Elf Struck(moon/lady)

"Thanks." he mumbled, smiling at her a little before snorting. "i don't want a kitten, could you imagine trying to take care of a cat with our lives? Cain would probobly think it's for eating." he pointed out, shaking his head. "Sam? go buy Cas a hooker." he ordered before watching the other leave. "...i have a bad feeling too. i don't think he's going to go ask the big boss man." he admitted with a sigh before groaning as he rested his head down. he could feel the pain getting worse and he was glad to let the fever sweep him away. by the time Cas returned, Dean's fingers had healed and where done and he had two rather adorable horns, as white as ivory, sprouting from his forehead. they where only two inches long so far, but they where nothing compared to his back. somehow, they had found that cool water helped more than ice, which was great because he was still in his fever while the huge lumps, which had spread from his shoulders all the way down to the small of his back pulsed and quivered and bulged outwards like something was trying to force it's way out.
“We could have a cat. It could babysit the impala when we’re away. Keep you company. Though Cain probably would eat it...”Sam snickered a little looking amused at Dean’s order for a hooker. “no...I don’t think he is either.”Morrigan sighed softly, settling in to rest as tehy waited for cas.

“...They’re wings. He’s a half breed.”Cas said staring, even having gotten it from a archangel, and a demon, because he hadn’t believed the angel, he still couldn’t believe it. “Cain is the first, and last half breed to exist. When god bound the darkness he created Cain as the guardian for the keeper of the balance. And we have bigger problems. I know why the angels and Crowley want your girl. She’s not....she’s the keeper.”Cas looked vaguely uncomfortable faced with morrigan’s stare of disbelief. “She was created before god had made the world, and locked away tthe darkness. As such, she’s not touched by time. They want to impregnante her, and have perfect vessels, vessels that wouldn’t be able to be killed.”
Dean was panting on the bed and looked up at the other. "So... you're saying... that Cain... is so ancient he predates... very existence?" he asked. it was hard for him to focus. "And he's... ah... not a Demon, or An Angel. but something.... fuck... both?!" he demanded before he snarled at the information that they wanted Morrigan, screaming as a sick squelching sounded and the wings burst from his back in some sick horror thrasher style, splattering the entire room in blood and staining his precious white feathers pink with his blood. that would only last for as long as the feathers did. angels molted too, though it was usually just a feather or two at a time. his back was a ragged mess, but it was already healing, if you watched closely enough you could see the flesh slowly knitting together. nothing like what baby angels went through. they just lowly grew the structure of the wings over the course of a few weeks and then started growing feathers. on occasion a wing would get stuck and grow inward but a simple cut and a nudge and the bone would slip out and grow properly again. nothing like this, with Dean now pale and limp and ragged looking. as if he was dead, one hand dangling off the bed with blood dropping off his fingers as if he had been murdered... only, the thing was... he wasn't breathing and his heart was barely fluttering.
“Yes....though it seems he has inhabited many of his descendants through time, his original body was killed somehow. Lost to both him and the keepper, Morrigan. It is why you do not remember anything. Without him to balance you, you can’t function enough, so you forget.”Cas said looking at morrigan worriedly, about to go on before wincing at the sound. “Dean!?”sam cursed as he moved closer, about to touch him and hold him still but not sure if it would hurt or worse. Cursing quietly as he looked the man over. “Dean?Dean, you have to come back. Hold on.”Morrigan said sounding panicked and scared as she gently touched his skin, shadows running over his skin in response to being this scared as she tried to heal him, but healing wasn’t something she could usually do.
"So i'm my own descendant?" Dean wondered sluggishly. "that's totally freaky man." he admitted before shaking his head. "so Cain will start to remember? maybe he'll stop being so psychotic then." he hoped, not realizing at all that it was not just Cain. no one knew, the truth about the First Cain, no one knew the truth about the First Blade. no one knew, and so there was no one to warn Dean until it was entirely too late. when she touched him, the heartbeat was growing weaker and weaker. his body not able to sustain so many changes. but as her power flooded into him there was a throb of answering power and Cain struggled up. his mouth opened and a rush of air swept in and the heart throbbed into life once more and he turned his head to look at them, as red as the blood dropping off his fingers. "She is Mine." he hissed, before closing his eyes and letting sleep take them both. healing, and living.
“...Yes. I think that would be the way of it. As odd as that is.”Cas said frowning slightly as he considered why the human would find that odd. “He should. Maybe.”Cas said nodding wondering if Cain would indeed. “Cain...”Morrigan breathed relieved as she felt the power wash over her hands, resting her forehead against his shoulder, shivering a little. “We know.”Sam said backing away, swallowing thickly as he watched the other two. Making sure they were okay before leaving, not wanting to upset cain.

When cain woke, morrigan sighed quietly, shifting, tucking herself closer, ignoring the blood that was soaking into her clothes, even if it was making her hair wet and sticky, she couldn’t stand to move away. “Cain?”She muttered a little, blinking slowly as she felt him stirring.
Cain shifted against her, wrapping her in his arms. for a moment, it appeared as if he was going to actually hold her, then his teeth started pinching at her neck as he pressed himself flush against her. "you are mine. i have always known it." he whispered. "i will make you mine. even if it kills you. and then i shall slaughter those filthy things for daring to even think that they could have you." he murmured,licking her neck now, tasting her. but he was making no move to disrobe either of them so he either wasn't in the mood or was too tired to actually take her. had lost too much blood to even get hard was an option too, considering he was limp against her ass as he nuzzled her neck and left growing purple hickies. marking her as his own and then he slid away from her and Dean, for his eyes had gone the palest blue, hesitatingly, carefully got to his feet and headed into the bathroom to stare at himself. "it's... not so bad..." he finally decided. "i don't have the energy to focus on this right now. i need bacon."
Morrigan sighed softly, before going utterly still as he bit her, whining quietly. “It wont kill me. Not sure I can die actually.”She muttered before whining quietly. “You don’t have to kill for me.”She muttered not pulling away, not wanting to upset him, and not fighting because he wasn’t doign any true harm, shivering a little as he pressed against her though, even if he wasn’t hard, she knew what he’d do if he could. Turning her head to watch dean as he got up, before snorting. “You’re cute. Like a baby goat.”She teased before sputtering a little. “No. You need a shower first. We both do.”
"well. i wouldn't want to slaughter you fully dead anyway." Cain admitted. which was... touching, for Cain. admitting that he didn't want her to die. "i like to kill. it's no hardship to me. and Dean, that filthy human, for all his idiocy and feelings agrees with me... more or less." he admitted. "You are mine, and i will slaughter anyone who touches you." he growled before letting Dean take over. Cain didn't care much for the people they were surrounded by after all. "..." Dean stared at her, very unamused before he paused and looked down at himself before shoving his nose into his own armpit and seamed to consider before staring at her. "you're not wrong." he agreed before heading back into the bathroom to hog all the hot water.
“...Well. That’s almost sweet.”She teased a little, offering him a small smile. Because maybe she could figure out how to deal with him, they needed to figure it out. “...okay then. Still. Refrain from killing everything in sight if we can.”She sighed quietly, cause it made her uncomfortable to kill, like it should hurt. Smirking at dean as he looked at her so very unamused before snickering as he sniffed himself. “You’re covered in blood. You should have just known you needed a shower.”She said rolling her eyes watching him go before going in search of a shower herself before frowning as she headed back upstairs. “Dean?”She said sounding nervous at the sound of the water.
"What's sweet?" Cain wondered, looking around for the chocolate he might have missed, there was blood all over but it was his blood and so wouldn't be as nice, though maybe she liked the taste of his blood, which would make sense he supposed. "...only because i cannot disobey you." he growled before retreating into the Den to sulk. the Den was a cozy little place in the back of the mind he had set up fr himself to sleep in while Dean was in control. he did not like that what was His, owned him right back. ha did not like that the woman could control him. he would have to stop that from happening again. "nah. i'm always covered in blood." Dean admitted with a grin.

when she came back up, Dean turned to look at the door and then. "...i can't fit in the shower." he said, rather miserably. his wings, his bright.. blood stained pink wings, where too big to fit. he was sitting on the toilet, towel wrapped around his waist, sulking.
“Nevermind.”She said shaking her head looking amused though before sighing. “I’ll try not ordering you around as much as I could.”She said because she knew she’d hate it if she had to be ordered around to by someone she’d just met. “...Still, little gross dean. Clean up.”She teased a little.

“Oh.Well. I’m coming in then.”Morrigan said opening the door just enough to sneak in before shutting it, careful not to hit him with the door. Having come back up because there was no second shower, but setting aside her own desire for a shower for a moment as she looked at him sulking. “Okay, well, we’ll get you cleaned up....”She bit her lip, thinking about it before sighing. “Well, we can either make a mess of the bathroom and toss water over you, or go outside and use the hose. Sam said we had most of what we’d need here if we wanted to stay for awhile....”She said, well aware that they probably shouldn’t stay, but also that they might have to till they settled down.
Cain scoffed at her. didn't believe her for a second. she would try to control him as Dean had tried to control him. he was a beast, an animal, a demon and they needed to be contained and controlled. such was the fallacy of human thinking. Demons could not be contained or controlled. "Nah, it's not that gross." he said with a shake of his head and an impish grin.

"yeah, i'm decent enough." he agreed, watching her a little before smiling at her before grimacing at both ideas. neither where very appealing but... "we could make Sammie clean it up..." he didn't want to go outside and hose down. not at all... "okay, we'll have to get a bucket." he agreed with a sigh, sulking even more. "wait... wait a second. Cas doesn't take showers does he? how the hell does HE stay clean!?" Dean wondered, scowling a little before watching her. "we probably shouldn't stay for too long. it won't be good if they catch up to us. though, i'm not sure we can actually outrun them."
"We could. I like it."she said giggling a little, though her eye were dark with worry, we'll aware that no matter what they did, dean was going to feel worse about it. Like a freak. Watching him as she absently reached out to gently comb clumps of grossNess out of his hair, before tilting her head."you know. I don't know. We'll ask him."she said before wincing."probably not, but no matter what, the four of us staND out."she said watching him. "...you said my name?did you need assistance?"cas said looking worried as he eased the door open, his lessons on personal space keeping him from simply appearing in the room."oh. I can clean this up."Cas said immediately seeing the problem as he reached out and rested a hand against dean's forehead, smiling pleased as the man was clean and fresh again.
He smiled at her. "don't worry so much. i was a Vampire once. this isn't so bad... can't go into public, ever but at least people won't recognize me for a while." he admitted, gently kissing her palm before he could stop himself before chuckling as she essentially groomed him like he was some kind of giant bird. "we will have to ask him." he agreed before smiling at her. "we'll be okay, i'm sure." he agreed before blinking when Cas walked in. "Dude! water running! i' naked! privacy man! we've talked about this!" Dean complained. "i could be having sex in here or something!" he complained before blinking at him. "oh... thanks..." he did feel better. it wasn't as nice as actually taking a shower but he supposed he'd have to get used to it.
"...you were a vampire?"morriGan stared at him even as she trembled, but she didnt go bolting away from him like she wanted to. Shivering a little as he kissed her palm she smiled quietly."yea we will be."she agreed sighing. Maybe they would be okay."you are wearing a towel. Your private areas were covered, and I did not hear sounds of human mating...though if you are talking about me in the middle of sex, I would have been slightly worried."Cas said sounding both adorably naive and teasing him just a bit."you are welcomd. Now I will leave you to your human mating that you were about to do." "....dI'd he really think we were having sex in here?"Morrigan stared after cas leave, making a face at her own clothes, fidgeting. Wanting to shower but not quite trusting herself to be naked around a naked dean.
"Only for a little while. i got better." he promised, realizing he shouldn't have told her that after the things the Vampires had done to her. "Not the point." he growled at Cas, a bit annoyed before he sighed and set his hand over his eyes and shook his head. "no. he did not think we where mating in here. he's being a dick. he's good at it. you'll get used to it." he promised. "i'm going to go and make him clean the whole house like that so i can take a nap." he decided. "you take a shower." he suggested. "i'm going to go and make an Angels' existence as miserable as possible." he admitted, smiling at her. "if you lock the door, no one will bother you." he promised before heading out of the room only to curse, loudly when he realized he couldn't wear any shirts because his wings where in the way and NO, Sam! he was not going to cut holes in his leather jackets!
"...oh. okay."she muttered even though she still looked nervous."it is totally the point."Cas said smirking a little. "...oh. okay. Well he's sorta cute about being a dick. Sorta lovable to."she snickered quietly before snorting."have fun. I'm sure he'll appreciate having to clean."she giggled a little before nodding pleased he'd understood her not wanting him there while she showered. And she did indeed shower though it was a bit later and she yelled for him."dean?can you come here please?"she said leaning against the half closed door, hiding behind it, definitely still naked and in need of clothes since her only ones were covered in blood and gross things.
Dean glared at Cas and then shook his head a little. "he's not cute at all." he grumbled, refusing to admit that he was jealous that she thought Cas was cute, not even to himself. "he better because i was very traumatized, i sure as hell don't have to do it." he said with an impish grin. he did indeed enjoy whining to Cas that the smell of the blood was making him feel sick and getting him to clean it all up. "...Morrigan? are you okay? what's wrong?" Dean asked, hesitating on the other side of the door before. "oh... right that was. hold on." he offered. "i'll leave the room, kick your old cloths out while i get you something,Cain picked it all up so i don't know how much you'll like it, but it should cover you up." he promised. "i'll knock before i come back in." he promised, heading out before, as promised, knocking before he went into the bedroom with a pile of clothes and a towel. the towel he flopped over the door and the clothes he laid on the bed before leaving again so she ould get dressed.
“A little bit.”She said before looking a little worried when she looked at him, tensing a little. Ready to be hit for calling someone else cute, before relaxing when he didn’t. “I’m sure you are.”She said giggling a little. Looking amused as he left. “Yea I’m okay...just don’t have any other clothes.”She said blushing a little as she looked at him, before nodding. “Okay.”Watching him go before kicking the clothes out before going to get her clothes. Blushing quietly as she looked over the clothes, biting her lip. While they were perfectly good clothes, she wasn’t feeling up to wearing such....slutty clothes. Sighing quietly before looking at the shirts, before going to dean’s duffel bag, fidgeting a little before digging out a pair of his jeans and one of his button up flannel shirts, looking adorably cuddly, and definitely not sexy, which had been her whole need. Definitely needing as much skin covered up as possible, feeling emotionally raw and tired, especially after being reminded of the vampires.
"you okay?" Dean called in through the door, when he walked in once she said it was okay he gasped at the sudden possessive desires that rose up inside of him at the sight of her wearing his clothes. that made her his, his his his... he stamped down on the feeling hard and offered her a trembly sort of smile. "i have to go outside for a while..." he informed her. "while i get my Demon under control." he admitted, trying to adjust his pants away from his hard length as he walked. ignoring both Cas and Dean as he went outside to claw at some trees until he'd worked out his possessive needs. "I...." Dean declared as he walked back in twenty minutes later. "have talons." he admitted. "that are retractable... i cut myself a couple of times because they surprised me." he admitted. "they hurt like paper-cuts and i hate life."
“Yea, I’m okay.”Morrigan said, startling a little as he looked at her, tensing, but not backing away from him, not running. Afraid he’d pounce on her if she did. “...Okay. Go.”She said watching him go, before sighing quietly. Looking at the clothes she had, she shook her head, not wanting to change. Hopefully he wouldn’t be to upset with her keeping the clothes. “What?”she said looking at him, before wincing. “I’m sorry dean.”She said looking at him upset and pained, hating that her coming into his life had caused this. Not sure what to do to help, but knowing she didn’t want to make it worse. “....we need to move.”Cas said softly, frowning as he looked up at them, a worried look flickering over his face. “....I can hear the angels....they’re....they’re talking about us....and they’re not going to be nice about taking her from you...”
He nodded before hesitating. "you look really cute. in those clothes." he said softly before fleeing to the outside, not about to risk letting himself loose around her. he'd already hurt her enough. "It's not your fault." he informed her. "it's better than what would have happened otherwise. i much prefer this than to being dead." he promised her. "if i hate anyone for this, its Crowley and his bastards." he admitted. "they're the ones who gave me the mark in the first place." he admitted before smiling at her. "my nails are pretty though." he admitted, examining his fingernails that where now as white as ivory as well before curling his fingers and letting three inch long talons slide free as bone white as his horns where and from the way they left marks in the table when he dragged them against the wood, they where very sharp an very strong. "these... are going to come in handy." he admitted before his eyes flashed blood red and he snarled. "They won't have her." he hissed. "she's mine. i'll slaughter them if they dare try!" Cain hissed, wings spreading wide, one curling around her protectively even as his fist slammed into the table, splintering it and breaking it into two shattered pieces. his wing protecting Morrigan from any splinters that might have flown her way.
"Well...yea...I guess that is the preferred state of being...."she said biting her lip, resisting the urge to cry at the idea of him being dead and gone. She didn't know him well enough to mourn like that."and we're going to make sure crowley pays for it, never fear."Sam said looking determined at that."...only you would worry about your nails being pretty now, you bitch."Sam teased his brother.because usually it was dean giving him a hard time about worrying about his appearance."he those will definitely be handy..."Morrigan said resisting the urge to bolt away from him as he protected her from his rage induced breaking things."cain?"Morrigan muttered worried.."we should probably move if we can..though your wings will draw attention in daylight..."
"He smiled at her. "Don't worry. think of it as you saving me." he offered. "in a way, you did." he admitted. "it was only your protests that stopped him from smothering me completely you know." he admitted before nodding at Sam before glaring at him. "your the bitch here, you bitch." he complained. "besides, my nails are pretty... my wings too, even if they are pink right now." he admitted. "don't you think they're pretty?" he asked his head tilted before Cain surged upwards. "...Yes. we will need to leave." he growled. "set up traps, spells, we need a way to make a fortress." he growled, tapping his long claws against the remains of the table, eyeing up Castiel as if wondering if he could slaughter the man and take both Morrigan and the human for himself? probobly not. he hissed under his breath and then spread his wings wide before tucking them firmly against his back. they seamed to sink inside of him before vanishing completely, his horns followed and his talons slipped away and he looked perfectly normal again save for the blood red eyes with their slit pupils. "So where are we going then?" Cain demanded, glaring at Cas.
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