Elf Struck(moon/lady)

He nodded. "i didn't. not until very recently. it's a bit of a... new development." he admitted softly before he flinched and looked away from her. "i'm not sure you know what... He wants from you..." he admitted softly. "He wants... well he wants you, and blood. and to make people hurt... or all three at the same time and that's about all i'm willing to say about it." he admitted softly. "you wouldn't have seen the other victims. the Vampires only took one young woman at a time. pick one out, torture her for a few days, drain her dry and kill her and pick out a new one. the sick bastards." he admitted. "yeah... only because He's sleeping. he won't have to anymore soon enough and then i won't be here anymore." he admitted. "i haven't told my brother yet. he keeps thinking there's hope for me, but i know better." he admitted before shaking his head. "there's nothing anyone can do." he admitted, rubbing his arm where the Mark of Cain usually sat. it was silent now, just a puckered Scar that got deeper every time the Demon took over. "unless you know how to remove a demon that is part of you, i don't think there's anything to be done. i'm a pretty... unique case." he admitted with a shake of his head.
“Ah.Well. Maybe I can help you figure out the blackouts. I’ve been having them as long as I can remember.”Which had been since he dawn of time, even if she didn’t totally remember that she was that ancient. It was as if the power that kept her alive, also every few decades did a hard reset on her system, wiping away anything she knew and made her learn it all over again. “....well. I probably don’t want to now, but it’d be better to know, so I can try to defend myself.”she said frowning slightly. “Should you not be seeing your brother then, instead of staying here with me...”She said watching him, tilting her head as she watched him. “...No....though I think I should I...don’t.”she sighed quietly.
"Well, in your case it's probobly something medical." he admitted. "like a blood glucose or seizures or something." he admitted, trying to make her feel better. he had a feeling he ws failing miserably. "you just have to go to a doctor. i think. i don't know." he admitted with a small smile. "mines a little more... supernatural. although... i wonder if being admitted into a mental institute? i wonder if those straight jackets... probobly not." he muttered. "...he... uhm... he wants to make you into a sex slave and... u... make you pregnant... a lot...." h admitted, fidgeting. "he wants to break you and, uhm, make you completely obedient and... well it's... it's sick stuff..." never mind that Dean was kind of interested. not in the actual of it, but if it was played out, an act, a roleplay, yeah he could have gone for that. constitutionality had always been very important to him. the Demon? not so much. "No... i.. The... He wants to... hurt my brother the same way he wants to hurt you..." he explained softly. "You'll protect yourself and i can't do anything to help you now that he has you. i could try but he's stronger than me now. i'd just get you hurt, tortured and killed... as long as Sammie stays away i can't hurt him. you seam strong, you could still get away, Sammie wouldn't even try. he'd just let me... let Him...." he shuddered violently and closed his eyes, tucking his face into his knees, curling up because he was so tired, so pathetic and he hated himself so, so much. "I don't see how you could possibly know. Castiel, he's an Angel, pretty high ranking, he doesn't even know how to help me." he admitted.
“Ah. Maybe. I don’t know. I seem to forget alot of things over the years....it’s sorta there. Like a knowledge I should know, but don’t.”She sighed a little as she watched him, before shaking her head. “You seem strong when you are him, I doubt a straight jacket could hold you.”She said frowning a little. Before shuddering as she considered what she was hearing. “Oh...well. Okay. Good to know.”She said though she looked pale at the idea, watching him. Tilting her head a little, something dark sliding behind her eyes, interested in the idea, even if she knew that Cain wouldn’t let her consent to be used like that. “Okay. Well. We’ll stay away from...Sammie then. You saw it. I’m healing, Dean. Whatever you do to me, I heal. I’ve healed death wounds before. We’ll be okay.”She said looking down at herself, while she was sore and tender, she was healing. Watching him for a long moment before setting the bowl down, reaching across to gently pet the close cropped hair. “Yes, well. Angels are weird. I think. God and angels don’t know everything.”She said watching him, having no idea how to fix this, but feeling compelled to try.
He tilted his head. "over the years? like, years of missing information?" he asked, looking worried now. had this young woman been possessed? "He is very strong." Dean admitted with a shake of his head. "and He wouldn't take too kindly to being locked up either." he admitted with a chuckle. "might be worth it to piss him off though." he admitted. "yeah it's... He's..." here he paused and looked at her. "We, have never been so... enthralled with someone before." he admitted, his pupils widening. "your... there's just something about you that makes Us.... well, lets just say if i wasn't fucked up, i'd be offering you flowers and asking you for your name and a chance to take you to dinner." he admitted before nodding. "yeah.. Sam.. he's... he's a bit of a pussy really." Dean admitted with a chuckle before grimacing. "that is so not the point. i'll be hurting you. neither of us is going to handle that very well at all." he pointed out, shaking his head. "it doesn't matter if you'll heal, because i'll still be hurting you. don't you understand? i will be causing you pain... and part of me... He.... will enjoy it and the idea of that makes me want to puke and i don't see why you should be okay with being hurt either." he admitted before flinching when she patted his hair because despite Sam and Cas, gentle touches where rare and she had no reason to be nice to him. "God knows everything. he just doesn't say so to the Angels because they have a tendency to fuck everything over." Dean admitted with a chuckle. "are you still hungry? He got all kinds of supplies. i could get you some more soup?"
“I’m missing chunks of time. At least. I remember....I feel like....”She paused, staring down. Looking confused and in pain at how to explain.”Sometimes, it feels like I’m living the same years, life over again...even if I do not remember doing it before.”She said frowning a little before snorting. “He’d punish you for locking him up.”She said sighing quietly, before looking at him again. “I don’t know what it is. I’ve always been different. I think I am older then I look, but....I don’t know. I remember....the man who helped me...said I was different. But he didn’t know what. I don’t know either.”She sighed before offering a small smile. “Well, you did bring me dinner.”She teased a little, before wincing. “I’m sure he appericaties you’re high opinion of him.”She teased a little before nodding. “I do. But if you can’t let me go, and can’t kill me, we both might as well accept that we have to figure out how to deal with this.”She said watching him, “Ah...well...maybe god knows.”She said dropping her hand away when he flinched before shaking her head. “No, I’m okay.”
"Well.if we survive this, maybe my Angel friend can lend you a hand. he's pretty cool, for an Angel." he admitted. "he might not know what you are, but he could help at least, right?" he asked. "maybe your being reincarnated and you vaguely remember past lives? kind of like constant De ja vu... wow, that would really suck." he admitted. "Might be punished but at least he couldn't hurt anyone for a while." he admitted before watching her. "Different how?" he wondered, curious about her. "the man who helped you? you mean Cas or someone from before we met you?" he wondered. "because Cas didn't know what you where." he admitted. "well. sort of. i don't know if a can of soup really counts as a romantic Dinner." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh he knows what i think of him... he does Yoga for fuck's sake and he tried to make me do it too. If he wasn't my brother, i'd call him gay, but i know he's not because he sleeps with girls. Bi probobly." he admitted before shrugging. "i could try to let you go, but i don't know that either of us would survive the experience." he admitted. "if me and Him both sleep, you could probobly slip out but he'd probobly hunt you down." he admitted. "Okay... you should rest. He'll be wake soon.... you should heal as much as you can before He does." he admitted softly, shivering a little. "i can feel him waking up..." he admitted, hauling himself to his feet and headed out the door to get what little rest he could.
“Yes....maybe he might.”She frowned a little before smiling. “It would suck...but yes, that might be what’s happening.”Morrigan sighed softly, staring down at her. “Different....just... I heal. I pass by certain parts of the world, and feel such a calling to them that I’m driven to my knees until I can regain myself.”She shuddered a little before thinking about it. “Cas, yes said I was different, but there was another....long before. Who tried to help me, but he did not know....no one has ever been able to help me.”She said sighing quietly before laughing quietly. “Well, it is food. I think it counts as a romantic dinner. At least as close to one as we’re going to get.”She said before smiling, amused at his words. “I have done yoga. Yoga is good.”She said thoughtfully before thinking that over. “No....even if I could slip out, I think that things would be worse if I tried.”She said before moving back, scooting to climb under the covers and settling in to rest as much as she would be able.
"it would be nice if everything worked out well enough for that." he admitted. "He wants to spread Cas's guts all over the place though so might be better if i got control first." he admitted. "certain parts of the world? you could have certain bloodlines. maybe Angelic, or Demonic, or even Gods. there are some, you know, minor deities. they tend to have power in certain parts of the world, it could be your genetics trying to call out to a homeland or something." he mused. "yeah. well,being honest here? Cas doesn't know much anyway." he admitted with a chuckle. "you know, i showed him porn once? he got very upset that the man never delivered the damn Pizza. it was hilarious." he admitted before frowning a little. "well. maybe someone has, and you just don't remember it right now?" he guessed. "i'm sure you knew, once. its just a gut feeling." he admitted before smiling a little. "well. i guess i never get much more romantic than this anyway." he admitted. "Yoga sucks." he huffed, sulking a little. "yeah. probobly. but i could probobly hold him off with the last of my strength to give you enough of a chance to get away." he admitted before smiling at her. "...i'm really sorry, but... this is probobly the last you'll see of me." he admitted before leaving. he wasn't sure he'd survive much longer. Cain, he was getting stronger with every passing hour. he'd snuff Dean out like a smothered candle.

He was back a few hours later. only, like expected, it wasn't Dean. Cain studied her, his head tilted. "well. how interesting." he admitted. "you could have escaped you know. that little bitch, he had just enough strength to have held me back if he'd really tried. might not even have killed him." Cain admitted, looking amused. letting her know she could have maid it and would now never have a chance again. "He's almost dead now. he's clinging desperately, but i have too much strength. his body is mine now, and he'll be done. but i like listening to his pain so i'll linger his death as long as possible." he admitted, licking his fingers. "now. i think you've healed enough." he admitted with a smirk. "I'm tired of waiting." he growled, reaching down and stroking the length trapped in his pants. hard, and large. "I am going to tke your body, break your mind, make you pathetic, helpless and mine." he growled, kicking the door shut and advancing on her slowly, eagerly anticipating her fighting back so he could take what he wanted. it would be so much more fun if she fought back. so much sweeter.
“Yes...I travel. Searching for something....but I don’t know what.”She said before shrugging a little. “Maybe. Though I can never find the places again....or find teh connection between them. It’s just....there.”She said shrugging a little. Before laughing a little. “You said he was a angel. He’s had so much information jammed into his head, I’m sure insignificant things, like porn, probably escape him.”She looked amused at the idea, before nodding. “maybe. Probably. Most days I have no idea what’s going on anymore.”She said watching him, tilting her head a little. “...Well. I am glad I met you, Dean Winchester....I shall get word to your brother that you are...gone. If and when I escape.”She said watching him go.

Morrigan stirred, looking up at him, blinking at him slowly. Shifting back onto the bed, easing off on the far side from him. “Let him go. This is not your world.”Morrigan said, dark eyes wide and holding....not quite knowledge, but a awareness of something, of him. She might not now what she was, but she knew it was tied up with him. Watching him for a long moment, before throwing a hand out, a flash of shadows escaping her hand as she bashed into him, throwing herself into a roll as she dove over the bed, racing for the door he’d kicked shut.
He nodded. "i'm sure you'll figure it out." he admitted. "it could be a person your looking for instead, someone who travels a lot. someone who your connected to somehow." he mused. "it doesn't happen often but there are references to Soul Mates in every known culture." he admitted. "i've found that if every single culture makes a reference to it, some part of it is very true." he admitted bfore smiling at her. "thank you. so very much." he whispered.

"This is my body now. and it is my world. stupid woman, you think that i'll go away if you remove the Mark? i won't. i was always a part of Dean Winchester." he hissed, smirking. "a little bit of him has always been a Demon, and with the Mark, i have new life and new Purpose." he hissed his eyes widening at the launch of black... stuff. that was interesting. it was pleasant too, he reached out and stroked it as it slammed past him, veering away at the touch of his whim. with the Mark of Cain so strong, burning in his soul, her little Demon Tricks could not hurt him. he was much more startled by her slamming into him, knocking him to the ground. a snarl escaping him as he launched himself at her, grabbing her by the hair and slinging her into the far wall. he had a feeling that was barely going to make her pause, he was already moving after her, hoping to pin her to the ground, to take what he wanted, his blood singing in his veins as he ignored the feeble, weak voice of Dean Winchester, pathetically trying to help her.
"Even if that is true, you have no rightdestroying him. Even demons crave the light."she made a face at him. Barely pausing when she saw him brush off the attack, eyes wide in surprise as he turned it away. That shouldn't have been possible. Even if it didn't put him down, it should have hurt. Gasping as she was flung into the wall she twisted music so it was her back slamming into the wall, taking most of the impact as she lashed out at him, kicking at him even as she scrambled to try and get to the door again, shooting more shadows at him, not to hurf, but hopefully distract.
he laughed at her, the bastard. "You make the mistake of thinking me a common Demon." he admitted before touching the shadows that felt so familiar. like a part of him long missing. he had known she belonged to him, this just proved it, he was sure. he snared when her power protected her, launching himself at her, evading her kick at the last second almost by accident. he tackled her when she darted for the wall, scratches on his face nw because he hadn't been able to avoid the shadows like before when he was focused on stopping her, slamming her onto the ground and scrambling over her, using his heavy weight and taller body to press her to the ground and keep her there, pressing his hard length, still trapped in his pants against her ass, rubbing, humping even as he struggled to get her hands. this was just turning him on, because he knew she would get tired long, long before him. there was no chance for her to escape. he would toy with her until she gave in, gave up or didn't have the strength to fight back anymore. his teeth went for her pretty neck, trying to sink his teeth into the meat of the flesh n the back of the neck. she was fighting to hard to succeed for the moment, but he would have her flesh soon enough, besides, he was enjoying this. "are you a virgin, sweet flesh? is that why you fight so hard? hmm?"
"You aren't common cain, but you kill him, it'll destroy you in some way."Morrigan said gasping as she hit the wall, her head ringing with the sound of his snarl. Ignoring the instinctive desire to drop to her knees at the sound. He couldn't win that easily, she wouldn't let him. Growling as she felt him settling over her, hand scrambling against the floor to push up and twist out from under him. Whimpering as he pressed against her, without even being aware of it, raising her ass to press back into him, even if she was fighting, there was a dark part of her that was responding to him."no!I'm not. But that still doesn't mean I want you to rape me."she growled, even as not human as she was, she was still mostly human in all the ways that mattered, and the stronger demon was wearing her out, not just through brute stregth, but something about him made her want to give in.
"His death won't mean shit to me." Cain scoffed before launching into his attack. She would be his. no matter if he had to kill her in the process she would be his. he snarled again, pinning her down was a struggle and a half, yet she was pressing against him like a slut. the hell? still, it was interesting, to say the least. "Such a pretty little slut you'll be for me once i break you." Cain hissed, enjoying this as he tangled a hand in her hair and slammed her head against the floor before yanking it back, his other hand grabbing her wrist and wrenching it behind her back painfully, forcing her in an even more pathetic position. "this is where you belong. under me, helpless and in pain, waiting for me to fuck you with eager anticipation." he snarled, letting go of her hair and forcing her other hand behind her back as well, gripping both wrists with one hand he tore his belt off and used it to tie her wrists together, making her as helpless as possible would go a long way to breaking her spirit. "I am going to fuck you pregnant, i am going to break your will and your spirit and your mind. you will be mindless, broken, pregnant slut." he growled, sinking his teeth into her neck as he fumbled with his pants, yanking them down and groaned against her neck as he stroked himself with one hand and pulled her skirt up. he was going to fuck her hard and fast, and maybe after he burned off a bit of the edge, he'd see about making her enjoy it.
"You might have me, but I won't break, demon."she growled, her voice going that deep growl sound that sounded like hell hounds baying at a moon, or a hound on a hunt. Gasping as black dots danced in front of her eyes as her head was slammed against the ground, she laud there, not fighting, for the moment to dazed to struggle. Before feeling her arm wrenched back, struggling when she felt his belt yanking tight around her hsnds, struggling to get her knees under her enough to give her leverage to get free, but all the motion did was grind her ass against him as she squirmed. Whimpering as his teeth closed around her neck, going limp in the hold, surrendering, at least for the moment as she recovered enough to fight
"I will break you, pretty one. i will make you writhe in pain and pleasure. i will shatter your mind." he hissed with a smirk, pleased when she went limp when he smacked her head. "yes. struggle for me. it turns me on." he growled eagerly, thrusting against her wiggling ass because it felt very pleasant, pressing himself against her because god yes. he was pleased when she went limp again, giving in now. he knew it would not last long, she would come back with more fight than ever. "that's it." he growled, his teeth still clenched around her neck as he rubbed the tip of his cock rubbing against her, feeling to see if she was wet enough to slide in. taking her dry would have been nice, but not the most pleasant on his cock. he wanted this to be enjoyable, if not for her than for him at least. he smirked a little to himself, using a free hand to pinch and rub at one of her nipples, a smirk on his lip. after all the more he made her like it, the more she would break.
Morrigan growled back at him, even though it sounded dazed as she laid on the floor. Whimpering as he thrust against her, back arching a little, trying to toss him. Quiet as he held her with his teeth, the hold enough to flip that switch that said he’d won for now, deserved to be rewarded for it. Whimpering as he slid through her wet folds, she might be fighting him, might be struggling, but much like him, she was enjoying the fight. Moaning quietly as he pinched her nipple she rocked a little under him, trying to toss him off balance, before tossing her head back, trying to smash the back of her head into his face.
He grinned when he felt how delightfully wet she was. it seamed he wasn't the only one enjoying this. good. he wanted the bitch to enjoy it. "You can't escape." he growled, smirking a little. "why bother trying?" he demanded before snarling violently when she tried to smash him with her head, rearing back before slamming his teeth into her neck again, hard enough to draw blood this time and he forced himself inside of her, all the way in. thrusting hard enough that she woul have bee knocked off balenc if she'd had her arms under her. he didn't give her a second to recover, he just started thrusting, fucking her hard and fast, twisting her nipple in punishment as he fucked her, enjoying the taste of her blood on his tongue and the sweet heat wrapped around his cock. he wrapped his arm aroud his stomach, the Mark of Cain burning in his skin, burning in his soul, only making him shudder and moan, the mark burning so hot she could feel it pressing against her skin. burning so hot it hurt, but at the same time feeling as if it was part of her, completing her as he snarled and gripped her hard enough to bruise, fucking her into submission whether she wanted to or not. he was sso focused on pleasure and controlling her, that he never noticed his power ebbing into her and Dean's struggles getting stronger as his strength to snuff out Dean failed.
“Have to.”She growled back, the snarl just as violent as he bit her, whining as she went still, hasping as she hit the floor, off balance and the only thing really keeping her up was the fact that he had a death hold on her neck and hands on her hips, back arching as he wrapped a arm around her stomach, pressing herself more tightly into him, gasping as she felt the heat of the mark meeting the bare white skin of her stomach, shivering. And even as the burn of the mark sank into her bones, grounding her as something missing snapped into place as she came, slumping into his arms, the only thing keeping her still was dean’s hold.
He just snarled back at her when she echoed his own. he wasn't about to take any back-sass from a breeding bitch. he hissed as he felt her cumm and shoved himself into her as deep as he could go and echoed her orgasm, a smirk playing on his lips. "There, that wasn't so bad now was it?" he asked her before sagging a little. "what? what did you do!?" he demanded, snarling a little as he struggled to get up before he was shoved aside and Dean, trembling wildly sat up. "I..I'm sorry. im so sorry..." he whispered, carefully untying her, tears in his eyes. "oh god... i don't... i couldn't stop him. i'm so sorry..." he whispered, shaking his head as he carefully helped her into the bathroom so she could clean up, wondering what the hell had happened? Cain had been so damn strong! he had been about to snuff him out, and there would have been no return for Dean. he would have died and that would have been the end of it. but what had happened? the Mark of Cain, something... strange had happened. it was still there, beating on his skin, but it wasn't overpowering. it didn't hurt anymore and the Demon... Cain. he was still there but he couldn't push him around anymore. he couldn't shove at him, he couldn't... he wasn't the primary personality anymore. they where more equal now. Dean currently had more control, because Cain was tired from having his power drained, but when he rested they would be pretty much fully equal. Dean should be able to, somewhat, control Cain again. hopefully. at least enough that he wouldn't rape Morgana ever again. hopefully.
“Huh?”Morrigan frowned struggling to figure out what he was talking about, resting her cheek against the cool floor as she turned to look at him, blinking slowly. To out of it to really understand, though she looked up at him with eyes so dark they were nearly as black as a demon’s, except they were still rimmed with a edge of the blue that was normal. Shadow played through her dark hair before it faded. “It’s....dean...”She muttered sounding definitely disjointed and lost as he helped her sit up, stumbling a little on shaky legs, trembling harder as she stumbled into him. Because well, even if it was dean at the moment, it had still been his body. Hands frantically scrambling at her clothes, tugging them back into place, though she wasn’t working well, hands seeming clumsy and lost. Gasping as her fingers brushed over the raw skin of the newly burned in mark.
"Yeah.yeah it's Dean." he promised her. "i'm so sorry Morgana.. i am so sorry...." he whispered, helping her adjust her cloths and wrapped a blanket around her so she'd, hopefully, feel more secure. clearly she wasn't going to be able to take a shower so he carefully helped her settle on the bed and wondered if he could call Sam to get her away?... he staggered at the force in which Cain struck him,mind to mind, so hard it was nearly a physical pain. okay, he wouldn't be doing that for now. no need to poke a sleeping bear. he and Cain where more equal now so at least he didn't have to worry so much, but things where still going to be very difficult. "oh shit..." he muttered, gently touching the mark. "i gave you the mark... fuck... i need to call Caa..." he staggered again, clutching his head, Cain did not want that Angel Bastard anywhere near what was HIS. "...Shit... you can't just slam your head into mine every-time you don't like something!" Dean snarled into empty air. "i'm calling Castiel and you can piss off!" Dean Snarled, knowing Cas would be able to feel how very close Dean had come to death, hopefully that would keep the Angel from deciding to beat the hell out of him for raping poor Morgana. "I'm Calling Cas..." he staggered again, this time his back hitting the wall, clutching his he'd in both hands because fuck, that one made him see stars. "okay... not calling Cas..." he slurred, slumping onto the floor in dead faint and didn't move. Dean was unconscious and Cain was too weak to take over for the moment so the body just sort of laid there. woops. at least she could escape now if she wanted to. or could go downstairs to call for help using the cellphone that was ringing downstairs.
Morrigan sniffled a little as he wrapped a blanket around her, giving up on trying to help him get her clothes straightened, huddling in the blanket as she looked up at him. Eyes wide as she watched him, simply ready to move if he moved towards her again. Gasping quietly as he touched her skin, cringing a little. “ow...”She muttered, shivering a little. Shivering as she felt the shadows trying to reach between them, felt the bonds snapping into place even as he staggered away from her. “...You say his name enough, you’re going to summon him.”Morrigan said watching him, looking around for the angel even as she moved over, makign sure dean wasn’t dead. While she was scared and hurt, she couldn’t help but worry about him. Gently checking his pulse before stumbling downstairs, looking around before picking up the phone. “H-hello?” Not even startled though, when Cas appeared next to her, looking her over for a long moment. "Sam is on his way. Talk to him on the phone, and he'll find you." "N-no. Can't. Can't leave."Morrigan stuttered looking up at him, wincing as the angel frowned at her. "...we will talk later."Cas sighed deciding to deal with dean, maybe he'd have better luck there. frowning as he headed upstairs, pausing as he looked the man over, before reaching out to wake him. "Dean."
"Sorry... sorry. i don't know what's going on." he admitted softly, clutching his burning Mark of Cain. he didn't understand how he had it, if it had transferred to her? he was confused, so confused. "That's what i hoped." Dean slurred after the last hit before falling unconscious because the asshole Cain had caught on to what he had been doing. to Cas's Angel eyes he could see the death still clinging to Dean from how close he had come to being vanished, destroyed in his own body. his soul was trembling and weak but so was Cain's. two souls in the one body. while it was very rare, it could happen. most multiple personality disorders was a splitting of personalities. same soul, two minds. in Dean's case his soul had literally split in two, the part of him he'd never known he had, had taken the life he had given it and grown and now, the two souls where stabilizing and no longer was one trying to devour the other. "Cas..." Dean slurred, blinking at him. "Cain hits hard... i hurt my brain." he mumbled, though he made no effort to get up. "he tried to eat me...Cain Did. but he raped her..." his eyes burned. "he raped her and i was too weak, so weak. couldn't stop him. couldn't even scream... but the Mark.. it did something weird. it went into her, but not all of it... my brain hurts..." Dean mumbled, trying hard to tell Cas so he could fix it, but his migraine was too intense. he was pleased to see that Cain's brain was hurting a lot too, this would keep him from doing it again, he hoped. "He's weaker now..." he mumbled. "but he can still do things... i don't think he can be taken out anymore.... i don't think he ever could."
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