Elf Struck(moon/lady)

“I know.”Cas winced a little, “though I must say I’d rather it be you then me.”Cas said. “...Oh. Dean. Oh. Okay.”Morrigan calmed looking panicked but calming as she considered tehm, frowning a little. “Yes, I’m sure. Really, really sure.”Crowley said looking insulted that he thought he’d messed up. “....he’s like...a kid.”Morrigan frowned a little startled as he focused on her, easing out of the bed to move towards him. “Cain?”
"....your an ass Cas." he grumbled, examining his wing before deciding it didn't hurt anymore and folded them inside where Cain's grabby little fingers couldn't get to them anymore before he smiled at Morrigan, glad she was okay before frowning. "a kid?" he asked before examining Cain. "yeah... ike a kid." he agreed. "he was in hell right? you think... maybe it broke him? he's never been a seperate entity before like i have. maybe the separation did something." he muttered, worried when Morrigan moved over to him, but all he did was abandon his prizes and wrapped his arms around her and snuggled into her like a child. something Cain would normally never have done. ever. he had trouble just holding hands with her when other people where around. here he was just a snuggling her, rubbing his face against her shirt and purring so loud the bed was nearly vibrating. "...Cain is broken." Dean mumbled. "i don't like this. i'm scared..." because he had been hoping to depend on Cain's acidic remarks and vaugue disdain to help him through this and now he wouldn't get it.
“I know I am.”Cas looked amused. “Yes....a kid. I mean, he’s examining that feather like a child would.”Crowley said frowning a little before flinching, eyes widening as he considered what could have happened. He hadn’t considered it, because he hadn’t thought it possible but....”Lucifer. If lucifer’s returned to hell, he could have...”Crowley shuddered paling. “Yes, I think the separation and whatever happened there, has damaged him.”Morrigan muttered smiling a little as she stroked cain’s hair, looking amazed that cain was doing this. Looking utterly lost in what to do, feeling her whole body vibrate with the force of his purring. “Me to....”morrigan looked upset and scared herself, because cain was the protector, she needed him. Knew lucifer and michael were still looking, they were going to get killed. Without cain, despite the people protecting them, still made her feel so vulnerable.
"and the yanking of the hair. babies do that right?" Dean asked softly. "you see it in videos all the time." he admitted, shaking his head before he paled. "Micheal tried to pull some shit when i was in heaven." he whispered. "but i outranked him and i could kick his ass... Cain didn't have that kind of protection in Hell did he? he couldn't have fought Lucifer and all of his demon lords off.... they must have... they must..." he shuddered, wanting to be sick. what had they done to Cain!? to make the strongest person Dean know revert back to infancy mentally, that was just... "he'll be okay." Dean suddenly decided. "he's the strongest person i know. he's just checked out right now. he deserves the break and we should let him have it." he decided, watching Cain snuggle Morrigan, sleeping away. "he's not lost. he's just... resting." he hoped.
“Yea, babies do. Thinking of cutting my hair before the babies come anyways....getting my hair pulled wouldn’t be pleasant.”Morrigan smiled slightly, before wincing, paling as she looked at dean. Eyes wide and scared, upset. “No, he didn’t. It took me awhile to track him down....they must of hidden him.”Crowley swallowed, looking upset and annoyed that he had failed so badly. “....yes. He’ll be okay. He has to be.”morrigan muttered trembling a little even as she stroked cain’s hair, trying to comfort them both, before nodding. “He is resting.”She agreed sighing herself. as worried as hse was about this, the sight of cain nuzzling her pregnant stomach was just adorable.
"i like your hair..." Dean admitted before sighing. "your right though, getting it yanked all the time would be unpleasant. maybe i should get mine cut too?" he wondered, examining his long locks of hair before reaching out and taking her hand. "it'll be okay." he had to hope. "Was he like this when you found him?" he asked Crowley, worried. he hadn't done anything when Crowley found him, Cain had just been curled up in a tiny black cave/hole silent and unresponsive. "he deserves the rest. he'll be okay in time and when he starts coming back to himself we can help him." he agreed softly, smiling at her. "i think he knows your pregnant. that's cute." he admitted, hesitating before reaching out and stroking Cain's hair, making the man turn to him and blink before deciding that was okay. "it's creepy. having a second me running around. is he like, my twin or something now?" he wondered, watching Cain yawn and snuggle in for a nap. "....it's creepy that he's so cute..."
"I know. I'll let it grow out again after. Babies are hard to tell not to pull, when they get older it'd be better."Morrigan smiled before looking at the other." Byou might want to."she said before sighing softly."yes. He'd just curled up and let me carry him out."crowley frowned looking upset, cain was one of his favorite people after all.be will help him..."she muttered relaxing a little.I think so to. It's cute."she muttered before snorting a little looking up at the other.i...maybe?I mean, there's no real description of this relationship....and it is a tad crreepy."she agreed
"you'd look really cute with a pixie cut." he admitted, smiling at her before sighing as he rubbed his head because he rather didn't want to. he liked his hair long. "so Lucifer did something." Dean snarled. "i wonder if Crowley can find out..." he mumbled. "i'm not sure i want to know, but it's better if we do, at least someone, so we can help him when he starts to remember." he admitted before smiling a little at his twin. "well. clone maybe? i mean, is it incest if we where the same person to begin with?" he wondered before chuckling a little. "sorry. i'm so tired... i'm going to lay down for just a little longer." he mumbled, snuggling into his bed to go back to sleep. he woke only to the smell of food. and pie. cream and tuna and chocolate and yes! Cain, was no different in that regard, he had a bottle of chocolat sauce pressed to his lips and he was greedily guzzling it down, growling at anyone who wasn't Morrigan that he perceived as too close.
“Yea maybe.”Morrigan smiled before sighing. “Keepp it long if you want. Just be prepared to have it pulled.”She warned before frowning a little. Considering the demon lord as he left the room to upset to stay. “He might be able to find out. I’m sure that’s where he’s going actually.”Morrigan muttered before tilting her head a little, “Might try to get luca to see if he can help.”She said thoughtfully, ebfore nodding, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Rest.”She ordered. Morrigan sighed softly when she saw cain, shaking her head a little as she reached out, gently tugging at the bottle. “Give it here, Cain. You’ll make yourself sick if you keep it up.”
Dean chuckled a little. "i'll cut it short when they're born." he decided. "then, by the time they're old enough to learn not to pull,it'll have grown back." he said happily, smiling at her before sighing and nodding. "i hope Crowley stays safe. i can't imagine this is easy for him. he practically adopted Cain." he admitted softy before perking up. "Luca could totally help!" he agreed before smiling at her. "i love you." he murmured as he went to sleep.

Cain let go of the bottle when she ordered but he did something very unusual next. "eh, eh, eh..." he hiccuped, his lip trembled and tears welled up in his eyes and he reached for the bottle, wanting it back but not attacking her, or even snarling like he would have if, say, Cas had done it. "Eh! EH!" Cain commanded, sniffling and gearing up for a massive tear fest for the chocolate sauce. "Here." Dean ordered, shoving something into Cain's hands, the Demon blinking at it, attempt at tears completely abandoned as he stared at the thing in his hands. a bright tie-dye bouncy ball that Dean had yanked out of a nearby bedside drawer.
“Sounds good.”She smiled at him, amused at his solution, before nodding a little. “He’ll be okay. I just wouldn’t want to be lucifer at the moment. Crowley’s not going to be happy.”She sighed a little before nodding, luca would help. “Love you to.”

Morrigan’s eyes went wide and startled as she started at cain, looking worried and upset but not giving it back, not wanting him to get sick. “You’ll get sick, Cain.”She said sounding anxious before pausing, looking relieved at dean’s ball, sighing softly. “Thanks. That was close.”She sighed softly, kissing dean’s cheek, looking worried about how long crowley had been gone. “You think we should be worried about crowley?"
"tht was close. and scary as hell. our kids aren't going to do that right?" he asked, looking hihgy nervous because he had a feeling the answer to that was a big fat yes. "better get that out of here before he remembers he wants that." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "no. not yet. he could very likely be dispensing some vengeance." he admitted,reaching for his Tune, only the one can but that was okay, his body hadn't eaten anything in a while apparently, he didn't want to eat too muc and get sick.. like Cain was doing, scarpering for the bathroom to be ill because he'd ate too much chocolate. ah well, it was only to be expected. at least he was able to be sick on his own and he didn't just spit up all over himself. he could use the bathroom on his own brush his own teath, even bathe himself. he just, was overly simple. he came back out of the bathroom whimpering and curled up next to Morrigan, holding his stomach because his belly hurt and he liked her the most.
Morrigan snickered a little. “Do you want me to lie, or tell the truth?” “They will. And if they’re anything like you, they’ll look adorable doing it.”sam said smirking a little as he stepped into the room, though he was careful to not get to close as he took the chocolate as morrigan handed it to him before leaving with it. “ah...well. Okay. A few more hours then.”Morrigan muttered wincing as cain threw up, sighing softly. Smiling as the man curled up next to her, gently stroking his hair, before looking at dean. “Now you, no eating till your sick. Careful.”
"....I'm boned." he sighed before sulking at Sammie. "Yeah. just a few more hours and if he's stll gone..." well there wasn't much they could do actually. Cain was the only demon there and he was in no state at all to be going to hell looking for Crowley. "i'll be fine. promise." he assured her, eating slowly and managed to polish off the tin can without feeling sick, though he didn't touch the cream, knowing once he started he wouldn't stop so he just didn't start. "has he recovered at all?" he asked softly, hesitating before gently stroking Cain's hair as well. "No." Luca said gently as he walked in with some pepto. "he's hurt very badly, but he will recover... you'll both have to be very patient with him." Luca warned gently, handing Morrigan the pepto to feed to Can, ignoring the faint growls coming from the ill Demon. eve without any memories, he still didn't much like Luca.
“You are.”Sam agreed snickering a little. “if we have to do something, we’ll figure it out.”Morrigan muttered, though she was certain at least by then they’d probably hear from crowley. “Good.”Morrigan muttered relaxing as the man ate slowly, before looking up at luca, shaking her head a litte. “....He will?”Morrigan said looking up at luca hopefully, before smiling softly.”We’ll be as patient as we need to.”She muttered.”Cain, sweetheart, you need to drink this. Come on, sweetie.”Morrigan soothed gently as she helped him drink it before pausing when crowley walked into teh room, for once, pure annoyance was showing, which said just how pissed the man was, considering he usually had icy self control
"Yes, he will." Luca promised. "he's... he's protecting himself in a way. the damage to his mind, it will be much easier for him this way." he admitted. "to have happy innocent memories that are much fresher than what happened to him while in hell, it will give him something to latch onto." he admitted, smiling as Cain swallowed the medicine, making a face when it wasn't chocolate. he looked up at Crowley, looking glad to see the other. Crowley was his savior, after all. he didn't move from Morrigan's lap though and whined when Dean stopped stroking his hair.
“Oh. I...see. That makes sense. Some.”Morrigan frowned a little, shuddering a little at the idea of what cain had done in hell, swallowing thickly as she smiled as cain took the medicine. “You can have more chocolate later.”She promised. Crowley smiled slightly when Cain looked glad to see him, “Hey Cain.”He said sounding calm, amused as he watched them for a moment before tilting his head. “walk with me dean?You could use a little excerise?”
"Chh....c...la..." Cain mumbled, trying to replicate the words being spoken to him. he wasn't very good at it but he was getting better at making various sounds already and was even beginning to react to certain ones. like Morrigan, and Chocolate. Dean nodded and kissed Morrigan gently before following Crowley, watching the man. "it was bad." he stated, knowing that enough to not have to guess.
“Yes, chocolate.”Morrigan smiled at him happily, glad to see him trying the words, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “So good.”She muttered looking worried as she watched dean go before shifting to lay down and curl up with cain. “IT was.”Crowley swallowed thickly. “The cave I found him in...he was alone. I thought...they’d just locked him in there and left him. I never....”He swallowed hard. “They left him in there till they wanted to use him. Sex, torture, whatever abuse belial and lucifer thought of for the moment, they broke him to simply waiting and being quiet until they showed up.”Crowley glanced at dean. “I’m sorry....I hadn’t...found him sooner. Hell’s huge....and since he’s not a normal demon, he didn’t go to the normal places...I didn’t...”Crowley slumped. Sounding as close to tears as he ever would.
"the cave?" he asked, glancing at Crowley before tensing. "so they just left him in a dark hole, andthe only time he saw someone was when they wanted to hurt him or rape him... fuck, he's going to start remembering and i don't know how to help him through that.." he looked at Crowley. "it wasn't your fault Crowley. they kept him hidden for a reason you know. they wanted you to have to search foras long as possible. to keep us out of the way.Micheal did his damnedest to break me too you know." he admitted. "too bad for him i was stronger thn him." he admitted. "poor Cain... no ones stronger than the lord of hell. he never had a chance..." Dean whispered, wrapping an arm around Crowley. "you did everything you could for him, and you saved him. even if you had found him the very next day, that's weeks in Hell Crowley. you found him as fast as you could and i know you didn't rest... you dd everything you could and you saved him. we couldn't ask for more." he admitted, holding Crowley because he felt like the Demon needed the comfort.
“Yes. A cave, in the lower levels of hell. If I’d thought of it sooner, I would have started there....Of course the first of us would end up closer to the pit and lucifer’s cage. He was it’s guardian once, watching over both lucifer’s cage, and morrigan. Protecting.”Crowley muttered before swallowing hard. “Morrigan will. And Luca. You have backup in helping him now.”Crowley muttered before frowning, looking annoyed. “I know. Cas was raging about it. Apparently the angels are still in a uproar, and our lovely general is on a warpath. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cas is going nuclear really.”Crowley muttered sounding vaguely amused, because he knew while cas was falling for luca, the loyalty he felt for the older winchester was bone deep, and could provoke a rage that was rare in the usually calm angel. “We’ll look after cain.”He muttered sighing a little as the other wrapped a arm around him, while he wouldn’t have normally allowed it, it spoke to how upset he was that he simply leaned into him a little. “Yea....I guess I did.”He muttered accepting the words as truth even if he didn’t think he worked fast enough
"Hind sight is always perfect you know. you don't think i didn't feel the same way when Lisa and Ben where attacked? when Lisa died? when Sam and Cas and everyone else died?" he asked, smiling at him a little. "there are so many things i could have done. but that won't change anything. we have to keep going though, because the worst thing we could do, is drown ourselves. Cain needs you, Crowley. he looks up to you. you're practically his Idol. you're to him, what Cas is to me and you wont help him, drowning yourself in your guilt. it will only make him feel worse for making you upset, i know from experience." he admitted. "and even if you had found him sooner, it would always have been too late." he admitted. "because Lucifer is in charge f the time down there, and he would always have had enough time to break Cain." he admitted softly. "So we have to pul our big boy panties up, swallow our guilt, and do what we can for him."
“....True. We always see how to change things.”Crowley sighed before wincing a little. Because he could have stopped so much of the pain that had been inflicted on dean, if only he’d gotten involved earlier. “...True. Kids always feel badly when they upset adults. I’ll help him.”he muttered sighing a little, wincing at the knowledge that no matter what, lucifer would have always had time. Before pausing. Eyeing the man next to him as he drew away from him. “...You wear panties?”
"yeah." he agreed before smiling at him a little. "it's not just as kids. when i'm hurt, and cas feels bad for it, i always feel even worse because Cas feels bad." he admitted before blushing hard. "...er... well yes. actually." he admitted, lifting the edge of hs underwear which where white with pink polkadots and very clearly ladies underwear. "they're just so much more comfortable.... and they make me feel pretty." he admitted. "don't tell Sam and for gods sake don't tell Cain." he ordered. "because i can, and will hurt you."
“...Cas is like a child himself. It’s wrong to upset the angel-boy.”Crowley snorted a little before staring at the other, before looking down, choking on a laugh. “Very nice. Definitely sexy.”Crowley snorted a little, “And no, I wouldn’t dare tell them....though I might tell your girlfriend. She might never have sex with you again.”Crowley teased a little before squirming slightly. “Also....morrigan and ben both found the stuff you had in your pockets....for now, they’re relieved your a alive. But damned if they hadn’t been feeling guilty about it. Both the adoption and the ring....morrigan totally freaked out about you not dating cas, by the way.”
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