Elf Struck(moon/lady)

Byou know what it's like to have a terrible father. You'll do better then John winchester."she pointed out witb a small smile."you'll be fine dean. You and cain."she promised."well...okay. I mean she's my doctor but I still want a hospital instead of here...what if something goes wrong or something?"she said fretting as she looked at him."hey he was wondering when I mentioned sam might someday want his own babies instead of burrowing ours, but then he wanted to know about where they came from and how they got in the tummy."she snickered a little."I love you to."she kissed him lightly before looking relieved lyra wasn't upset that she wanted other doctors to, and not here."oh? Good. And yes. The hospital would be nice....and I agree. A c-section would be best, for all of us. Though of course you still have to super use this whole thing. You're coming with me right?"
"John Winchester was worse than a terrible father, he was downright abusive. i know what not to do, sort of, but i don't know what TO do. you know?" he asked, looking fretful before brightening. "Crowley was a father! i'll ask him!" he smiled at her. "i know. it's fine, that's why i suggested it to her." he admitted before he snorted at her. "well, i'm sure i can explain it to him." he agreed. "C-Section it is. i'll let them know to have the surgery prepped." she agreed. "of course i'm coming with." she agreed. "Dean and Cain as well, though they won't be allowed in the surgery they'll both be more calm if they can at least be close at hand. one of the doctors is a full angel as well so he can do his healing hands f he has to. i doubt he'll need to but better safe then sorry. Cas and Crowley will be laying their protections down and so will Luca so no Angels or Demons save the ones we allow in." she admitted. "everything will go perfectly." she promised. she hoped.
"Well, sam got books and we'll figure it out. I'm aure...and if you ask crowley you'll get like 16th century fathering techniques you know?"she teased a little. "You'll figure out how to explain things. You Always do."She snickered. "Oh good...and they won't be able to come in?"she frowned looking upset at the idea. Even if she trusted lyra and her choices of a doctor, she still felt out of sorts at the idea of being without her boys, even briefly."I hope s..."Morrigan trailed off as she looked down, paling at the sight of water soaking into her jeans."lyra. You need to make that call now..."she said sounding panicked and upset.
"if you want them there, they will be, but we might have issues. men tend to get overprotective you know, Cain might try to attack the doctors when they cut into you." Lyra pointed out. "but i suppose f we explain to him very carefully it might be alright." she admitted. "they'd have to stand in the bac though ot they could get in the way and cause complications." she admitted before blinking at the wet stain. "well that's not unexpected." she admitted, tapping on the computer for a second, warning the other doctors she had been chatting to. "CODE BABY!" She called, Luca and Cain and Dean all gasping before repeating the call. this, they had all been trained on and they all had a job to do. Dean ran out, got the car and pulled it up to the door. Cain as the one who picked Morrigan up and carried her to the car, if only because he'd attack anyone else who tried. Luca grabbed the overnight bags and piled them into the second car, there was a lot of overnight bags. Cas and Crowley would simply go straight to the hosptial and set up the protections there while Morrigan was making her way there. Crain was there in split seconds, gathering her into his arms while looking rather panicked and once he had her in the car he was firing a million questions at Dean, who answered calmly and perfectly, telling him what a C-section was, why it had to be performed, why Cain wasn't allowed to hurt the doctors and what all the wet stuff was between Morrigan's legs. by the time they got to the hospital Cain was no longer in a panic and Lisa was waiting for Morrigan with another Doctor who was introduced as Dr. Montgomery. he allowed the boys to do the whole Cristo' holy water, iron and silver bit before leading them to the operating room where two other doctors, one clearly an Angel since he had his wings out and the other a nurse who was holding the bar of soap while the Angel scrubbed his hands with some sort of iodine solution.
"Oh...yes if possible, I need them there."she said her voice quaking ever so slightly because she had a feeling that the pain and the trauma of birth was going to send her reeling back into the memories of their conception."no I guess it isn't unexpected."Morrigan huffed out a laugh smiling as she heard the othersrunning around and getting ready even as she rested her head on cain's chest, just focusing on his heartbeat as she watched the world move around her. Focusing on the man holding her otherwise she was going to be a screaming mess. And it went well as the doctors began surgery but as they lifted the small demon child, definitely lucifers child with small soft claws already tipping his fingers and lucifers baby blues, as the building rocked with a earthquake and crowley's snarl of fury. "Lyra! How much longer?"the demon king yelled sounding pissed and under that, fear. Because if they couldn't get in, the Tao archangels he could see outside were going to bring the ground crashing down under them as they fought to both get in, and each other
"we'll see that they're there then." she agreed. "you'll be asleep though." she admitted. "it is a surgery and you'll need to be unconscious to prevent things like panic, increased heart rate and other such things." she admitted before smiling at her laugh. "lets get you to the hospital." she said, kissing her forehead. Lyra gently took the baby away from the Ange doctor while the other carefully worked on extracting the other. Cain stood up when the hospital shook and Lyra judged their progress. "hour and a half?" she guessed. it would take a while to stitch her closed after all. Cain stood suddenly and looked at Dean who nodded, both of them holding their hands out, summoning each half of the First Blade. they had grown a lot since their separation and while Cain might have a reaction to ucifer, it was doubtful to be a good one. for Lucifer that was. Lyra sighed and cleaned the first baby before drawing the most powerful Demon Trap she could on it, keeping the little baby safe before moving over for the second baby, repeating the process with the second and third, carefully drawing Demon Traps on them. they where naturally born, so the demon spawn wouldn't be harmed by the traps but it would certainly keep Lucfer and Micheal from kidnapping or possessing them. though, honestly, what where they hoping to gain by possessing babies that couldn't even open their eyes yet? stupid assholes.
“I...I don’t care. They need to be there.”Because she trusted them to keep her safe, relaxing at the kiss to her forehead. Crowley cursed at the timeline before nodding. “We’ll buy you a hour and a half then.”Crowely growled, worried about doing it, but knowing they had to. Cas tilted his head at the sight of the first blade, jerking his head towards the door. “Come on you two. Let’s go deal with the idiots.”Cas said, sounding worried, afraid he knew why the two were attacking. Not because they wanted the babies, though that would be a bonus, but they were hoping to kill the mother who had cost them both so much time and effort, and in lucifer’s case, hte use of his arm. “Go. I’ll stay here, and watch over her.”Sam promised as he winced at the whimpering escaping the babies as if they sensed what was going on around them, upset at being taken away from their mothers even as he watched over morrigan, watching her heart rate drop. Wondering if she really could be killed. After all, nothing else could kill her, would bringing her children into the world be waht did it? Worried and hoping he was wrong, after all, cain and dean would die if she did to.
Cain nodded at Castiel and headed out to join the battle, aiming his black sword, absorbing the light around it at Lucifer, staring at him with blank eyes, as if waiting for an order. as if he was in that little back pit, waiting for someone, anyone to come, even if it was just to hurt him. "I am going to kill you." he informed Lucifer before he was charging the man down, screaming wildly and attacked Lucifer with all the passion and fury of the earth itself. he was the First. "i am the Slayer, i am the Destroyer, i am the Devourer and i am the Enforcer!" every name rang like a power. because he and Dean where just that. enforcers of the balance. devouring all that stood in their way, destroying anything that threatened them or those they protected, slaying any who dared try to toy with the balance, just as Lucifer and Micheal where. "I Am The First." both Dean and Cain declared, power emanating from them. with the marks, all of the marks intact, healthy, whole and thriving, they where as they where meant to be once more. above all but the Great Creator, each other and Morrigan. their power flushed through the marks, flooding Morrigan, Luca and Lyra with power as well, which bounced around and then was sent back, Luca and Lyra acting as amplifiers, slowly adding to Cain and Dean's impressive power levels. Lucifer didn't have a chance in hell. pun fully intended.
Lucifer snarled as he brought up his sword to block the blow, trying to keep the other away from him. Or at least make him back up enough that he could get through the wards, into the hospital. Leting michael deal with them, he had bigger plans for the children and mother he could feel just beyond his reach.

Morrigan whimpered as she felt the power rush through her, spiking her heart rate again, steadying her, eyes opening, the power combating the drugs she’d been given to keep her asleep, looking up anxiously. “You’re okay. We promise. Almost done, Morrigan.”Sam soothed as he moved to her side seeing the look on her face, trying to sooth her as he gently stroked her hair back. Looking at lyra worried.
Cain, this time, did not back up. the first blade instead cut through Lucifer's Angel blade. with Morrigan at full health, the pentacle of Marks feeding them powers meant that no one but God or Morrigan could stop them. though, Morrigan really could only ask them to stop and they would likely obey, more than her being more powerful than her. "I owe you centuries of torture for the things you have done to me." Cain hissed, his eyes glowing red as he tried to spear Lucifer through. "perhaps i'll break you, as you tried to break me, turn you into a cute little slut for Crowley?"he taunted, ignoring the fight on the other side where Dean was silently attempting to slaughter Micheal.

"We're almost finished Morrigan." Lyra promised her. "and the boys are protecting you." she promised, making sure Lyra focused on them and not the hands in her stomach, sewing her womb shut and then her belly. "all done." the Angel doctor informed them, setting hands on her stomach, healing it just enough to avoid any complications further on. there would be no infections to have to worry about, but she'd have to rest and heal on her own. healed enough that the cuts wouldn't open back up, but the stitches where still needed to keep it that way. would you like to see your babies?" Lydra asked, smiling at her. "Cain and Dean are going to be such proud parents." she admitted with a smile, trying to keep her calm.
Lucifer snarled stumbling back a step as the blade broke, eyes widening as he realized just how defenseless he was against the other, sweeping a arm down as the blade came at him, wincing as it bit deep into his arm even as he avoided being speared, eyes widening as he felt the blade entering under his ribs, spitting him there, the blade etched with a devil’s trap, keeping him pinned in this body. “I don’t think I want to touch him, really.”Crowley said making a face as he looked at cain, “So, I know we should torture him, but leaving them alive is to much of a risk. End him,cain.”Crowley requested, not demanding, letting the other decide.

“Kay...I knew they would. They wont let them have me again....or the babies...”Morrigan muttered looking calm even as she looked up at the couple hovering nearby, looking relieved that they were done, nodding. “Yes.I would.”She said looking desperate to see the children as sam gently helped her sit up enough to see the babies without strain, laying her body back against his whole moose tall frame as he tugged the bassinets with the twins in them. Smiling as she reached out, gently touching tiny toes, and small fingers, looking so fascinated with her children she couldn’t think of anything else.
Cain laughed at Lucifer's helplessness. really, the man was entirely fucked and Cain stared at him, letting him feel the agony, letting him hurt. making him feel his death approaching. "this, is for what you did to me." Cain hissed, withdrawing the blade and slicing off Lucifer other arm, shoving the blade into his chest, thrusting it into the ground, pinning him there. "Helpless..." he growled, smiling at the man, sliding his talons out and carefully etched something into Lucifers forehead, something that burned like hellfire he was supposed to control. "You will die, slowly." he purred. "your demonic life force will be devoured by my blade. you'll feel yourself getting weaker and weaker. more and more helpless. lay there and die and know that the less you struggle, the longer your death will take." he purred, watching Dean doing the same to Micheal. ending them both in the slowest manner possible while still making sure they couldn't miraculously escape. "We are the First." Dean informed Micheal. "We Devour those who play with the Balance. enjoy being devoured."

"Lyra." Luca said, poking his head in. "they have Lucifer and Micheal pinned to the ground with their swords. when Morrigan wakes up, let her know that they're soon to be dead." he suggested, heading back out to watch the fight, Lyra chuckling. "now that the boys are back to their full sanity and power, there is no one but God himself that can stand up to them. though, you can still control them." she admitted, smiling at Morrigan, watching the babies. "what perfect babies. have you thought of names yet?" both Dean and Cain had agreed that, aside from not naming any of the babies Cain, Able or Dean, she should name them. since she was the one who had to carry them around and be all miserable she was the one who should have the honor.
Crowley backed away watching as he stared down at the once lord of hell as he struggled to pull free. Tilting his head as he looked at the others, smirking that both archangels were in such agony that they couldn’t even respond to the taunting. Tilting his head towards the hospital. “You two better get inside. I’ll stay out here with Cas, make sure they don’t get free.”He said, not that he was worried about that happening, but the small family deserved to have those first minutes of being complete to themselves, remembering what it was like when his own son had been born.

“Good....thank god.”Morrigan muttered lookign relieved that not only they were gone, but that theboys were safe. “Not control. Never control...just ask to behave.”She smiled a little resting her head against sam’s shoulder, smiling as the small hybrid girl grabbed ahold of her finger. “Yes...I have.”She said blushing a little, reaching out to touch the demon child’s hand, smiling as soft claws scrapped against her finger as she touched a small palm. “this one is Seamus.”For crowley, because while his real name was fergus, she wasn’t naming a child that. So, she’d chosen something similar to his original scottish name. “Then that one...”the hybrid, “Is gonna be Samantha.”For Sam, the girl would be a girly sam. Dean’d get a kick out of that. “And our small angel boy is gonna be Chase.”For Cas. The important people in her life, in dean and cain’s lives, the ones who meant the most to them.
Dean and Cain both nodded and headed inside, leaving the two archangels to Cas and Crowley to poke at if they wanted. even if the two bastards managed to force themselves free, they would not escape, the marks etched into their foreheads tied them to the blades. they would die. there was no saving them now.

"well. i'm pretty sure cutting them off of sex would be more than enough to corral them into behaving." Lyra teased with a smile. "we're safe now." she promised her, giggling a little at the tiny halfling. the angel baby boy trying to flutter too tiny wings which was adorable. "Seamus, Samantha and Chase." Cain cooed as he moved into the room, falling onto the babies with gleeful abandon, carefully counting every toe and finger, Dean smiling as he bent over and kissed Morrigan. "how are you doing? okay? do you need anything?" he asked softly, blinking when the babies started to cry and Cain made the most dismayed sound ever. "i broke them! oh god i broke them!" "calm down you idiot, you're making them upset. you didn't break them, they're just hungry, stupid." Lyra chastised, making Cain blink. "...oh.... how do we feed them?" "with bottles. Morrigan's been saving her milk for this, remember?" Lyra reminded him. "stay here with the babies and 'll go get the bottles. Morrigan can't breastfeed for a few hours yet because of the drugs in her system."
“Hmmm, true. That would make them behave.”Morrigan giggled a little, even with the pain of birth, the last time she had sex, and the pain of the rape was a distant memory. She was to happy to be upset. Smiling softly as the wings fluttered, “Not just yet, sweetheart. I don’t think they’re gonna work.”Morrigan cooed as she gently stroked a finger over a small wing, before grinning as cain cooed. “Yep. Glad you like the names.”She said looking pleased that neither of them protested, befre snorting as he counted toes and fingers, lookign up at dean as she kissed him back. “Sore. But healing....the angel said I’d still have to take it easy though.”she said smiling as Sam moved away from her so dean could cuddle her instead.”Just held.”She said at his question, startling a little when the baby cried, and then cain’s response. “No, you didn’t. Cain, it’s okay.”Morrigan said looking worried about the other, before smiling. “Just bottles. You can feed one, me and dean will feed the other two.”Morrigan said hoping to help him calm as Sam scampered out to go get the bottles. Returning in a few minutes with them, handing them over.
"yes it surely would." Lyra agreed, amused. "they're all just so cute... it amuses me that the little girl is the combo." she admitted, touching the tiny girls claw tipped fingers with her tiny fluttering wings. "the boys are going to spoil her rotten." she warned with a grin. "boys always spoil little girls rotten." she admitted with a chuckle. "it's going to be so much fun when she's old enough to start looking at boys. your men are going to lose their minds. ten bucks these little boys are going to be super into any sport the men hate though." she admitted with a grin. "just to be contrary like the men are. you hree are going to drive your daddies batshit insane." "you just gave birth, of course you have to take it easy." Dean told her with a smile before chuckling at Cain, who had in one fell swoop regained his memories and was still acting a bit childlike. if only because he was new to his body and still was adjusting. he was doing well though. Lyra was carefully showing Cain how to hold the little mae Demon when Sam returned and soon Cain was feeding Seamus while Dean carefully did the same for Chase, leaving beautiful Sam for her mother. "i can't wait to tell Crowley and Cas that we named our boys after them." Dan admitted with a grin. "and Samantha, too. i don't think Sam's realied yet."
“They really are. And well, it makes sense. Dean said he wanted a girl.”Morrigan smiled a little as she watched the small girl, before snorting. “They do. My boys, and your boy....all of them...are gonna spoil her.”Morrigan smiled before snorting. “I don’t think she’s going to get to date till she’s like thousand or somthing.”She grinned before wincing. “Yes, I could see that. They totally would like those sports.”She grinned before nodding at dean. “I know. Just meants you and cain get to do alot of the work.”She smiled at him, before settling in to feed Samantha, before snorting. “I can’t wait. I think Sam’s still in shock and fear at the idea of having kids himself now that he’s watched this.”Morrigan grinned amused at how traumatized sam looked by the experience. Glancing up as the kign of hell and heaven’s general stepped into the room. “You guys okay in here?”Crowley said smiling a little at the sight of the babies. He’d never admit it, but he was a sucker for babies.
"Dean just wants a family to love." Lyra admitted with a smile. "he wanted a little girl so he could spoil her rotten and have a decent excuse for it." she admitted with a grin. "she's never going to get to date. ever." Dean informed them both. "no boy is ever going to be good enough for her. not ever. never never." he admitted, smiling at the baby in his arms. "we do get to do a lot of the work. we've been practicing." he admitted. "So this is a bad time to announce my pregnancy then?" Lyra guessed, looking amused as Dean smiled at Crowley and Cas. "come meet your god babies." he ordered. "this is Chase." he informed Cas, carefully positioning the baby into Castiel's arms. "this is Seamus and he's mine." Cain said, puffing up just like a proud father, refusing to hand him off to Crowley because he hadn't gotten his baby fill yet. "...he puked on me..." Cain gasped when he'd burped Seamus just as he'd practiced and Seamus was in Crowley's arms surprisingly quick for a new time father. baby fix filled apparently. "no one told me he was going to puke on me!" Cain protested when people started laughing at him.
"True. And he has one now...god knows he's going to spoil her rotten..."Morrigan smiled looking amused as she considered her boys."....I don't think that'll last. She's gonna want to date sometime."Morrigan teased just to watch him freak out some."I know you have. Youve done well."she smiled at him, they both were adorable. "W-what?"sam sputtersd. "Yea I think it was. Poor sammy."Morrigan giggled looking up at the shell shocked looking moose. "Hey chase."cas said that soft goofy smile that said he'd figured out the babies were named after them. "....you named your kid after me, and I don't get to hold him?"crowley said smirking a little but not looking to unhappy about being denied a baby, he knew cain would hand him over as soon as poop or..."your papa is silly. Thinks I'll be scared of a little puke. Silly papa."crowley snickered. "Babies puke, pee and poop on their fathers with alarming regularity. Get used to it."the demon king smirked at cain.
"over my cold dead body." Dean and Cain both chorused. "i have broken poor Sammie. it's fun." yra admitted with a grin. "no. it's mine. get your own." Cain ordered Crowley before handing it over, looking decidedly displeased. by the end of the week he was well used to it though and was almost always fund with a baby in arm. oddly, he and Dean where great with Morrigan too and had started carefully increasing their sexual activities, but for some werd reason Dean kept balking when Cain tried to flirt with him.

so three months after the babies where born he left the babies with Cas, Crowley and Sam and went Dean hunting. Morrigan found them in one of the basement rooms. Dean had tape overhis mouth, around his wrists which where behind his back, and around his ankles which where attached tot he table legs he was bent over. he was also very much naked and glaring at Cain who was clearly enjoying himself. "Morrigan! i was just about to go get you, good timing. come help me seduce Dean." he offered, ignoring Dean's muffled attempts at protest. "shut up you." Cain ordered, rubbing a finger along Dean's ass, making him shudder and thump his head against the table, still glaring at Cain. he wasn't struggling though, and he was hard as a rock and rocking his hips so he clearly wasn't as unwilling as he pretended. "turns out our dear little Dean doesn't know how to gay sex and he was too embarrassed to tell us. so we have to teach him... i know all about it from the T.V." here Dean had a bit more of a lively reaction. "Cas showed me something called 'The Pizza Man'. so i'm an expert." "Mmmmmf!" the wicked grin on Cain's lips told Morrigan Cain was being a shit, but Dean couldn't see that. "wanna help me take Dean's virginity? it'll be so much fun."
Morrigan paused in the doorway, tilting her head as she considered them. “You know, there’s warmer more comfortable rooms tehn this.”She said thoughtfully as she watched him, before smirking as she walked into the room, absently running a hand over dean’s back. “I don’t need help seducing Dean.”She smirked a little, looking down at dean as she considered him. “Ahhhh, I’m sure we can teach him well.”She said before laughing. “The pizza man is very good. Cas is wise to show you.”She agreed the smile on her lips saying she was definitely being shitty to, leaning into cain a little, “I think I do.”She said moving around till she was facing dean, leaning down to look into his face. “Yes, I think I want to help you, seuce the pretty little squirrel.”
Cain smirked. "i didn't want Cas or Sam to stumble across us and try to save him." he admitted, snickering when Dean shuddered at her hand. "No, but you can help me seduce him" Cain admitted. "he seams to have a terminal fear of cocks going up his ass and i just wouldn't be a good boyfriend if i didn't help him with such a silly fear." Dean made another faint sound. Cain ignored him and wrapped an arm around her and gave her a kiss before smirking when Dean looked up at her, clearly trying to look annoyed and failing. mostly because his pupils where blown very wide and he was trying to rock his hips again. he gasped, arching when a finger cricled him again, this one wet and when it slid inside of him he went very tense, eyes wide and stunned, surprised Cain had actually put his finger there. and then he was gasping again, arching, in pleasure this time instead of shock and he moaned, long and loud and Cain smirked. "there, see? nothing to be scared of. he's cute like this isn't he Morrigan? al helpless for us. not able to lip off or run away. whatever should we do with him?" he asked, smirking. "i think we should take that tape off and make him give you a blowjob.... is that the right word for a woman? i don't think that's the right word." Dean made a strangled, amused sound and tried to lok back at Cain, only to make another strangled sound and go completely limp, mewling like a whore. "i found it." Cain informed her playfully. "i don't think we're going to have any problems at all with him now."
“Ahhh good thinking.”Morrigan smirked a little as she watched dean, before smirking. “Hm, we should help him with that. I mean, it is a silly fear. He shoves a cock into me all the time you know. He should get to know it to.”She teased a little looking amused as she leaned into cain, kissing him back, before laughing at how very annoyed dean was trying to look. “You’re failing at annoyance sweetheart.”She teased running a hand though his hair, groaning lightly herself as she watched cain finger dean. “He is very cute. No backtalk or demanding, I like this.”She said before laughing. “Yes I think so....and no it’s not the right word. We should ask Dean.”She said gently pulling the tape off, “Dean, what’s the word?”She asked before grinning, shaking her head. “No, I don’t think we will.”She agreed grinning at cain.
Dean groaned, half eager, half terrified at the realization that he was about to loose his virginity taped to a table with no escape and god dammit that was NOT supposed to turn him on! "I like it too. granted i'd miss his lippy assery soon enough but for now this is very nice." he agreed with a smirk. "yeah, Dean. what's the correct term?" "'s Poon job. Cunnilingus, eating out, any of those would, aaaah... apply." he moaned, clenching as a second finger was slid inside of him. that felt so strange, good but strange! "i'm leaving him tied up though, he's been very naughty and deserves to be punished." Cain admitted, making Dean groan. "he seams to like it." Cain admitted with a laugh. "then again he wears ladies underwear, so i'm not very surprised. he was always a sensual, lazy little shit." "like your one to talk, AH! fuck!" he was rewarded with a hard smack to his ass, one that surprised more than it actually hurt. "i think we're going to have to change his position a little though, he can't eat you out while he's bet over the table. are you going to behave Squirrel?" "Fuck you Cain." Dean growled, yelping when he was rewarded with two more smacks to his ass.
“Me to, but for once in awhile it’s okay.”Morrigan grinned before smirking at dean as he answered. “Very good. Good squirrel.’she teased kissing him lightly before looking up to see what cain was doing, smirking a little. “I think he does to. Being totally helpless and needing us to look after him,. He deserves it to. To be looked after. He’s been looking after the babies, and me, and everyone long enough. We’ll look after him now.”She smiled stroking his hair before laughing lightly. “True.”She agreed before snorting as dean got his ass smacked. “Behave, Dee.”She muttered before snorting at dean’s growl. “Hm, no, I think this will work. Just move him up a little so he’s more doing a awkward pushup on the table, rather then just laying over it.”She said waiting till cain had done it before squirming up onto the table in front of dean, glad it was a fairly big table as she scooted door, sliding her legs under dean’s arms and down his sides as she settled his torso between her raised knees, smirking as she leaned back, bracing herself on the edge of the table, before looking at dean, who’s head was just perfectly level with her groin. Smirking at cain over the man between them. “you should fuck him like this, while he gets me off. I want him to scream his orgasm against me.”She growled softly.
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