Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"Yes." Dean agreed, sticking his tongue out at Cas. "feathered asshole." he grumbled with a smile. "of course i plan.... well, Cain plans." he admitted before going stiff as he realied how hurt Morrigan really had been. "Thank you, Crowley." Cain said. he was very certain that Crowley had found her first because he had been looking for her and watching over her. "thank you." Cain sighed, relaxing at the promise that everyone was fine. "Good. leave." he ordered the assembled group before he began to sing, soft and almost too low to actually be heard but Morrigan could hear him and that was what mattered. "When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain. And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain. In the shadow of the forest though she may be old and worn, They will stare unbelieving at the last unicorn." he sang, his voice much more clear and calm than Dean's ever could have been. he didn't even notice Luca was hovering out of sight, recording this to show Morrigan later because he was sure that she'd find it adorable.
"Well as long as one of you is planning."sam snickered a little. Crowley tensed as cain did, not sure how he was going to take the news before nodding slightly.you're welcome."he muttered nor about to admit how much effort he'd expended on tracking down the woman. Woulsnt do to have them thinking he liked them after all. Smiling as they all filed out, though he did hang around enough to hear him skng. That was adorable really, even sweet as Morrigan calmed as he sang.

Laterms Morrigan woke with a cut off scream, scrambling away from the man she could feel sitting near her, not awake enough to know it was dean. Scrambling to the other end of the couch where she huddled in the corner, ready to defend herself, but mostly trying to be as small as possible to avoid being seen and hurt again.
Dean hummed softly when she woke up screaming and carefully hunkered at the far end of the couch, making himself as small and harmless as possible for her. Cain said it might make her feel safer when she woke up if he looked as small and pathetic as possible. "hey. hey. it's okay. uhm..." he paused, hesitated and then. "Well I've heard there was a secret chord, That David played and it pleased the Lord. But you don't really care for music, do you? Well it goes like this: The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah." he sang. in the ultimate show of adoration he had memorized her favorite song. or one of them. he'd sing Red is the Rose after if she hadn't calmed down and then he'd let Cain sing because he was much, much better at it. "Well your faith was strong but you needed proof, You saw her bathing on the roof , Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya. She tied you to her kitchen chair, And she broke your throne and she cut your hair, And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah..."
Morrigan went still when she heard the singing, going still, hands pressed over her ears lowering slowly as she blinked slowly, looking up at him. A small frown of confusion crossing her face as she watched him. Relaxing at the sound of his voice, recognizing him, recognizing the song. Recognizing that he’d memorized it. “....Dean?”She muttered sounding utterly confused that he’d memorized it. Swallowing thickly as she looked up at him, “..I-I’m okay.”She stuttered a little resting her head against the back of the couch, starting to calm.
he smiled at her when she called out to him. "yeah. i'm here." he promised. "i'm not the best singer i know, i'm sorry. Cain is better." he admitted. "i'm a bit tone deaf or whatever." he admitted before smiling at her. "you're not okay yet. take a bit more to calm down." he suggested before returning to singing the song until the end before singing the other one, though he hadn't fully memorized that one yet he just hummed the ending instead.
Morrigan nodded slightly, calming more when he answered, smiling slightly. “You’re okay. Though it’s odd hearing this, instead of classic rock.”She muttered shifting, resting her cheek on her upturned knees, shivering a little. Trying to calm, simply closing her eyes trusting him, to look after him as she relaxed, opening her eyes to look at him, tears misting her eyes. “You memorized my songs...”She muttered, sounding utterly amazed before crawling across the couch, crawling into his arms, cuddling close. Needing held now that she was utterly amazed that he knew her songs, feeling cuddly and content for the moment.
Dean smiled a little. "Yeah that's because i don't have to actually carry a tune with hard rock." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched her. "well. not yet. i keep forgetting the last part of Red is the Rose." he admitted before smiling as he wrapped his arms around her. "you should have heard Cain earlier. he was totally dumb, singing some stupid song about a unicorn." he scoffed, wincing. "hey! hey! we agreed! no smacking minds!" he grumbled at Cain before smiling as he held her. "I made a surprise for you." he admitted softly. "Cain said we went too fast, and that we should slow down and focus on the emotional instead of the physical. so, i was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?"
"This is true. Though sam still complains your tone deaf."she teased."well you're almost there. Thanks dean."she muttered still in awe that he'd taken there he time to learn the songs, smiling as he held her. For the moment, settingaside her worries about him leaving "I'm sure it wasn't tupid. And if he's better then you, it probably sounded really good."she tesedan dean hugging him tighter, letting him know she was only teasing about being tone deaf."hm?but. Well we were sorta pushed together.....we wanted to have sex..."she muttered sounding worried she'd forced him, to both have sex and be with her before sitting back, looking up at him."....a date....?"she stared, nor sure what Jim and cas were up to, and fairly sure even if she trusted them, that she'd rprobably be made the joke somehow. Hurting that she thought they were making fun of her.
"i'm pretty sure i'm just point blank deaf at this point." he admitted with a smile before smiling at her. "i kind of like the songs." he admitted. "and they make you feel better, why wouldn't i learn them?" he wondered, smiling at her. "it was stupid... it was a pretty song though." he admitted before he shook his head. "that's not what i'm talking about. yes we had sex and barring the beginning when Cain attcked you we where more thn willing. i'm saying we rushed, we pretended we knew each other and trusted each other more than we really did because we felt so familiar to each other. but we don't actually know each other at all and we sort of broke ourselves emotionally trying to be a couple when we've only known each other, really for just a week or so. it was too much and everything crumbled and i'd like to try again. properly this time." he admitted. "Yeah. a date. you know. something fun and flirty so we can actually interact without the pressing need to be together or have sex." he admitted. "Granted, i wouldn't mind a snuggle but i think you need to start drawing lines that i have to follow." he admitted. "because i don't do well without direction." he admitted, smiling at her, his silent promis that he would never do anything without her permission.
Bwell you do stand near alot of shotguns going off."she teased a little."hmmm...and I dunno. Just didnt think you'd want to.b she shrugged a little. "I'm sure it was. Cain probably knows all sorta songs."she muttered before looking thoughtful.oh...yes. that's probably true...we felt togehter...steadier because of the bond...when we probably didnt..."she frowned because it hurt to know that it was true, that she didn't trust him as much as she had. As if lucifer and michaels assault had left her so reeling that she had no solid ground left to stand on, and she was trying to find her "yes...okay. we can try."though she wasn't sure why he was offering when he was with cas. Maybe they were wooing her into a threesome.? Maybe she could dobthat. If it meant staying with dean."hm, okay. A date....and you're right. The attraction is still there...but it's muted...not as strong....we can get to know each other."she smiled at him, though shewas certain he was just trying to make sure she didn't go off the deep end again rather then really wanting to date. Smiling at his silent promise, nodding a little."okay we'll set boudaries."she promised
He nodded. "and a few major explosions and yu've never lived until a Banshee goes off in your ear." he admitted. "well, i did want to." he admitted with a smile. "and i've almost got the last of red red rose memorized." he scowled. "i thought i had but ow i've forgotten it again, it's giving me more trouble than i thought it would." he admitted. "i memorized Hallelujah no problem." he grumbled, shaking his head before nodding. "Cain says it was out instincts. it's what made him kidnap you in the first place... he wont say it because he doesn't think it will make any difference, but he really does feel bad about that. he regrets it and he's pretty ashamed that it happened." he admitted, looking at her. "he wasn't in his right mind, you know? without you, he was basically just a beast that could talk." he admitted. "i feel kind of bad for him, there's nothing he could ever do to take that away and he knows it. i know you forgave him, a long time ago... but i don't think he'll ever forgive himself for it." he admitted, hoping it would make her feel a bit better about Cain. "i think the attraction is always going to be there, but we satisfied the need to complete the bond, so i think it's died down to a dull want instead of an all encompassing need." he admitted before smiling at her. "come on. Luca has been setting everything up for us..." here he hesitated. "which is a bit scary but i didn't want to leave you alone to set it up myself." he admitted.
Byes I would assume that'd be something everyone should hear."she giggled a little rolling her eyes. Flushing a little at the idea of him wanting to know her song before smiling."it's different from what you normally listen to. Alot more. You'll get it I'm sure."she said before rowing serious, nodding slightly."makes sense I guess."she muttered shuddering away from the thought of those first nights with cain, which was tangled up in the vampires abuse, and everything else. Tilting er head as she looked up at dean, "...I know. I'm trying...I mean. I forgave him...and until....lucifer and michael...I was doing okay."she swallowed thickly upset a little because she knew it hurt cain to know she was afraid of him."I know he was. We'll be okay..."she muttered sighing wuietly, relaxing a little because it did make her feel better to know that even if he didn't say it, cain felt badly about it."ah...yes. that feels right. We're together but not desperate anymore."and that sorta explained how he'd managed to sleep with cas, she guessed. He wasn't being driven towards her, made sense. She was in for a world of a shock when he convinced her he wasn't seeing cas. She laughed at his words, easing to her feet."I'm sure it's fine. Cas probably oversaw him, so I doubt it's to insane."she said curious to what they'd done as she followed him through the hous
"oh yes. i was deaf for three weeks after that. a great experience." he admitted with a chuckle. "i couldn't hear Sammie bitching which was nice." he admitted, watching her before smiling a little. "it is different but it's nice. i kind of like it." he admitted before shaking his head. "you might have forgiven him but you weren't okay. you where just locking it away and pretending you weren't hurt." he admitted, looking sad. "you where always a bit afraid of Cain, we just never noticed." he admitted, sounding a bit pained. "yes. we're not... we're not so desperate for each other." he agreed. which he was pretty sure was in part because of the rape but he wasn't about to voice that. no need to upset her more than she already had been. "Nah, Cas mentioned something about being too scared to help when Luca had that look in his eyes." he admitted before smiling a little at her. "if it's terrible, i am so sorry but i don't think we can really stop Luca once he gets going." no one but Crowley anyway. Crowley had managed to contain Luca the way not even Lyra could so the back yard actually looked fairly romantic instead of horrific the way Luca surely would have made it had he been let loose without a minder.
“Ah, that’s amusing. And I’m sure sammie appreciated you actually having a reason to not hear him, rather then just ignoring him.”morrigan smiled a little, before sighing quietly. Thinking that over before shrugging. “....I didn’t want to hurt him. And I know....he didn’t understand.”She muttered, staring down because she’d understood that she’d locked it away, and had because she’d not wanted to hurt the other. and it probably wouldn’t have come out so badly, if lucifer and michael hadn’t come for her. “....That’s amusing.”She grinned a little at the idea of a angel being scared of luca. Looking around as they walked outside, staring at the pool around them. With a small table on the bridge set up, candle lit and soft romantic rock, interspersed with some celtic music in their playing softly. “....You know, when you said luca set it up I was worried.”She muttered looking up at him. “That’s cause I oversaw this. Goodnight you two.”Crowley said as he past them on his way back inside, not about to admit to having been making sure everything was just right before heading inside, and making sure everyone was leaving the two alone.
"yeah sure. he was awesomely grateful." he agreed sarcastically, chuckling a little. "honestly i think he was too glad i was still alive to care that i was deaf." he admitted before he smiled at her, gently kissing her knuckles. "he wouldn't have understood back then." he agreed softly. "he understands now though, i know it won't help the fear, but he won't attack you if he's out." he promised. "i don't think he'll come out much until your feeling better though, he hates scaring you." he admitted before smiling at the sight of the pool. "me too but Cas said no because he doesn't understand human mating rituals and Sam just laughed at me and Lyra looked at me like i was some kind of stupid so my choices where limited." he admitted, grinning when Crowley moved over. "he tries so hard to pretend to hate us all but he's a soft hearted teddy bear." he admitted with a snicker, turning on the music player and smiling when one of the few not rock and roll singers came on. Ronan Keating. When you say nothing at all. "i'm a bit scared to see what Luca cooked." he admitted, grinning at her. "wanna rock paper scissors to see who has to open the dishes first?" because there where big metal domes over the plates. "....the fact that he hid the food worries me..."
“He probably was.”She agreed amused before tilting her head slightly, shivering a little as his lips touched her skin it stirred lust in her stomach, but it wasn’t that all consuming need from before, simply a spark and a contentment to know it was there. For the moment the bond to damaged, and not healing to feel anything just yet beyond the need to be together. “Oh....good. That’s good.”She muttered blushing a little that she did indeed feel better at the promise that cain wouldn’t hurt her. “....He has to come out sometime. I want to apologize to him....I know I scared him running away...”She muttered even though she felt the low level feelings and presence of the mark between them, it was simply a comfort, rather then consuming. “Hm, Cas is adorable. And I’m sure he would have figured out how to help.”She muttered, shrugging a little, because she knew he’d figure out human mating rituals, just for Dean. She had a feeling the angel understood more then he let on. “And of course Sammie laughed at you, he’s your little brother.”She looked amused before snickering. “I dare you to say that to his face sometime.”She giggled a little at the idea of him calling crowley a teddy bear, startling a little as she heard the music. For the moment so distracted she didn’t answer, looking utterly at a loss on why he was doing this. Surely he knew she’d want to stay with him enough to agree to the threesome without the wooing. Tilting her head a little as she nodded, “Yes...”She said looking amused that the food was hidden, smirking as dean lost rock paper scissors, which sam said he did all the time. “....You open it.”She ordered even as she sat down.
he shuddered back as he felt her lust spike but didn't say anything. no need to let her know that he knew after all. it would be rude. "i just thought it might help a little." he admitted, smiling at her. "and he understands." he promised. "there's no need to apologize to him, it's not YOU he's pissed at." he promised. "and it's not me either." he assured her. "though i'm not sure he can actually be mad at me..." he admitted. "i'm not sure he would have. he's kind of... he's still stuck on the pizza for gods sake. i know he claims that he's doing it to tease me, but i know better. it really bothers him that no one delivered the Pizza." he admitted with a snicker before sulking. "yeah, but Ben didn't hve t start laughing at me too." he grumbled, glad that Ben had more or less forgiven dean for 'moving on'. for Dean, Lisa had Ben all but dead to him for a long while. "i will." he agreed, smirking. "what do i get if i do it? i think i should get.... hmmm.... twenty bucks." he decided before grimacing as he lost. "damn... i thought it was just because Sammie is ultra smart.." he muttered before whipping open his plate and blinked at it. Tuna. it was a heaping plate of Tuna and now that he looked closer, that was heavy cream in his glass. he felt his mouth, his teeth, watering and he looked at her, waiting for her to reveal her own meal... mac n cheese? the boxed kind? he waited for the expected bile to come into existence. at one point he had eaten so much mac n cheese that the sight of it as an older child, and up into his teens had resulted in nausea and outright bile and occasionally, actual illness. he didn't have that problem anymore, though he certainly wasn't about to eat it. "Mac?" he asked her, looking amused as he gently pulled hr chair out for her. older custom but still important as Cain informed him.
"It does help...and I still should, even if he's not angry with me. I hurt you, I know I did ...."Morrigan said sighing quietly."I'm sure if anyone can figure out how to be angry with you, he would."she snickered a little. Looking amused at dean's words."dean, I'm fairly certain he's not as hung up on it as you make him sound. I mean, he's a angel. He can figure out porn."Moerigan said giggling a little because despite her protestz, she did know it bothered cas that the story hadn't been completed despite the sex going on."I'm sure ben tried not to laugh at you."she looked amused at the idea, and curious just what he'd said to make them laugh."I'm I'll give you money if you do."she said laughing when he lost."well if you'd change what you always choose, you wouldn't lose as much."she teased eyes widening at the sight of their food. Definitely not what she'd been expecting. Blushing a little as she sat down, nodding a little."yea. I developed a taste for it a few years ago, couldn't get enough of it....I don't eat it alot, but it's good."she said blushing as she started to eat. It was weird, even if they spent most of the last two weeks together, it was still a new thing, being here with him
"it wasn't hurt so much as pissing myself in fright." he admitted. "after a while i thought i would never find you and..." he tried hard to swallow. "and i thought that maybe it would be easier to roll up and waste away than live without you..." he admitted softly before he snorted a little. "i think you're missing something here. Angels are pure beings, they're not supposed to understand sex. the only rason why Cas does is because he was human for a long time. he'll be allowed back in heaven when alls said and done, but he'll never really fit in there again." he admitted. "sometimes i hate myself for being the reason why." he admitted. "because someday me and Dean, and you and Luca and Lyra and all of us are going to be dead and he'll be all alone again." Dean was such an emotional man, even when he pretended otherwise. it must have hurt him deeply to know that it was, more or less, his fualt that Cas would never again fit in anywhere.

"I'm sure he didn't." he grumbled. "between him and Sam i'm not sure which one laughed harder." he admitted with a huff before he scowled. "Rock is the best! i don't understand why Rock doesn't just ground paper into dust! it's a cheating game..." he grumbled. "uh... yeah. i'm not too fond of it myself. when me and sammie where kids, Dad was gone a lot and i had to feed us. mostly it was spaghettios and mac. that's all we had day in, day out, breakfast lunch and dinner and by the time i was old enough to make anything else we where so sick of it even the sight of it could make us ill." he admitted. "thank god that seams to have stopped." he admitted, smiling at her plate. "i might be able to make it for you sometime." he offered before holding his glass out to her. "here. you wanted to try some cream didn't you?" he asked, smiling at her. "try some."
“....Ah...Sorry.”Morrigan winced a little swallowing hard at the idea of making him feel like that, even when he had cas. That was horrible. She was going to have to figure out how to help him with his relationship. Frowning a little. “maybe, but he’s also ancient. I’m sure he understands humans. Or what is suppsoed to go on.”She said frowning a little, before watching him, her heart aching at the idea of leaving cas behind. “...I don’t think so. I mean....those vampires should have killed me Dean. I don’t....I don’t think I can die. Or maybe...I dunno. We’ll look after Cas. You’ll be with him.”She said, wondering why he was wasting time with her, when he should be looking after cas.

“we’ll beat him up later.”She snickered a little before sighing, “I dunno, but you might surprise Sammie if you chose something else.”She teased before wincing at that idea, starting to eat. “Yea, I could see where that would get to much after awhile.”She made a face at the idea as she started to eat, nodding a little. “Maybe. But for now, we have crowley to cook for us.....I wonder if this was all he’s able to cook....”She looked amused before nodding, taking the glass and taking a small sip, frowning a little. “It’s....different. Not my favorite, but it’s okay.”
"it's not your fault. stop apologizing." he ordered with a smile. "i'm just... i'm all sorts of emotional right now. Cain says it's... well, he's wrong anyway so it doesn't matter." he admitted before he smiled at her. "i'm hoping that even if me and the rest of us die, you and Cas will still have each other." he admitted. "because me and Cain, we don't thin you can die either but i'm pretty sure we will. we'll be reborn of course but that's still ten or more years where you'll be alone and the idea just makes me hurt inside." he admitted. "and i know you'll take care of him. he needs taking care of you know and Cain still hates his guts." he admitted. "we will beat them up!" he agreed, nodding. that sounded like a great plan really. "well... he is the sort to be easily surprised. i could pick something else next time." he agreed before he snorted. "no i'm pretty sure Luca just knows our favorites and decided we needed those." he admitted before smiling at her. "well, it's a shame that you don't like it much but i'm not going to complain when it means you won't be stealing mine." he admitted with a grin.
“....fine.”Morrigan shivered a little at the order, swallowing hard. While she was dominate, there was jst something about getting orders from dean. “Me to. We’ll be okay. And try not to emotionally wound each other more then we already have.”Morrigan smiled slightly, before frowning a little. “Yes, we will...And no. You’re not allowed dying. I’m sorry, you just need to stay in this body. I mean, I’d probably get a ugly mate or something next time. I like you like this.”Morrigan teased, looking stbborn mostly because she just didn’t want to do without him, didn’t want cas to have to. “I know. He’s sorta helpless for a angel. Sorta adorable.”She looked amused at his plan on beating the others up before snorting. “Probably.Maybe. Though I’m totally asking Crowley if this is all he knows how to cook.”she said before nodding a little. “No, I wont be stealing mine, you cream obsessed man.”She teased him as she settled in to eat, sighing softly as she ate, simply enjoying the time with him, and glad cas wasn’t totally getting bent out of shape at the date. Maybe this could work
he smiled at her a little. "problem is i'm not very good at this whole emotions thing... according to Cain, i'm supposed to be the submissive of the two of us. i do the emotional upkeep of the three of us. i keep you happy and Cain from committing mass slaughter and he protects us. at least that's how it's supposed to work. we're both a bit... messed up." he admitted. "so we're not... our roles are a bit screwy so my emotions are all over the place and his protective instincts are so high he keeps wanting to hit Luca for touching him, or you, or Cas, or Sam... quite frankly i think he just doesn't like Luca..." he admitted with a smile. "I like this body too... but at least with all the Marks me and Cain will definitely be reborn." he admitted with a smile. "so you won't ever truly be without me." he promised me. "im pretty sure this is all Crowly can cook... though mine isn't exactly cooking. i'm pretty sure he just emptied a few can's of Tuna onto my plate." he admitted with a grin, not that he was complaining. "i'm not obsessed! i'm... passionate." he said with a smile.
“Yes....I think we’re all screwed up. Being separated, missing the marks....we were all twisted by so many centuries apart. Hopefully we can get things settled. Make things easier on Cas.”To date dean, if she could help Dean be happy, she would do it. Even if it meant she wasn’t. “Screwy is a good word for it. I think we’re all trying to figure things out....and I don’t think he does. Luca said it’s cause he can put Cain to sleep.”She sighed quietly before nodding. “True. It’s a good thing to know...if something happens. You two will come back.”She smiled before snickering at the idea of crowley trying to cook and this was the result, snorting. “....You’re passionate about cream.”She waggled her eyebrows a little. “Sounds perverted.”She smirked at him, eating, before leaning back in her chair, stuffed and happy, stomach rounding out just a little bit, with both food and the beginnings of baby weight, crowley had definitely made more then enough food for her, the demon in his own way making sure she was looked after, and that he cared enough to make sure the woman had more then enough food as her body adjusted to carrying not only cain and dean’s child, but two archangels, even if one was a fallen angel, lucifer was still a former archangel. It was going to take a toll on her body.
he frowned a little at her. "i'm more worried about you and Cain. i'm pretty sure Luca can keep Cas together for a while." he admitted. "and if not, well, i think him and Crowley would be pretty cute." he admitted, sniggering a little before smiling a little at her. "i'm pretty sure that has something to do with it. alone with their polar opposite personalities." he admitted. "we will always come back." he promised, setting his hand on hers. "I am passionate about Cream." he agreed, smirking at her. "maybe, when we're all better, i'll pour it all over you." he teased with a snigger. "and Tuna. very sexy." he agreed, nodding. "Everything i do is perverted." he agreed, smiling at her as she leaned back, wondering how he could fall even more in love than he already was. it seamed impossible to love her even more than he already did but he could still feel the love for her growing every time thy interacted. he stood up and held his hand out to her. "care to dance?" he offered softly as the previous song started winding down. She Believes In Me, by Ronan Keanan popped on just as he settled his arms around her.
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