuming she would do what every other female he had ever been involved with would do. get revenge. it didn't take him long before he banished that thought because she wasn't anything like the others he had been with. "she's running away because she thinks i don't want her anymore..." he whispered. "i should have just let the bond shock kill me..." he whispered, feeling miserable and guilty and horrible and feeling th creeping ice inside start crystallizing inside of him again. he would ignore it this time. gay or not, Morrigan was his whole world. "...hey Cas?.... my ass hurts... is that normal?"
Cas winced hard at dean's snarled words, before realizing what he'd done as he looked at the mark. Now that he knew what to look for, he could see the edges of Morrigan bit3."I'm sorry....you were dying....I didn't know what else to do..."cas muttered hanging his head a little, upset because he'd simply gotten what he'd wanted for so long, and now he'd probably messed up everything. He really wouldn't be surprised if dean kicked him out."hopefully not. I don't want her mad at us..."cas muttered sighing quietly.before flinching."I'm sorry dean....I doubt she was really aware of what she was saying....she was upset and scared...she probably regrets it to."Cas said before flinching violently when he heard she was gone. Dammit. "Dean, you can enjoy something without being gay. I mwan. You still want morrigsn don't you?or find girls attractive?"cas said frowning a little, upset that the other was so upset.

"Impala gone. She must have left sometime last night cause when I hacoed the highway cameras she past them early this mornijg, but since then I can't find her. Anywhere."which meant Morrigan was hiding from everything somehow, even the car from being tracked, cause he should have been able to pick up a rare car like the impala on a camera somewhere."Morrigan or the car?"sam said a small smile quirking his lips as he teased his brother, it always amused him how attached to baby dean was. Cas flinched at dean's words grabbed his arms, shaking him a little."no you shouldn't have. Do you think Morrigan would have survived long without you there?she's probably going through her own shock right now..."which scared him. Wondering if the woman along with the rape, was suffering through thinking didn't want her anymore. She was probably just as cold and dying as dean was."we need to find her. Now."Cas said sounding scared, he knew dean needed her, she was his world. "Yea....it is...hold on."Cas said reaching out, healing him as much as he could.b you'll probably be sore...but you'll be okay...sorry..."cas said blushing getting up to get dressed and ready to go, glancing at sam."where was she headed?" "At the last camera she past, she was headed towards lousiana."
"You did what you needed to do." Dean promised, gently taking Cas's hand. "You did what was for the best for me." he admitted. "yeah. yeah i still really want Morrigan." he agreed. "but... but i've never been attracted to men before so i don't... understand." because he still wasn't all that attracted to Cas, no matter how beautiful he was. but he had wanted him last night, had enjoyed it, had eagerly let the other do as he pleased. did that not mean he was a little bit gay?

"Morrigan will be burning the car." Dean clarified. "i highly doubt Baby would be able to set Morrigan on fire." he admitted before gasping at Cas as he was shaken firmly and tears sprang into his eyes and he looked away. "your right. i'm alive and that means we can find Morrigan, and help her too." he decided. "we can fix things and that's whats important. i'll worry about being gay later." he decided. "we do need to find her." he whispered, staggering to his feet and wincing because, yeah moving too fast was a bad idea. "it's fine. i had something pretty damn big lodged up there, pain will remind me to be a little bit more careful next.... ah... well i don't think there will be a next time but if there is i've learned my lesson." he admitted. "i liked it, but it's not going to be my favorite thing in the world." he had to be analytical about it because if he started really thinking about it he was going to freak out again. "Get Luca. i might be able to track her through the mark if she's not hiding it." Dean admitted.
Cas smiled a little as he squeezed the others hand, "j did. I usually try to."he said tilting his head a little before snorting."I don't think your dean, otherwise you would have known earlier...you just needed someone. And it just happened to be me. Don't worry about it."he said, though it was sad, it wasnt nearly as devastating as it could have been if this had happened before he found himself attracted to luca.

"Ah...well. she could wreck. But I don't think Morrigan will burn the car."sam said looking vaguely amused."yes we can. And she's gonna need you, not feeling guilty or upset about it, because you know that'll make her feel worse then she already does."he pointed out well aware Morrigan probably blamed herself for lashing out at dean and sending him running to cas. "Well, at least it wasn't so horrible."Cas said looking relieved the man wasn't freaking out more, before nodding. "You try that. I'll see if I can find her."he said flashing out. And despite their best efforts it was two days before they found any trace of her, and it wasn't from magical or anything cain did, it was a text, with aaddress, from a phone that didn't register for any of them, but the fact that it said she was staying at the manor house in the French Quarter of new orleans, was to good a lead to pass on....what cas hadn't expected was to find hell hounds waiting outside for them....that gave him a inkling of who was inside waiting anyways.
"I know... honestly without you i don't think any of us would be alive... or okay... or sane." he admitted, smiling at Cas. "I'm glad that if i was going to... you know... explore... i'm glad it was with you." he admitted. "i'm sorry i could never be the one for you, but i think you and Luca would make a good couple." he admitted.

"i hope to god she doesn't wreck! she could be hurt and we'd never know where she is and she could bleed to death or be having a concussion or... or... or..." he had to take a moment to calm himself down or have a well and true panic attack. "I feel guilty and upset but i'm not upset with her. never." Dean promised. "i've just... i've never cheated on someone i was dating before..." he admitted, looking very torn. "i don't know if this counts exactly like cheating but it kind of feels like it..." he admitted, shaking his head. "it was unavoidable and i don't regret it but i feel bad anyway, does that make any sense at all?"

by the time the Text came, Dean had gone too cold to function so Cain was out and he was pacing, frantic and fussy and worried and he kept leaning against Cas to warm up a little bit. Cain had all but been reduced to basic instincts emotionally. while he could still speak to them, and was helping them search, he was severely limited in his capabilities at the moment. he snarled when he saw the dogs but since they didn't attack he ignored them, rushing inside, making pathetic keening noises in the back of his throat as he finally laid eyes on her, trembling violently as he practically crawled to her, flinching as if worried she'd lash out at him. he finally settled next to her legs, arms wrapped around one, clinging desperately to her. submitting to her. like some cute little pet of death and destruction.
"No, maybe not."Cas smiled slightly at that, because despite how badly he was feeling l, he also knew it had been needed."me to.....I couldn't image line you exploring with anyone else."Cas said making a face, blushing slightly at the idea of being a good couple with luca.

"...dean...I'm sure shes fine. That car takes good car of you, it'll take good care of her.b sam said looking worried about dean."good. You'll have to remind her of that. She's probably upsrt about lisa, and hurting you, and now this. Just tell her it's not her fault."Cas said sighing wuietly, having a feeling this was going to be brutal on them all."yes it does...but we'll work through it. We always do."

Moerigan, was curled up on a sofa, utterly still and dead to the world, even though her hand found his head, petting him softly, but not responding otherwise."...how long has she been like this?" "This morning. I knew I had to break a promise and call you. Otherwise this will kill both her and the child, and I can't allow that. Not when she's all that's holding cain together."crowley made a face, calmly eating his breakfast, waving at them all."sit. I doubt they'll be conversing anytime soon. It will take them both time to warm again."crowley said not overly surprised when cas ignored him in favor of snuggling both cain and Moerigan in hopes of warming them both, hoping that they'd start coming back sooner.
"She's not going to be happy, but i think she'll forgive you." Lyra admitted to Crowley, making herself comfortable at the table. "Luca love? make us some tea?" she asked, Luca perking up hapily at the offer of something helpful to do and bustled about making several pots of tea and coffee. "Thank you for calling us." Lyra said, watching Crowley. "why did you, if i might ask? i would have thought you wanted them to die?" she asked, not accusing, just stating it as a fact. she knew Cas, with his deep love for Dean, and thus Morrigan, would be a lot of help to them. thankfully Luca wasn't the jealous type and Luca's only complaint was that he hadn't been allowed to watch... or listen. Luca was then handing Cas his favorite type of tea and was fussing over Dean and Morrigan. Luca was many things, but his undying loyalty was only going to help with the warmth. "....Crowley." Cain said, his blood red eyes staring at the demon, warm again and able to function once more. "thank you." he said, not caring what reasons the other had. Dean was having a freak out about the phrase 'child' but Cain was merely feeling possesive and delighted. a baby, his baby, yes. all his.
“No, she wont be. But Cain would have been even unhappier if I let her die.”Crowley said watching them as he leaned back into his chair, looking thoughtful from where he was eating. Watching Luca for a moment, but not protesting. Thinking that over. Not about to admit to why he’d done it, that would mean nothing to anyone, but dean. Dean, who’d managed to worm his way under the shields that had been kept in place for centuries to protect him from caring about others. “....Demons killed them once. I couldn’t let that happen again, bad karma you know, killing the ones who create you.”He said simply shrugging a little, looking up at cain’s words, tilting his head a little. “You are welcome.”he said, settling in to watch over them, even as he watched the others bustle around his house. This was weird, but nice to.

Later, Morrigan frowned a little as she stumbled to her feet, feeling uncoordinated and lost, frowning harder as she followed the voices towards the kitchen. That didn’t sound like crowley but it did sound like....Cas? Pausing outside the door she shifted to look inside, paling as she saw the boys, her heart breaking as she backed away from the door again at the sight of Cas hovering over Dean’s shoulder. “No, no I don’t think that’s how it’s done. Dean, fix it.”
"Cain would not have blamed you." Lyra admitted. "only himself..." she shuddered. "Granted, we would have had to put him down in his madness but we didn't have to so i think it's okay." she admitted. Luca just smiled at Crowley and offered him a cup of Coffee. "Yes. you where cute as a baby... i wonder what happened?" Lyra mused, teasing him because she could and Cain watched Crowley. he wasn't all that stupid after all. he knew Crowley had a soft spot for Dean.

"Shut up! it's not my fault it won't fit in the hole! this is the only place it can go right?" Dean asked, making baffling grunting sounds before he gasped. "Hah! see! it fits!.... oh hell now it's stick! no, don't wiggle it!" he protested. "just hold still for a second." Dean commanded. "okay, i think it's okay." Dean finally said.
“Yes, it’s better this way.”He smiled before making a face, “I’m still cute.”he said rolling his eyes a little. Settling in to simply enjoy the company that he so rarely got to enjoy.

“I’m fairly certain it’s your fault. The hole’s right there.”Cas said, huffing a little before frowning, “Fine. I’m holding still.” Morrigan flinched listening to them before pausing at the sound of amused laughter. “Sam’s going to kill you two. Stop. Move over.”Ben said moving over from his seat, to shove the two away from the laptop they were working on. Pausing to watch them for a long moment before heading back into the house, going to find Sam. Smiling slightly at the sleeping hunter, before shaking his shoulder slightly. “Dean’s messing with your computer.”she said when he looked up at her sleepily, amused that he was so startled by the idea, and spitting mad that he took off without even questioning what she was doing there. “Dean!Get away from my computer.”Morrigan giggled a little as she heard sam roaring as he walked into the kitchen
"He won't ind out!" Dean protested. "besides, he's too tired to do it himself!" he whined, letting Ben fix it. "hey... whats a Worm and why does Sam's computer have them? i didn't know computers could get worms." he admitted before paling as he heard Sam rage and he fled, scarpering out of the kitchen before Sam killed him. "CAS STARTED IT!" Dean Squealed before he raced for cover, hiding behind Crawley of all people. "Save me...."
“Sam finds out everything!And you’re the reason he’s been tired. Take better care of yourself.”The last few days had been hard on Ben, with how very scared he’d been for dean. “....Get away. It’s a virus, and sam’s going to kill you!”ben said growling as he set about fixing the computer. Looking amused as Dean hid behind him, quickly followed by the angel, crowley frowned slightly. “I didn’t start it!I just said we should do something nice for sam!”Cas said looking at Sam, who decided in favor of sitting down and helping ben fi his computer, rather then kill the others. “....I’d think you’d be more interested that your girlfriend was the one who informed sam, rather then hiding from him.”Crowley said looking at the man hiding from him, well aware it would distract him from freaking out about messing up sam’s computer.
"i can't help it!" Dean complained. "you're the bastards that mad me quit drinking!" he complained before sighing at Ben. "i'll do what i can but i'm prone to stupid injuries you know." he admitted. "Virus? Computer can get sick?" he asked, looking utterly baffled. "The only thing that Sam wants is for that stupid computer to be better! i had to go out and buy those update and hardwired thingies you know!" he whined. Ben had given him a list of what Sam's computer needed and Dean had handed the list to the smarter than him man at the store and the man had gotten everything. "If it makes her happy, im not going to complain." Dean admitted before perking up. "Morrigan is awake?" he asked, heading for the door so he could find her and try to make things up to her. he didn't know that he ever ever could but he wanted to try.
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