Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"i'm fine. just sleepy." Dean admitted. "Sun is great." he admitted before scrubbing his mouth clean with toothpaste and mouthwash. "i'm not the one with a chocolate addiction. that's Cain." Dean informed Sam. "i can't stand the stuff. he's bad enough that he'll make himself sick if there's enough for him to lay claim to and he'll attack you if you have what he wants so be careful not to eat any chocolate with him around." he warned. "probobly the only person he'll allow is Ben and Morrigan." he admitted, shaking his head. "he's a bitch about it."
“Yes it is.”Morrigan looked amused because as he’d tanned during his nap, she’d found out he had a smattering of freckles across his nose. That was just adorable. “...Well. He’d probably say it’s the same for you and tuna. And cream. Just think of it as punishment for eating things he doesn’t like.”Cas snickered looking amused as he started making food. “Crowley went to get more. Cain demanded it. Think he’s hiding out having his own chocolate, since Cain refused to share with him.”Morrigan giggled a little, amused as she looked at ben. “Hey. How you doing?” “Okay. Just starting to work on the schoolwork....I need to start school again soon.”Ben said sounding sulky and upset, sighing softly.
"is not." he huffed, shaking his head. "i am perfectly capable of controlling my Cream and Tuna problem." he sniffed before nodding. "i don't think Crowley is handling the sudden influx of people in his space. he likes us all, but he's used to being completely alone. he's probobly off eating chocolate alone for a while." he admitted with a smile before smiling at Ben. "if you need any help, Sam's amazing at most of it. the only class i actually passed in school was science though so i could probobly help with that. i'm great when it comes to chemistry." he admitted. "although, i'm not actually sure what level i'm at so you might still be smarter than me." he admitted. "we'll have to decide where to enlist you. i think it should be safe now to send you back to your old school, or we can send you to a new one. whichever you prefer." he promised Ben. "i'm getting you a cellphone too. Just in case and i'll teach you how to handle some guns and how to handle a knife. i'll whip up some story about you being under police protection and Sam will write up a carry permit and you'll be allowed to carry a knife. which you will absolutely use on no one unless they are trying to hurt you." he ordered. "now... you're birthday is coming up isn't it?" he asked. "i always forget which month comes next..." he admitted, checking the calendar on the wall. "yeah, three weeks from now. god your gonna be what, seven?" he teased Ben with a smile. "what do you want for your birthday? and what kind of cake?"
“No you’re not.”morrigan teased looking amused before nodding. “No, I don’t think he is. Cain totally stole his chocolate, he’s probably sulking and eating ice cream all on his lonesome.”She looked amused. “You got to senior chem, so you should be able to help with that. Though, you always did suck at math.”Sam said smiling a little. Ben frowned looking upset, and annoyed. He was totally acting out, upset because things were changing, had changed, and he was left still trying to have a normal life, when nothing was normal. “I want to go home.”He said nodding a little. “Okay...cool.”Well, at least his friends would probably leave him alone over what was happening if he was armed and had fake FBI agents escorting him to the first day of school. “Yea, it’s next month.”Morrigan smiled looking happy and eager, she so wanted to just to make this a good place for ben. “I’ll be 16.”Ben said sighing a little, making a face.”Well. I’d like my old life back, but that’s not happening so...I don’t know. Surprise me. And chocolate cake.”
"I'm sure he is." he agreed with a chuckle before he shook his head. "i studied after i dropped out too. read some college books and stuff. it's why i'm so good at making things blow up." he admitted before sighing as he realized being happy and talking about Ben's Birthday wasn't going to cheer the boy up. "home it is." Dean agreed. "there's no way your sixteen." Dean scoffed before pausing. "well... you might be sixteen." he admitted. "....uh, not to be... you know... uh. did you're mom... uh, has the school... uhm... what do you know about sex?" he asked Ben, blushing hard. "because, ah. you're at an age now where you're old enough to, ah, think about things like that and, uhm... it's very important you know what your doing, both in how to protect yourself and her, but also in how to make, you know the act good for her too because that's very important and you need to know that...." "...Dean?" Luca asked as he walked in. "i think you broke yourself. i'll make sure that Ben knows everything he needs to know." Luca promised with a chuckle before they all winced at Ben's comment, Dean sighing. "i'm sorry Ben..." he mumbled. "I know this is hard. but we can get through this." he promised. "and i promise not to make your cake myself." he still remembered trying to do that last year and it had ended in a kitchen fire and a call to the fire department. worst birthday ever. Dean made up for it by buying Ben a PS4.
“You are very good at blowing shit up. It’s vaguely disturbing really.”Sam teased looking amused. “I am definitely sixteen. And Yes. I know about sex. I’ve lived with you, sorta hard not to.”Ben said staring at him. “Dean, shut up before you give yourself a heart attack....though I would like to hear about these things to make the act good.”Morrigan muttered teasing dean just a little at how much he was blushing, looking amused as ben rolled her eyes and looked away. “We’ll make sure Ben knows everything.”Cas reassured looking amused before wincing. “...I know....”Ben sighed a little, staring down. “Sorry....”He muttered knowing he was makign this hard on them, but also feelign that dean deserved it. He’d moved on. Forgotten his mom. Before snorting a little. “yea...let’s not let you cook. That was horrible.”He said making a face. “We’ll let Lyra and Crowley cook.they’re capable of it.”Sam said smiling a little, watching the small family worried, frowning slightly at the upset and pained look on morrigan’s face. Sighing softly. It hurt, knowing she still felt guilty.
"very fun though." Dean admitted with a grin. "....Dude... seriously." Dean protested, flushing harder at Ben's rather callous comment, feeling his heart break a little because Ben was being a little bit more mean than normally and it wasn't hard to guess that he was blaming Dean for everything that had been happening. "i'm not sure i want you two teaching Ben anything about the facts of life." he informed the angel and the nuts man. "....you do realize that i have re experience with kids than you, right? or rather, teens?" "how do you figure?" "i was a middle school, high school guidance counselor for the last ten years." Luca stated simply, making Dean's eye twitch. "....seriously?" Luca ust nodded. "....." Dean wasn't sure what to do with that information. "it was awesome. your mom was pissed." he admitted wth a small, nostalgic smile. "i wasn't so much as allowed in the kitchen for two months." he admitted. "not even to grab a beer or chips." he admitted. "anyway, i'll call your school tonight or tomorrow informing them that your in police custody. it's summer vacation so it doesn't actually matter but people are going to start fretting when they realize you're missing. we'll work out a cover story together if you like. most of the time you just have to tell them your not allowed to talk about it, but you should know the cover story just in case."
Ben sighed softly, flushing himself at dean’s protest, hanging his head a little. “It could have been worse. He could have mentioned the yoga.”Sam pointed out, simply to watch ben blush a little and maybe a little payback for hurting dean. “Urgh!”Ben whined a little, shuddering a little. “We are very good at the facts of life. I have been watching humanity for a long time. I know what humans consider appropriate in sex.”Cas said looking more amused then anything, simply teasing dean some to distract him, worried about his friend. “...That’s really cool. See, dean he can totally talk to you on your mental level.”Morrigan teased her boyfriend a little, nudging him slightly just to show she was teasing him more then anything else, sighing quietly, upset and hurting because she couldn’t help ben. “No you weren’t. It was amusing.”Ben snickered a little before nodding. “Yes. We’ll work on the story...”he sighed softly, trying to calm down and not be upset, not blame dean for moving on.
"....even i'm not going to be that cruel Sam. stop picking on Ben." he ordered, defending the boy he thought of as a son because, well, Ben had every right to be angry and sullen. "...fine but f he comes back scarred for life i'm beating the shit out of both of you!" Dean growled at Luca and Cas. Dean ust sighed and slumped on the table, conceding defeat. "i still don't like him." Luca just giggled because he was well aware Dean was never really going to like him. Dean just sighed and watched Ben, his heart hurting so much because he had failed, as he always did. he had failed to keep Lisa and Ben safe, failed to even save Lisa and hadn't even been able to protect Morrigan. god he sucked. he could feel the tears burning inside of him and he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything but let them out. he'd wait till later though, after everyone else was asleep.
“Okay, no picking on ben.”Sam smiled a little backing off, sighing quietly. “Fine.”Cas smiled a little. “He’ll be fine. Better then listening to you.”He promised amused beause he knew it’d be harder on dean then it would be on ben to have that conversation.

Later Ben frowned as he looked for dean, upset and annoyed, to upset by his nightmare to sleep, and having glanced into morrigan’s room to see if dean was in there, which he hadn’t been. Frowning slightly because even though he’d known morrigan was still hurt and scared of what had happened, he had thought that now that they werepregnant, they’d stand together more. Huffing alittle as he went to look for dean.
it wasn't until Ben started checking the downstairs, which was mostly empty or storage that he found Dean who was sitting on a box covered in dust, his hands pressed to his face as he wept more openly than he ever had in front of Ben. even when he'd told Lisa that Sam had died he hadn't cried. not like this, not with wracking sobs that made his entire body shudder. crying so hard he was nearly making himself sick, so ost in his misery that he never even noticed Ben. he just sat there in the dark and cried out all of his heartbreak and misery out on his own, alone as always no matter how surrounded by people he was. alone in his loss.
Ben winced a little as he saw the other, tense as he considered what to do. Wanting to leave him alone but....swallowing thickly as he moved further into the room, moving over until he could sit next to the other. “Dean?”he muttered. “Do you want me to get morrigan?”Ben said looking upset, and hating that he was pretty sure he’d caused this.
"Ben!" Dean gasped, getting to his feat and wiping his eyes, locking it away. now that he'd let a good bit of it out he could lock it away again. "What are you doing here? you should be in bed. god, no. don't get her. she needs what sleep she can get and she's got enough issues without dealing with mine. it's my fault she was..." he shook his head. "come on... i need some Whi..." he swallowed thickly. "i need some coffee and a shot of cream and some Tuna if there's any left." he admitted. "seriously though, what are you doing up?... did you... have a dream?" he asked, sympathy in his voice now. 'i had nightmares for months you know... after my dad died... and i hated his guts." he admitted. "i had nightmares after Sammie died too. and Cas... i'm really shitty at all of this you know? everyone i love always dies..." he shook his head. "never mind. you don't need to hear that." he mumbled. "you shouldn't have to deal with my shit either. you've already lost more than you ever should have had to." and it was easy to see that Dean blamed himself totally for that.
Dean winced a little as the other sprang to his feet, sighing softly as he looked at the other. “I couldn’t go back to sleep.”He muttered before frowning, “She’d want to take care of you. And you tell her to wake you up if she needs you. I think I should.”He said not looking to sure about letting it go, before wincing a little at dean’s words. “I’m proud of you. For not drinking. For not giving in, though I know you want to. Especially with what happened to mom...and morrigan.”Ben looked at the other man as they headed for the stairs, before nodding a little. “yea...I don’t remember it really...but I can’t sleep.”He sighed a little before frowning at dean, worried about him, and knowing he was probably right, but he needed to talk to someone. “You should talk to Luca. I mean....I know you don’t like him...but he could help with this. You’ve always blamed yourself more then you should...it wasn’t you who killed mom.”He said even if it had been dean’s protecting morrigan that had forced lucifer to deal with lisa, well it wasn’t dean’s fault for doing what he thought was right.
"...She doesn't need the stress. being pregnant with those monsters babies is more than enough for her to handle. specially since i'm not sure..." no one was sure what kind of babies they would be. would they be healthy, would they be mostly human in appearance, would they have wings or horns or claws that she'd have to struggle with? would her body even be able to handle three babies at the same time? this was not a good time to be Dean, struggling with so much at once. "...yeah well... i started drinking because your mom told me i had to start hunting again." he admitted. "i couldn't handle it... i just... couldn't take it. after that i never stopped and now it's so hard not to go into town and buy something." because he knew there was alcohol in the house, but someone must have talked to Crowley because it was all well out of his reach behind a wall safe that Dean couldn't get into. "it's not that i don't like him... it's just... i just..." he sighed and shook his head. "he's just so weird!" he grumbled before he laughed. "wasn't i?!" he demanded. "we both know that's not true. i might as well as laid a giant neon sign saying 'Kill this one!'...." he shook his head. "i knew, i knew that they would do anything to hurt me. even killing a woman and a child who didn't know my face or name anymore... but i thought you two would be safe because i'm still some naive little fuck up." he admitted before he cringed. "look. Ben just... stop making me talk okay because i can't shut up right now and you shouldn't have to listen to this kind of shit."
Ben frowned a little, “...No. We don’t know. But it’ll be okay.”Ben muttered he hoped. If the children ripped her apart from the inside from a rape he hadn’t been able to stop, Ben knew dean would never recover from it, even if she was reborn. “Okay, no morrigan then.”He muttered before wincing a little, “...You wanted to go back. You tried to stay, I know....but in the end...”He shrugged a little watching the other as he got the cream and tuna out, before nodding. “But you’re not. Because it’ll upset morrigan. And well, no more bar tenders for Sammie, so you don’t get to go pick them up.”he teased weakly, hoping for a smile, well aware of what happened the last time dean had drunk, cause he’d asked sam. “Well, you’re a little weird yourself.”he pointed out before wincing, sighing softly, “....We should have been safe. Cas was looking after us, even if we didn’t remember. It was just a fucked up mess.”Ben sighed wincing a little before nodding, “Okay then. You’re going to go wake up Morrigan though, and get some sleep. I doubt she’d mind the company for the night.”Ben said looking stubborn and ready ot wake up morrigan himself if dean didn’t. it hurt, to know dean wanted her, needed her, but he'd try to be better about acceping it, even if it hurt to know he was being left behind
"im sure it will be okay..." he didn't actually believe that but he wanted to. "i don't think i ever got over your mom." he admitted softly. he had moved on, sort of, but it had been years after he'd been with her before he could do anything more than a one night stand after drinking too much. in fact Morrigan was the first woman since he left Lisa, years ago and even now he was too torn up about Lisa's death to actually function even with Morrigan there to pick up his pieces. "it will upset Morrigan. and you, and Sam and Cas and Crowley..." he grumbled even as he smiled and accepted the tuna. "thanks Ben. you're a great kid you know that?" he asked before nodding. "i am weird.... more than a little weird but he's like, way off kilter." he grimaced a little. "i am not going to wake Morrigan up when she's been waking up from nightmares. i'll go bother Luca." he knew better than to go to Cas. "no... i'll go bother Sam." he decided. "yeah Sam would be better... or maybe i'll just go to sleep." he mumbled. he ended up curling up with Sam, like when they where young and one or the other had a nightmare.
"It will be.ben said sighing softly, tilting her his head as he looked at the other."...maybe not."ben said frowning a little. Because he could see how it affected dean, even if it was still upsetting to know dean was starting a new family without him."it would upset everyone."he agreed sighing softly, before smiling, blushing slightly."your not so bad yourself."he said, before snorting at his answer. "He is a little off kilter.""okay..."ben si th ed as he headed to bed himself.

In the morning Morrigan smiled a little as she nudged the door open, holding plates of food. Looking worried and upset as she got near the two."dean?sammie?"she muttered smiling as they started waking up.
"yeah. so no more drinking. especially since i'm still suffering from the withdrawals as it is." he grumbled, though most of it was doing so much better he still got nausea and dizy spells from time to time. "a little? the man is completely insane. i can't believe he's allowed around children." he grumbled before smiling at Ben. "goodnight Ben."

"...Morrigan? 's wrong? did you have a bad dream? do you need something?" Dean demanded, not sure what time it was and thinking that maybe it was still late because he was half asleep and tired... and sun burnt from his snooze in the sun.
“No, I didn’t. I wanted to check on you. You two slept in, got worried.”She smiled a little as she sat down on the edge of the bed, smiling a little wider as Sam swiped his plate from her, and grumbled as herolled out of bed, heading for the kitchen. Despite being a morning person, sam just didn’t wake up pleasantly.
"I slept in?" Dean asked, sitting up and rubbed his eyes and chuckled as Sam stalked off. Lyra would make him fee better he was sure. "thanks. sorry, i had a bad dream during the night." he lied. "i didn't want to upset you so i just crawled in with Sam." he explained, yawning a little before smiling at her. "did you sleep okay?" he asked, his head tilted.
“You’re welcome. Figured you’d feel better with food.”She smiled a little looking him over, before sighing, nodding a little. “I did. Though food’s not sounding to appetizing. Apparently, not even cas can do anything about morning sickness.”She said making a face as she considered the other.
"Yeah... although i think you're doing more for my improving mood more than anything." he admitted with a smile. "are you feeling ill?" he asked sympathetic. "do you want me to go get you something? i've heard tea can help."
“good.”Morrigan smiled at him a little, shifting to leave against the headboard as she looked down at him, “Yea. Just nauseous....no throwing up yet.”She shrugged a little before shrugging. “Luca already gave me some. It helped, but still not feeling well.”she said, sighing quietly as she looked down at him.
"i'm sorry your not feeling well... would a back rub or a foot rub help?" he asked. "i was reading up on Sam's computer, and it said that pregnant women sometimes felt better if they got a massage. or ate soda crackers and ginger ale but i don't think we have those." he admitted. "i'm kind of glad Luca is here really. he can help us get ready for the babies and help me not to... you know. panic." he admitted with a smile. "i'm prone to that you know..." he admitted, shaking his head.
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