Elf Struck(moon/lady)

He nodded, smiling a little. "i hope he says yes..." he admitted softly before laughing. "they're like squirrels on crack." he admitted with a grin as he carefully folded the paperwork and tucked it into his pocket and checked his other pockets for everything they'd need. wallet, keys, other various things that he kept on him and one special little pile of note-cards that he had been working on all week. "are ewe all ready to go?" he asked once he was in the kitchen with everyone.
“me to. He’ll say yes.”She smiled before snorting. “They are. Totally. Though you are the squirrel in you two.”She teased kissing his cheek before getting up to get dressed, sighing as she realized she was going to have to get new clothes soon since nothign was fitting. “Yea. Let’s go.”Sam grinned as Cas stood, the angel flashing them over to the Silicon valley annual tech con, definitely a awesome place to be a geek at.
"i am the Squirrel." he agreed with a grin before smiling. "here." he moved over to his closet and got her a T-shirt of his with the Tri-Force on it that Ben had gotten him a few years ago that he'd kept. "wear this. it'll be more conformable." he offered even as he pulled on a Skyrim T-shirt that Ben had also gotten him. he grinned as they set down in the Con and headed with the others to sign in, get their badges and guide books and everything else they'd need. "okay, we're roomed here... and it looks like all the panels are here, here, here, here and here." Luca was informing Ben and the rest of the group. "so we're actually positioned very well. there's no panels today, so we'll get settled in our rooms and make out a scheduled?" he offered. "sounds good to me but no one goes alone." he ordered. "you have to have at least one buddy there's only like, three nerds here so the rest of us will take turns going with Ben, Dean and Lyra." "That's easy enough. me, Cas, Lyra and Ben will be one group and You, Ben and Morrigan can be the other. in a crowded place like this, Demons and Arch-angels won't be too willing to do anything."
“thanks.”morrigan grinned as she pulled on the t-shirt, it was definitely easier to wear. Pausing as she looked at all the stuff they were getting, looking amazed and snorting amused at how very giddy both ben and sam were about going. “That’s sounds good.”Morrigan agreed. “Easy enough.”Sam agreed looking around, snorting slightly when he saw the man leaning against the railing on the balconies to the rooms above. “And crowley’s standing guard, even if he’s doing it from a bar and sipping martini’s.”He snickered a little.
"they are so damn hyper." he mumbled with a chuckle as he watched the nerds assemble. hah, that was hilarious. he could see them dressing up as superheroes yelling 'dweebs assemble! that was mean, he shouldn't find that as funny as he did. oh well. he had to chuckle at the sight of Crowley, amused. "this will be a good vacation for him. maybe he'll get laid and he'll stop being such a dick." he paused to look at his book. "hey, there is a thing tonight." he admitted. "oh... looks like it's just a bunch of people thanking people for volunteering their time. boring." he huffed. "so. where should we eat tonight?" "Sushi." "fuck you Luca." "Don't use such nasty language in front of kids." Lyra scolded, jerking her thumb at a group of people with a good number of young kids with them. "oops."
“indeed. We’ll turn them lose in the room, and they’ll wear themselves out.”Morrigan said“.....Assemble?”Morrigan muttered at her mate, showing that they were well in tune and finding the same things amusing. “Hmmm, I don’t know if Crowley knows how to not be a dick. But he might get laid. We’ll find him a geeky girl.”Morrigan snickered. “nooo...not sushi.”She said her stomach rolling at the idea. “Yes, no sushi. We’ll find something pleasing.”Cas smiled a little before snorting at dean’s cussing. “You’re gonna get yourself punished if you keep it up.”he teased
"They will wear themselves out." he agreed before snickering so much he wasn't sure he was going to be able to keep himself from laughing his ass off. "well, you might be right." he agreed. "Crowley is a dick by nature, but i rather like him anyway." he admitted. "Cain adores him." he admitted with a smile. "Cain seams to have adopted him as some kind of father figure." he admitted. "how about a Salad Bar?" Dean offered, blinking when they all stared at him. "what? Morrigan likes salads." "well. we could go to Ruby Tuesdays. there's one close by. there's a garden bar there, plus i could get a steak." Lyra admitted, making Dean snort. Sam just had to go for the least feminine woman ever. "i like being punished." Dean leered at her, wiggling his eyebrows. "will you spank me Morrigan?" he asked with a cocky half smirk. "Careful Dean, she might actually go for it." Luca warned.
“I’m always right. And I know. He’s sorta nice to have around, even if he’s a dick. And well, Cain doesn’t have anyone else really. Makes sense he adopted Crowley to look up to.”She said thoughtfully before staring at him. “....I do. But you’re the last person I expected to offer to get some.”She teased him a little. “Yes, ruby tuesdays, and they still have a good selection for salad.”Sam said humming pleased, smirking slightly. “Hmmm, I will spank you if you don’t behave.”Morrigan warned eyeing him.
"that's true i guess." he agreed with a smile. "i like having him on our side." he admitted. "and he's a lot better than some of the demons i could think of for Cain to emulate." he admitted with a smile before shrugging at her. "your nausea is kicking up a little. i can tell. salads don't make you feel sick, so we should get salads." he admitted with a smile before smirking at her even more. "you're not giving me a very good reason to behave." he admitted before letting the nerds lead the way to the restaurant and then back to the hotel where they all settled in and started planning their days, who wanted to go to what pane and how ling they'd have to get there. they had every second of the day planned by the time they all went to bed and Dean sighed, well aware it was going to be hela busy but he was happy because Ben and Sam where happy.

it was the third and final day. they where all loaded down with things being sold from the venders and Dean was laughing at something Ben was babbling about. they where heading for the last panel and Dean was getting anxious. he had managed to arrange for them to have dinner at a very fancy resteraunt after this, just the three of them and he was going to do his thing.
“True. It could be worse.”She smiled a little, before tilting her head. “it is.”She said looking amused that he had noticed, before snorting. “I’ll just have to spank you then.”She snroted amused at his words. Simply happy to be with them. Even if it was going to be a exhausting few days, it was going to be fun.

Morrigan smiled tiredly as he headed for the panel, snuggled under dean’s arm, sleepy and ready for a nap, glad that they’d have a little time before dinner so she could take a nap. Smiling as they got to the panel room, she frowned pausing when she heard her name, turning to look for who said it, expecting it to be crowley, eyes widening as she saw the gun being pointed towards her, “Morrigan, it is so good to see you.”Meg growled even as she pulled the trigger, ignoring sam coming towards her, knowing he’d be to late to stop it. she'd be back in lucifer's good graces if she killed the whore.
he smiled at her a ittle, so damn nervous. what if Ben said no? what if she said no? what if it all went to hell? no. he and Cain had worked tirelessly on the note cards. he wouldn't fail. no, he wouldn't fail at all. he just had to stay calm and collected. he frowned, turning, stunned to see a human, holding the Colt, a Demon! a Demon he knew. Meg. that bitch! he was already shoving Morrigan hard, nearly body checking her he was shoving her out of the way that hard. he felt something burning, burning hot. so hot even as he watched Crowley and Cas converge on the demon bitch. he looked down, there was blood on his shirt. whose blood? his own, that was where the pain was coming from. he'd been shot, dead center, the bullet was still inside of him. he looked up, reaching into his pockets and nearly managed to pull his note cards out, with the ring and the paperwork before he collapsed, notecards scattering as the paperwork to adopt Ben fluttered to his feet, the tinking of something meta striking the ground as a ring bounced out to land at Morrigan's feet. Dean stared up at the ceiling and managed two words before he stopped breathing. "Love...you." and then he was gone and Cain went with him. both of them dead. true dead, their souls slipping away to join the rest of their kind. Cain going to hell and Dean joining the angels in heaven. neither was very well received but they didn't actually give a damn because they where the first and they'd only be there a week or so before they fund a new body to merge into to be reborn.
Morrigan yelped as she was body checked hard enough that she actually stumbled and fell, landing near cain, well under cain really as he fell. “Cain!Dean?!?”Morrigan’s eyes were wide and panicked as she looked at him, hands covering the bullet wound, trying to stop the blood as she saw the ring at her feet, “Dean?Cain, I love you. Come back!Come back!”She demanded scared and upset even as she felt Crowley lifting her up, struggling to stay with cain, she could save him. She had to!Fighting him so hard that the demon actually had to put her to sleep before he could get her and ben back to the house so he could deal with this.

Nearly a week later Cas swallowed thickly as he looked down at the body in front of him, sitting back on his heels, pale and for once, looking exhausted. The sheer power that it had taken to bring back, and hold this body, and in turn watching Crowley pull Cain out, and the accidental seperation of the two....well. It had taken a toll on them. And they hadn’t told the others yet, not until they were sure it had worked. “Dean?”He said not sounding to sure as he watched Dean’s eyelashes flutter a little, swallowing thickly.
Dean's eyes fluttered open. he hurt all over. the extreme power that had rushed through his body that had first brought it back to life, and then separated it. that had taken a lot of energy and cell multiplication and even now he could feel the strange power crawling all over him as he spread his wings, itching to run away, to flee. the other angels would be there any minute. what was supposed to have been a few days, minutes in earth time, had turned to months in heaven, fighting off asshole Angels who either wanted to claim him for their own, kill him, or banish him from heaven. none of them had been happy that Dean had been multitudes more powerful than them. none of them had been happy, that Dean had fully and totally outranked them all. he knew that voice though, didn't he? Cas. Cas was there. so that meant... "Morrigan?" he croaked, trying to force his eyes open.
Cas looked relieved as he slumps, swallowing thickly as he slumped into the bed against the other, looking at the man in front of him. “Dean.thank god.”he mtutered sounding utterly relieved. “morrigan’s safe. Alive. I promise.”He muttered, “You’ve been out for nearly two weeks, Dean. Careful, you’re still weak. Don’t over do it just yet. Crowley’s taking care of cain, and Sam’s looking after ben and morrigan. You’re family’s safe, I promise.”
"okay." Dean sighed, sagging into the bed. relieved to know that Morrigan was okay, turning to look at the other bed and almost jerked out of his skin. it was a second him. only where he had wings, the other one had horns sprouting from his forehead. they looked almost identical. they where identical. only when the other him slowly opened his eyes, they where bright vibrant red. "Cain...." Den whispered, stunned. they had been separated. how, how had that happened?! was that even possible!? it must have been or it wouldn't have happened. Cain blinked stupidly at them all and then closed his eyes and went back to sleep. something Dean desperately wanted to do. but there was something so much more important. "Morrigan..." he had to know had she found his note cards? had she read them? his innermost feelings where he talked about how he'd always wanted a family, and how he was sure, in time he, her and Ben could be that family. he he desperately loved them both and wanted to keep them close to him forever and never let go? would she have said yes? had Ben found the paperwork? what would his reaction have been? he needed to know. needed to know they didn't hate him.
“Rest.”Cas muttered lookign worried before wincing a little as the other looked over, swallowing hard. “We’re not sure...how we did that. But it happened. When we pull you both back out.”Cas said blushing ever so slightly watching cain as crowley walked in fussing over the demon and settling in to watch over him. “Morrigan is well. I promise.”Cas said biting his lip, the bond between him and the hunter telling him where dean’s thoughts were. “....She knows. She’s....she’s messed up Dean, emotional and horrfied she ever thought we were dating and ben’s feeling guilty...but you can set them both straight. You have your family still, Dean.”He said gently stroking the other’s hair back, knowing that the man liked it. even if he wasn't the perferred one who got to pet dean, he knew dean still enjoyed it, even if he'd have rather had morrigan
Dean stared at himself for a long moment and then looked at Cas again. "We're separate... i'm not... sure that's..." to be alone. when he'd had Cain inside if him for so long... he wasn't sure how to handle that. he'd have to deal with it when he wasn't so tired. he sighed, relaxing at the promise Morrigan was okay. "Tell... i love her." he mumbled, watching Cain before going back to sleep, feeling much more relaxed now that Cas was petting him, the deep rumbling purr filling the air two fold. because when Dean started purring, Cain started as well. both of them purring away like giant cats.

it was Cain who woke first next. without any of the exhaustion that had been bothering Dean. he blinked and slowly sat up, his entire body aching and he paused to look at his hands, as if he'd never seen them before before looking over at Dean and then Cas and finally Crowey. there was no recognition in his face or his blood red eyes. no indication at all that he knew where he was, or who they where. there was no recognition in those vibrant red eyes, but there wasn't any anger or aloofness or anything else to be associated with Cain the Demon either. he seamed. emotionless.
"I don't know...but...it happened. Morrigan will help. You know she will."he promised smiling a little."I will."he promised.

Bcain?"crowley asked stirring from his chair when he heard the quiet snoring stop, looking the man over slowl, tense ready to move away or restrain him if he had to.
Cain turned and looked at Crowley, blinking at him and for a long moment it seamed as if Cain wasn't going to do a damn thing before he reached out and touched Crowley's nose as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world before dropping his hand and staring at him. when Crowley failed to o anything interesting he turned his attention to the blankets covering him and tugged at them, as if trying to figure out what their purpose was and why they where on him. he finally decided the where okay there and turned to look at the sleeping Dean who was starting to stir again. "Morrigan?" Dean slurred, intent on making sure she was still safe.
Crowley paused watching the man, tensing as he reached out, going a little cross eyed as cain touched his nose. Looking bemused at the other’s reaction, frowning slightly before tensing when cain looked at dean. “She’s sleeping next to you. Careful, don’t move to much. You’ll wake her up, and she needs sleep.”Crowley said, once it had been obvious that the two were going to survive, they’d moved them back to the house.
Cain stared at them all while Dean sighed, relaxing as he realized Morrigan really was right thre, stroking her hair gently before smiling a little. "Hey Cain... looks like you got your own body... kinda terrible isn't it?" he asked, frowning when Cain just sat there and stared at him. "..Cain? what's wrong?" he asked, baffled by the others odd behavior. the Demon stared at him for a moment before turning to look at Crowley, his head tilted before reaching for the others hair and stroked it before grabbing a handful and yanking, hard enough to yank Crowley out of his chair and though he managed to get a few strands of hair, he didn't get a huge clump as he must have been hoping for because he just stared at the few strands in his palm like they where disappointing.
“It is sorta terrible. Now I’m never gonna be able to eat chocolate.”Crowley grumbled before looking worried. “Cain?”He said tensing, looking worried as he considered what the other was doing, yelping as he fell out of his chair, “Cain!” “....Cain....what are you doing?”Cas said as he eased closer, worried about setting him off. worried about getting attacked if he did
"no your not." Dean teased with a chuckle before frowning, worried about his, ah, twin? Cain didn't seam to understand that people where upset, but he did notice someone new in the room, someone with bright pretty white wings and he reached for them. "Dude! no. don't even think about it! no yanking feathers!" Dean ordered because he'd yanked out of his own a time or two. the first on purpose because it was hanging funny and he never did it on purpose again, but they did get caught a time or two and it hurt like a bitch. Cain just turned to look at Dean and noticed those pretty white feather and had one in his hand before anyone could stop him, making Dean shriek and squeal like a little girl. "What the FUCK Cain! you fucking little bitch!" Dean wailed, cradling the offended wing and glaring at his, uh, twin. Cain was too busy staring, transfixed at the feather.
“I hate you all.”Crowely grumbled wincing at dean’s order, knowing it’d just be worse even if he’d abandoned reaching for Cas’ wings. “Are you okay?”cas asked looking at dean worriedly even as morrigan sat up, looking panicked and upset and scared at the yelling, cringing away from them all. “....I don’t think he’s paying attention.”Crowley frowned a little, looking worried as he considered the man.
"i'm fine!" Dean whined, cradling his wing. "he yanked my feathers!" he complained before wincing when he woke Morrigan. "shh. love, shh. it's okay. calm down." he murmured to her before looking worried at Cain. "what's wrong with him? he's not acting right... are you sure you brought back the right soul?" he asked, watching Cain look from the hair to the wings, as if comparing them before looking at Cas's hair, comparing it to the treasures in his hands before focusing on Morrigan and for the first time, made a sound, a short keening sound that might have meant something, but what, no one knew.
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