Elf Struck(moon/lady)

“Well, you were upsetting Morrigan. Do you want to pick up bartenders that Sam sleeps with again? Somehow sam has more se these days then you do. Which is sorta disturbing actually.”Cas said pausing as he considered that, teasing dean a little. Ben huffed a little. “That’s all I can ask. And yes, they can. I knew I should have done this myself, instead of trusting you to put it on.”Ben grumbled rolling his eyes a little as he started to fix things. “...You got what I needed?”Sam twisted to look at dean, calming down as he realized ben was indeed fixing things. “Indeed he did. And I’m fixing it, don’t look so upset, dean.”Ben said smiling slightly. “Yes, morrigan is awake.”Crowley said rolling his eyes a little as he headed back for his office, it was weird having people here.

Morrigan meanwhile had searched out the small room that Sam had tossed both Cas and Dean’s things into, digging out one of dean’s hoodies, the huge led zepplin hoodie making the already slender woman look even smaller then she really was, wearing a pair of crowley’s sweatpants, that pooled around her feet, she really did look like a kid playing dress up. Looking startled when he walked in, she tensed, “S-sorry....you can have it back...”She muttered, starting to pull off the hoodie. having done it without thinking, but if he was dating cas, cas wouldn't want her stealing dean's clothes anymore.
"no. i'm done sleeping with strangers, thanks.... i'm done sleeping around. i just can't stand the idea anymore." he admitted with a sigh before he smiled at Ben. "i'm perfectly good with computers! they are devil machines, it's instinct!" he stated with a grin. "yeah... well, Ben told me what you needed and the smart guy at the store got it for me but i paid for it." and failed at trying to install it. Dean was then too busy making happy crooning noises as he rushed for Morrigan.

"No. no. i like you wearing it." Dean promised, smiling as he studied her pants. "are those Crowleys?" he asked, looking very much amused. "he let you steal his pants?" he asked with a smile. "i wanted to apologize." he admitted softly to her. he shuddered, rubbing his chest where the raw edge of ice had cut him inside. he still felt raw, numb, like skin after ice had been applied for too long.
“Good. You should be happy with a girlfriend.”Ben said smiling slightly, because despite dean’s protests, he knew morrigan and dean were dating, even if the two hadn’t figured that out yet. “....They are not devil machines. We did not invent them. That’s a wholly human invention.”Crowley said looking amused. “Awesome. Thanks Dean.”Sam beaming at his brother as the man rushed off.

Morrigan paused midmotion of pulling it off, watching him for a long moment before pulling it back on, looking confused, toes curling into the carpet as he studied her pants. “Uh. Yes. I guess?I mean. I woke up in them, and they’re to long to be mine or yours.”She muttered frowning a little, because she could have remember Crowley bundling her up in his clothes to try and get her warm. Hanging her head a little as she shoved her hands into the hoodie front pocket, she shrugged a little. “I...I knew this wouldn’t last, Dean. I just....I didn’t think it’d be over this soon. Knew you’d move on. I mean....I’ve never had this before....”She sighed quietly, because she couldn’t remember ever having any relationship, beyond one night stands, for centuries. Probably not since she’d first lost cain, had she had someone to rely on wholly. “....I’m happy for you and Cas. Really.”she said, though it broke her heart to say it.
"uh.. thanks Ben...." Dean muttered because he still wasn't sure she really wanted him. "they are devil machines! you totally invented them!" he huffed before offering Sam a grin and taking off.

"well, remind me to hit him for changing your clothes." he offered her with a smile before feeling the ice clench around him tightly. was she breaking up with him?! had he failed o badly!? "i. i'm sorry. i was never good at this. i'm so sorry please, let me try again. don't break up with me, ple..." he froze and then a look of panic fluttered across his face as he shook his head. "no no, i'm NOT with Cas! it was only the once because i thought you had rejected me and it was bond shock and he was warm that's it i swear! it will never happen again and i am NOT gay!"
“I’m sure you’ll remember.”She snorted a little, sounding a little amused, trembling a little as she felt how cold she felt at the idea of leaving him. Of doing this. Still feeling numb and broken, despite having woken up, the woman was no where near recovered after nearly a 4 days of being in emotional shock. “...”She stared at him, looking confused at his begging. Weren’t they already broken up? He was with cas. Which was how it should be. Cas loved him, and good for him, far better then she’d ever be. Cas didn’t hurt him like she had, had let him be with lisa, hadn’t gotten lisa killed. Wasn’t so broken and hurt by what michael and lucifer had done. “...You don’t have to lie to me....I mean. I get why you’d want to be with him.”She muttered trembling a little, huddling in the hoodie, chilled and cold, staring down. “I....”She swallowed hard, sighing quietly. “You don’t want me Dean. I mean....michael and lucifer....”She trembled harder, falling apart, hating that she was so very broken.
"I'm not lying!" he protested. "I'm not with Cas!" he promised her, shaking his head. "i'm not even attracted to him... which is weird because i didn't know someone could have sex without being.... never mind." he shook his head, she didn't want to hear about that. "i o want you. only you." he whispered, gently cradling her face. "i love you Morrigan and Lucifer and Micheal are both suffering for touching you. i made sure of it." he pointed out, wrapping his arms around her, holding her. "i love you. please don't leave me..."
“....Okay.”Morrigan muttered, though he didn’t sound like she actually believed him. Simply didn’t want to fight him over it, not when she was feeling numb and lost, and she just wanted to cuddle into him. Flinching at his words, she swallowed thickly, looking away from him. “..Well. You like Cas. I mean, it’s cas.”She muttered letting him change the subject, tensing as he touched her, but not pulling away, not moving away. “...I’m not....Dean. I’m hurt. Still. I can’t...Cain scares me still. And the other two....”She trembled, because she had no idea why he’d still want her, even if she wanted him. Shivering a little as the other wrapped his arms around her, resting her head on his chest, soaking in teh warmth. Not wanting to fight with him, even if she was sure he was just indulging her until she recovered more. “...Okay.”
"yes, i like Cas. he's my big Bro." he admitted. "last night... i think it was last night... the night before? it was a one time thing Morrigan. i would never have done it at all if i hadn't been in such a state of shock." he admitted. "and i know your hurt. i know your scared and that's okay. i don't care because it means i can help piece you back together." he admitted. "you're all i ever want." he promised softly. "you're all i ever need." he whispered, just holding her.
“....I don’t think brothers do what you two did. Or do I need to have a conversation with sam?”She teased a little, still upset, still so sure they were dating and just not wanting to upset her. But willing to let him think she was okay. At least till he was brave enough to tell her on his own. “....I’m sorry....I don’t....even remember what I said. I just remember you leaving....and then...”She’d felt what was going on. Even with the bond in shock, she had felt the backwash of what was going on. “Night before.”She muttered leaning into him, closing her eyes. Simply taking comfort in his presence. But....”....I’m staying here. Crowley obviously has good wards, it took you guys awhile to find me....and no one else has so....I’m staying here. He already said I could.”Of course, that had been before she had nearly died in his care. Crowley might not let her stay, but she needed to get away from dean, let him be with cas.
"well we're not real brothers... and i was desperate. it was that or go curl up under a bed and just... freeze..." the way he whispered that word, it was easy to see he was rather terrified by the idea. "i don't either. i just.. the instincts are all over the place. i think i'm still 'in season' you know?" he asked. "all want to do is kneel in front of you and submit to you." he admitted. "which would be awesome but i don't think you can do that right now." he admitted, smiling at her. "which is okay, i think my instincts know your hurt so it's not nearly as pressing as it was when we first met." he admitted. "if your staying i'm staing." he admitted. "and Ben too. i trust Crowley... mostly. if he wanted us dead or hurt he would have done so while you where here and helpless." he admitted. "besides... i kind of miss him." he admitted with a sigh.
“I know....and I’m sorry....I was cold to...still am really.”She muttered shivering a little, shifting closer, snuggling closer cause he was warm. So warm. “Yes....that’s sound right. We’re just all over....”She muttered because she was still feeling icy and cold, and all she really wanted to do was climb in his lap, or go to bed and snuggle and be close, but it was awkward. She knew they’d already had sex, but not being pushed as hard together, she was figuring out they really had only known each other about 3 weeks, they were still in that awkward get to know each other stage. “...Ah. Yes. Well. I can’t do that.”She muttered shivering a little at the idea of having sex, before nodding. “N-no. Not right now.”She muttered, “That’s good.”She muttered glad it wasn’t hurting him to not be with her right now. “...Okay.”She said sounding vaguely startled that he wanted to stay, before nodding. “Okay then....Do...do you want to stay in my room?”She said, not sounding sure about that, almost like she expected him to go to cas.
"I'm really cold too." he admitted. "Cain says it's bond shock. something broke in our bond and that's where the cold is coming from." he mumbled. "when you said... whatever it started and when i slept with Cas it got worse and now we just have to find out how to fix it because i don't ever want to give you up." he whispered. "i don't want to loose you..." he admitted before smiling a little. "no. your not ready for that at all but if i sit down in front of your feet, it's just cus it makes me feel better." he assured her. "i don't think i'm any more ready for sex than you are." he admitted. "i... i don't know." he admitted, hesitating at the mention of her room. "would you be okay with me in there? i wouldn't think you would be." he admitted. "i know i frighten you sometimes and i know Cain does most of the time too. i don't want to scare you, even if we'd both probobly be more comfortable..." he admitted. "how about we go snuggle on the couch to start and see about slowly working our way to that step?"n he offered.
“Oh...yes. That sounds about right. I feel shocky.”She muttered shivering a little, nodding slightly. “We broke something.but we’ll figure it out.”She muttered, not believing him about wanting to not lose her. Before frowning a little against his shirt, wondering. Thinking it over. Well....she’d heard some of sam’s stories. But surely not even dean....she swallowed hard, closing her eyes shoving the thoughts away, refusing to consider it just yet, before nodding. “No, but I like petting your hair. So you sit at my feet, I’ll just pet you, and we’ll both feel better.”She smiled a little, before frowning, thinking about what he’d done last time in a bed, just the thought of him anywhere near tangled sheets and springs made her think about him and cas, and even then, she was still tangled up about it. “....No....only maybe I can’t have you there..”She muttered sadly, before nodding, looking relieved at his solution. “Okay. Yes.”She muttered pulling away from him, though she kept ahold of his hand as she headed back downstairs. Though she casually dropped his hand when she saw cas sitting in the recliner reading, simply grabbing one of the soft fluffy fuzzy blankets crowley had draped over the back of his couch and crawling onto the couch, not looking at any of the others. Not ready to face anything just yet.
He nodded. "i feel pretty shocky still too." he admitted before smiling at her, feeling warmth burts against the cold when she said they could fix it. "I like it when you pet my hair too." he mumbled with a smile. "just don't expect Cain to sit calmly at your feet. he is anything but submissive but he doesn't want to come out and scare you anyway so i think for now it's fine." he admitted. "no. not while your sleeping. you'd wake up in a panic and i'd feel even worse." he admitted, kissing her forehead gently. holding her hand as the headed for downstairs, wincing when she dropped her hand and he looked almost wounded, realizing she didn't believe him about Cas. he sighed and shook his head and went intot he kitchen to make her some Cocoa and settled next to her feet, acting a bit like a table when he held the cocoa for her when she wasn't sipping at it. feeling better just doing something for her.
Morrigan smiled a little, feeling warmth knocking into her, it felt amazing.”Okay. I’ll keep that in mind.”She muttered tensing at the idea of cain, but not pulling away. She liked him, could handle it as long as he was calm, but she was fairly certain he wasn’t going to be happy with her, so she was a little upset at the idea cain coming out and making that anger known, but she knew he didn’t want to hurt her, so hopefully when he did come out, she’d be able to stay calm. Smiling quietly as he kissed her forehead, her chest tightened at the idea of letting him go, when he understood her so well, but she would. She’d prove she was okay enough to be on her own, and he could be with cas. Cas glanced up as they came in, looking a little confused when dean looked wounded, sighing softly as he stood guard over the two as they cuddled, amused that dean was nearly purring as morrigan petted his hair as she sipped her cocoa.

Crowley stepped into the room, looking at the three when he realized Morrigan was sleeping, curled up on the couch, a hand still buried in dean’s hair, as if making sure he wasn’t going anywhere without waking her up. Amused as Sam trailed in after him, laptop balanced on his hand as he worked, it was amusing to see him so attatched to his newly fixed and updated computer. Settling into a chair he sighed as he looked at dean. “So.”Crowley twitched a little, because it annoyed him some that he had such a soft spot for dean, and for morrigan now. Though, he had a soft spot for the wayward angel and the moose to. Just these two, right now where hurt, and he had to figure out how to convince morrigan that it was really okay.

“I haven’t told her yet that she’s pregnant. I didn’t think the news she’s carrying triplets should come from me. And....”Crowley sighed as he shok his head a little, looking at the angel and man, knowing they’d have to deal with it. “No matter how much I tried to convince her you two aren’t meant to be, or even really want to be together, she wont believe it. She might go along if you tell her, just to stop a fight, but she wont. I don’t.....part of the bargain she made was to make sure you two couldn’t find her, so you would stop feeling like you had to be with her.” “But-” “Hey, I know. She’s the one that’s convinced you and cas are the real couple here....considering she's only known you a month, where Cas has known dean for years.....well, she sorta has a point. even if you're not actually dating.”
Dean opened his eyes, watching Crowley barely half awake himself. he made no motion at all to get up or move and simply watched their progression across the room. he narrowed his eyes a little when Crowley spoke, promising painful death if he woke Morrigan up. "I'll tell her. when she's not so freaked out." Dean promised Crowley. "or, more likely, Cain will. he's quite smug that he has babies inside of her." Dean admitted with a smile. "he's furious what they did but... wait..." he stared at the other. "did you say Triplets?" he asked, stunned. "oh god... i need a moment to digest that." he admitted before sighing. "She's convinced i'm going to leave her." he whispered, feeling his throat clench because had she been anyone else, he probobly would have. if only to keep her safe. "she can't escape me." Dean informed Crowley with a smug little smile. "your the only one who could hide her from me completely." he admitted. "and you won't. will you." it was more of a statement than a question, the faint red to Dean's eyes letting them all know he was more Cain than Dean at the moment. "Cas saved my life, that's true. we fucked but only because there was little other choice and because he loves me the most out of everyone aside from Morrigan." Cain admitted. "i'm hoping, she'll understand that if we explain it to her." he admitted. "but right now. the Bond shock is making her think things she wouldn't normally think." he admitted. "she's terrified of me as well and Dean is in no emotional state to truly be able to help her. she might do a runner again if things go south." he warned. "she's too upset to care about personal safety right now."
Crowley smiled slightly, but kept his voice low and quiet, not enough to wake morrigan up. Because he wanted to talk to the boys without her interfering right now. “Good. Cause I totally don’t want to be the one to tell her.”Crowley said looking vaguely amused, before snorting quietly. “Of course he’s smug. He totally claims them as his.”Cas muttered sounding amused, before giving a choked laugh at dean’s utter stunned look at the idea of three. “What?”Sam muttered looking at the demon. “Yes, I did. Triplets. Angel, demon, and whatever cain and dean are spawn. They’re going to be holy terrors.”Crowley said looking to amused at the idea of dean of all people ending up with three babies at once. “Have fun digesting that. You’ll be soccer dad look well.”Crowley teased a little before nodding, “I know. And admit it, if it’d been anyone else, you would have by now.”The demon muttered.

“Indeed I am. And probably the only one who could hide this long from Lucifer.”Because he knew Cas’ magics worked against Michael, didn’t work as well hiding morrigan from Lucifer. Needed demon magic to combat demon. “....Of course not, Cain. I have no desire to be bitten again.” “....I don’t want to know.”Sam said eyeing the demon and his brother, shuddering a little. That just wasn’t a pleasant thought. “I know. I mean, it’s not every day a angel gives up heaven and a army for one guy.” “.....Shut up crowley.”Cas made a face, he so didn’t want to have a conversation about his relationship with dean, not when he was figuring out if he liked luca or not. “She probably will believe it, we just have to start fixing the bond.”Sam said sighing quietly, glad dean understood why morrigan was setting her heels down about it. Not when she wasn’t in any state to understand really. “You two together make a good team, she might be terrified of you, but she also trusts you, cain. She knew eventually you’d find her, even with me keeping you away.”Crowley sighed a little, “You’ll figure it out, build the bond again....and even if she does a runner, I can find her.” “....how?” “Same why I find anyone who makes a baragain. Hell hounds.” “....What did she promise?”Sam said looking at the man. “....you know, soul, futre, first born. The normal things.”Crowley said not about to admit he had bargained for nothing beyond making sure she was safe, because she would have never believed him if he did, so he’d taken nothing in return, to doing something that benefited him. Seeing her alive, meant that lucifer and michael would be twisting in the wind for awhile longer.
"he does. it doesn't matter who the sperm donor is, those babies are mine.... and Cain and Morrigan's of course, no need to get bitchy Cain." he grumble before going tense. "Crowley, you have to be making a mistake. i'm sterile... me and Lisa tried for months. almost a year and she was even tested." he informed the other. "hell, I was tested... i can't have babies." he said, sounding astonished. "you mean unholy terrors." Luca corrected, giggling at his terrible, terrible joke and he yelped when Lyra smacked him and he just sat there and sulked after that. "no way. my babies are cool. they're going to be football geeks." he admitted firmly. "and if i can't have that then they're going to be smart like their uncle." he declared before nodding. "You do realize, with all this effort you're putting into protecting my mate and offspring you're running dangerously close to being named a godfather to one of them." Dean teased, smirking a little before letting Cain have the show.

"i would be glad to bite you again. you do have rather sweet blood Crowley." he admitted simply, lounging more than kneeling now. "It is an impressive act of devotion." Cain admitted. "it's such a pity that Dean and i where never all that worthy of a being such as Castiel." he admitted. "i think, had there been no Morrigan, that we might very well have gone to him though we never would have been truly happy." Cain admitted, blunt and honest as always. "the Bond will be healed with time and patience. she was hurt, deeply, by myself first and then by Micheal and Lucifer." he admitted. "i was not... in my right mind. i knew no better and i do, truly, regret the actions i took. not only against her but others as well." he admitted. "it will take time for her to forgive me and even then, i doubt she will ever forget." Cain admitted before he snarled at Crowley, dark flames gathering around his hands even if he didn't move, a silent warning that if the demon ever, ever tried to call up that dept, Cain would make what he did to Micheal look like children's play.
“....You’re sterile. For everyone but morrigan.”Crowley frowned a little. “Had you really never considered it?” “He was sterile. Why would we think it changed for one person?”Cas frowned a little, looking confused at the idea. “Because Lisa wasn’t her, Ben might be yours by choice, but you were never supposed to have kids with anyone but Morrigan. I am sure Lyra and Luca remember.”Crowely said tilting his head a little before laughing quietly at luca’s joke. “Football geeks?”Cas said looking amused at dean’s decision, before smirking at sam. “If only you’re sure I wont give them beer while tutoring them.”Sam teased, rolling his eyse a little, because ben had been quite eager to tell Sam about dean threatening him over the idea of giving beer as a reward. That was just amusing. “....I think not. I think I have to go do something dastardly and insane, to prove that I am not godfather material.”Crowley said twitching a little.

“....Stay away from me cain. Morrigan will kill me if I let you.”Crowley said making a face. “....Both of you, stop it.”Cas growled sounding vaguely annoyed that they were having this conversation about him, when he was sitting there, before going still when Morrigan stirred at the growling and voices around her. Though she simply shifted, resting her cheek against the back of cain’s head, cuddling him as much as she could without actually crawling down to the floor with him. While she wasn’t sure she was okay with him when she was awake, she trusted him to be there while she slept, to not hurt her really. “...”Sam stared at cain, looking utterly amazed that the man had actually figured out what was wrong, understood that he’d done something wrong. “Work on the bond, she’ll be okay. She wont forget, but with time, the memories will fade some, wont be as raw. It’ll let her be with you two, because she needs to be okay to do that. So she’ll heal.”sam muttered, knowing more then anything else, that would probably be okay. That she’d work things out, because to have any kind of life with dean and cain. She’d have to. “....”Crowley didn’t move, raising his eyebrows as he watched morrigan stir in response to the silent warning, even asleep she’d felt how upset cain had been at the idea of crowley calling it in. “....She tried to promise me things, she was delirious by the time I got to her. I figured my payment for hiding her would just be you forgetting that I had.”Crowley said shaking his head a little, not about to mention how or the circumstances he’d found her in, because that would so, so send cain and dean into a furious rage. Definitely not something to discuss.
"I... seriously?" Dean asked, stunned. "no. i just, i thought that since i was sterile it applied to everyone..." he admitted softly. "Ben is mine by choice." Dean agreed with a smile. "it's a great thing, having a son already raised and trained." he admitted with a snicker. "he's a great kid." he admitted. "yes. football geeks." Dean agreed. "we don't remember. Cain and Able never slept with anyone other than Morrigan in all of history that i know of, so..." Lyra shrugged. "so we never knew." she admitted. "give my son beer and die Sammie." Dean warned. "i have enough issues with alcohol myself i don't need my son to follow in my footsteps." he admitted before smirking at Crowley. "you can't fool me asshole. i know you like me." he admitted. "you like Cain a bit more i'm sure but he agreed you should be the Demon babies godfather. you're the only demon i trust and you'll be the only one who can help him when he starts doing demon things." he admitted.

"Nah, she won't kill me." he admitted. "because the only reason i'd bit you is to rip your throat out and feast on your sweet blood." Cain admitted with a wicked smirk, which was actually quite flirty for a demon. he turned to Morrigan when she shifted and purred at her, soothing her back to sleep and kept purring when she settled her head on his. that couldn't be comfortable for her but he didn't bother moving her. "She is strong. she'll be okay. i just have to start by proving to her that i will never hurt her again." Cain admitted. "and that neither of us, Dean or i, will leave her." he admitted before lifting his lip, revealing his cat like fangs at Crowley the black flames slowly spreading across the floor, catching the wood and carpet on fire before it snuffed out as Cain realized Crowley was not demanding any kind of Payment at all. "she was suicidal." Cain whispered, the first thing he'd thought of when Crowley said 'delirious'.
"Yes seriously."crowley said looking utterly amused at how stunned dean was. That was just to funny."true. Though this time around you get to deal with babies, and won't that be fun?"sam teased amused at the idea of dean changing diapers." Ah. Makes sense I guess."sam said smiling a little at Lyras answer."don't worry, I'm not giving out alcohol as rewards."sam said vaguely offended dean would think he would. "More likely candy and books for good behavior."Cas said snickering at crowley annoyed look eve ln if he didn't protest he liked dean and cain."...fine. if I must. I guess I could teach the little brat."

"Hm, she likes me. Might still have a problem with it."crowley said amused at how flirty they were, and how disturbed both cas and sam looked. Morrigan whimpered wuietly as he purred, shifting again to get more comfortable, settling more when nothing happened, hand still resting in his hair, making sure he couldn't leave her.byou do. And I have no doubt you'll win, you're just a little to stubborn to not to."crowley said though he looked relieved dean and cain where digging their heels in about itcrowley looked nervous as he watched the flames before nodding a little. "She wss...hallucinating to....it was..."he paused. If it was bad enough eve n crowley had no words, it was bad. Not to mention the car, silently hoping dean wouldn't ask about his precious baby.
"Oh, Cain and Dean had babies before too." Luca admitted. "the Cain and Able from legend was Morrigan's sons through Cain and Able." he admitted. "they where named after their fathers." Luca admitted. "surprisingly, Cain had less trouble with the babies than Able did." he admitted with a giggle. "i know you won't." Dean promised Sam with a smile. "but don't rot his teeth either." he ordered witha smile. "i would like it if you tutored him though, he's failing something called trigomomity?" Dean himself had dropped out when he was thirteen so he was lucky he could even math. there was a reason why Sam was the smart one. "The Brat will most assuredly love you very much uncle Crowly." Dean teased.

"Nah. she knows my thirst for demon blood is rather consuming. i bet Lucifer and that little bitch Belial will be delicious." he admitted. "Micheal was rather bitter you know. Angels are just so disgusting." he admitted, purring the whole time to keep Morrigan calm and settled and asleep. "it's not matter of winning." Cain growled. "it's a matter of proving myself to my mate." he admitted. "She was effectivly dying. it makes sense she was sick and hallucinating." he admitted. "i'm going to assume i need to buy a new car." he admitted with a sigh, smiling at Morrigan's sleeping face. "you're lucky i love you."
"Ah. It's still going to be amusing to watch him. Diaper duty so has dean and cas' names written on it."sam grinned at the idea of the two who hadn't been able to figure out computers, trying to do diapers."I wont. And I can do trig. We'll make sure he passes."sam grinned looking amused at the sight of crowley's face at being called uncle.

"...I'm sure theyare. We'll do what we can to let you have a taste."crowley said looking amused before smirking at cas."km sure they do taste disgusting." "..."cas rolled his eyesreusing to aise to the bait."well in that case, I'm sure you can prove yourself. Eventually you'll get through to her."he said smiling slightly. Going quiet for a moment before nodding."she was dying. And no. I have the car...she just needs to be revolt again...I swear that car has nine lives."he said amused because Morrigan had wrapped the car around a tree and rolled it, it was amazing she'd survived it really.
"Oh yes. Cas will most certainly have to be a godfather to the Angel." Dean agreed with a smirk. "you know. once we convince Morrigan that we're not a couple." he admitted. he had it mapped out in his head. his three closest guys would protect his babies. Crowley, Cas and Sam would be the god fathers and Morrigan would have to pick the women because he didn't know any but Lyra and he wasn't convinced about her yet. "....how badly was she hurt?" Cain asked, proving that he did care more about Morrigan than about his car. not that he'd ever let her live it down but that would come later when she wasn't so traumatized about everything. "was there anything else we need to discuss while she i asleep?" he asked, red eyes flicking around everyone. waiting for someone to say something.
"Well, someone has to teach them to fly besides you. Otherwise they'd look like a drunken bumblebee."Cas teased smirking at dean a litrle. "You planning. This is something new."sam teased his brother amused, because so often, dean just flew by the seat of his pants."...broken ribs. Concussion, which didn't help the dillusions. Broken wrist, broken leg...thankfully I could put her to sleep and heal her without her being in to much pain. I don't think she actually remembers rolling it really. She's lucky I found her,rather then someone else who couldn't heal her."crowley said though hewas sure that Michael and lucifer would have healed her, if only to save the babies."but both her and the babies are fine, healed. I promise."he said before dean and cain could get worked up."no I think that's it."sam said smiling a little, amused as Morrigan stirred again, frowning slightly. As if whatever she was drwming, wasn't pleasant.
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