Elf Struck(moon/lady)

he went bright red. "...yeah well.. getting laid doesn't involve emotions that i'm no good with." he admitted, shrugging a little. "i've never... i mean i did, once but..." he shook his head. "she tried to kill me so i don't think it actually counts..." he admitted before snorting at Sam. "his feathered ass had better stay away from me. tell him to fiddle with your butt then, since you seem so interested." he ordered before smiling at her. "you don't hve to. i think it's just Cain impressing his dominance attitudes on me..." he admitted. "i see you in My clothes in the back of My car and i just.... loose it a little bit." he admitted sheepishly. "it's like your mine and i didn't even have to struggle to get yu, but i am struggling a little bit because i don't want you to just be a thing, i want you to be the most amazing woman i've ever met and you ARE." he admitted, smiling at her before snorting. "Don't give Cain ides, he already wants to turn Sammie into a sex slave." he stated simply. "although he has updated that a little bit to making Sammie your personal save to take care of whatever needs you might have so long as he doesn't touch you." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah." he muttered, wrapping his arms around her with a content sigh. "you crawl into bed, you're gonna catch a chill." he ordered. "i'm going to take a real shower. i didn't really feel clean after Cas did... whatever he did." he admitted, kissing her forehead. "here. take this." he ordered, settling the first blade into her hand. "so you'll be protected." he ordered before slipping into the shower to scrub up.
"Ah. That makes sense."Morrigan smiled a little, before snorting amused at the brothers banter. It was good to see dean relaxed enough to tease him."I think not. You two share a profound bond remember? The angels yours."sam snickered a little."oh...okay...."she muttered relaxing a little, "well...you are taking care of me. And your clothes are more comfy then anything cain got me."she looked amused, before blushing even more brightly, "oh...well...I appreciate not being a thing."she smiled at him, not about to admit that she had considered his rep, and thought maybe that's what he wanted, simply a tag along girlfriend just to screw. But...maybe they'd be okay.she nodded a litfle, shivering a little. "I'll see you in the morning."she said leaning into him a little before pulling away to crawl in bed.

In the morning, Morrigan smiled a little as she finished her shower, drying off and getting dressed. Considering what she was wearing before sliding into the black wife beater she'd stolen from dean and a pair of short shorts cain had gotten her. Even a few hours away from key est, she could feel the heat pressing down on them. Tying up her hair she smiled as she stepped out, considering the boys."all ready to go?"
"I don't remember anything like that. besides, i can't very well help Cas to remove his virginity myself. it would upset Morrigan." he pointed out. "you'll have to take one for the team Sammie. besides, i'm pretty sure your gay." he admitted before he smiled at her. "i like taking care of you, and we'll be getting you clothes that aren't so... ah... i'm not sure those are actually clothes to be honest." he admitted. "we'll get you something better." he promised. "well, your not a thing, no matter what Cain thinks. you are a person and your going to stay a person i'm sure." he admitted with a smile. "you'll see me when i press my cold feet into your back. i've been told, by several people that i'm worse than a woman that way." he admitted with a snicker.

Dean hd frozen, staring at her with eyes so blown they where almost black and he swallowed thickly. "Y...Yeah. ready to go." he agreed, deciding he would make himself more useful by carting all their bags back out to Baby. "so... does anyone have any idea where we're going?"
“I am not taking one for the team. CAs doesn’t strike me as particularly interested in human sex anyways. He sorta thinks its useless and messy.”Sam reminded him snickering a little. “...yes. That would be nice. But we’ll wait till we get to the islands to go shopping.”Morrigan smiled a little. Before nodding. “I have every intention of staying a person.”she agreed, ignoring the slight throb from teh mark of cain at teh thought, it disturbed her a little, to know that maybe she wouldn’t have a choice. Snickering at his words, she rolled her eyes. “I’m sure they’re not that bad.” “They are that bad. Believe me, it’s like ice being shoved in your back.”Sam said shaking his head a little as he went to sleep.

Morrigan paused, blushing a little at the look dean was giving her, but remembering what he had said, wearing his clothes was okay. The fact that she felt safer wearing them, as if it was a shield against the dark, even if she knew that was stupid, especially considering the things that were chasing them. “Yea.”Sam said looking amused as he picked up the note off the car, amused that cas had figured out personal space enough to just leave them a note instead of dropping in. Granted, he was being chased, easier to stay moving without stopping for long. “He got us a house in Key west.”he said flipping over the postcard to look at the address. “You driving or do you want me to?”Sam asked smirking at dean a little.
"That's not the point. the point is, is that Cas is pining because he's in love with me and now i'm taken. you might be his second choice but it's better than nothing. we simply can't be callous enough to allow Cas to remain a virgin." he pointed out. "Yeah, we can go shopping, all of us. i need some more clothes too. all of mine are pretty much ruined." he admitted. "well. if it ever comes down to it, don't worry about hurting me if Cain becomes a problem." he ordered. "he tries anything, you knock us in the balls hard as you can, okay?" he asked her with a smile before finishing his shower and did just as he threatened. he pressed his ice cold feet against the backs of her legs because he couldn't reach her back.

"Well... at least he's sort of learning lessons." Dean mused, chuckling a little before shaking his head. "So they are hunting Cas instead of us... good. that's good." he muttered before hessitating. "....i better drive. i don't think that i can control myself right now." he admitted. "if i'm in the backseat i might try to ravish her and i don't think either of us is ready for that." he admitted.
“....I find this insightful Dean a little disturbing. You’re usually unaware of when people are pining after you.”Sam said snickering a little before huffing. “But I’ll see about taking care of Cas, don’t worry about it.”Sam muttered. “Yea, they are. We need stuff. And food. We’ll make a supply run before we had to the house.”Morrigan said sighing a little before studying him, nodding a little. “I’ll do that.”She said ,and while she grumbled at having cold feet against her. She was to exhausted to wake.

“Sort of.”Sam agreed, well aware it was probably more of not wanting to see dean in bed with someone, rather then Cas learning any sort of lesson on personal space. “Yea, it is. They probably figured that he wouldn’t leave your side for the foreseeable future. He sorta has a history of tagging along.”Morrigan pointed out as she got into the car. “....Good idea.”Sam smiled a little as he settled in the front seat of the impala with his book, settling in. Knowing that they’d have a few hours before they got to the house. Which was everything Cas had promised in his note, secluded and quiet out of the way enough that for now, they should be safe.
"Yeah well.. i feel bad for him." Dean admitted. "i'm not into guys so... and i feel bad for kind of stringing him along, even if i don't mean to." he admitted, looking a bit upset. "i don't want to hurt him but i don't know how to fix it either..." he admitted softly. "Yeah, food would be a good idea." Dean agreed.

"yeah that makes a lot of sense. not to mention his Angelic presence usually hides us really well." he agreed. "so they must assume that since they can't sense us, it's juts because Cas is still with us." he mused. "makes sense." he agreed, smiling at Morrigan, delighted that she was so smart. "yeah... good idea...' he grumbled, looking wistfully at Morrigan because he really wanted to but didn't dare because his instincts where pushing him too hard and he didn't dare try for fear he would go way too far. he stopped in front of a walmart so they could get everything they needed, from food to everything else, and then headed to the house, blinking at it. "Wow. this is a really nice place. i wonder how cas got it?" he wondered.
“It does. And if they’re trying to find him, they might, but considering he can appear and disappear in a blink of a eye, he’s okay.”Morrigan smiled, knowing that even if Dean didn’t like him that way, the angel was a good friend, and he would worry. “He’ll be okay. Besides, if it went badly, I think we would have heard the explosion by now. I bet a angel of the lord can throw down with the best of them.”She muttered. Looking around the house as she grabbed all the bags of food and couple bags of food, letting the boys grab their bags of weapons and personal things, heading inside. “He’s a angel, and he’s innocently charming, I think he could charm his way into anything..”Morrigan said looking amused. “Or it’s a tourist place. He probably rented it.”Sam said looking thoughtful as he looked around the living room, setting their things down.
"So in other words. he's probobly appearing long enough to get their attention, wait for them to show up and vanish again." he mused, grinning a little. "he's such a shit." he admitted before sighing a little. "yeah... i know Cas can fight, but it still makes me worry." he admitted, shaking his head a little before he smiled. "i bet he stole this place. he's evil like that you know.' he admitted. "He's totally a thief... i bet i could learn to fly from there." he admitted, examining the upper deck. "then if i fall i have a water landing instead of a concrete." he admitted. "I wonder where i would have to go if i broke a wing? do you think Cas would have to fix it?" he muttered. "for that matter... i'm not sure my wings are actually large enough for me to fly are they?" he wondered, his head tilted. "there has to be some kind of Angelic power involved. i wonder if i can access it or if cain will be the only one...?" he wondered.
“yea, probably.”Sam snickered a little at the metal image that came to him of frustrated demons and angels, chasing Cas all over god’s creation. That was just amusing. “I know, but he’ll check in.he’ll be okay.”Morrigan said smiling a little as she kissed his forehead. “I totally didn’t get the evil vibe from him.”She said looking amused. “He totally can be. It’s the innocent act, not one would ever believe it of him.”Sam snorted amused. “You probably can. Easier landing anyways.”Morrigan said looking up at the dec, before snorting. “I think we’d have to get Cas to fix it. We really couldn’t go to the hospital, or maybe a vet’s clinic to have it fixed.”She said looking thoughtful before frowning. “I don’t know. I mean....you can try. And if not, maybe Cas’ll have a idea if it’s cause they’re not meant for flight, or if it’s cause you just suck at flying.”She teased a little. “Again, Cas probably can teach you. And I doubt Cain will....I mean, I think you’re the angelic side of this partnership.” “Dean?Angelic?I think there’s some people in his past who’d disagree. Mostly female.”Sam teased looking amused.
"yeah. i hope so." he admitted, smiling at Morrigan. "Just because he's not a Evil minion, doesn't mean he's not evil. he's the worst Evil at all because he'd totally steal anything from you if he's convinced it's for your own good." he pointed out with a grin before wrinkling his nose at the idea of having to go to a vet to fix his wing. ugh! "i still have to learn." he admitted. "or at least try." he admitted with a smile. "i mean, honestly. i have wings. of course i have to try!" he admitted with a grin. "me? an angel? i think your nuts." he admitted before he scowled at Sam. "hey, they left me, i'll have you know!" he complained. because it was true. he did sleep around, but they where always the ones to leave and he never slept with a second girl if he was with one. he was a bit of a ladies man but he was a ladies man with morals.
"Ah, yes maybe. Well have go watch out for cas."she giggled a little before nodding."you can try. And we won't even watch, just in case you face plant into the pool."she said before smirking a little."well cain definitely not the angel half."she pointed out before leaning into him a little. Upset because he was upset."I know. But having the same girlfriend quit working for you years ago, I mean, we spend most of our lives rolling into town, killing things, and leaving again. Not overly stable."sam pointed out, hating now that hed brought it up since the year he'd been in hell, dean had had that. The stable life, girlfriend, adopted son...everything he could have wanted, and much like dean coming for him to find dad, sam had interrupted his brothers quiet life.
"We always have to keep our eyes out for Cas." he admitted. "he's a little shit." he admitted with a snicker. "i think it would be better if someone watched, in case. but not Sam because i'm mad at him right now." he huffed, giving his brother the stink eye. not really for any reason, just because he could. he wasn't really angry with Sam, he just wanted to pick a fight. "yeah.... didn't work out so well." he whispered because there where times when he hated himself immensely for what had happened to Lisa and Ben. he had never forgiven himself for what had happened and he was pretty sure Castiel hadn't either. "i'm going inside." he decided, trudging inside because, being honest, it was hard to move on from Lisa. even if he loved Morrigan, he had loved Lisa a lot too and loosing Ben had hurt even more. he needed a few minutes to himself to get himself under control.
"Well then, u guess your stuck with me."she looked amused as she considered him, amused at the way sam tensed at the stink eye. Yep, the boys definitely had their problemz, but she knew they could work it out."yea..."Sam winced watching him go, hating himswlf a little for bringing it up before heading inside and settling down to work. Mostly leaving dean to his own device til be calmed down.

Later Morrigan stepped up next to the chair dean was dozing in, looking worried for him, and worried about him still be angry, at her for having being teasing him a bit. Gently touching his shoulder as she shifted the plate of chicken and nodded she was holding."dean?"
he smiled at her. "i don't think it's really 'stuck'." he admitted with a chuckle. "i rather like you." he admitted with a smile before heading inside to sulk and grieve a little bit.

Dean snorted as he was touched and blinked stupidly at her, trying to remember where he was, who he was, who she was and what they where doing. "...yeah?" he asked once he managed to remember all that and he offered er a smile. "Did you bring me food?" he asked, accepting the plate. 'Thanks. i'm pretty hungry." he admitted before looking at her again. "you okay?" he asked, his head tilted.
Morrigan jumped a little as the other snorted, backing away a little before smiling softly. “Hey. Yea, I brought you food. Sam figured you’d accept gifts of food from me rather then him right now.”She smiled watching as she moved sitting on the arm chair as she shrugged a little, starting to eat her own plate of food. “Yea. Just realizing I should have bought some books while we were at walmart. Gonna have to send sam out to get some.”She said not willing to let him know she was still sorta scared of him.
He smiled at her. "thanks... yeah... it's not Sam's fault.' he admitted. "I wasn't exactly the most Tactful when Jessica died and it's not as if she... as if Lisa is dead..." he admitted. "You know, your the first girl i've... felt any attraction to at all since it all happened. it kind of scares me, how... dependent i seam to be getting." he admitted softly. "not even with Lisa did I ever feel such... terror t the idea of loosing someone. not even dad. or Sam... maybe because i always expected one, or both of them to die before me, if i didn't die first. i don't know.." he admitted before chuckling a little. "here... it might not be to your tastes, but it will be something to read for now right?" he asked with a smile. it was Dean Koontz's Frankenstein- prodigal Son. "so... wanna watch me fall on my face?" he offered, sitting up properly and setting down the devoured plate of food. "might as well do something useful right? learning how to fly might save my ass someday." it wasn't hard to see that she was scared of him and it tore his heart to ribbons to know he had put that fear there. sure, Cain had been in control and he had been nearly dead, but he could have tried harder.
“Ah. Well, you’re males. You two don’t do tactful well. I doubt the hunter’s life leaves alot of time for tact with each other.”She said smiling slightly before frowning, watching him. “Really? You know, that might be mostly Cain you know.”She shrugged, fidgeting a little, because the fear twisted her stomach a little, she tried so hard to not be afraid of him. “I’m just as dependent these days....sorta need help keeping away from the others.”She said fidgeting a little befoer nodding. “Yes....well, hunters don’t have a long life expectancy....but...you’ll be okay. Me and cas will keep you alive.”She smiled a little before taking the book, eyes widening a little. “Oh. I dunno, I might like it....but don’t you have enough monsters in your life without reading about it?”She teased before laughing a little as she ate. “Yea. I’ll totally watch you fall over.”She looked amused.
'well. no. Tact isn't... our thing." he agreed with a smile. "it's not Cain. For all that he's extraordinarily possessive of you he's... well he doesn't... unless it's HIS he doesn't give a shit unless he can kill it. if it is his then he only wants to keep it for himself. it's possession, not emotion." he admitted softly. "no, this is all me and i... it scares me a little bit because i know, somewhere down the line, i'm going to fuck it up the way i always do." he admitted before smiling at her. "You're hardly dependent. Cain thinks that your going to start getting powers of your own, now that you have reclaimed the mark of Cain. i'm inclined to believe him." he admitted. "The Sword tells us things, while we're resting in the backs of each others minds." he admitted. "and for all his flaws, oddly, Cain is completely incapable of telling a lie." he admitted. "i'd rather you kept sam alive." he admitted before chuckling and stripping off his shirt and with a small grunt of effort, his large wings spread from his back, unlike last time they where a bright, pearly white. no longer bloodstained and dean had to take a moment to admire them. he had gotten very vain since all this had started happening.
“...Oh.”She muttered tilting her head, blushing brightly as she stared down at her plate. “Well.”She fidgeted a little, nervous because she felt the drawn towards Dean, and Cain, but it scared her to. And not just simply because cain scared her, or the idea of dean having once been a vampire scared her, but something primal and ancient made her afraid of caring for him. Because she thought she was going to get him killed. “Well, you want to do better. Really. I mean....even if you do fuck up....we can figure it out.”She muttered watching him before sighing softly. “Maybe. I mean...I could already do the shadow thing...I might find somethign else.”She muttered not to sure about that, but willing to believe them, because as old and ancient as she was, she wasn’t....she couldn’t remember. “Well, we’ll keep you both alive. Sorta a package deal there you know, neither of you are good at it solo.”She pointed out before following him outside, eyes wide as she looked up at him as she sat down on one of the chairs, smiling slightly. “You look very proud of yourself and your wings.”She teased before smirking at him, a smirk that said he was ready to tease him, and he probably wouldn’t like it. “You know, they’re not that big....wonder if there’s something of a comparison between wing spans and...you know.”She smirked at him.
He smiled at her. "Well, i'm trying really hard." he admitted. "as hard as i can.' he admitted before he smiled at her. "that shadow thing is pretty cool. it would stop Cain now, by the way, without the mark protecting him." he admitted. "so if he attacks you again, you can stop him." he admitted before puffing up because he WAS proud of his wings. "What!? What! they're not small! They're not!!!!" he protested, spreading them as wide as they could go. "Not small! and neither is my dick!" he protested before sniffing at her and turned to the Balcony. "now how is this going to work?... what do you mean 'just jump'? i'm not suicidal. i know i would just land in the water, that's not the point. NO i don't want you to come out and do it for me! shut your Demon mouth. if you come out you'll do things to Morrigan. and no, i don't believe you when you say you won't because even if you can't outright lie you can still neglect to tell the truth." he huffed. "okay! fine... dammit... i'm going!" he complained, launching himself into the air and slowly circled down. he looked so stunned and for a moment he just slowly floated down and then he flapped hard a few times, rose a few feet above where he'd started and slowly circled down again before flapping and rising a few more feet than last time. by the Time Sam came up to check on them, Dean was up high enough you could barely see him, he was nothing but a speak that slowly circled lower and lower. once he came down low enough, they could see dean contemplating the ground and wondering how to land, as slow as he was floating down though, all he had to do was stick his feet out and stand up. "I can fly!" he gasped, staring up at his brother and mate.
"I know...I just wanted to tell you I didn't expect more from you then whatever you wanted to give...."she shrugged a little, before tilting her hesd nodding."good to know. At least if things get to out of hand you don't have to worry about me."she smiled at him slightly. Before laughing, amused and happy, having been glad to tease him, to be allowed to tease him before looking slightly upset. Worried he was really upset with her."no they're not."she agreed watching him, worried as him and cain talked, relaxing a little when he didn't go crashing into the ground. "So you can. Good. Least I don't have to worry about you being trapped somewhere."sam said looking pleased at dean's ability and glad that something good had come out of having the mark of cain
"well. if we're being honest, i want to give you everything" he admitted softly. "i'm just too scared to." he admitted before sulking as she teased him. "There! you admitted it! my wings are perfect!" he said, sniffing a little before smiling a little. "yes. i am epic and awesome and you have to admit it... do you think my wings are small?" he asked Sam, examining his wings. "do you think they're at least as big as Cas' are? i don't want to be smaller than him...." he admitted before smiling a little. "So. now that i can.... sort of, fly. what next?"
"Oh...well we'll see how it is thrn."she muttered smiling at him a little shyly. Before snorting a little."you are a little bit perfect. Maybe."she teased "you are epic."sam agreed with a eyeroll, amused as before flicking his eyes over him."well if we're comparing wingspans to other things....well, you might be small."he teased because he'd always harassed dean for being shorter then him before grinning."I'm sure they are. Cas is a short you know."he looked amused before shrugging."well. Rest I think.we can't do anything till cas checks jn..."
He smiled at her a little. "i'm sure we'll be okay. we like each other at least. at worst we'll just be really good friends with a bit of sexual tension that never get's resolved." he admitted before puffing up, proud that she called him perfect. ignoring the 'maybe'. maybe's weren't important. "I AM NOT!" Dean protested at Sam, mortified that his own brother thought his wings where small. "you take that back!" he complained, reaching out to smack Sam's shoulder. "i'm totally bigger than you in all the ways that count!" he complained before smiling. "i could go for another nap. flying is hard work." he admitted, ruffling his feathers so the would lay flat before he grunted and tucked them inside of himself again.
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