Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"I'm sure he will but i'm still kicking his ass." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i am not." he pouted because he knew he was being possessive and overprotective, he couldn't help it.

"okay. okay. so bossy." he teased, kissing her again before sucking marks all over her, rolling his hips instead of thrusting because he wasn't sure he could rock the hammock that hard. "yes. yes. oh god..." he moaned, shuddering against him, trembling and gasping, writhing against her, moving faster and harder, chasing his, and her, release, letting go with a sharp cry that he buried, with his teeth, into her shoulder. he shuddered against her for a moment as he came, and came hard and then flushed as he realized he'd left, not really bloody but he'd certainly cut her with his teeth. "i'm so sorry! let me..." he squealed when he leaned too far over and they where both dumped to the ground. he cursed and then started laughing when he realized what had happened and he pressed his face against her unbloodied shoulder to calm himself. "well we're a mess." he was getting sand in all the scratches in his back. it kind of hurt.
“Of course I’m bossy. I want you.”She whimpered, squirming under his lips, growling softly as she rolled her hips into his a little, careful not to move to much and dump them out of the hammock. “N-not god.”She panted, squirming, needy gasping as she came, shivering hard as she buried her face against his shoulder biting down.marking him just as surely as he’d marked her, and definitely between that and the scratch marks, he was going to scar a little. “It’s okay.”She panted a little, yelping as they were dumped onto the ground, groaning a little as he landed mostly on top of her and she laid out in the sand. Before laughing as he did, realizing what had happened, “Yea. We are.”She agreed before wincing as she saw the sand getting in his back.”Sorry.....looks like that hurts.”She muttered worried about him, before gently pushing him off her. “Come on, let’s go get a shower.”She muttered pausing when she heard the sounds of kansas’ ‘carry on my wayward son’, snorting amused as she realized it was his phone. “You have a music obsession you know that right?”She teased.
"Totally god!" he gasped with a laugh before chuckling a little at her. "doesn't hurt so bad. i kind of liked it." he admitted with a grin before running is fingers over the mark she had left in his shoulder with her teeth, black flames sparking along the cuts that healed instantly and left behind a complete scar. a perfect impression of her teeth forever left upon his skin. "there. now i have a good scar." he said with a smile. "i do have a music obsession." he admitted, flipping his phone open. "this is Dean." he never noticed that his hands where trembling, or that he was sweating. might have been explained away by the activity if not for the rather cool air around them. his withdrawals where already starting.
“Well, as long as you like it. Pervert.”She teased rolling her eyes, eyes widening though as it healed, flushing as she realized he’d left her mark behind, forever etched into his skin along with the mark of cain. A claim, that he was hers. Forever. “It is a good scar.”She said flushed a little, she could already hear the teasing. “D-dean?”Lisa stuttered from the phone, making Morrigan go tense. Only hearing because the phone was so loud, it seemed years of loud rock and to close to shot gun blasts played merry heell on dean’s hearing. Moving over to gently stroking her hands over his back as she realized that the withdrawals were starting, hating she couldn’t make it better. “Dean!T-there’s-”Lisa stuttered, sounding so scared she couldn’t actually talk. “Dean Winchester.”The male voice sounded smooth and cultured, and oh so condescending. “It is good to speak to the man who should be a archangel’s vessel. I have something that belongs to you.” Had to be a angel, only a angel usually refered to people as things, demons usually called them people, if only because the knowledge that people were dying for them bothered the winchesters, and the demons knew it. Angels, hadn’t learned the fact just yet. “Give me the girl, and we can all walk away from this.”
"I am a pervert." he agreed with a chuckle and a grin as he stroked the rin of teeth marks in his shoulder before freezing at the sound of Lisa. how did she remember him!? how did she know, had the spell broken!? "Lisa?" Dean asked, voice wary and nervous. "Lisa what's...." a cold chill ran down his back t the sound of the man and he swallowed thickly. "you do have something that belongs to me." Cain's voice, just as rich and cultured as the Angel on the other end of the line. "and i'm afraid Dean isn't available at the moment. as for the girl, she is mine, and i do not share." he stated firmly, baring fangs, claws and horns. "you lay one finger on her, and i will slaughter you and everyone you ever knew." he warned, hanging up. "CASTIEL!" he snarled, Luca already racing out of the house, responding to the huge upset that couldn't be ignored. "Get your flying feathered fucking asshole over here! they have Ben!" figures Cain would be more upset about ben than Lisa.
"Dean, please-"lisa gasped a little as the phone was taken from her. Michael smirked a little at the sound of cain's voice."cain. It is good to hear from you. And you will share this girl. She isn't just yours."Michael said sounding pleasant and pleased, which was disturbing for how much cain was threatening him."cain?"Morrigan tensed looking upset and scared, and willing to do anything to save lisa and ben, looking up as castiel appeared. Staring, shocked at the look of utter shock on castiels face that the angels had so stupidly not only involved lisa, but broke the spell on lisa memories. Looking at cain he snarled himself."sam, luca, and lyra tay with morrigsn, your warded here. Well get the others.b castiel said knowing ringing them would only give the angels more hostages to use.bold on."cas said resting a hand on cain's shoulder, knowing he wouldn't like it, but it was the fasteat a y there, and disappeared to the house lisa and dean had bought together, that the lisa and Ben still had.

Frowning as he looked at the house, he knew it had been Michael on the phone, yet the angels waiting for them weren't nearly strong enough to be a archangel. Not that it mattered, not withthe screams coming from inside, he knew cain was going to slaughter them anyways.
Cain snarled. "she is just mine. mine, and mine alone. Dean doesn't count, he's part of me." he admitted before smirking. "i remember you, you know. when you where just a little baby, don't forget who made you Micheal." Cain hissed. "Don't forget who gave you life, and brought breath into your body because it sure as fuck wasn't God." he snarled before glaring at Castiel. "Morrigan. stay here." Cain ordered. "you need to protect the others. Micheal is not stupid. he will come here next. he will try to take you and failing that he will try to take Sam or the annoying bitches." he admitted, indicating the twins before snarling at Castiel, though he didn't protest because it was the fastest way and he knew it. he was roaring with rage as the first scream permeated and he was slamming into the door, not just breaking it, but shattering it. the first angel he came across was simply ripped apart. both Dean and Cain's powers at the full strength of their current abilities and minor angels like these where of no match at all.
"It wasn't you cain. She gave us life once, she can give us bodies again. It is the least you can do hellspawn, since you've corrupted your current body and are holding lucifers."Michael said sounding snide and condescending. He doubted cain's power and had no trouble thinking he was superior."I'm staying. Don't worry I'll look after them."she promised watching them go. When the fight finished cas moved over to lisa and ben, healing them, even if he could do nothing for the emotional damage of being so abused and nearly raped had done to lisa, or save ben from seeing it. Looking up at cain he bit his lip, not sure but willing to do it."I can erase their memories again, if you wish."he said well aware that there would be consequences for it if Michael tried to undo it again, but they needed to get back to the house.
"Oh, poor Micheal, can't have my body or my soul." he scoffed. "do you really think Dean would ever have given into you? the idea of you having his body freaked him out to such an extent he would have killed himself first. as for Sm, Lucifer can try all he wants but Sam would do the same. death first." Cain admitted, sounding almost bored. "i'll slaughter Morrigan myself before i ever let you touch her." he admitted simply. "No. don't erase them again." Dean said, sounding so, so tired. "it didn't help. it didn't keep them safe the way it was supposed to." he admitted softly. "doing it again would just hurt them more..." h admitted, watching the family he had almost had and feeling his heart bleeding, the tremble in his entire body even worse than it had been. the withdrawal was really starting to kick in. "just...ask them what they want and then i'll leave and maybe they'll never be bothered again..." he hoped. "we need to get back to check on Morrigan and the others."
“I think there are always things to do. Strings to pull. But I don’t have to worry about that anymore. There’s another option.”Michael said sounding so very pleased with himself. “....Okay.”Cas muttered tilting his head a little, looking worried about dean, “If I could take the withdrawal, I would.”Cas muttered before moving away, moving over to talk to lisa and ben as the two hugged and clung to each other, before moving away. “They do not want to forget you dean.....and when this is over, would like a chance to say a proper goodbye.”the angel muttered before nodding,”let’s go.”he said worried, glad he could ward the house for now, hopefully they’d be left alone now that he was sure michael had what he wanted. Dean and Cain’s attention. Flying them back to the beach house he paused, fear tightening his stomach at the feel of ripped apart wards. He hadn’t even known it was possible to destroy wards laid down by both angelic and the first darkness.

“Sam!?”Cas yelled as he moved into the house slowly, looking for the others even as he held the blade in his hand, a angelic blade that gleamed with power as he moved into the place. The sense of utter dread and pain floating across his senses, before he saw sam laying half across Lyra, both knocked out, as if the man had taken a blow to strong, and even with that much shielding, it had still knocked lyra out. Seeing signs that looked like lightening going to ground, he frowned, knew they all fought, and yet, knowing they’d lost. Not sure why this had happened. The wards should have held against a angelic attack. Frowning at the sound of Dean’s phone going off again, looking even more confused at the sound of Devil went down to Georgia. Which, considering their frame of reference, and Dean’s total lack of tech skills, meant it was someone he’d programmed into his phone to know who was calling. And there was only one person who’d get that song. Crowley.
"Only drinking would help and it's better not to do that." he admitted, watching Lisa and Ben from a distance, wary of what they might think of him now that he had slaughtered people to protect them. humans just couldn't help themselves. killers where killers, no matter that he had done it to save them he had done it in a very brutal way. he doubted they would ever look at him without fear again.

"Morrigan!" Cain as back, the hint of a snarl in his voice showing who was in command. "Morrigan!!!" he snarled at Cas, moving to strike him because he was there and available. he answered the phone instead. "i am going to hunt you down. i am going to slowly take you apart piece by piece. i'l start with the knuckles on your fingers, and maybe then i'll see about skinning you alive. i could do it. when your begging, and screaming, and sobbing for death i will strangle you with your own intestines DO YOU HEAR ME!? I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET THAT SHE EVER MADE YOU!" he didn't know who he was screaming at to be honest, but he didn't care. it was an enemy and that was all that mattered.
“she’s not here.”Cassaid ashemovedback, watching themananswerhis phone. “...Huh.It’sgood to hear you alive and well,Cain.”Crowley said sounding bemused and more then a little worried at hearing from cain. “Cain, I would like to speak to your sensible side, if you are capable of it right now. He’s easier to talk to.”Crowley said not wiling to talk to cain, knowing there was no reasoning or explaining things to the man. With Dean, he might be able to get the other to understand what was going on. If he told Cain what he knew, he just knew it would go badly, dean might be willing to let him help.
"You can kiss my ass you demon fucker." Cain snarled at Crowly before sliding backwards at Dean's insistence and Dean's tired voice came through the line. "i won't stop him you know. i won't stop him from slaughtering ever, single, last one of you." he admitted, his hands shaking so bad he almost couldn't hold the phone. probobly why Cain was so unreasonable. he was taking the mental side effects. the irritability, the rage, the mood swings while Dean was suffering the physical effects. within the ext few hours both of them would be suffering the full force of the withdrawal. "she was the one chance i had to be happy you know, and you took that away from me. i'll make sure you have a personal slot in the more... fascinating torture ideas Cain has." so, Dean wasn't all that willing to listen either, but Crawley would know, that Dean would let him help, because Morrigan was more important than revenge.
“You don’t wnat me to, I bite.”Crowley said sighing a little, before relaxing as he heard Dean’s voice. Well, at least he could reason with Dean. “I know. Go for it. Just not me. I just wanted her out of the way, I didn’t care what she was doing, as long as she didn’t interfere. Sadly, this is interfering.”Crowley said frowning a little. Cas frowned moving over, leaning into Dean a little trying to help even as he held the phone steady for Dean. “I took nothing. This wasn’t me. You will find, that even in hell, there’s someone I answer to, and it seems the Knight isn’t loyal.” “Crowley!”Cas snarled, knowing if left to his own devices, it’d take him forever to say. “....Lucifer is working with Michael. They both want a perfect vessel, since their current ones are wearing out, and you two told thenm to go fuck themselves.”Crowley said frowning a little. “You can’t track two archangels, they’re to protected, but Cain was the first, and original knight of hell. Belial is with them-” “You can track like to like. The first to the current.”Cas sighed sounding relieved, even if he knew it would take time, time morrigan probably didn’t have.
"i know you do. asshole." Dean admitted with a sigh before just sitting there, half ignoring crowley. he'd get to the point sooner or later he was sure. "I don't give a fuck what's interfering with your grand plans you asshole i just want my mate back." he growled before smiling at Cas, thanking him for the help. "....are you fucking kidding me?!" he hissed at Crowley. "they kidnapped my mate so that they could possess their own offspring!? that's fucked up!" he hissed, feeling rather ill at the thought... oh wait, no he was actually getting sick. he had just enough time to pull the phone away before he was sick and he scowled because he'd gotten sick over his own shoes. stupid god damn withdrawal. "that fucker is dead." Cain hissed, coming out because Dean was feeling too sick to talk at the moment. "i don't need to track any of them. i can use Luca or Lyra to track her through the marks." he said. "in theory i could use my own but it would be a great deal more challenging." he admitted. "you want me to leave you alive? then help me." Cain ordered. "Dean, for some unfathomable reason, seams to like you. i'll give you this one, and only chance to help me save my mate. get in my way and i will see to it that i make your death as slow and agonizing as possible. you'll be beyond begging for death by the time im through with you." problem was, Cain's hands where shaking now too. he wasn't just asking for help, he needed it.
“You liked it.”Crowley said snidely, sounding worried in his own way, which meant that he sounded like a total ass. “Her being back is interfering simply by giving Lucifer something he wants. I don’t care what else is going on.”Crowley said sounding annoyed even as cas gave dean a tight smile back, worried and upset. “I am not. Offspring of Darkness and a archangel, would be more then enough to hold up let them do whatever the fuck they wanted.”Crowley said wincing a little as he heard the sound of the man getting sick, before smiling tightly at cain being back. “Good. Track her then, I doubt they will leave her untouched for long. They know they’re playing on burrowed time.”Crowley said before listening to the other. “Help is on the way. My.... mother....”Yes, crowley’s real mother, the one who’d birthed the human offspring who had eventually become the King of the Crossroads. “is bringing a weapon for you. While it will not kill either, I do not think that there is anything that can actually kill a archangel, former or otherwise”Because most people always forgot that even if he is the lord of hell, Lucifer was still a angel, had to play by angels rules, “but you can slam the door in their faces for a bit. She should be at your little house soon enough.”Crowley said proving that he might not have been hunting them as well as everyone had thought, if he’d always known where they were.

“...Castiel....”Sam muttered started to come around, shivering as he sat up slowly, concussed and still healing despite Cas healing him some, it was slow going with as taxed as the angel was at the moment. “........Rowena is here.....”Sam said blinking hard, wondering if he was seeing things, especially when he saw the witch holding a gun. And not just any gun. But a gun he knew. The Colt.
"well, i liked it, Dean hated it." Cain agreed. "Dean doesn't have anything against gay people but he'd much rather i didn't use his body to fuck men thank you very much." Cain admitted with a slight snigger before sobering again. "They won't be allowed to do whatever they want. they are upsetting the balance and i am the Slayer. i am the Destroyer. i am the Devourer. i am the Enforcer of Darkness and they cannot best me." He hissed. "I Am the Enforcer of the Balance and they will suffer greatly for trying to bra My Darkness and to Tilt the Balance. yes they will pay dearly." he growled, shaking his head. "they will already be doing as they please to her." Cain snarled. "i will castrate them for that. i might even keep their balls in a little glass jar. maybe i'll even cut their dicks off and make them women and repay the favor." he mused. calm, too calm. those that touched her where really, really going to suffer. "oh. there are ways to kill angels." he admitted. "i'll decide if i want to make it permanent after i've mae them beg for death."

Cain and Dean where both suffering mightily once the woman appeared. Luca wasn't fairing much better, since they had found him in the basement in a pool of his own blood where he had shielded Morrigan with his own body once Lyra and Sam had been taken down. "Yes. it is Rowena." Cain agreed, staggering to his feet, swaying before snatching the gun out of her way and grabbing Lyra, pressing his thumb so hard into her mark she yelped in pain, a bruise already spreading but she didn't complain and focused hard on her mistress same as Cain was. "........got her." he finally said, spreading his wings and leaping into the air with a feral snarl when Cas seamed to be taking too long. "move your feathered ass, are you coming or not!?"
“I’m sure he does.”Crowley said sounding vaguely amused because he knew dean had flipped out afterwards. “...Good. I’m so glad I didn’t try to interfer to badly”Crowley muttered mostly to himself at cain’s words, glad that he had known better then to do this. Or to involve Lisa and ben, he just knew this was going to be bad until morrigan was back with him. And he could only hope that the two archangels didn’t manage to get away before cain caught up. “Good.”he muttered

Cas winced a little as he healed luca, looking after the others as cain took the gun. Wincing a little as Cain bruised Lyra but not protesting when he knew it was necessary. “I’m coming. Sam, look after these two.”Sam said looking worried about leaving them even as he spread his wings and grabbed Cain’s wrist to fly.

When they arrived cas frowned a little as they looked at the normal looking house, which was a mansion. Swallowing hard as he landed, moving in starting to take care of the minor angels and demons guarding them, leaving cain to go after the archangels they could hear even downstairs. Morrigan was fighting, angry and hurt, but she couldn’t hurt them badly enough to stop. Though the fact lucifer and michael were doing as much damage to each other as they fought over her, fucking her until they got knocked off, only to replaced by the other. To intent on their gang rape to realize the party was about to end. “Hmmm, you are the prettiest piece of ass I’ve ever had.”Lucifer muttered grinning as he watched her cry, a hand wrapped in her hair as he held her down.
"you still tried to take her away from me... but i suppose you only did it once before learning your lesson." Cain mused. "You want to live? make for fucking sure this never happens from the Demon end again." he snarled before hanging up and looked to Luca and Lyra, making sure they where still alive. Morrigan needed them and they would be kept as safe as possible for no other reason. he snarled at Cas but allowed the other to do what needed to be done before moving through the house, cutting through the enemies with the First Blade. pausing once to be violently ill from the withdrawal. then he was in the room, and Lucifer's arm, the one pinning Morrigan's head to the floor, was gone, dropping away from his body, still tangled in her hair but no longer gripping or pushing. the First Blade wouldn't 'kill on contact' an archangel the way it would a lower level demon. didn't mean it didn't hurt though, especially as Lucifer's flesh was sizzling as the sword cauterized it. then he was moving again and slapped Lucifer across the face, his long talons slicing apart Lucifer's face, ruining it forever. Cain didn't care about the borrowed body, the human inside was long dead. he kicked Lucifer hard enough to snap the ribs before turning on Micheal, leaping onto him like a vengeful beast, snarling as he moved, faster than one could blink, and slit him open, groin to throat. he didn't even use the blade, he used his claws, as if to make sure that Micheal intestines would spill out. that done he turned on Belial, snarling as he raised the gun and fired, twice, aiming for the mans stomach in the hopes he would die just as painfully as Lucifer an Micheal would.
Lucifer screamed falling back out of he woman under him as Cain cut him, stumbling back as he defended himself, at least enough to keep the other from destroying the vessel he was using. Using CAin’s focus on michael to abandon the body he was in, gone, and definitely moving onto the next vessel he could use. For once, the devil was beaten, and hurting from the attack. “...Bastard!”Belial snarled as the bullet winged him instead of landing a gut shot, disappearing just as quickly as lucifer had, even as michael laid bleeding on the floor. He wasn’t able to abandon the vessel, at least not as quickly as lucifer had, the blade had affected angels differently then demons, so he was trapped for the moment.

“Cain!Morrigan.”Cas said as he walked into the room, glaring down at the archangel before looking at the broken hurt woman in the middle of the room, so far gone she hadn’t even realized that she was being rescued. “Can I move her?”Cas said, not about to tempt cain into lashing out again, with moving towards morrigan before he was allowed to.
the best part about using the first blade, the TRUE First blade to hack off Lucifers arm, was that even in his true demonic form, he would never regain the full use of it. oh, he would be able to keep it in his Demon form, but he would likely never be able to use it again. it would be a limp thing no matter wht form he took. a useless limb and that was Cain's mark on him. he snarled at Belial's escape and turned to Micheal, fully intending on making him truly suffer, setting his claws on the others skin. "you will beg me for death." he whispered in the man's ear, slowly, almost gently slicing through the thinnest layer of skin, peeling it away like he was peeling an apple before he snarled, whipping around to lash out as Cas, driving him away from Morrigan before turning his attention back to skinning Micheal alive, relishing in his screams of pain, making sure he wouldn't bleed to death by burning the newly exposed muscle, sinew and surface blood vessels. it was only when both arms where completely skinned from the tips of his fingers to the shoulder joints did he abandon Micheal to either bleed to death or crawl away and try to find another vessel or repair the one he had. he settled next to Morrigan, simply laying next to her, waiting for her to return to him because he knew if he touched her, he would scare her, and he didn't want that anymore. he had completely abandoned Micheal now, and hadn't so much as thought about Cas since he had chased the man away from Morrigan. maybe if Micheal was very lucky, Cas would do something about the wounds.
Cas winced a little as he watched cain focus on michael. Watching michael whimper and moan as the other skinned him alive. Even if he felt no sympathy for the man, it was brutal to watch. Wincing a little as Cain lashed out at him, moving back simply watching. “....”Swallowing thickly as he watched Michael try to crawl away, moving over to him. Leaning down to heal him, even if he really dind’t want to, he knew that the death of the vessel wouldn’t really kill the archangel, but maybe....focusing he burned the brand that meg had used on sam into his ribs, knowing it would hurt to. Swallowing hard as he watched the man leave, not sure if he;d done the right thing, but hoping that he had trapped the man into the vessel. Leaving the room to simply guard it as cain sat with morrigan, willing to wait as long as they had to. “....Cain...”Morrigan whimpered, not really there, but not....not unaware anymore. More like she was hoping, needing to know that he was there even as she crawled the few inches between them, shifting until her half clothed body was hidden in the curve of his body.
Cain didn't care what Cas did to Micheal. he had taught the archangel a lesson the being was not likely to ever forget. he simply laid there, just out of touching distance of Morrigan and waited. snarling only once at Cas when he touched too close to them before the angel was swept from his mind once more. "shhh.. i'm here." he promised, wrapping her up in his arms and his wings, holding her so she would not feel so naked and alone. "i'm here. i won't let you go. it's okay." he promised, gently carding his fingers though her hair. his entire body was trembling, his hands shaking so hard he could barely stroke her hair but he was there, protecting her anyway. he finally looked at Cas. "go back, remove Sam, Lyra and Luca and move them. somewhere safer. somewhere they cannot be found. i will remain here for you to return." he informed him, pressing a faint kiss to her forehead. "return with clothes.... some of Deans. a bra as well from her things. a pair of boxers from deans. a pair of sweatpants and a belt. make sure to get a t-shirt. one that smells like us if you can, and a sweater, the black one Dean was wearing yesterday and make sure to get my leather jacket." he paused and then. "and some baby wipes if you have them. painkillers and something alcoholic, for her, not for me. a beer maybe. nothing too strong, we don't want her drunk, just enough to help her relax a little."
Morrigan whimpered softly at the sound of the other’s voice, shifting to press her cheek against his shoulder, shivering a little. Trembling so hard that she nearly rivaled cain’s shaking. Cas nodded not moving closer, but paying attention. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”He promised wincing as morrigan whimpered as cain kissed her forehead. Nodding as he left and it was about a hour later that he returned, teh angel might be good, but it still took time to move and get things. Quietly stepping into the room the man cleared his throat. “The others are safe, and wanted to tell you to take your time coming back if you needed to.”Cas said worried that moving morrigan right now would upset her more before holding out the duffle bag of clothes, the babywipes, and two beers. “Here. I shall stand guard while you take care of her.”He promised leaving the room, knowing it would make none of them comfortable if he was in the room when Cain cleaned morrigan up.
Cain held her for as long as she wanted, and since sh didn't move away he took it as a good sign that she at least recognized that he wouldn't hurt her anymore. he growled at Cas, his feathers fluffing outward in a typical sign of aggression. "we will need more time. she's nearly catatonic." he admitted softly, waiting until Cas had left before gently removing himself from her. "shhh, sweetheart. i'm going to clean you up a little bit and get you dressed." he whispered gently, taking the baby wipes and oh so very gently wiped her clean, being so very gentle between her legs and around her breasts, careful, so very careful as he gently dressed her in the boxers, sweatpants and belt, cinching the belt around her hips tight enough that a person would have to fight with the belt to get her pants down. then he helped her into the bra, into the T-shirt and into the sweater, all of them smelling faintly of dean in what Cain hoped would be a comfort. "There we go. here. drink some of this." he offered her the beer. "i know. it's disgusting, but it will help you settle." he promised her, carefully feeding her the painkillers and urging her to get some drink into her.
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