Elf Struck(moon/lady)

“...A back rub would be nice.”She smiled at him, squirming around to lay down next to him, simply to get comfortable rather then demand a back rub right then, before looking amused. “sam let you touch his computer after the virus fiasco?”she teased before shrugging. “We’ll have sam and lyra pick up some if they haven’t already.”she said before nodding, “Yea. Well, we’ve both been a little panicky, so it’s good to have him here.”She smiled a little before nuzzling him a little. “It’s okay.we’ll be okay, Dean.”
"alright." he agreed happily, shifting so he could sit next to her and rub her back in small, careful circles just like the computer had said to. "oh... ah... well.... not, uh exactly..." that meant Sam didn't know and he was probably going to have more viruses. ah well it was for a good cause this time instead of porn, right? "yeah, we'll be fine." he decided, smiling at her. "we've got more school today. your picking it up real quick i'm kind of impressed." he admitted to her with a grin. "the numbers just get so damn confusing." he admitted with a sigh. "it's kind of understandable how Ben is failing now... not that i'm going to tell him that. if Sam can do it, Ben can too."
“Thanks.”She muttered letting out a soft happy sigh as he rubbed her back, closing her eyes as she relaxed. Oh, that felt amazing. “Ahhh...well, at least it’s for a better cause then porn. Though his computer getting stuck on anime porn is a highly amusing story sam tells everyone.”Morrigan giggled a little, teasing him just a bit before sighing. Making a face. “I can understand why he hates it....it sucks. I get it but I don’t like it.”Morrigan made a face before grinning. “Yea, ben’s going to be okay. I figure between us all we can help him.”She said before growing serious. “...You think ben’s okay?I mean...he was angry with us....”
"well... i dd that one on purpose. cartoons don't exactly get me off." he admitted with a chuckle. "i found the creepiest thing i could think of. i just googled it and typed it intot he search bar and clicked the first video i saw and left it there." he admitted with a grin. "i figured i'd let the computer do the rest. i wasn't disappointed." he admitted. "yeah well... i'm not good with books so it might actually be you who ends up helping with his math homework." he admitted with a sigh. "i hate not being able to hep him, but i think i started too early because he's getting an A+ in all his science classes that i could actually help with... i knew i shouldn't have taught him to make bottle rockets." he grumbled. "or showed him how awesome liquid nitrogen was. or things." he admitted with a smile before sighing. "his mother just died, he's upset, lost and angry and he needs someone to be angry with. you and me, we're the easy targets so he vents at us for a lack of anyone else to be angry with. i was the same way, when Dad died. it was my fault, but i blamed Sam for not stopping him. he needs someone to blame, and... we're the easiest ones." he admitted, still rubbing her back. "it's not easy, but once the pain settles, he'll stop being so angry with us all the time."
“....Are you sure?Cause I can totally find some cartoons. I’m sure Crowley knows some perverted artists of some kind.”She teased turning her head to look at him, before snorting at the idea he’d done it simpyl to freak sam out. “Well, I can do that. We’ll figure out the math. And probably, but I’m sure the fun was worth not being able to help him now....and you get to teach him other things.”She smiled a little before sighing, closing her eyes, trying to releax under his hands. “I know...it’s just....I wish I could help more. It hurts dean....if I hadn’t gotten involved they would have been left alone....”She sighed turning to look up at him. “We should do something. I mean, just the three of us, a family day or something.”
"I'm sure he does." he agreed. "Crowley is sick and depraved." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah. well. you'll figure out the math and i'll have a mental breakdown." he decided with a grin. "well. yeah he thought i was the coolest." he agreed. "his mom hated me at first you know, because i told Ben to beat up his bully..." he admitted. "and then i started hanging around and showing him how to make safe explosions and i thought she was going to strangle me." he admitted. "...do you..." he swallowed thickly. "would you be angry, if i adopted him? i know he's too old for that really but i thought... it might help... make him know he's my son. that i love him... that he's not alone." he admitted before shaking his head, stroking her back. "you can't blame yourself. she was already hurt once by Azazel simply because she was close to me. even if you weren't here, didn't exist weren't part of my life they would still have hurt Lisa and Ben, if only to hurt me." he pondered her idea and then nodded. "before his birthday, last year i took him to this convention thing. something about games or how they're made or how they work or playing them or something. it was huge and loud and he had a blast... we could get tickets and go with him."
“He is. He so is.”Morrigan giggled a little, before nodding. “Sounds like a plan. Though I don’t think you’ll have a mental breakdown.”She smiled slightly, before snorting. “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?You’d totally be the one beating up bullies.”She giggled a little before snorting. That didn’t surprise her either. “...No. I mean. If he wants. I don’t have a problem with it. He’s family Dean.”She smiled at him, shuddering a little under his hands, simply enjoying the touch before going quietly, wincing a little. “Yea...I guess...”She muttered, because she was sorta slowly accepting that it wasn’t her fault, even if he was having a hard time of convincing her he wasn’t seeing cas, at least she was starting to believe him about this. “...Yea. We could use the break to, get out of the house. I’ll ask Sam to find something, order tickets. For us all. Even if we don’t stay together with the others, we should have backup while we’re there.”She smiled pleased with the idea of taking ben out, of doing something as a family, before sitting up, stretching, kissing his cheek."Thanks."
"i'm sure i will. numbers are evil." he admitted. "and you'll never talk me out of believing that." he sniffed before smiling a little. "i always was. Sammie was a bit of a bully magnet." he admitted. "i'd... i'd really like to offer. i don't think he'll ever call you mom but... i think he'll grow to love you at least as much as he does me. he just needs time." he admitted with a smile before sighing. "yeah... we all need a brek. Crowley especially, that poor man. Cain practically attacked him when he came back without chocolate sauce." he admitted with a smile. "on the plus side, we know how to calm Cain down. just give him a chocolate and he'll turn into a giant kitten." he admitted with a smile. "Sam will adore the convention too. they go into all kinds of computer stuff." he admitted. "maybe he and Lyra could make a date of it. she likes computers too." he admitted. "your welcome. come on. lets go start lessons on Trigonometry. again."
“Whatever you say.”Morrigan rolled her eyes a little before snorting. “Well, he was small for awhile there. You know. Before he found his inner moose.”She said having listened to sam’s stories, the man having told her everything she wanted to know about dean when they were younger. “Good. Then do.”She said before wincing a little. “Yea...I wouldn’t expect him to...but it’d be okay.”She smiled before snorting at his words. “He did. I’m actually surprised Crowley didn’t bring any with him really.”Though she’d known it was because despite having followed the order to go get some, crowley had known better then to bring any back, otherwise cain would have made himself sick.”True.He was fairly cute.”She giggled a little before snorting. “He would. Him and ben can totally go insane over it.”She agreed before smirking, “She does....they make a cute couple.”She agreed, sighing a little. “This is gonna be long.”She grumbled though she wanted to learn, it was still hard on her to do it.
"he was super tiny. puberty slammed into him like an asteroid." he admitted with a grin at her. "i still can't believe you went to Sam for stories. he's totally skewed them all in his favor!" he whined, smiling at her. "it was so not my fault that Sam was three hours ate to school covered in the slime from the pond." he said firmly. "and it was totally not my idea to go cow tipping. or to cover the barn in toilet paper. he's a liar." he said with a grin. "Crowley knows Cain more than anyone. i'm pretty sure he knew better. i'm not sure Cain has the self control to stop when he starts feeling sick." not that Dean did either but it was harder to make yourself sick on ice-cream or cream. "yeah, it would be good unce nephew bonding time." he agreed with a chuckle as he followed her to where Sa was setting up for another hellish lesson.
“Totally.”Morrigan said before huffing a little. “I doubt he had to skew them to much. And I didn’t want to ask you. I mean, I know it wasn’t a great one.”She said offering a small smile, “Of course it wasn’t.”She said giggling a little. “....Whatever you say.”She giggled amused at him, before nodding. “Probably. And I doubt Cain would stop if he felt sick.”She agreed, “Though I don’t think you have much control either.”She said before nodding. “It would be.”She said sighing a little as she saw the books. “Are you sure this is the easiest way to learn?” “If you want to help ben, yes. Otherwise I could just tutor him.”Sam said eyeing the two, settling in to help them.
"....that's besides the point." he huffed even as he smiled because, well... Sammie probobly hadn't had to make up much. Dean was a hellhound on his own when he wanted to be. "you can ask me anything." he promised her with a smile. "i can't promise i'll always answer, but i will always tell you the truth." he promised. "...i have enough control to not go demand someone get me more..." which was mostly true enough.he followed her sigh and settled in to learn.

Luca smiled as he walked with Ben, explaining why Girls always seamed to be ready to cry at a moments notice when he heard Dean make a sound of supreme rage. "This doesn't make any fucking sense!!!" "oh dear..." Luca mumbled, pulling Ben to a stop, ot about to walk intot eh kitchen when a Cain Rage seamed imminent. "i've done this same fucking problem sixteen times and you've waked me through it fourteen times and i still have yet to get the same answer even once! how can i get sixteen different answers every goddamn time! Trigonometry was invented by the most foul demon ever I swear to god!" "oh. he's just trying to learn Trig again." Luca sighed, sounding relieved. "i was actually a bit worried there for a second."
“No it’s not.”She snickered a little, tilting he head a little as she considered him before nodding a little. “Okay. I’ll remember that.”And you could almost see the questions piling up, because she just wanted to know him, to be able to be there for him as much as she could. “Sometimes.”She snickered.

“What?”Ben looked worried as he stopped, looking worried and upset. “It’s cause you keep doing things out of order.”Sam said sounding upset himself, because it was hard on him trying to help them when dean didn’t get it, and he knew it upset dean, and it upset him to upset his brother. “But this problem is hard. Even morrigan’s getting it wrong.” “Not because I’m not trying. I just can’t figure it out!”Morrigan said, for once sounding angry and annoyed over the mathwork. “I swear, Crowley made it. Where the hell is the fucker? This is all his fault.”Morrigan growled. “....They’re....learning?”Ben said looking startled and amazed, glancing into the room and staying out of sight as he looked at the two who’d adopted them, looking amazed.
Luca shook his head and glanced at Ben. "it is all Crowley's fault! i'm gonna make him suffer!" Dean growled as he glared at the workbook. "how am i supposed to look Ben in the eyes and tell him he has to pass this?!" he demanded, rubbing his face. "why couldn't he be failing at Chemistry!? i could help him with Chem!" Dean whined. "well... they're trying at an rate. they have been since you came here." Luca admitted. "you didn't know?" he asked, his head tilted. "they haven't exactly been quiet about it." he admitted, looking amused.
“It is all crowley’s fault. We should go yell at him.”Morrigan said, looking pleased with the idea, perking up as she considered it, before wincing. “I don’t know....maybe we should let him change classes if he wants?”Morrigan said not sounding sure and very upset she wasn’t doing better, moody and upset, whining softly, sniffling. So easily upset these days as her body adjusted to being pregnant. “....No. I didn’t.”Ben said sounding amazed before walking in, frowning a little. “You guys didn’t have to...” “Yes we do. We want to help, ben.”Morrigan sniffled looking so defeated at not being able to do better. “I guess I’m just to old to do this....”
"we will yell at him. i think he's hiding from us though, he's taken to doing that when we have lessons the filthy coward." he grumbled before he looked surprised. "wait... he could leave the class and change it to something else? why the hell didn't he!?" he whined, slamming his head down on the book again. "there must be a reason why he would want this class?" he wondered before sighing and wrapped an arm aroun her and pulled her close. "hey. it's okay." he murmured. "there's no need to be upset. we're doing our best and that's what... Ben!" he flushed, surprised by the others sudden appearance. "well... you are 3.6 billion years old.... but if Sam can do it, Ben can too... sucks, but i'm pretty sure Ben is just smarter than us... or the teacher is Evil. both are likely.
"He is a coward. He probably knows we're going to blame him."she snickered a little before nodding a little."yea. I mean. I think he can." "He could but I think he wants to do with something with computers and all. Requires trig."sam said smiling a little."but...but I cant...do this."Morrigan sniffled sighing quietly as she leaned into dean flushing as ben appeared."hey...you guys don't have to figure this out you know." "Yes we do. Parents do this for their kids, so we need to."she said not seeing the look on Bens face as he stared at them
"he is a coward." Dean huffed before smiling a little. "he mentioned something about being a graphic designer, or a game developer, or something. i'm not sure if there's a difference or something." e admitted. "but he said he was taking Trig for that." he admitted. and it was a surprise he'd remembered that for how long ago Ben had said it. "you'll figure it out eventually." he promised her before blushing at Ben. "i want to do what i can for you, even if i'm not good at school things." he admitted. "besides, i have no right to tell you that you have to pass, if i can't even do the simplest problem on this freaking book.." he growled, glaring at it. "but you wanted to be a computer thingy, and you have to know Trig to do it, so i'm determined to do what i can to help you pass."
“Ah. Me either, really but he’ll probably tell us about it.”Morrigan grinned a little, smiling at the idea, before sighing softly. “No I wont.”She sniffled a little, hating that she just wasn’t getting it. “....oh. Well. You don’t have to. I mean Sam can..”Ben flushed stuttering a little, because it was utterly insane that tehy were going through all the trouble to help him, when they could have just let it be sam. “But we want to. We want to understand what you want to do. And...this’ll help.”She sighed a little, before smiling a little. “And we wanted to go to a convention thing, for gaming and things. Whatever one you wanted. For a early birthday present,....”Morrigan said looking nervous that ben was going to say no when he just stared at them
"i'm sure he will." Dean agreed. "it would be pretty awesome to have a game designer for a son. not like any lame kids Sam might have in the future." he admitted. "they'll probobly grow up to be super boring, like lawyers or doctors or something. lame." he huffed before he smiled at his woman and kissed her forehead. "come now. don't be silly. your smarter than me, so of course you'll get it." "that's not saying much Dean." "you shut up Luca." "yeah. we wanted to... i dunno. have a chance to bond. i know this is hard for you Ben... i thought going to that gaming thing might make you feel better." Dean admitted. "i've been shoving money into an account since i met you when you where eleven. so you can go to collage, but we can set aside a good amount of it to go to this con thing." he admitted, smiling at him. "i actually make a steady income now, so it won't be hard to refill the account."
“What?My kids are totally not going to be boring.”Sam grumbled looking insulted. “Yea...I guess.”Morrigan smiled a little. “Oh. Okay..”Ben stared looking amazed because he knew Morrigan and Ben didn’t find gaming or computers as fascinating as him and sam did. “Really?”He looked amazed at the idea of the account, and being able to go to college without struggling. “I can afford it. We have more then enough money to go.”Morrigan promised knowing it would mean something. “Decide which one you want to go to, and you’ll be fine. We’ll go anywhere in the country. It’d be a good break.”Morrigan grinned amused as ben bolted for sam’s computer so he could figure out which one he wanted to.
"You're boring, so therefore our kids have to me. i'm cool, so my kid is cool. and Robert Downy Jr. is Iron Man, and you are not. so there." he said with a sniff, making Luca nearly collapse he was laughing so hard. "we have plenty of spare cash." he agreed, smiling at Morrigan before chuckling as Ben raced for hte Computer. Dean was just glad Ben was finally smiling and he looked at Sam. "i need you to do me a favor." he admitted, sliding something over to his brother. a sheet of paper detailing what he needed. information on how to legally adopt Ben as his own.
“I am so not boring. You’re the boring one.”Sam whined a little before staring at dean for a long moment before snickering. “And I’m so much better hten iron man.”He said snoring at dean’s decision, before looking at the paper, eyebrows raising before he nodded. “I’ll get it.”He promised.

Nearly a week later, morrigan smiled a little as she shifted, resting on her side as she watched Dean fill out the paperwork for the adoption, having not understood it enough to help him fill out things for ben’s adoption, and she wasn’t moving quickly these days. Or at least not in the mornings. Between morning sickness and the slight depression that had set in when she actually started to show, she wasn’t overly eager to get moving. Or to do anything really. While she knew it wasn’t healthy, just the sight of her stomach starting to round out to accomadate lucifer and michael’s children had simply sent her into a spiral of depression, that just got worse the more she considered that dean and cas were definitely goign to want to have ben as their son and even if she was in a threesome with them, she was still going to be left behind, the awkward third wheel with them.. It was a good thing they had ben’s convention for the day, otherwise it’d be a bad day. It was already shaping up to be a bad one for her if she was simply allowed to hide in her own head for the day.
"You are so totally boring." Dean admitted with a grin. "a nerd even." he admitted. "no one is better than Iron Man." he huffed, rolling his eyes. "no one." he smiled at Sam. "thanks."

"hey." he said, smiling at her as she shifted, gently rubbing her back with one hand. "i'm going to ask him today." he decided. "all he has to do is agree and sign." he admitted, looking so very excited. "are you excited for today? surrounded by nerds?" he asked with a smile. "i know Ben and Sam are and uca and Cas are just happy to be getting out of the house." he admitted. signing the paperwork with a flourish and beaming at it. all it needed now was Ben's signature.
Morrigan smiled a little as he rubbed her back, relaxing as she turned her head to look at him."good. Then we can just finish this."she grinned happy about it even if she was worried about what ben would say before laughing a little."I'm excited to get out of the house. And watching sam and ben be this excited about it s totally worth going by itself." She smiled watching him finish up
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