Elf Struck(moon/lady)

Morrigan Frowned a little at him, looking confuswd. Luca and cas?tlwhy would it matter?sighing softly she shruggex, willing to go along with whatever he said not wanting to fight when she was having a good time before laughing out liud."him and crowley....I think crowley would shit bricks before he admitted to liking any of us."she giggled a little. Morrigan smiled at his promise, knowing it was true. Even if they weren't together together, he'd come back for her. Shivering a little at his words she flushed bright, even if she couldn't act on the idea right now, she enjoyed the thought."maybe cream. We'll see about tuna."has he teased. Looking over at him she nodding."you are indeed."she said before looking up at him, her heart aching with how much she loved him. And cain, even if he frightened her, she lived him. Biting her lip at his question she nodded as she stood, stepping into his arms. Determine to enjoy these moments as long as she could, before he went to cae.
"well. yeah you might be right." he admitted with a grin. "but Crowley does care about us. in his own little way." he admitted, indicating the scenery and the table before smiling at her again. "i could get the real high quality sushi Tuna." he admitted with a grin. "get it nice and cold and place it all over you." he teased with a grin. "make you smell like fish." he teased with a giggle. "that would be a fun prank." he admitted with a grin. "i should do that to Sammie. get some old Tuna, the stinky stuff, and cover him in it." he admitted, dancing with her before sighing. "...yeah. okay Cain." he agreed, stepping away and watching her. "Cain says i have to tell you. or you'll be mad i kept it a secrete... he's probobly right. we should sit down. there's something you need to know." he admitted, sitting next to her and taking her hand. "...Morrigan... you're pregnant..." he whispered, hesitating, swallowing hard. "Cain says they're all his, no matter who fathered them, and i agree. i want to be their father too." he admitted. "...you're going to have triplets. a Demon Spawn, an Angel Child and a Crossbreed baby." he explained. "and... and i was hoping you'd let me and Cain have claim to all of them."
“I usually am.”She said before snorting as she looked around. “True. But he’d kill us before he admitted it.”She said amused before tilting her head, shivering a little. “I think you’d enjoy that more then me. And sam would probably kill you for it.”She teased as she leaned into him, simply enjoying the dance before frowning as he pulled away, looking upset and worried. “Oh...okay...”She said, already bracing for hearing that he wanted a threesome, letting him sit down, tilting her head. Looking startled when she heard what he said, staring. “....what?”She said looking wide eyed, looking upset as she stared down at her stomach. “You mean....they....”She trembled, curling up, wrapping her arms around her middle, curling p around herself. “...I don’t....”She looked at him, so utterly lost.
"Nah, he wouldn't kill us. mangle us maybe but he'd stop before permanent damage." he admitted with a grin. "nah, Sam loves me too much. again he'd just maim me a little." he admitted. "I'm sorry. this is a terrible time to tell you. but i didn't want to tell you when you where upset and Cain said we couldn't leave it till tomorrow." he admitted, watching her. "yeah..." he admitted softly before wrapping his arms around her, holding her. "shh. it's okay. you won't ever be alone." he promised. "me and Cain, we're goig to be helping you. consider me your personal slave. and Cain your personal guard." he offered. "i won't ever let you do this alone." he promised. "i won't let anything happen to you." he promised. "i love you. i know we haven't known each other long but that doesn't make this any less true." he promised.
"Somehow I think sam wouldn't stop at maiming."she muttered laughing a little. Frowning a little at his words, nodding slightly."well there's really no good time to tell someone they're pregnant from rape...."she muttered frowning at how hard she was trembling, feeling shaken and lost as hewrapped his arms around her. Shifting around to lean into him. "Hmmm...you'd make a good slave."she teased weakly, to upset to tease hI'm really, shifting to poke him a little, easing away. Wanting to recapture that relaxed feeling and not ready to talk about this really."dance with me."
"Sure he would. he loves me, he has to let me live." he admitted with a grin. "plus, he's scares of you and he knows if he killed me you'd hurt him." he teased with a smile before grimacing a little and nodding. "i know... except... well the one.. it's not from being raped." he promised her. "i know it probobly doesn't hurt much but Cain already loves all of the babies and..." he grimaced. "i don't think that will help, Cain... i really don't." he mumbled before he sighed. "Cain says if you can't handle it, then he'll take care of the babies and you won't ever have to worry about them. he'll do anything he can, for you, and the babies but... honestly i don't think that's going to be a problem for you." he admitted with a smile before letting her go when she pulled away. "Of course. anything for you." he promised before he flushed a little. "uhm... could i make one request?" he asked hopefully. "i was thinking Crowley Cas and Sam as godfathers for the babies?" he asked her, holding her close. "i don't know any girls but i think those three would be the best t help handle the... ah, problems that will come from being demon or angel or hybrid babies..." he admitted. if you hate it, that's okay i won't but... i was hoping..." he was so adorably flustered.
“Hm, maybe. Though I don’t think he’s that scared of me. More like he’s scared of Cas.”She snickered a little before smiling at him. “True....thats good to know.”She muttered sighing softly, because that did make her feel better before frowning slightly as she watched the two, shaking herh ead a little. “No....I’ll...I’ll be okay. I’ll take care of them.”She made a face a little, not liking the idea of letting him simply raise them. Smiling as they started to dance, tilting her head as she looked up at the man, interested and happy as she considered what he was saying, it was sorta amusing to watch him stumble over his words. “Yes...It’s okay. I mean. I don’t know anyone who’d be better.”
he looked baffled. "why would Sam be scared of Cas? Cas is a putty tat." he admitted before smiling a little at her. "i know." he admitted, smiling at her. "but me and Cain, we'll be there to help every step of the way." he promised. "we'll even get up during the night so you can get sleep. me and Cain, we don't need to worry about sleep much because we can take turns sleeping in the back of our own minds." he admitted. "physically, we only need few hours. we're just lazy so we sleep more than that." he admitted with a smile. "thanks... you'll have to pick the god mothers though." he admitted. "i don't know any women well enough, you know?" he asked, smiling at her a little before gasping as his foot slipped at the edge of the pool, shrieking a bit like a girl as he grabbed the closest thing, her, and dragged them both into the pool, coming up sputtering and choking on water, wet and stunned as he looked at her, just as wet and stunned as him and he struggled to bite back a snicker because she looked like a wet kitten.
“yea, but if something happened to you, I think Cas would lose all sense of cool.”Morrigan smiled a little before nodding slightly. “I know you will.”She said, glad to know he’d be there, when she couldn’t handle it, couldn’t deal. It was good to know. “That’s cute. Really.”She giggled a little at the idea of him being lazy. Frowning a little. “Yea, I don’t kn-”She startled yelping as he pulled her into the pool with him, shrieking herself as she hit the water, sputtering when she came up, hair slicked to her head, she indeed looked like a wet and sulking kitten. Stsaring at the other for a long moment, to stunned. “Y-you okay?”She said sounding like she was starting to laugh
"well, that's true but i think Luca could help him keep his cool." he admitted with a smirk. "is it cute?" he wondered. "well i'll keep it up if you think it's so cute." he agreed with a grin. "i'm F-fine..." he stammered before he started laughing, unable to hide it anymore. "you're so cute! oh my god you look like a pissed off kitten that got dunked! all wet and cute and angry!" he admitted, nearly falling back into the pool he was laughing so hard.
“It is. You’re so rarely lazy about anything, that you sleeping just cause you can, is cute.”Morrigan looked amused. Sulking a little as she glared at him, “I am not a kitten!I’m totally a fierce mountain lion or something, not adorable!”Morrigan whined puffing up, indeed looking like a very annoyed kitten before watching him, before starting to laugh herself, going under she was laughing so hard, before coming up sputtering again. Eyes wide as she considered him, laughing a little as she climbed out of the pool. “We should get some sleep.”
"well... i'm lazy about everything really." no he wasn't. he was such a liar. "you're so... damn... cute!" he gasped, laughing some more as she went under. "oh god... i think that we needed that." he admitted, still chuckling. "come on Vixen." he teased her with a smile. "let me help you out of the pool." he offered, offering her his hands so she could use them as a step instead of struggling to the steps on the other end or the ladder over in the deep side. "Are you going to be okay on our own?" he asked her once they where inside, worried. "would you like to snuggle on the couch? would you be okay with that?"
“No you’re not.”She rolled her eyes a little, before laughing at him. “Am not.”She grumbled, indeed a grumpy little kitten, despite smiling. “Yea...I think we did.”She agreed before nodding, swimming over to him as she let him help her up out of the pool. “Thanks Dean.”She smiled at him before nodding, looking up at him, “Yea, I’ll be okay. I promise....”She said before shaking her head, “No...not now. I think you’re right. We need boundaries...and I need sleep.”She smiled at him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
"are too." he teased smiling a little. "hey, at least you get a cool animal. i'm a squirrel." he pointed out. "Sam's a Moose. you should be grateful." he teased with a chuckle. "of course." he told her with a smile. "are you sure?" he asked, face creased with worry before he nodded. "okay." he agreed, smiling as he got his cheek kissed, gently kissing her knuckles. "Sleep well... if you need me, if you need anything i'll sleep on the couch tonight so you can get me, okay? i don't want you to feel alone tonight, even if you go to sleep alone." he admitted. "i'll be just a shout away if you need something, okay?" he offered. "rest well Vixen." he teased with a smile. "dream of flowers and rainbows okay?"
“....kittens are balls of fluff and cuddles. Squirrels are awesome. And I’ve heard. Did you know you’re in Crowley’s phone as moose, and not-moose?”She giggled a little before nodding. “Yea...I’ll be fine.”she promised, nodding slightly. “Okay. I promise, I’ll get you if I need anything.”She said before laughing softly at his words. “Flowers and rainbows, yep.”She grinned as she headed for bed.

A week later Crowley looked around the kitchen, leaning forward to glance into the living room before huffing a pleased growl as he settled at the bar with a bowl of ice cream, smiling to himself as he poured the chocolate sauce all over his ice cream. While it wasn’t the most healthy breakfast in the world, he wasn’t to worried about it. He was a demon, and if morrigan wanted ice cream for breakfast, he’d just blame dean for it, since it was cream of some kind, and teh man was obsessed. Despite sorta liking them, having this many people in his home was sorta making the demon angsty, and even more so because of the odd little relationship problem dean had found hismelf in. It amused him greatly that morrigan still thought cas and dean were dating, and more then that, that they wanted a threesome.
The house was silent for once. Lyra and Luca had taken Sam and Cas out before they all went mad. the tight quarters where getting to everyone because most of them where used to being solitary or with their sibling. Dean had gone to take a nap and so Cain was out on the deck, sunning like a giant cat, wings spread out and everything. just laying there and looking all but dead. there was one sound that could get Cain moving no matter how lazy he was feeling. which was often, and a lot. that was the sound of someone snapping open a bottle and squeezing something that smelled like chocolate. really, Crowley should have known better. Cain had crept into the living room from behind Crowley and snarled. the sound low, deep and nasty. a warning. one Crowley was, unfortunately, very familiar with. it was a warning to have over the chocolate or be hurt, badly. it was a testament to how much Cain liked Crowley that he didn't just attack the man for it, as he often had to lesser demons while in hell. he had actually killed a few who had the audacity to try and keep him from his addiction. if Dean was bad with cream, Cain was twenty times worse with chocolate. particularly the chocolate sauce that Crowley had foolishly opted to use.
Crowley nearly whimpered at the sound of the man coming up behind him, hanging his head a little. “Cain.”He sighed softly, sounding defeated as he shifted both the bowl of ice cream and chocolate sauce towards the other. “I Thought you were sleeping.”he grumbled but didn’t try to keep the other from taking it. Sighing softly. “Don’t you have a mate to coddle?Share with her.”He whined a little, sulking that his sauce was being kept away from him. “....Crowley?Cain?”Morrigan frowned a little having just gotten out of the pool having been enjoying the sun, and come in to get a snack, just starting to round with being pregnant, but not enough that you’d think it was anything but her gaining weight.
Cain purred, ignoring the ice-cream. the chocolate there had been sullied, he wouldn't touch ice-cream with a ten foot pole and decided Crowley could keep the defiled bits of chocolate that he wouldn't eat anyway. instead he flopped onto his back, still purring and drank straight from the bottle like he was some kind of infant enjoying a bottle of milk. only it was chocolate and he was scary as hell. how he could go from pissy, territorial and possessive to looking like a lazy cat drinking from a bottle on it's back in a split second was well beyond the minds of mortal men. he just laid there and contentedly sucked the chocolate from the bottle like it was the finest thing ever invented. lazy little S.O.B.
Crowley smirked a little as he realized he was getting to keep the ice cream, looking amused as he pulled his bowl back, starting to eat it as he rolled his eyes. “You made yourself sick last time, Cain.”he said rolling his eyes a little. “....Are you...drinking chocolate?”Morrigan said edging closer, simply to make sure she was actually seeing what she was seeing. A soft smile curling her lips, because while cain still made her edgy and nervous, seeing him like this, made her smile."Can I have some?"She asked, curious just to see what he'd say.
Cain just growled at Crowley because he didn't give a piss if he got sick, it would be worth it before purring loudly at the sound of Morrigan before he went very still at the question. he studied her for a long, silent moment before he slowly removed the bottle of chocolate from his lips and he looked from it to her and back again several times before he very slowly offered it to her. she probobly had no idea how big of a thing that was, Cain allowing her to have his chocolate.
Morrigan looked back at cain, tilting her head a little as she watched him, tense and wary, ready to move away from him before smiling quietly. Pleased as she took the bottle, a soft quiet happy smile at being able to have some. Even if she didn’t love it as much as he did, she understood it was important to him, so she would take it as a gift, much like dean giving her tuna and cream, a hunter bringing her something home. Holding the bottle close she took a small sip of chocolate, stomach growling, cravings had started kicking in. “Amazing. Crowley, you need more.” “Do not. He’ll make himself sick if I keep more then a single bottle here.”Crowley said as he ate his ice cream, smiling a little a morrigan gave the bottle back to cain, knowing cain would just keep eating till he got sick.
Cain watched her and then smiled back, happy because she was happy. glad that she wasn't as frightened of him as she was before. "hmmm. yes. more. go get more. slave." Cain ordered, throwing his wallet at the back of Crowley's head, snickering a little because Chocolate did interesting things to the chemical compositions of Cain's brain. it made him downright docile, happy, calm... basically it made him high. he purred loudly as he was handed back his chocolate and he popped the bottle back in his mouth and went back to enjoying his meal and once the bottle was empty he sighed, whined, sulked and then curled upon the floor, still purring and took a nap without a care that there was a long smear of chocolate across his lips and all over his fingers and down his chin. Cas and Sam would be highly confused when they came back, because unlike Cain, Dean couldn't stand chocolate. not even as a kid.
“....I’m going to hurt you one day.”Crowley growled as the wallet smacked into the back of his head, turning to look down at the wallet as it fell to the floor, glaring at it before scooping it up and leaving. “...Crowley’s coming with more. Don’t worry.”Morrigan said smiling a little as he laid down on the floor, biting her lip before deciding cain wouldn’t mind, moving to sit next to him, gently moving him around until his head was laying in her lap, gently stroking his hair as she read her book. And indeed, both sam and cas were extremely confused at the sight of a chocolate covered dean as they came back, settling in to make lunch, and wondering just what dean would think of the chocolate eating.
"You can't hurt me. i'm all powerful." Cain informed Crowley with a giggle. "I love you Crowley!" Cain called as Crowley left before purring loudly at her as she moved him around. she was touching him, of course he was happy. "I love you Vixen." he purred, rubbing his cheek against her thich because she was warm and soft and wonderful. it was Dean who woke up and he shook his head. "damn. i need to go brush my teeth, yuck!" he grumbled as he struggled to move his heavy, half asleep limbs to the bathroom so he could scrub his mouth clean from the taste of chocolate.
“Are not. I’m find a way, you fucking kid.”Crowley said rolling his eyes a little but didn’t yell at him as he left. “Hey, cain.”She muttered smiling a little as he purred, shivering a little as he nuzzled her. “Love you to.”She promised. Laughing quietly when Dean woke up. “Careful.”She said looking worried. “....So, a little chocolate insane, right?”Sam teased when he came back out. “You’re nearly as bad as Morrigan. Pregnancy cravings and all.”Sam teased, not noticing Ben coming in, frowning slightly at the mention as he set about getting food for himself.
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