Elf Struck(moon/lady)

Dean rolled his eyes. "but it ruins the immersion of the scene. people don't just pop over and ask for se, Cas!" he stated simply. "they have to seduce each other first. that's how it works." he huffed before smiling at Cas because he had forgotten about that. Cas had known all along that Dean would never feal that way about the other. "Being a female would suck dude. no offense to any girls out there, but i couldn't handle half the shit they go through... and that's not including pregnancy." he admitted before he smirked at Cas. "can angels get pregnant?" he wondered. "I'm not so sure it will..." he whispered softly. ho could Cas sit there and be in love and be okay with that? it was tearing Dean Apart to see Morrigan all the time and want to kiss her and hold her and having to hold back because he was scared, of hurting her, of being hurt, of loosing her. how could Cas stand it?

"yeah i don't think it would end well if she died. I don't think that i could..." he swallowed thickly "i don't think i could hold Cain back if that happened." he admitted softly. "i don't think that i could survive if she died." he admitted with a shudder. "even if she's going to be reborn." he admitted before smiling a little. "thank you, Cas." he said softly before snorting. "i kind of miss that asshole." he admitted with a chuckle. "at least i get to be the cool animal. Squirrels are so much better than mooses." he admitted, following Cas out the door. wonder here they went off to?" Dean mused. "By the way... how do you land when you fall faster than a feather falling?" he wondered to Cas.
“You do all the time. I have seen this in bars.”Cas said smirking a little ,well aware he was just giving dean a hard time about it. Snorting a little. “Yes....being female would indeed be very awkward. We’ll just be content knowing morrigan is female, and not try to be so ourselves.”Cas decided before pausing, thinking about it before nodding. “If we have sex while in our human vessels, it is indeed possible for angels to produce other angels.”Cas said before sighing, looking at the other. “It will be. Otherwise....we’ll never be okay. And I can’t do that.”Cas made a face at the idea of dean never being comfortable around him again, and that was just to painful to consider.

“No, probably not...we’ll make sure no one tries to kill her, and we’ll figure out how to help her survive this. Cause, me and sam still need you around. So we’ll take care of her for you.”Cas smiled a little, because while him and sam were developing a relationship with morrigan, it wasn’t nearly as deep as the bond they had with dean. “Welcome....and you know, as annoying as Crowley is right now, I sorta miss him to.”Cas said making a face at the idea of admitting that before snorting. “Squirrels are better. Talk more to. Which totally fits.”he teased as they headed out. “Don’t know, but I can feel them that way.”Cas said waving a hand towards the beach front bars, before smirking. “With practice. I just sort of....”He smirked as he ‘flew’ a few feet in front of dean, turning to look at him. “flint over.”
"yeah, but the ones who just ask for sex don't get sex. you have to be more subtle." he pointed out. "yeah, being a female really would suck." he admitted. "i just don't have the strength... or pain tolerance." he admitted with a chuckle. "Wow... that's really creepy Cas." he admitted, blinking at the Angel before he smiled a little. "oay.... we'll be okay." he agreed because if Cas said they would be, they would be. Dean then did something he'd never done before, he initiated the contact, reaching out and taking Cas's hand and pressed the Angel's hand to his face and closed his eyes, simply enjoying the simple touch he had never allowed before because he hadn't wanted to encourage Cas. "thank you..." it made him feel better, knowing that Cas would be helping him protect her.

"Cain hates him." Dean admitted. "i can't help but think that he's actually trying to help for once." he admitted. "he was never one to do evil just for the sake of being evil." he admitted, looking just as annoyed at admitting it. "I don't talk that much!" he protested sulking at Cas before chuckling a little. "Sam would take her to a bar that dick." he complained, shaking his head before glaring at Cas. "Show off." he huffed, spreading his wings and trying to copy what Cas had done and landed flat on his face. "ouch..."
“....Well. You would know all about female sucking, wouldn’t you?”Cas said so wide eyed innocent that you knew he had been jerking Dean’s chain for awhile about harassing him about the porn. He’d figured it out after awhile. “It is creepy, I agree.”Cas said smiling a little, before startling as the other took his hand, eyes wide as he considered the other, fingers curling ever so slightly as he touched Dean, closing his eyes for a moment before smiling, “You’re come. We’ll protect her.”He muttered dashing in, to press a quick kiss to the shorter man’s forehead, a barely there kiss before darting back again, having allowed himself that one touch, and going back to their usual rules of personal space as he took his hand back.

“No, you can say many things about Crowley, but evil simply for the sake evil.”Cas said not liking to admit that before snickering. “You do to. Ask Sam, between talking and off key singing, it’s like listening to a squirrel.”Cas teased before smirking. “Maybe he’s trying to give her options. I mean, make sure she wants to settle down with you.”cas teased before wincing, helping the other up. “Like I said. Practice. And eons of doing it. It’ll take time to get used to it.”Cas grinned as they entered the bar, looking amused as he looked around. Edging around to the table on the beach Sam and Morrigan had claimed, he wasn’t actually surprised that every male in the near vincity was flirting, with both of them, though they both seemed to be tolerating it with a amused bemusement, as if they weren’t quite sure why they were being flirted with. “You probably should go rescue her.”Cas muttered looking amused.
Dean gaped at Cas for a long, long moment and then. "you son of a bitch! you've been playing me this whole time! you rat bastard! your not supposed to play pranks on me!" he protested, scowling at the other before sulking even more at the insult to his singing and grumbled about how Cas and Dean where mean and how he was never speaking to them ever again and how he was going to get his revenge. he smiled at the kiss because really, touching Cas was... it made him warm inside, not because of 'feelings' but because he did love Cas and there where so few chances for any kind of affection in Dean's life. he just wasn't used to it and Cas meant so much to him. he let the other pull away though and shook his head. "he's an asshole." he admitted. "but he has limits."h admitted before growling darkly at the idea of Morrigan running off with someone else before he managed to get himself back under control.

"dammit. i wanna fly now!" he complained, sulking a little before hissing through his teeth as he sw the hoards of people surrounding HIS Morrigan and Brother, shoving through the crowd he glared at them all. "Sam. Morrigan. we should get out of here before any of these drunken assholes get any ideas above their abilities." he said, sneering at all the drunken men flirting with what was HIS.
Cas grinned a little, before waving a hand at him. “Not the whole time. Only the last few times you gave me a hard tiem about the pizza man.”Cas snickered a little. Smirking a little amused at Cain’s reaction to Morrigan being flirted with, and glad to see that he was able to keep his calm even if he was annoyed with the idea. “Well, you could, but you’ll still go face planting into the ground if you try to much.”Cas said wisely before snorting amused as he followed the other through the crowd to get to the other. “It’s okay. Really. We’ve just been watching the sea.”Morrigan smiled up at him, frowning slightly as he glared around the group as the flirting people. “We’re definitely not getting any ideas above our ablities. I know what I’m perfectly aware of what I can do.”Belial said as he walked through the crowd, smirking slightly as he considered the small group. “Now. Just give her over, Winchester. This doesn’t have to get violent.”
"...your a dick Cas." he complained, sulking before chuckling a little as he realized he'd been being punked for some time. "stop laughing at me, i can't help it." he grumbled. "it's not okay! they're looking at you guys! i don't like it!" he growled, annoyed. he looked more annoyed that people where flirting with Sam, amusingly enough. he knew Morrigan wouldn't let someone go too far, Sam had no such common sense. he snarled violently at the appearance of Belial and you could see Dean step back and his eyes turned blood red. "Poor little Demon." Cain hissed, drawing the first blade, which again shone with holy, and unholy lights at the same time. the blackness of a vacuum, coupled with the blinding light of a supernova. The two bright wings spread wide and the horns and talons appeared. all of them glittering white and Cain showed how intense his talons where by gouging huge lines into the bar. "i'm afraid it does have to get violent. you want what is mine." he hissed. "i will slaughter you. slowly. i'll make it last. make you suffer. disembowel you but never let you die. yes, you will suffer."
“Only since I learned from you how to be one.”He teased looking amused before snorting but trying not to laugh at him. “Fine, just chase them off then.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little. Morrigan tensed a little, shifting to be closer to Dean, but preparing to move away. “Huh. So you have figured it out. I wasn’t sure if you’d survive that change. But you know, I’ve learned from my last fight.”Belial said not getting closer yet, smirking as he saw Cas pulling the angel blade, starting to move the humans away. “I followed them this time.”Belial grinned a little as angelic power rocked he place some. “We might not be able to claim her on our own, but working together?We might.”Belial smirked as Cas and sam waded into the fight, both to keep angels and demons from killing the humans, and getting to dean and morrigan. “We have to go. If we draw them away, this wont get bad.”Morrigan yelled, pulling on dean’s arm a little, moving towards the open airway where she could see someone’s motorcycle idling.
""You learned from Sam! don't lie!" he protested, looking amused anyway. "i will chase them off." he growled, staring at the gathered crowd before snorting at Belial. "And i have learned since the last battle as well." Cain admitted, flipping the sword expertly in his fingers. "i predate you by thousands of years. how could you ever expect to have any chance against me? you who where born from my image?" he wondered. "You, working together with an Angel, also born from my image. how pathetic. i took direct part in making you creatures. it's pathetic, your attempts." he admitted, ignoring the chaos behind him, the humans didn't matter. only Sam, Cas and Morrigan. and only because Morrigan and Dean, his Co-Host, liked them. he scowled at Morrigan before sighing and followed her, scooping her into his arms, the world blurring before they where both seated on the bike. "ready?" he asked her. "Dean's coming out, i don't know how to drive this thing." Cain admitted before the red eyes turned to bright blue and away they went.
“Not me. There’s others who wish to do battle with you, I am here to simply make sure you stay put.”Belial said looking annoyed and pissed that they’d gotten away. Pissed that both the fallen angel and lucifer’s once vessel were fighting, and succeeding in holding everyone off and from following the other two. Well. At least the two on their own would be easy enough to find and take. “Okay. Yea I got it.”Morrigan said looking at dean, pausing when she realized he couldn’t drive before squirming around and landing in front of him. “Come on. We’ll drive and just go. Meet back at the house. They might have found us here, but they don’t know where at.”Hopefully. Maybe. Kick starting the bike she reached behind her, drawing the other’s arms around her. “Hold on, move with me. If we unbalance, we’re both going to get hurt.”She said before starting to drive, settling back against the man behind her, both bike and woman leaning and moving against him as she drove, taking a obscenely long way back when she realized that the fighting had died down, only starting back to the house when she couldn’t see the lighting flashes of angelic fire.
Cain snorted. "you really think we're going to do anything just because you want us to?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at the man. "your stupider than that idiot in the cage is." he admitted before taking off with Morrigan to the bike. he could have taken them straight home, but it likely would have led Belial and thus Crawly and Micheal right to them. Dean said this was better and Cain was inclined to believe him. "Okay." Dean said, wrapping his arms around her and carefully leaned when she leaned and moved when she moved, pressing himself against her with a shudder. "is it safe, do you think?" he called when they started heading back for the house. "i don't hear anymore fighting, but that dosn't mean much..."
Morrigan sighed softly as she drove, pausing at the edge of the road as she considered his question, shivering a little as she leaned back into his chest. Closing her eyes for a moment, for the second totally distracted from the problem by the man behind her. “....maybe not....”She bit her lip. “We should go to a hotel for the night. Close by, Cas can find us when he’s sure things are done.”She decided before starting the bike again heading to the opposite side of the island, looking for the motel they could just have for the evening. Stopping hte bike in the parking lot she sighed softly as she parked, leaning back into him, not quite able to pull away from the man pressed so close. She knew they’d said they’d wait, but after giving Dean what amounted to a lap dance while she drove, she wasn’t sure.
he nodded. "That sounds like a good plan. Cain agrees." he admitted. "i think Cain is safe now... i don't think he's going to try and rape you again." he admitted. "i can feel him changing it's.... kind of creepy." he admitted, shaking his head a little before smiling as they came to a stop. "this will be a good place to lay low for a bit. a night at least." he mused, tilting his head a little. "wait here. i'll go get the room." he ordered, dropping a kiss to her cheek before heading to the main office with his wallet. "if someone comes, just leave. don't wait for me.Cain can find you anywhere through the marks." e promised her before heading inside and paid for a room and came back out. "room thirteen. how unlucky."
Morrigan smiled at that, looking relieved."good to know."she said smiling as she pulled up in front of the motel. Worried about the others, but trusting them to look after themselves."kay."she said watching him go, fidgeting and worried about him, even if she was aware he could take care of himself. Climbing off the bike she snorted."considering how old I really am, I don't think I care for a unlucky number. Numbers aren't unlucky, I am."she made a face as she followed him to the room, fidgety and horny, and trying really hard to ignore it.
He nodded. "I think it's good too." he admitted "he's not so.... violent anymore. hs still possessive as hell but at least he's not going to attack you i don't think... not sure Castiel is all that safe yet though.." he admitted. "Cain still hates him a lot." he admitted. "oh? i forget your a lot older... ho old are you anyway?.... never mind. your 4.5 billion years old... at least... that's how old the earth is according to scientists." he mused. "i guess Cain is the same age as you too, maybe a little younger..." he mused as he stepped into the room and paused. this room was pretty horrifying too, but it was clean enough he supposed and that was what mattered right?
“Yea. I get that....don’t think he’ll try hurting me. Hurt someone else to make sure I’m okay?Yes. But not me. I don’t think.”She sighed a little, before wincing. “probably not. I think we’ll always have to be a little on guard around cas and cain.”She said before snorting. “I don’t know....I know I was there in the beginning but....it’s all fuzzy still. I remember, because Cain does.”She shrugged a little as she followed him into the room, sighing softly. “....What is it with motels and disturbing decorations?”She said sitting down on the bed to pull off her boots, biting her lip a little before shimmying out of the jean shorts she was wearing. They just wouldn’t be comfortable to slep in, and stepping into the bathroom to take off her bra, glad the t-shirt she was wearing mostly covered everything before blushing as she stepped into the room, still wound up and needy, but mostly in control. At least enough control not to jump him, not when she knew he didn’t want her.well, he did, but not right now. Feeling battered and sore despite knowing he-they had good reasons for waiting. “....We should get some sleep....”
"No. i don't think he'd hurt you. not on purpose anyway.... there is still... something. if he where to get angry, really angry i don't think he'd recognize friend from foe." he admitted. "So we'll have to be careful still but i think it will be okay." he admitted. "I have no idea but this one is even worse than the one Sam picked out." he admitted with a grimace before looking at her. "so the more Cain remembers, the more you remember too?" he guessed. "i think it would be safe now, to let Cain out once and a while. so i can learn from the sword too. we'll have to try once things settle down." he admitted stripping off his own boots, wondering if they shouldn't stay dressed even as he stripped his shirt off and scowled at the tatters that was the back. damn Cain! the release of his wings had torn the back of his shirt to shreds. "i am kind of tired..." he agreed, offering her a smile. "things will work out. you know that right?" he asked, holding his hand out to her. "do you wanna snuggle?" he offered.
“Probably not. He’s always had a....beserker’s rage, I think is the term.”She sighed softly before nodding. They’d be careful. Before snorting a little. “We’re never telling Sam we chose a place worse then the one he did. Otherwise we’ll never hear the end of it.”She snickered a little, before nodding a little. “I think so....it seems the more he knows, the more I can figure out anyways. It’s like....I just need to be reminded about it.”She smiled slightly before nodding. They’d have to try it soon before making a face at his look. “Don’t look like that. It might not be a good idea, but I’m not sleeping in jeans.”She said looking amused before wincing as she realized his shirt was shredded. “We’ll get you more shirts. I promise.”She smiled at him, before swallowing hard, not looking to sure of that before nodding. “Yes....we’ll be okay. I mean...eventualy.”she said though she wasn’t sure before nodding as she climbed into bed, looking like she needed the snuggles. “Yes. Snuggling would be nice.”At least, she hoped they could control themselves anyways. It’d just be good to be held.
He smiled at her a little. "yeah. Berserkers rage. that sounds right." he agreed. "no. we're never telling Sam." he agreed with chuckle before nodding. "i suppose it makes sense. it's like Amnesia. your human mind couldn't handle all that information so when it gets to be too much, it resets." he mused. "maybe?" best guess he had anyway. "well... yeah true." he agreed. "it'll be you who has to drive pants-less through the city though." he warned with a chuckle. "not that i'd mind." he teased, examining her shapely derriere. "hopefully sooner than later." he agreed with a smile. "i wouldn't mind some snuggles myself... it's been... emotional." he admitted with a sigh. "very emotional." he mumbled before he smiled and laid in bed and wrapped his arms around her. just holding her because it felt nice.
“Yea. That sounds right. My mind just gives me what I need, and could handle.”She smiled a little, before snorting. “I’m wearing undies. And I’ll put the shorts back on when we leave in the morning. Just not sleeping in them now.”She made a face at him, flushing a little, blushing brighter when she realized he was examining her ass. Smacking his chest a little. “Stop staring. Just cause I gave you what amounted to a lap dance on the bike, doesn’t mean I’m driving without jeans tomorrow.”She huffed a little, nodding. Agreeing. Sooner rather then later. Climbing into bed, she sighed softly, shifting, leaning into his chest as she snuggled in close. “Very....sleep then we’ll see about the others.”She sighed quietly, starting to fall asleep in his arms, trusting him to look after her.
"yeah. sounds very likely." he agreed, smiling at her. "well. yes. i suppose that's true. still would be cold if we have to leave in a flash though." he teased with a chuckle before flushing hard. "sorry.... i can't help it. your beautiful." he admitted sheepishly. "although, it was a very nice lap dance." he admitted with an impish grin before he smiled as he snuggled her. when she woke, Deen was still asleep, which was probobly the only reason she wasn't murdering him, considering he was humping her, rubbing his hard length against her ass as he slept, soft hums slipping out of his mouth as e wiggled gently against her. his eyes fluttering open, confused and tried to remember where he was and what was happening before flushing hard as he realized he was hard as a rock and pressed as close to her as he could get without crawling inside her skin. "uuuuh......"
“If we have to leave that quickly, I’m going to trust Cain to make sure I get in pants, cause he wont want anyone to see me.”She snickered a little before shivering a little, blushing under his regard. “Well, so are you. And it was.”She agreed. In the morning she frowned, looking utterly sleepily confused as she considered what was going on, shivering a little as he rubbed against her, gasping quietly as her body shuddered with the first spasms of a orgasm. Seemed her body was so in tune with whatever dean was doing, that he didn’t actually have to be in her to get her going. Shifting a little she whimpered quietly as instead of moving away like she’d intended, she pressed against him.”M-morning.”She stuttered before getting some control and started to move away. More then anything, more then she wanted him, she wanted him to have a choice. And while she believed that he wanted her, she was afraid she was forcing him to want her, that he had no choice. So she was resisting as much as she could, for as long as she could.
"oh. he won't give you pants. he'll just make it so that people looking at you will think our wearing them." Dean teased with a snicker. "then he can look all he wants and no one else can." he admitted before he smiled at her. "that would be pretty fin. we should do that. i'll go starkers." he offered.

he woke in the morning pretty mortified. he had cum. in his sleep. pressed against a woman he was falling in love with. shit. he groaned and sat up, covering his burning face with his hands. "i am so sorry... i haven't done that since i was sixteen...." humiliated really. "i'll take a shower and we can... uhm. go back. it should be safe by now..."
“....Okay. He might do that.”She snorted a little before snickering. “That would be fairly amusing.”she agreed.

Morrigan shivered a little, tilting her head a little, flushed and embarassed, swallowing hard. “....Seems I’m not the only one who enjoyed that...it’s okay, really.”She muttered squirming and flusehd as she looked at him, nodding a little. “Yea. Okay. I’ll call sam while your cleaning up, see what’s going on.”She said looking eager to simply put that behind them, even if she wanted him, she was so scared of trapping him, that shewas simply going to ignore the wake up humping.
he flushed harder. "....you, ah... enjoyed that?" he asked, sounding intrigued. "could you feel what i was feeling? i'm pretty sure i wasn't hitting anything important." he admitted, watching her, swallowing thickly because he was still feeling the desire. a deep desire to truly claim her. make her his. own her... and give himself to her. make himself belong to her, let her have him. it was the oddest sensation. "Yeah...Sam..."
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