Elf Struck(moon/lady)

“N-neither do I.”She stuttered watching him, shivering as if cold. And she was, being tied that close, and with the slight hum of cain in the background, aware of the demon in ways she wasn’t normally aware of people. “....Well.”Cas frowned as he inspected dean, kneeling at his side as he moved a hand down, cataloging what he was seeing, tasting it and filtering it not through his eyes, but what made him a angel. And this was....this was rare. So rare that he had no idea what to think. “I’m sure you did. You both look a little hurt.”Cas muttered resting a hand against the other’s forehead. “Rest, she is well. I will look after her.”he promised watching the other, trying to sooth him even if he wasn’t sure he could. “Rest. I will look after the girl.”Cas promised before resting a hand against the other’s forehead, soothing the headache as much as he could before leaving to look after morrigan.

When dean woke, it wasn’t because he’d gotten enough sleep, though he probably had recovered well enough, it was because there was snarling of hellhounds, alot of them. Trying to get past the ward cas had set, and while he could fight them, there were more then enough hounds out there to get what he knew they wanted. Morrigan before he’d be able to. And while the circle was strong, he doubted it’d hold for long. Eyes widening as he saw the shadows starting to eat up the light, he paled, he wasn’t ready to deal with a Knight of hell, though it was interesting that Crowley wanted her enough to send a Knight. Paling as he saw the woman edging closer to the windows, staring at Morrigan as he watched shadow strike out at the hounds, interested and wondering just what was worse, breaking the circle and helping her fight, or wait.
"Yeah... hurt my brain." Dean admitted, whimpering when Cain thrashed and raged and clawed at his mind for letting Cas near what was HIS. "thank you. don't let her hurt no more... gotta save her." Dean mumbled before closing his eyes with a sigh.

Dean blinked and sat up, his head tilted. "what's going on?" he demanded, looking around the place he had found himself in before gasping as he realized Morrigan was not there, but outside. inside his head Cain howled with rage that those assholes where trying to take what was HIS. for the first time Dean stepped back and allowed Cain to come out. Cain was stronger, faster, had the First Blade and could take down a hoard of Hell Hounds rather effortlessly. whatever power drain they had suffered, it had stopped, stabilized, and increased. Cain sound no longer overpower Dean, but that was the only thing still affected by whatever had happened. whatever had happened had only seamed to make Cain stronger. Dean too, actually. and stabilized them both. either way, Cain wasn't about to let them touch what was his and summoned the First Blade, only to stare at it. it was so bright it burned the very air, and yet so dark the light sucked in. it was as explosive as a Supernova, but as deep and gaping as a black hole and for a moment Cain wondered if the First Blade had turned into the beginning of the Universe. then he was tearing hell and heaven through those that where trying to take away HIS Mate. he cut a swath of destruction through the hounds and turned to face the Knight. it would be very much harder to defeat the Knight. "Mine!" Cain snarled, standing directly between Morrigan and the Knight, fully intending on slaughtering the Demon Bastard who dared touch what was His.
“Hell hounds, and a knight. The circles holding for now, but...”Cas winced looking at dean as he woke, looking relieved. Even if he knew it was probably a bad idea to relay on cain for anything. Before returning to fight, and to hold the circle, trusting Cain to go to morrigan’s aid. He was good in a fight, but even he could be bogged down by the sheer number. Morrigan whimpered, shivering as she felt the blade come into existence, shivering as she fought, because even without blinking, she could feel it. Shivering as Dean cut his way through the fight, staring at the dark haired knight facing them. Not trying to get past or to escape, simply moving closer to cain, letting the broader body shield her from view as Cas guarded their back. “No. Not yours, Winchester. Ours.”The knight slid on his armor helmet, snarling quietly as he lashed out with both power and his sword, having every intent of just getting close .he just had to get close. Growling as he slammed into Cain, reaching with a few hand into Morrigan’s hair and pulling her around. Shoving at Cain as he avoided being sliced. He wasn’t any ordinary demon after all, being a knight meant he had to fight his way to the top. And Belial was very good at what he’d done. Cursing as he felt the burning in his fist he shoved he girl away, before he was gone in a swirl of shadows. Accepting defeat for the moment, because defeat was better then being swallowed by the darkness that had threatned to do so in that moment. “....Help!”Morrigan screamed as she saw the shadows swallowing her, her control on the dark that was deeply ingrained slipping because this was the first time she was really using it, had used it, and Cain being there, and being marked was messing with her.
Dean didn't bother responding. Morrigan was in danger and he had to save her. he understood things now. sort of. at least between him and Cain. he couldn't control Cain, or contain him, but he could make it ridiculously easy for Cas to smack him around if he had to. they shared a body but he would only hurt for a little while. "Shut up!" Cin snarled in response to Dean's planning, looking for all the world like he was snapping at nothing and no one. "Mine!" Cin snarled again. "and i am not that fool human. i am Cain. i hold the First Blade as it was meant to be. i am the Slayer, i am the Destroyer, i am the Devourer. i have existed, for longer than this universe. for longer than this existence. i have come from Before the Grand Beginning." Cain informed the Knight. "I am the Enforcer." he hissed before attacking. he was powerful, but he was still young and untrained. this was the first time he had ever had a body of his own. before he was just a... thought? yes, a thought, unaware, insentient, waiting. his personality mixd with Dean's, and then transformed beyond him, becoming the One True Demon. he wasn't sure where the information came from, but he knew it was true. Cain snarled as he gripped her hair. she was HIS! HIS!!!! he screamed in rage, slamming into Belial, thrusting the First Blade at him. a single scratch, he was sure, was all it would take. he screamed in rage when Belial vanished and whirled to face Morrigan. he snarled at the sight of the darkness swirling around her and thought it was an attack and swung his blade through it, hoping that either the Darkness would swallow it, or the Light would dispel it, even as he wrapped an arm around her waist, hissing in rage at the continued attack.
Belial raised a curious eyebrow at the sight of cain snarling at himself. That was interesting, and definitely something Crowley would want to know. “...I knew Winchester was a sociopath, I just never thought you would ever snap with this sort of delusion of grandeur.”Belial said almost calm and interested, because he was winning. He’d been worried there for a moment as the other attack him, but soon realized he was untrained. Good. Belial danced back out of reach before he could be cut, though it made him a little nervous ot feel the blade skitter off his armour. That was a little to close for comfort.

Morrigan gasped, whimpering as the darkness was attacked, ignoring the slice that appeared on her forehead as she struggled for control, the attack on the darkness a attack on her, even if Cain hadn’t meant it to be, he’d only been trying to protect her. Gasping quietly as he wrapped a arm around her, sagging bonelessly into his arms, the shadows slowly fading the longer he held her, the shadows being ate by cain’s own. Though the mark of cain felt like it was trying to burrow its way to her bones, burning bright against pale skin. “....Dean?”Cas said as he stepped around the house, wiping his blade clean, keeping watch as he made sure everyone was gone.
"I am not Winchester." Cain snarled. "You will Address me by my proper name or i will feast on your insides while you are still alive." he hissed, struggling with the other. he would have to train, he could not let this insult stand. the other would die, and then he would take his time slaughtering Crowley and the filthy Angel Whore. he didn't notice that attacking the shadows had hurt her, but Dean did. Dean wasn't sure if he should say anything about that just yet. Cain was entirly too unpredictable. he gasped when he felt his Mark burning against his skin. in his mind, Dean screamed, the pain eating at him, but Cain only enjoyed the agony of the Mark, letting it fill him and stroke him. by the time the shadows faded completely away he was hard, pressing against her, humping because he was lost to the sensations. oddly,it passed quickly, even as he came while pressing against her. Cas, the other human, neither of them seamed to notice. perhaps more time had passed for him than it had for them, he didn't know. what he did know was that this was the perfect time to slaughter the disgusting Angel fucker. he snarled, thrusting his sword upwards, into Cas and out through his back. or at least. that's what should have happened. instead, as soon as the blade touched Castiel, but before t could draw even a bead of blood, the sword shattered into dust and Cain blinked at the now useless Hilt that remained in his hand. what. the. hell? "What the fuck do you MEAN i can't use the sword unless we BOTH Agree?!" Cain shrieked loud enough to set the nearby birds alight.
Morrigan whimpered as she felt him pressing against her, turning her head to press her face against his chest. Even with the feeling of him rubbing one off against her hip wasn’t enough to break her out of the comfort of the hold. Or even having him do it, wasn’t enough to throw her back into the assault from before. It was almost like at the moment, with the mark of cain burning like a small supernova against her skin, nothing mattered but staying in touch with him. Even as the mark faded to a dull thud after he came, she trembled in his arms, staring up stupidly at Cas. Indeed, time had stalled out for the rest of the world, in those few moments for them, as if the two creatures that were so old time didn’t touch, hadn’t existed when they were breathed in existence, had stuttered around them before snapping back to what it was meant to be. “No!”Morrigan yelled reacting as soon as he moved to stab cas, looking relieved as both the blade shattered and cas went stumbling back a step to try and keep it from happening. “....Cain....Calm.”She stared at him, trembling a little as she tucked her smaller body tighter against him. Not sure what she wanted, but needing him not to be angry, because it scared her. Even as she pressed close, it scared her. “....D-”Cas started pausing at the sound of the small sporty car sam had rented, huffing a little. “...Seems I’m late to the fight.”Sam said frowning as he got out of the car, staring at the bodies of the hellhounds, that in death were visible to them. damn, those were huge. crowley meant business.
Cain snarled, wondering if he could take the Angel on without the blade when Morrigan spoke and he felt himself calming, his arm dropping and the handle of the blade falling from limp fingers to clatter onto the ground where it's shell disintegrated as well and returned to the jaw bone blade it had been before. he inhaled deeply, feeling tired, so tired and stepped back and let Dean out again so Cain could nap and Den turned to look at Morrigan. "are you okay?" he whispered, worried aout her. "i'm sorry. i couldn't fight those things. i had to let him out... it's weird. he's never been so.... docile, before. you told him to calm and he did. i've never..." he looked at the blade on the ground. "the sword was telling me things, while Cain was fighting with it..." he admitted to Cas. "Cain came from the sword, part of him anyway, but he didn't keep any of it's knowledge..." he admitted. "but it told me that we both had to agree, for the sword to turn on. and if one attacked someone the other liked, it would fail to leave a single mark." he promised, feeling very desperate to promise Cas that the blade would never, could never pierce him.

"one thing Cain said was true. some part of him has existed from Before the Great Beginning... i think... i think that some part of him... the part that was put inside the blade... i think God made him personally... or part of him. most of Cain is from... me. some broken part of me, but Cain, the powers he's gained, the abilities and the first spark that allowed him to form inside of me was from the Blade, from what God put in that god forsaken blade...." he swallowed thickly. "Cain cannot be removed, or destroyed but... but i think i can somewhat.... er, delay some of his more unsavory habits and he seams to listen to Morrigan... he's really pissed about that by he way so, uh, you know he might... uh, attempt to..." Dominate her again? didn't seam right to make it sound less of an attack as it was but he couldn't brig himself to call it rape. not when it was his body doing it. not when, in essence, he was being raped by Cain as well. sure, he wasn't doing it, but it was still his body being used. "your bleeding..." he muttered, tearing off part of his shirt that had been shredded when it had been caught on the Demon Knights armor, and gently pressed it to her cut.
Morrigan nodded, resting her head in the dip of his shoulder and chest, cheek resting against his pec. It was amusing just how well she fitted easily into the curve of his body. “I’m okay. Really. It’s fine....he came to protect me. Us.”She sighed quietly, before looking thoughtful. “I didn’t think he’d actually do it...I just didn’t want him to hurt Cas.” “Really?”Cas tilted his head, looking at the two, frowning slightly. “That’s good. Though I wasn’t worrying about you attacking me.”Cas said smiling at dean, though he had been worried about being hurt.

“....Well. The darkness the mark of cain holds, is the stuff of creation, I never considered that there’d be someone who was part of it....part of the blade.”Cas said looking thoughtful as he considered that, before nodding. “It makes sense. The original cain said that humanity was all his children, the killers and spawn.....it makes sense if the part of you that is Cain now, is the part that is the hunter, the killer...”Cas frowned thinking it over. “Oh...okay. Well...”Morrigan stuttered a little, tensing a little as she eased away from him, the reminder like a cold splash of water in the face. “we’ll try and look after her, dean. We should be able to do that.”Sam said frowning as he watched the two, even though he didn’t get to close, not about to bring up the protective instincts even if he wanted to look at the cut. “.... That looks deep enough to need stitches.”Sam said watching dean press the cut, frowning a little. She might heal on her own, but it couldn’t hurt to help. not mentioning that it had been cain’s attack that had bloodied her, it was interesting that it’d felt such a wound when he hadn't actually cut her, just the shadows.
He chuckled. "sure. you could, ah, look at it that way." he agreed. in truth Cain didn't care much about her other than that she belonged to him. he only defended her because he didn't want someone else taking her. still counted though he supposed. "interesting. i wonder if... the Mark..." he muttered, rubbing his own. "Cain comes from the mark and now it's on you... i wonder if that gives you some sort of power over him?" Dean wondered. "nothing makes sense..." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head before staring at Cas. "it's more than that." he whispered softly. "there was always a part of me that... liked, making the... things we hunted hurt." he admitted softly. "there was always some part of me that hoped i could make them hurt." He admitted. "Cain is that part now. only he wants to hurt... everyone." he admitted letting Morrigan go because he couldn't stand the idea of upsetting her anymore. "you should be worried Cas... Cain wants to slaughter you. it's personal, though i'm not sure why... maybe because he thinks you took Morrigan away from him. i don't know." he admitted, holding himself because this was so much worse than some of his worst fears. the dreams he'd had at night, the ones where he became the monsters he hunted... now he knew he had always been a monster and his worst fears had always been truth. "you'll have to... hurt me." Dean informed Sam and Cas. "i'll heal swift and fast but if He cannot be controlled by me or Morrigan you will have to put him down by any means necessary... i need you to Promise. SWEAR it." he ordered, worrying at his lip a little. "i don't think any of us knows how to do stitches..." Dean admitted. "there might be a butterfly kid in the stuff Cain stole though."
“I will...cause belonging to him and knowing it is better then fighting him over it.”Well. She at least knew where he was standing on the issue. At least, cain’s side of things. Dean, she sorta liked. Or was at least starting to come out of shock enough to like. The shock of being both kidnapped by cain, and the vampires was starting to wewar off, leaving her feel like every nerve was exposed. And something about cain...or at least belonging to cain....soothed that some, even if that scared her to. “It might. I mean...you didn’t mean to give it to me...it might be a bond or something.”Morrigan frowned thoughtfully. “...I know. But you were in control. And still are....even when cain is out of control.”Sam muttered looking worried about his brother, and wondering if hed’ hurt himself because of this. “...I’m angelic, it sorta comes with the territory that a demon isn’t going to like me...but I’ll be careful, dean, I promise.”Cas said watching dean. “....”Sam swallowed thickly. That hurt, to know. Swallowing again he stared at Dean before nodding. “We will.”He promised, though he didn’t like it. “Well...butterly bandages would work.”Cas said smiling quietly, worried as he picked morrigan up, holding her gently, and smiling quietly as he gently soothed her to sleep with a touch, before heading inside. Settling her on the couch as he looked for the bandages.
Dean grimaced a little. "it might be better fr you if you did fight it you know. so long as he thinks he can own you, he will try." he warned. "he will never let you go if you give in even once." he admitted softly. "he can take from you all he wants, but he cannot own you until you give in and let him have it. until you break, you are winning, and he is loosing." he aditted. "and the more you win, the more bored he will get, at least, i think so." he admitted. "well. no. but to be honest i don't know anything about it. maybe it is m fualt you hace it, maybe it's not. until i know more, i can't be sure." he admitted, picking up the first blade again and examining it. "it's silent again... i guess it won't wake up unless we need it. that's good." he admitted, grinning impishly. "could you imagine trying to smuggle a blade like that through customs?" he asked before shaking his head. "i was not in control. not really. it was only luck that the blade had a fail safe." he pointed out before smiling. "yeah... i'm... i'm thinking clearly myself, for once." he admitted. "i think Cain took all my insanity." he admitted. "Well, being Angel doesn't have much to do with it because i think he hates Crowley more than he hates you." he admitted before snarling, loud and vicious and anything but human when Cas picked her up and he flushed hard when he realized what he'd done. "ah... sorry that was... i'm not sure what that was." he admitted. "i'm just... going to stay out here until i've got myself under control..."
“...I don’t know. We’ll find a way. It seems we’re stuck with each other for the foreseeable future. We’ll figure something out.”She sighed softly resting her cheek against his chest, simply enjoying being close as she relaxed. “I don’t....I feel like I should know something about it....but I don’t....”She frowned looking down, raising her shirt enough to look at the mark, frowning a little as he faded back into the simply ropey scar mark like his, instead of the bright red mark it had been during the fight. “...Only you would worry about customs, when you have more dangerous firepower in Baby.”Sam said rolling his eyes a little, even if he looked a little relieved to see his brother joking and amused. “...Yes, but if we’re threats to what’s his, and Crowley is definitely that, then it’s no wonder he hates us. Though I don’t know if it’s just me, or angels in general.”Cas frowned a little backing up as dean snarled, smirking slightly. “Possessive much?”He teased dean before heading inside, bandaging Morrigan up before settling in to stand guard until dean came in.
"i don't like the idea of trapping you." he admitted softly, holding her because it felt nice to hold her. felt nice to know she didn't hate him. "i feel like i should know too." Dean admitted softly. "i feel like... there's something..." he froze when he realized he had started nuzzling her. "i'm sorry..." he muttered before watching her raise her shirt, examining the mark he had burned into her skin with a wince. "What on earth are you talking about? i am the paradigm of lawful perfection. i would never take anything dangerous or illegal through customs!" he teased with a smirk before sniggering a little. "well that's true. i don't think he cares about anyone else really. you and Crowley, and now that Demon we just fought off, they're his main focus. if someone else tries they'll get added to the list but i honestly think he just hates everyone equally." he admitted. "...a little bit. i don't know what's wrong with me." he admitted, shaking his head. he came in an hour later, trying to flex a little. "god my back hurts. i think i pulled a muscle or something." he admitted, rubbing his head as well because that didn't feel the best either. sore and achy. so did his fingers, he figured tht Demon had probobly been a lot more... effective than he had thought.
“Me either, but we have to figure out how to do this. Otherwise, we’ll just hurt ourselves.”She sighed a little, before shivering a little as he nuzzled her. “yea...I think we should...but I don’t know...”she sighed wincing a little when he did. “It’s okay....almost....like I was supposed to have it.”she frowned a little. “You are such a liar.”Sam said snickering a little as he rolled his eyes at dean’s words. “....All of us who have personally fought against him. It makes sense, that he’d be offended by that.”Cas frowned a little. “....You okay?”sam asked looking up at him. “I can heal you.”Cas said not looking so sure about it, but willing to try. “It seems the demon was better then we thought....I thought the Knight left to easily.”
"Yeah and we don't want to hurt ourselves, or each other." he agreed softly. "it's something... but i can't remember. it's like... i used to know. everything, but someone reached in and took the information out, but forgot to make me forget that i knew something..." he admitted, frowning a little before smiling a little. "Me? Lie? i would never." Dean scoffed before smiling a little. "i think it's more that you paid attention to Morrigan." he admitted. "he doesn't want the competition, he'd snuff me out again if he could." he admitted before shaking his head at Cas. "it's just strained muscles, i don't know if you can actually heal that." he admitted. "i'm just tired. i'll sleep and feel better in the morning." he promised.

but in the morning, when Sam or Cas or Morrigan came to check on him, he was covered in sweat and flushed with a fever and there was a rash over his forehead, on his fingers spreading down the knuckles to the back of his hand, and a rash spread across his shoulders and down his spine. it was like he'd somehow gotten into poison ivy in just those places. only Cas couldn't heal it or the fever that made Dean mumble about how his back and his head and his fingers hurt, hurt, hurt.
“Agreed.”She muttered, before frowning quietly, “Yes....that seems right. Like we should know, but not.”She sighed quietly, before rolling his eyes at dean’s words. “Says the man who routinely poses as a FBI agent.”He teased a little. “...Okay. Goodnight.”Cas said watching him go.

Cas frowned looking worried as he tried to heal it, that wasn’t good. Wasn’t good even that something seemed to be repelling even the hint of angelic healing. “Morrigan...come here.”Cas said gently, taking her hand as she neared, “Just touch him. I know he scares you, but I think this is something to do with you.”Cas said gently spreading her fingers over his spine, gently pressing against fevered skin. “Dean?Cain?”Morrigan said staring down over at him, gently rubbing her fingertips against the skin, trying to sooth it.
Dean moaned every time Cas tried, as if his healing hurt. he blinked sluggishly when Morrigan came over he settled, as if her touch soothed him a little. "Cain, sleeping."Dean whispered. "Want to sleep too.. it hurts." he mumbled sluggishly. "i don't like it. he mumbled. "that feels nice." he mumbled, blinking slowly, half asleep, fevered, but he was calming under her touch and sighed and went to sleep. if she kept stroking his back, she could feel the two, tiny lumps, like something was stuck under his skin in his back, and in his forehead and the tips of his fingers. like something had been buried under his skin and was now trying to work it's way out.

by night fall the fever had finished and the rash was easing off, but the lumps on his back had grown, he now had lumps in-between his shoulders, the size of golf balls and his fingers had split open, cracked and where bleeding sluggishly but he promised that they didn't hurt. it more, itched than anything. he had lumps on his forehead to, that where pressing outwards. it was kind of cute really like a little baby lamb growing horns, or a baby goat. he kept rubbing them and wincing, not because they hurt but because they itched terribly. "so Angel Man any bright ideas?" Dean asked, rubbing the lumps on his head and trying to itch his back against the bed.
Cas winced, giving up trying to heal him after a moment. “Kay...you can sleep. Relax, Dean.”Morrigan muttered gently touching him, keeping stroking his back, not sure how to help, but trying to relax him.

“....You look like a demented goat. Did you have sex with something you shouldn’t have?”Sam teased a little as he eyed the man, trying not to look as worried as he was. “He’s sorta cute like this.”Cas said eyeing the man, the angel definitely looking worried. “....It almost looks like horns...”Morrigan muttered gently touching the horns, and ignoring the way the sight of watching dean wiggle all over the bed tightened things in her body, it was definitely a inapporiate reaction. “It almost looks like wings...but...not.”Cas frowned as he studied the man, looking annoyed at having no answers.
"no one but Morrigan. if you can call it that." he admitted. "are you saying she's a mutagen?" he asked smirking a little, sighing as her hand settled on his forehead. "stupid Cain. this is all his fault, i'm sure of it." he admitted. "him and his stupid demonic..." he paused and then. "oh... of course... that makes sense..." he muttered. "the Mark of Cain... it altered and now... of course, before it was keeping me human, a pseudo Demon, but with her having half of it, Cain's genetics are coming out..." close but not quite Dean. "Wings?" he asked Cas before scowling. "wait, did you just call me cute?!" he demanded, indignant. "Okay so i'm growing horns and probobly something from my fingers." he admitted, examining his still cracked fingers with a tilt of his head. "and something from my back that might be wings... do ah.. do Demon's grow wings? what about you Cas? do baby Angels come out growing wings?" he wondered. "or already formed or what?"
“Ah. Well. No.”Sam stuttered a little looking at morrigan, not wanting to offend her, though she looked more worried then offended. “Hm, maybe cain might know what’s happening?”she muttered before frowning, thinking that over and nodding a little. “Makes sense. If Cain is more a part of you now, then he was, it makes sense he’s adding something.”Morrigan said though she didn’t look to sure about that, before smirking as Dean stared at cas. “Yes wings, and I did. You look like a small baby animal. I am told baby animals are very cute.”Cas said with wide eyed innocence that was spoiled by a flickering of a smirk on his lips. “No Demons’ don’t and...”Cas paused thinking on it. “Been a long time?”Sam teased smirking at cas. “Yes....I was not overly aware of other baby angels when I was young...but yes, I think we grew them...”
"if he does, he's not telling me. but he's very smug so i know he knows something. the little fucker. sitting inside my mind where he won't feel so itchy and miserable." he grumbled before smiling at her. "probobly for the best though, can you imagine how much of a bitch he'd be if he had to go through this?" he wondered. "i am going to kill you." Dean informed Castiel. "in a most creative way. i might tickle you to death, or perhaps i will find a way to make you sing until you die, or something equally terrible and hilarious." he admitted with a grimace as his back twinged. "Baby animals are a sin against nature." Dean groaned gripping a pillow tight to his chest as he hunched over. this happened every few hours, the lumps, or bumps on his back getting worse, so much worse before stopping, allowing him to catch his breath. "i always figured... that Angels didn't propagate at all." Dean said, his voice tired as the pain ebbed away. "i always thought that they just sprang out of the ground like flowers fully grown and ready to kick ass." he admitted. "God. what if he's like, a hybrid? half Angel and half demon?" he wondered. "and would you turn down the light? my eyes hurt."
“ah, well. When he comes out again, we’ll find out what he knows.”She said before snorting a little, laughing as she gently stroked his hair, trying to make him feel better, feeling utterly helpless. “He would totally be threatening to kill us or something.”She agreed. “...I do not think you can sing until you die. Though if you must do something, you can explain again why the pizza man did not deliver the pizza. That is equally terrible.”Cas said looking quite innocent before snickering at sam’s words. “Baby animals are nature, and don’t make it sound like I haven’t caught you watching baby animal videos. I know you have.”SAm said wincing a little, hating he couldn’t stop the lumps from getting worse, just knowing they’d have to go with it for now. “....We do not. At least. Not in the human was of propagating. Human sex is messy and very odd. Angels are just....thought into existence, would be the best description.”Cas said before shrugging. “And while we do not stay young long, we are small and childlike for a century or so.”Cas said looking thoughtful. “...maybe. A hybrid....I have never heard of such a thing.”Cas frowned as he winced, wondering what was going on een as he turned the light down. Wondering if they were going to have to ask Michael, or even crowley, as much as he’d hate to do that.
"yeah. i think he'd just as likely try to kill everyone, or try to, again." he admitted with a chuckle, leaning into her hand. "maybe the ice again?" he asked. the ice-packs on his back helped a bit, but could only be tolerated for so long before they started making it worse. "i like kittens." Dean admitted with a grin, sweat beading at his brow. every time the pain got bad the fever came back, making him delirious for an hour until it stopped and the fever broke. "human sex is fun." he stated simply. "human sex is pleasure. of course Angels wouldn't understand that." he shook his head. "of course not. what Angel or Demon would propagate? Demons might try to rape an Angel, might even have succeeded but the Angel wouldn't live long enough to get pregnant after i suppose." he admitted before groaning and holding his hand out for the bucket in Sam's hands, throwing up what little he had managed to keep down after the last time he'd thrown up. "... Cas. are you sure you don't know what's wrong with me? isn't there someone who can tell us!? God maybe!? he made the fuckin thing! he should tell you what it is!"
“Probably...”Morrigan sighed a little before nodding. “Okay.Ice.”She muttered smiling as she took the ice packs from sam, gently laying them in place as she watched dean. “I think we should get you a kitten sometime.”Sam said teasing him a little. “...Human sex is interesting.”Cas said frowning a little. “And messy, and completely uncoordiated and odd.” “...we should get him laid.”Morrigan said trying to distract dean from the pain before wincing. “I don’t know but....I might be able to find out. Stay with him. I’ll see what I can do.”Cas said swallowing thickly, because it wasn’t god he was going to ask, but he wouldn’t tell them either, otherwise they’d stop him. Watching him disappear Morrigan frowned a little. “,...why do I have a bad feeling?”
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