Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"Thank you i certainly thought so... i've a little bit of a girl in me but that's okay. we have Cain to be the manly man." he admitted with a smile before he snorted. "you really think Morrigan doesn't know when she's nosy as hell sometimes and wouldn't hesitate to look through my underwear drawer?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Crowley. "i either wear something like these, or i go without." he admitted. "which you know, since Cain never wears underwear at all." he admitted before he flinched. "...she saw the ring?" he asked, his voice so soft and frightened. "was... was she mad?" he asked softly before cringing as he realized Morrigan had freaked out about Cas. he was so boned.
“You are a bit of a girl. Sorta adorable really.”Crowley teased before snorting. “She’s only nosy casue she worries about you. and she’s totally worried about getting to know you, and if you two are dating, if you leave her what will happen.”Crowley rolled his eyes a little before snorting, amused at the idea of dean going without. That just amused him. “True.”he agreed before nodding a little. “She did. And she was mad. With herself. She feels guilty and upset that she didn’t realize you weren’t dating Cas. Or if you are, that she didn’t realize you were serious enough about her to want to marry her.”Crowley sighed a little. “She’s not upset with you dean, really.”He promised. “I just thought you should know because your pregnant girlfriend is making herself even sicker then she already feels by worrying and fussing.”
"i am a bit of a girl. i am totally adorable." he admitted happily before shrugging. "if it bothered me i would have told her." he admitted. "i don't have anything to hide from her after all." he admitted with a sappy little smile before cringing. that was even worse! he turned on his heal and headed back to Cain and Morrigan and had to laugh because Cain was feeling a bit better apparently. he was spread out, his stomach on her lap, arms high over his head like a lazy cat, getting his belly rubbed. "that is adorable and when he remembers this he is never, ever living it down." Dean informed them, snapping pictures of everything with his phone. grinning like a maniac.
“Whatever you say, squirrel.”Crowley said rolling his eyes because he wasn’t about to admit that he found all of them fairly adorable really. “You are such a sap. I never thought I’d see the day, dean winchester was this gone on a girl.”He teased a little remembering the days when cain, or dean really, had fucked everything in sight. Morrigan smiled a little as she rubbed cain’s stomach, amused as she took the empty bottle of chcolate from him. “See, that’s better isn’t it?You wont get sick now.”Morrigan muttered rubbing his stomach as she nodded. “He wont. Sam’s already been buy to take pictures.”She said smiling up at dean.
"Shut up Natasha." he ordered Crowley, feeling quite smug about that comeback. "I am a bit of a sap." he agreed with a smile and he smiled at her, watching her rub Cain's belly. "he's really kind of hopeless." Dean sighed, because even if nothing had happened, Cain still would have eaten too much chocolat, gotten sick and demanded belly rubs. "excellent. two pronged blackmail." Dean agreed, sitting next to her, letting his wings out and wrapped one around her. "...is Ben very mad at me?"
“....”Crowley looked at ihm annoyed. “I should have never showed you that show.”He grumbled, well aware it had only been after he’d given them the names that the two had watched the show. “He really is. It’s cute.”Morrigan smiled as cain purred, rubbing his stomach. “...I’m sure sam’s making a photo album or something, not planning blackmail.”She pointed out, sighing softly at the feel of wings at her back, shifting to lean into him as she relaxed. “...No. Not really. Upset with himself for thinking just cause we were having babies, meant we were goign to abandon him....”
"no. no you shouldn't have. be glad i didn't call you Boris." he taunted with a smirk. "well. it's the same thing really." he admitted before smiling a little. "you know. when Mom got pregnant with Sam, i was convinced that they didn't want me anymore. so i packed all my things and i was going to run away. mom went into labor prematurely though, and i ended up going to the hospital with them and they let me sit in the room with her and hold her hand. i was terrified and upset, and furious with Sam for hurting mom like that. she told me the most amazing thing. "this is why parents always love their children. because this pain, if we can go through this for our children then we can go through everything with them. just like i went through this with you. and you're helping me through it like you'll help your little brother through life." he smiled at her. "Ben just needed to realize that the pain we went through together, means we have an inseparable bond. and just like me, he'll love these babies almost as if they where his own. he's a great kid, and he'll be a wonderful big brother." he paused and then oh so hesitantly. "are... are you mad at me?"
“So it’s a normal sibling thing?To think your being abandoned?”she muttered sounding curious as she looked at him, before offering a small smile as she considered what he was telling her, shifting to hold his hand even as she kept stroking cain’s stomach. “That’s adorable. I bet you were so cute.”She muttered before nodding, looking down at her stomach, biting her lip. “I love them...even....even knowing what happened. What could happen still....”She shuddered a little. She didn’t want to think about michael or lucifer, not now. “You did well. Helping sammie through everything.”She smiled at him, nodding a little. “He is gonna be great. He’s been so good about it...he’s made sure I’ve been eating and looking after me while you were out.”She muttered before staring down, shaking her head as she sniffled a little, the tears starting, “I didn’t....no. I’m not.”she sighed, biting her lip, trying to decide how to word it, needing to know before they continued. “You...you weren’t planning on proposing a three way marriage with Cas right? Or asking me to join you two?”She asked hesitantly, a small sad worried smile on her lips. "I tried asking cas, and he didn't understand the question I think..."
"i wouldn't know." he admitted. "i think so. but we have to take into account the other things that Ben's been through so far. there was a lot of me leaving for him to have to dea with, and a lot of death too. it's only natural that he would assume the worst." he grinned at her. "i was adorable... i think Sam has pictures, feel free to ask him to show you." he offered before smiling as he gently set a hand on her stomach. "i love them too." he admitted. "and it's because i love them that i know i won't let anything happen to them. neither will Cain, memories or not. Cain and Crowley, Luca and Lyra and Sam. Ellen and Jo, Bobby, anyone i could find to ask, they would be more than willing to help us, to keep our babies safe." he promised, kissing her cheek gently before he choked. "i'm not Gay!...." he paused and then flushed hard. "i might be a little Gay, but only for Cain and only because he's gorgeous and an exception!" "right... because that wasn't narcissistic." "shut up Luca!" Dean huffed. "i promise you, Morrigan. i do not want to have a relationship, physical, emotional or otherwise with Cas." he promised. "the only reason anything happened before is because he loved me enough that he was able to stabalize my shattered bond. that is literally the only reason why i went to him. i wasn't thinking straight and he was the one who loved me the most aside from you." he admitted.
“Yea...that’s true.”She muttered swallowing hard at the idea, before sighing. “Well, he’s wrong. He’s stuck with us now.”She snorted a little, because she knew ben knew that, knew they wanted him, that they needed to have him there with them. “...I’ll ask.”She giggled a little at the idea of seeing a adorable dean, before smiling a little as he touched her stomach, before nodding. “We’ll protect them.”She agreed, even if her voice trembled a little, so very scared of the idea of lucifer and michael hurting them. Of getting what they wanted. Leaning into him before wincing a little as he choked, blushing a little. “Narcissist.”She teased him a little nuzzling him a little before looking down at cain amused, before nodding a little. “Oh....good....”She muttered relaxing at his words, “Good. Cause I think your angel wants luca. Though you two emotionally have a relationship. I don’t think you and cas could ever feel nothing for each other.”She muttered looking thoughtful, and teasing him because she was deflecting for just how worried she’d been feeling at the idea of them wanting a threesome. “He does....still. But he’s happy with luca, which is what you wanted for him....”She smiled a little, nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder, relaxing, closing her eyes as she cuddled both her boys, feeling steady and reassured that he just wanted her. And cain. That they would be okay.
"Yup. he is never, ever, never getting rid of us now." he agreed with a smirk. "he'll grow to hate us i'm sure, when he's fifty six and we pop in like 'heeey, you still a virgin yet'? and he and his wife will scream in terror, his kids will hide under the bed and the dogs will run away from home." he was so weird. "we'll make them safe and happy." he agreed smiling at her. "i am a little bit." he agreed with a smile as he watched Cain. "he does want Luca." he agreed. "in fact, he's fucked Luca five ways to sunday. was was so excited that he told me all about it. i'm scarred." he admitted. "we fucked. but he's still more of a father to me than anything else. like Crowley is to Cain." he admitted with a smile. "he does love me. but it's a familial love now. i think he's finally realized he doesn't actually want me in his bed." he admitted with a chuckle before snuggling her because he loved her so, so much. he was dreading what was going to happen next. he was angry, not with anyone there, when Cain had a nightmare one night and curled up in the darkest closet in the house and it took them almost an hour to find him. he keened like a broken bird when they found him trying to burrow deeper into the closet, no doubt unsure if they where safe or like Lucifer. the only people he wasn't scared of was Lyra and Morrigan. likely because thet where women and he had yet to be hurt by one of those.
“Never ever.”She agreed before laughing out loud, “You are so weird. Really.”She said rolling her eyes a little, amused at his thought, absently petting cain’s stomach as the man laid over her knees before snickering. “That’s amusing. And good. Luca needed laid, and cas deserves it. He totally looks more relaxed now.”she said smiling a little before nodding. “True. And good. He’s more relaxed now that he isn’t twisted up over you.”She smiled a little, before settling in to snuggling.

Sighing softly as she looked at the closet, rubbing a hand over her stomach as she eased the closet door opening. Still unmarried or unengaged, since she wanted to wait till cain was back with them before making any decisions even if everyone knew she was going to say yes, or set up a baby’s room, or do anything. Sighing quietly as she opened the door, glad to be home. Even if she enjoyed crowley’s house, she was glad to be back at the bunker, with crowley, angelic, luca and lyra wards in place. It was the safest place in the world, now. Rubbing a hand over her stomach which was definitely huge, there was no doubt she was carrying twins. And it was getting close to actually putting the usually slender woman on bed rest because she was getting so big. “Cain?It’s morrigan.”She soothed trying to find a way to sit down near him and still eb able to get up on her own later.
Cain whimpered when she gently opened the door but he didn't fly into a panic when the others had tried. "mmm, Mmm, Morrigan." Cain stuttered, trembling violently. "They're going to Get me..." he whimpered, huddling deeper into his corner, terrified that 'they' where going to come and get him any minute now. "You shouldn't be here. they'll find you. they'll hurt you. you have to hide." he whispered to her, ruby eyes wide and full of fear. in the last weeks he had gotten very good at communicating but hadn't lost his childishness. he always went for a feather if he saw one and he had tried to beat Cas up for a bar of chocolate the other day. he failed and threw a massive fit that was only stopped when Dean plucked his 'doppelganger' up off the floor and gave him a sound paddling. the only person he always behaved for, without fail was Crowley. if Crowley wasn't around then Morrigan always had the best luck.
“Hey, cain.”She muttered sitting awkwardly on the floor before scooting her way into the closet, leaning against the wall, looking at him. “I’m safest with you. And tehy wont hurt me. I promise, we’re safe here.”She said reaching out, gently strokign his getting longer hair out of his eyes, looking so worried for him, drawing a hand to her stomach, letting him feel the babies kick against her hand before smiling a little. Sad and worried for him. “Besides, who’s gonna get us with both Crowley and dean here? And Cas? Cas and Crowley are arguing over who gets the chocolate sauce you haven’t found yet.”She said sighing softly.
Cain stared at her, his eyes wide nd frightened, more for her than for himself. "are you sure?" he whispered. "they do bad things. they'll hurt you." he whispered, leaning into the hand. he refused to let anyone come anywhere near him with anything sharp. scissors, blades, an electric razor, anything pointy or with an edge and he freaked out so they had given up on trying to get him to cut his hair. he always loved to feel the babies though so he smiled and snuggled her belly. "three little babies, in a tummy." he mumbled with a smile, nuzzling the belly. "one is mine, and one is Sam's, and one left for mummy..." he murmured with little giggle before watching her. "they have Chocolate?" looking torn now.he really wanted the chocolate. but if he tried to leave, he'd get punished by 'them'.... chocolate, as always, won. "Morrigan?" he asked her. "will it hurt when the babies come out?" he asked, looking worried. "will you be okay? Castiel said that you're due date is coming up, and that means the babies will come out soon? what do babies look like?"
“Yes, I’m sure. Dean and cas are out there, being all growley and possessive, over chocolate. No one is going to get near them to come at us.”She smiled at him gently stroking his hair, before snorting slightly. “Sammie?No baby for dean?or crowley?”She teased smiling at the song, before nodding. “They do. A bottle, and they’re arguing over who gets to use it.”Granted, that was mostly because both of them had refused to purchase more, so all they had was the single bottle to use on their ice cream, but tehy were still being adorable and arguing. Frowning a little at his words she nodded. “It will. And I’ll be okay.”She hoped, prayed that the children she carried who’d rip her apart in their bid to get out. She’d seen the look on crowley’s face, knew that the demon child had claws and fangs to go with it, along with soft fragile wings of the angel, and whatever cain and dean’s child had. “Yes. They’ll be here soon. Any day now. And babies look tiny, and fragile. Ours have wings, and claws, and maybe your color eyes, and dean’s hair.”She smiled trying not to worry to much.
"....they have chocolate." Cain growled before shaking his head. "nope. Sammy. because Sammy rhymes with Tummy." no it didn't, but arguing that fact wouldn't change anything. "well. Crowley might rhyme but Crowley has chocolate so he doesn't get a baby." he decided. "okay..." he didn't look convinced though. she was very small after all and he wasn't entirely sure how babies came out. he'd ask Lyra. she was a doctor after all. "tiny?" he asked. "like a bean?" he asked. "Lyr said babies, when they're first made, look kind of like a bean." he admitted, deciding he wanted chocolate and helped her to her feet, leading her to the kitchen s he could take the chocolate away from the undeserving.
“They do.”She smiled a little before laughing softly. “ah. Well. I’m sure sammy wants to make his own babies with Lyra, so he shouldn’t get any of our babies.”She teased a little before snorting. “He might share the chocolate if you tell him he gets a baby.”She teased before nodding. “It’s fine. Really. I’ll be okay.”She promised before nodding, “Not as tiny as bean, about this big.”She said cupping her hands to show just how small and tiny the triplets would be, before letting him help her up.”Thanks Cain.”She smiled following him out, snoring at the sight of crowley and cas arguing over the chocolate.
"Sam's gonna make babies?" he asked, his eyes wide. "where do babies come from? how do they get in your tummy?" he wondered. "Can Castiel and Luca make a baby? i think they should, it would be very cute." he admitted before holding his hands around hers, looking baffled and then examined her belly. "you have three of those inside of you?" he asked, looking very sympathetic before moving over to Crowley and Cas and took the chocolate while they where too busy to notice.
“I’m sure he will be.And you should as Dean, he can explain where babies come from.”She said, snickering at the idea of that conversation, before looking thoughtful. “I don’t know if they can. But they should make a baby.”She smiled slightly, before nodding. “I do. It’s why my stomach is so big.”She said rubbing a hand over her stomach, sighing quietly as she laughed as cain stole the chocolate. “...Where’d it go?”Cas paused after a few minutes, realizing it was gone. “Cain stole it.”Morrigan said snickering as she went in search of dean, just wanting to relax and sleep, and ignore the slight ache, not sure it was labor yet, but knowign it was getting close.
Cain nodded, looking very eager for the conversation. he liked talking to Dean because the man was funn and got flustered and blushed. Dean was having a bit of trouble adjusting to the idea of being sexually attracted to a man that looked almost exactly like him, though Cain was slowly changing in appearance. his hir was starting to fade from black/brown to a slight reddish tint but they still had the same face and Dean was having a few issues. Cain, the rat bastard, thought that was hilarious. Dean smiled as he walked in, sensing that Morrigan needed him. with him being full angel now, he was developing a lot of specialized skills. sensing when Morrigan or Cain needed him was one of the ones he had gotten very good at. "yra wanted to talk to you." he admitted to her. "something about 'birthing options'. she's been talking to some medical people and we might be able to get you into a hospital if you'd feel better about it." he admitted. "she wanted to talk to you about possible C-section." he admitted, smiling at her. "Lyra says it would be easier on you and the babies but that some women have personal issues regarding that." he admitted. "she doesn't want to do or arrange anything without your input and permission."
Morrigan looked amused at the idea of siccing cain on dean, because it was just so adorable watching dean get flustered over it. And the fact she was attracted to them both, even if they were slowly starting to change appearance some, she could see just how much they still looked like each other. Easing into the couch she smiled at him as she watched cain guzzle down the chocolate, “Ah. Okay. I’ll find her.”She sighed before looking down at her stomach. “Considering I’m more afraid about getting clawed up inside, or what those tiny wings will do, it’d probably be good to go to the hospital,but I dunno about how the doctors and what the babies would look like....”she sighed rubing a hand over her stomach. “....Cain wanted to talk to you.”She said, not wanting to worry him to much with what she really was worried about.
Dean smiled at her and laced their fingers together, kissing her knuckles. "i'm freaking out a little." he admitted. "i'm gonna be a dad soon.... what if they don't like me?" he asked, worried before smiling at her. "if they haven't tried to claw or bite you yet, then i doubt they will now." he pointed out before smiling a little. "there are hunters who are doctors you know. i'm pretty sure she can get some doctors who won't be too surprised by our babies." he admitted before groaning. "if he asks e what an orgasm is again, i'm never talking to you again." he complained, huffing as he shook his head. "i'll talk to Cain in a bit. i think it's a bit more important to talk to Lyra. you're about to go into labor any day now."
Morrigan smiled as she squeezed his hand, resting their hands on her stomach. “Me to. And they’ll like you. I’d be more worried about letting crowley be in charge of bedtime and the bedtime story. There’ll be stories of moose and squirrel.”She teased a little before sighing, nodding. “Yea, I guess your right.”Seh muttered before looking thoughtful. “yes...probably. Okay. A doctor would be nice. Love cas, but I don’t trust him or lyra alone to be in charge. A nice hospital would be good.”She muttered before laughing out loud. “H wants to know where babies come from.”She giggled a little before nodding, pushing up off the couch. “Let’s go then. And hope she’s not having sex with sammy. I’d hate to interrupt his sex life.”
"are you sure? what if i'm a terrible father?" he fretted. worried about how much his children where going to hate him. "lots of stories." he agreed with a smile because he wasn't going to worry about that until the children where old enough to have nightmares from the stories. "yes. even if Lyra is a trained surgeon for the last six lives?" he asked, looking amused. because she had a doctors license and everything. she was considered a prodigy in this lifetime. she, like Luca, had gotten bored and did a different kind of doctor surgeon every lifetime, while Luca had focused on how the brain worked. it entertained them. this time around, they wouldn't have to worry about dying, as their marks where stable and they where not human anymore. "he wants to know.... oh god..." he pinched the bridge of his nose. "....i love you, but you're being mean." he complained before he smiled at her. "come on. i ust saw her. she can't have started having sex in the five minutes i just saw her." he decided. and he was right, she was working on her computer. "i have three specialists who are 'in the know' as it where." Lyra explained. "they can arrange for us to have a special room where you can deliver the babies in a sterile, safe environment instead of this stinky place." she admitted. "it's agreed that a C-section would be safest for you and the babies but we're willing to let you try natural birth if you would rather?"
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