Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"Well, you do a admirably good joh at knowing it."Morrigan said sighing softly, taking comfort in the action as she leaned into him."oh....well, it's not that. More like we've been very busy."Morrigan winced a little as she stroked his hsir, she really did have a fascination with the silky strands, feeling bad because they'd been keeping cain mostly out of things, even if he'd saved them in the bar."yes...you might be....do we need to get your bartender back?she helped you last time."sam teased dean ever so slightly, not quite worried about his brother, because this was a common thread of thought for the oldest winchester when he was drunk.
Dean smiled at her a little. "...well... no. i was ignoring the First Blade because i was scared it was going to change me like it's changing Cain..." he admitted softly. "but it won't change me. Cain is changing because you and the marks are stabilizing him... according to the First Blade and Cain himself..." he smiled at her. "he still thinks that your a property but he'll get better about that i think." he admitted before smiling as she stroked his hair. "Shut up you bitch." he ordered Sam. "she just walked me home... it was really nice of her actually." he admitted before smiling. "i think i'm okay now." he admitted. "i kind of got punched in the brain."
"Ahhh...yes I can see that being a fear...but your you. You're staying dean. I like you like this....even when you drink or are angry with me."Morrigan muttered still looking worried about him, but glad cain was stabalizing, snorting a little."I doubt he'll ever get over wanting to claim her as his, really."Cas said looking thoughtful. "I will not shut up. You tried to set me up with her!I don't need you to help me get laid!" "....did you get laid?"Morrigan said looking up, wondering if it was just the way he worded it or...ohhhhthat blush totally gave him away. Nudging dean a little, intending on making him laugh.b you got your brother laid."she giggled before nodding,"you'll be okay if I touch her now?"she asked worried he'd freak if she had a similar reaction as he had.
He nodded and smiled at her before he flinched and shook his head. "i was never angry with you." he promised softly. "just with myself." he admitted before snorting at Cas because he was a bit of a dick really. not that he was wrong. Cain was too possessive. Dean laughed so hard he almost fell out of his seat when he realized the sweet girl form the bar had actually had sex with Sam. that was awwwesoooome! "you, my brother, are never, ever living that down!" he admitted before going very tense at the idea of Morrigan touching Lyra. "no.... not yet... let me see what happens when my mark touches her first." he muttered, moving over to her. because he an Cain shared a bod. but they did not share the same mark. he hesitated an then brushed his fingertips over Lyra's mark, as if he was scared to actually touch it. she touched his the same way she had touched Cain's and another bright spark appeared and Dean cursed as his wings burst from his back, shredding another shirt. "oh my..." Lyra looked surprised and Dean huffed. "it's fine...." he grumbled before looking at Morrigan. "okay. you can touch now."
Morrigan tilted her hesd, nodding slightly. Not protesting but pretty sure he had been. He'd yelled at her. But not wanting to start a argument again before giggling as sams blush deepened."did you at least get her phone number?and name?" "No I didnt, and it's Cassandra."sam said squirming a little as he wy hed the two laughing at him. Urgh, he'd not told them for a reason. He was never going to hear the end of it now. "Okay. You first."Morrigan said looking nervous and tense, not sure what to expect before wincing as his wings appeared."maybe you should just go naked....you wouldn't ruin as many clothes."Morrigan said looking amused as she no d ded reaching out to brush her fingers against the mark.
"I have her number!" Dean said, grinning victoriously. "she gave it to me last night when i was being a super dick!" he admitted. "The only way this would have gone any better is if Cas got laid too!" Dean admitted with a wild giggle before glancing at Morrigan, a little worried. he could feel something inside of him snap into place, like when he'd had his broken ris set. settle there like it was always supposed to be there. "i'm not going to go naked!" Dean protested, flushing hard. "Cas just has to tell me how he opens his wings without tearing up his clothes!" he shot the angel an accusing look. "i think he just wants to see me without my shirt on. and your not much better." he said, giving her an accusing look as well before watching, tensing when Morrigan and Lyra touched marks. something inside of Morrigan trembled violently and snapped into place, it stung for a second and then went warm and pleasant and Lyra gasped and nearly dropped to her knees. "oh!" she whispered, looking startled, touching her chest. "oh that feels so much better! may we do it with Luca now?" "Sure. go and get him." Dean agreed, making her beam and rush off to find her brother. "LUCA! Why are you Naked?!" she shrieked before sighing. "never mind! get dressed you idiot!" she didn't sound all that surprised really. probobly happened a lot.
Bhm, you weren't being a super dick. You have a super dick."cas said so innocently you knew he was yanking dean's chain. "You'll have to give the number to sam then."Morrigan said snickering a little. Biting her lip but relaxing as she watched him, realizing he was okay before pouting.b you should go shirtless at least." "I do not know if it would work for you. But I will try to teach you."cas said tilting his head a little before smirking."who wouldn't want to see you without your shirt?"he teased. "I agree...but we'll let you get dressed."Morrigan said looking amused though she winced a little at the accusing look before swallowing thickly, tense as she touched the mark. Startling a little, swaying against dean as the mark snapped into place, sighing at the good feeling."yes...that I'd better."she muttered trembling a little, so overwhelmed by the good feelings before nodding."yes get him."she said leaning into dean, closing her eyes. Even if she knew they were supposed to be together she was afraid, as afraid of him leaving her, as he was of her leaving.
"I do have a super dick." Dean agreed before smiling a little at her. "i will give the number to Sam. he needs to get laid more often." he admitted with a chuckle. "But it gets cold!" Dean complained. "i can't go shirtless all the time!" he complained, shaking his head. "you better try to teach me yu flying chicken." he grumbled before gently taking her hand in apology for upsetting her again. "I can touch my powers again." Lyra said, lifting her hand and watching lightning zip over her finger tips before heading to get Luca, who was a bit glassy eyed as he walked in. all the powerful minds and souls where really bashing apart his brain and Lyra had to help him touch the marks. "Demons and Angels and supernatural beings always hit him much harder than normal humans do." Lyra explained gently as Dean gently touched Luca's mark before stepping back and letting Cain out to do the same, Luca shuddering and blinking a little as the minds started to fade away, letting him think again. "it's getting better." Luca whispered as Cain stepped away but didn't let Dean back out. "Dean has decided to let the First Blade have it's way." he explained to Cas and Sam. "he needs to learn what the First Blade has to teach him."
"You should. See he's not protesting he needs laid more."Morrigan giggled a little."...fine. just because you'll get cold, well let you get dressed." "Okay I'll teach you."cas smiled at him smiling as Morrigan relaxed at the hand holding, at least she was calm for the moment, hopefully this would help.b that's amazing."Morrigan said eyes wide.bsorry...we'll try not to be to much."Morrigan said wincing because no matter what angels and demons were going to chase them. "Good...he needs to know."Morrigan said because she worried not knowing would get him killed. Reaching out towards Luca even as she said leaning against cain."my turn.b she said worried about the boy.
"He really isn't." Dean agreed with a laugh. "i think that he and Cassandra would make cute fuck buddies." he admitted with a grin before huffing. "good, i hate being cold." he admitted before smiling a little. "goo. you have to." he informed Cas. "because i said so." he nodded. sounded goo to him. "thanks... it's been... eons, since i've had access... sorry if i accidentally electrocute someone." she admitted before smiling as she helped Luca. "it's not your fault. demons, angles and you guys have stronger minds, heavier souls and more pronounced emotions, that's all." she admitted. "once the marks are stabilized he should be able to control the flow again." she admitted, smiling when Luca touched Morrigan's mark and he shuddered violently and closed his eyes. "it's alright. he's shutting down his powers. squeezing off the flow and focusing only on me." she explained. "he can't turn it off completely, but he can direct it now an stop most of the flow." she promised when Cain stepped foreward. he wasn't worried. of course not... it was just that Morrian liked the creepy kid. that was all...
"They would make cute fuck buddies." "Stop playing match maker. It's creepy."sam informed them making a face."I know you do. I'll keep you warm."Morrigan promised witb a smile even as cas rolled his eyes at the order but didn't protest. He'd teach him."it's okay. We're all strong enough to handle being elecrotuded. We're not exactly human."Morrigan said before nodding."makes sense that many eons would make a difference to our thoughts and souls.been if she didn't remember it all, she could feel the weight of them. Looking a little panicked as Luca shuddered she relaxed at Lyras reassurance. Looking up as she drew her hand away, smiling reassuringly at cain."it's okay. I promise, we're good.b she muttered leaning into him
"Super cute fuck buddies." he agreed with a grin. "i won't stop playing matchmaker. you need someone Sammie. seriously." he stated simply before smiling at her. "i think i'd like that too much." he admitted to her before smiling a little at Lyra because he was pretty sure if someone was electrocuted, it wouldn't be by accident. "yes. exactly." Lyra agreed, smiling as she stroked her brothers hair. "yes..." Cain muttered, not really paying attention to what Morrigan was saying. simply watching Luca who, after a moment, opened his eyes and smiled at them. "i can think again!" he said, looking so very happy. "it's hard still... your souls and minds are still heavy, but i can shift them away now." he admitted. "thank you, Cain, Dean, My Lady... it is such a relief."
"I'm fine. Hunting life and looking after you two, and dealing with demons aren't good for relationships."sa m said making a face at the two."you probably would, but we could enjoy being warm."she looked amused."you are very welcome."Morrigan said smiling at them, sighing softly still feeling unsettled but not sure why.
"hey, don't get snippy with me little brother. it's my job to look out for you n if that means finding a lover for you then so be it." he teased before smiling at Morrigan and watched Luca an Lyra settling into themselves. "you still don't feel well..." Cain muttered, looking bothered as he stroked her mark gently. "is it because of what i have done to you?" he actually looked a little bit sorry for raping her. an hurting her before. "how shall we make it up to you?"
"Whatever dean."sam said rolling his eyes. Morrigan shivered a little under CAINS touch, looking up at him. Waiting to lie but it was some. And because everything was hitting her at once, and that she wasn't sure she was what dean really needed, or wanted, and worried about his drinking. Sighing quietly.bits fine cain...I'm okay. I'll be better soon."she hoped anyways.
"Whatever Sam." Dean scoffed right back.

Cain narrowed his eyes at her and his hand gripped her chin, just tightly enough to make sure she couldn't escape him, not tight enough to actually hurt. "i will tolerate many things from you, my MAte. but i will not tolerate blatant lying. if you do not wish to tell me, then say that, but do not ever lie to me." he ordered, uncaring that Luca and Lyca had gone very tense, Lyca's fingers dancing with electricity because they both remembered how... unbalanced, Cain could be. "now. what can i do to help?" Cain ordered, gently rubbing her chin with his thumb. "i have caused you upset. it displeases me to have caused you pain..." and he sounded rather confused by that. as if he wasn't sure why he was upset.
Morrigan startled a little looking up at him as he gripped her chin, eyes wide as she considered him, even if he wasn't hurting her. "Okay....no lying. You don't get to lie to me either."she muttered thinking about it. Sighing softly as she leaned into his touch, enjoying it. Simply enjoying being touched. Not sure how to voice what she wanted, but wanting him. Needing to not be afraid of uim, and while she liked him, was starting to love him, there was a few moments he still scared her."you sound confused..."she muttered not sure what else to day before sighing quietly."I don't knoe cain...."she trailed off blushing.
"...I am incapable of lying." he admitted, sulking a little. "it is a built in function of my power capabilities." he admitted. "while i can avoid answering questions, or leaving out facts, i am incapable of directly lying." he looked at her. "but i will hold no secretes from you either, if that is your will." he promised before sighing. "I am.... uncertain." he admitted. "Emotions are not...." "he's never had them before." Luca stated calmly. "before, he was basically a... pet. he was intelligent but he didn't have emotions, feelings or know right from wrong. it was only Able and you, sometimes Lyra and myself, who kept him from doing terrible things." he admitted. "his time as a human has changed him." Luca admitted. "he doesn't know how to handle it." "....who gave you permission to read my soul?" Cain wondered. "You did." "....fuck you. little pixie twit." Cain spat at the white haired boy who smiled oh so sweetly and returned to his knitting.
Boh...that's good to know."Morrigan smiled glad for it, and knowing dean would feel better for being able to trust whatever cain told them.byez...thst is my eill. I wish no secrets."she smiled at him. Before frowning, leaning into him, a small smile on her lips."for the better....I don't wish for a prt. But for a companion, a true mate. Much like dean. You both will he good. And loved."she smiled at him, stroking his hair before wincing at cain's reaction."cain, be nice.
"mmm." Cain agreed, not all that bothered by it. "well good. but that means you can keep no secrets from me... or the other guy i suppose. he doesn't matter much really. he's fairly useless." Cain's lip twitched, likely amused by Dean's response. "i... preferred not having emotions." he admitted. "there is no going back however and so i will simply have to... adjust." he said, not sounding very happy about it. he froned a little, as if baffled by the idea of her loving him and glanced at her, wondering if she was insane? probobly. "i don't do nice. he's disgusting. i hate him." "he never liked me. i'm not upset." Luca promised, honestly looking amused.
Bokay. No secrets.b she agreed before laughing wuietly."I'm sure dean's pleased with your high opinion of him."she snickered a little."I'll help you adjust. We'll be okay cain."she smiled at him."well. Okay."she sighed well aware she was lucky that cain wasn't killing any of those he didn't like. Cas looked at them all, shaking his head a little."I think you four should rest. That much magic isn't easy, and dean and Morrigan have had a hard few days. They need rest."cas said mostly because he was worried about dean and his drinking. Worried the man would keep binge drinking if they gave him the option
"Oh. pleased isn't the word i would use." Cain admitted with a chuckle before shaking his head. "i do not know if there is much help that can be given." he admitted softly before scowling at Cas, enraged that the Angel would dare issue orders to what was his. he did not like the white haired man, nor the dark haired woman but they had his mark and so they where his. how dare the feathered chicken butt give orders! "i am really tired." Luca admitted, half asleep while he knitted. "me too... the bonds really take a drain when they first snap into place. would you mind terribly if we stayed the night?" "as if i would allow you to leave." Cain scoffed. "you are conductive to my Morrigan's health. you will remain or i ill break your legs so you cannot run away." there was a pause and then. "Cain? i liked you better when you where a pet." Lyra admitted. "you won't touch us anyway. you can't and you know it." Cain just snarled under his breath, annoyed because she was right. dammit. unless Morrigan or Dean approved, Cain would not be able to do any real damage.
Bwell, probably n ot, but I'll do what I can."she muttered resting her head against his chest.
Cas held up his hands, backing a way a little."just a suggest, not a order cain. They're exhausted."cas said sighing softly."....cain pleas don't threaten them. They'll stay."she sighed softly, not ordering just, because she knew he couldn't disobey that, and shed promised to not unless she absolutely had to. Gently stroking cain's back as she leaned into him, trying to comfort him and keep him calm."I'm going to go to bed. You coming with me?"
Cain hummed a little. he wouldn't admit it, but he did feel better for her promise before snarling at Cas. these people where his. he wouldn't let some feathered asshole get involved. "they won't stay." Cas grumbled. "they never stay." well, seamed like Dean wasn't the only affected by all the trauma in their lives. "We will not leave the Lady." Luca promised. "....yes." Cain finally agreed. all these emotions and powers and connecting, ugh, he was tired. he hated the sensation. resting would do well. "we don't have enough bedrooms for us all to have separate." Cain commented. "It's alright, me and Luca usually snuggle at night." Lyra promised. "we can share." "that should do fine."
"Well, we're staying. I promise cain, I'll always be with you.b morrigan muttered stroking his back before nodding. Definitely wanted to sleep soon.looking at the two concerned. "And me and cas will buddy up., we have enough rooms.bsam said knowing better then to even suggest Morrigan share with someone besides cain. "Come on cain, well get some sleep.band maybe some kisses. Morrigan thought kisses were needed all around to calm some of the trauma of the day.
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