Fallen Princess [Azecreth & FutaFanatic]

The monstergirl seemed to hold her in her gaze, the Princess reflected in her eyes as moth wings fluttered. After a moment she began to pull her in some other direction, their speed varying depending on how much of a fight Peach put up. Yet it was odd, the fact that no one else seemed to be noticing this, even though it wasn't like they were being particularly subtle about it. What was going on here?

Nonetheless she did get an answer, as the monstergirl seemed to be eager to pursue some agenda. "To show you....to unravel the web and let you see what would be hidden. Show you the future, and the paths. To give you knowledge." Still not very helpful, but it was something.
She looked around, watching as no one even seemed to pay attention, almost as if either they weren't even there or not even caring, she wasn't sure which, everything about the place new to her in so many ways.W-What are you talking about? what exactly are you going to do..?"She asked, not feeling to sure as the woman continued to insist on showing her something all while pulling her along."I-I should really get back to the Queen right now..."
It was more than just not noticing. If she paid attention Peach would find that the sounds she heard were muted, the colors she saw had a bit of a dullness to them that wasn't there before, that the people themselves seemed to be moving a bit slower. It would be hard to make out if she wasn't paying attention, but there were most certainly signs that something was going on here beyond what it simply looked like at the moment.

They quickly left the main paths, diverting into some smaller ones that led behind stalls and definitely seemed to be out of the way. Finding Avrilla again was going to be difficult. "Surely you know of magic," the monstergirl said with a light chuckle, as if that answered any questions Peach might have. But it was obvious she still wasn't going to get a choice.
She looked around, noticing that everything was moving slower, almost as if time was being slowed, something she never heard of before. Before she could even question it she was pulled out of sight behind some stalls, now practically left alone with the monstergirl. She looked to the woman, shaking her head a bit when asked about magic."Not really.. MY kingdom doesn't have anything of the sort..Why are we here...?" She asked, her breathing a bit shaky as she stood here with the mysterious woman.
The woman moved them into the alleyway, but she made no move to actually stop, continuing to pull them along in the meanwhile. "You'll see," she replied in her raspy tone as she kept on the move, figuring at this point that it was impossible to explain. She'd just have to witness it herself, that was all. Until then, she'd have no choice but to watch and hope that there was no hostile intent in mind.

At last they arrived at their destination, a small shack of sorts with only a small sign and a name - Tessia - on it. Inside she would find a room waiting for her, a small table and chairs, various eclectic equipment about the room for an unknown purpose. "Sit down," Tessia directed as she closed the curtain behind Peach, cutting off the light. Now they could get to work.
Peach looked around, continuing to follow, not that she had much of a choice. She was confused now, unsure what was going on, especially with the fact that Avrilla warned her about nothing. But the woman didn't seem to threaten her or anything, only to show her something, which led the rather oblivious woman to follow without resist. So when they finally stopped, Peach took a seat, still lost as she waited for the woman to explain, to tell her why she was here and what was going on.

At this point she had no idea if Avrilla even knew she was gone, given how things looked when they went away. So she sat there, looking to Tessia as she spoke."W-What now...?"
With Peach seated, everything was set up. A small candle would be produced, placed in the center of the table and then lit, and in a few minutes or so Peach would be able to smell a pleasant aroma, the barest tinge of heat to an otherwise citrus scent that wove around her and began to pull her in. There was a bit more to that but Peach wouldn't be able to feel it at first as it lulled her into a drowsy state, closer to the borderline between waking and sleep.

"Hold out your hand," Tessia directed then, waiting for Peach to do so and then holding the sides with both hands, keeping it over the fire to a delicate point where she would be able to feel the heat without it being too extreme. Her hand was wreathed in a glow, and while one kept it steady Tessia's other hand began to trace along her palm, humming and speaking mysterious words at the same time.

Though she was acting in such a way, she would soon address Peach. "Your line of fate is very strong, yes," she affirmed with a nod. "There is much suffering, but you will also go on to do great things. If you can overcome the challenges that currently rest in your way. But that is no surprise, is it?"
Peach looked around with a slow breath as the room was lit up by a single candle, her eyes wandering, questioning more and more what was going on. Though as she watched she began to conclude that this woman was a fortune teller of sorts, having heard about such a thing, but never having seen it for herself. But before she could even ask, she felt herself dozing off, her body lax, her breathing deep as the aroma filled the room. She shook her head, trying to stay awake, aware of the surroundings, but it got harder and harder, especially as the woman took her hand and held it over the small flame.

She listened as Tessia began to speak, explain to her that she had a strong fate, as if she was destined for something great. She was doubtful but listened nonetheless. She swallowed a bit, looking to the woman as she stopped speaking."B-But...I don't know what you're talking about..I've never been the person to do anything heroic or important..How could you know anything of my fate...?"
Tessia looked up at Peach, her gaze meeting the Princess' and allowing the woman to fall into her eyes, to listen in the trance like state that she was entering. "The hands never lie," she explained, her wings fluttering in slow motion to cast more of that scent towards the human. She knew what she was doing though, if Peach was in any position to doubt her ability or the truth of what she was saying.

With that said she moved onwards, her fingers tracing lines on her palm, muttering and moving with a gentle touch that left nothing to chance. "You are in danger," she said then, without stopping. "Someone close to you. You will be subjected to many trials and torments, and it is only through your own efforts that you will be saved." Whatever that meant.
Peach was given no clear answer, Tessia only giving her more riddles and questions. She had no idea what the woman was getting at, not sure what dangers she spoke of or even what she was destined to accomplish, after all this was merely a friendly visit to a neighboring kingdom. But still she felt her eyes getting heavier as she tried to stay awake as the woman continued to cover the room in the sweet aroma."I-I don't know what you're talking about....B-But...ok...?"
"You will when the time comes," Tessia reassured her in a calming tone, knowing that she would get that answer and ready to tailor her response accordingly. Then again it wasn't as if Peach was in a position to pay full attention anyway, not in her current state. She would remember when she had to, and that was the important part. For now though the incense grew stronger, letting the trance deepen if that was at all possible by now.

Her hands returned to work, moving along at a different angle this time as she turned it to let the light cast different shadows. What she was looking for she did not say, but eventually she spoke once again. "I see your heart only belongs to one, but just like your resolve it shall be tested many times in the moments to come." With that, there was a pause before she went on. "Now tell me Princess, what is it you desire?"
Peach simply sighed when the woman continued to speak in riddles, refusing to give her any clarification on what she was meant to do. And the stronger the incense grew the harder she found it to focus, to concentrate on anything other than simply closing her eyes and letting sleep take over. She couldn't tell what the woman was getting at when told her resolve would be tested, as if danger really was lurking around here. And she had no idea what to do. So when asked what her desire was she shrugged."I-I really...don't know...I thought everything was fine...just making....a friendly visit..."She mumbled, mind lost, unable to focus now.

"I just....wanna get going...before....I fall asleep.."
While the incense had made it so that Peach was drowsy, she would find herself unable to take that final step to blissful sleep, as if something was keeping her in this detached sensation. Was it magic, or simply some sort of property of the drug she was being influenced by? That was all her guess, since it was clear that Tessia wouldn't be providing answers for her with that. No, the seer was busy doing whatever she wanted to do.

"A friendly visit, like a fly landing in honey," Tessia said with a hum in her tone, hands tracing this way and that on her palm. "Close your eyes, let your mind fly free from its mortal bonds." At the same time Peach would be able to feel it, an ephemeral sensation from behind as if she was being embraced, her breasts fondled and cared for. Yet it wouldn't be enough to make it through the haze already present, leaving her to endure it however she currently felt.
Peach shook her head, the confusion beginning to grow old as the woman continued on with her riddles, her words as if to warn the princess, to make her see something she clearly missed. What danger could she be in just by spending time with Avrilla? Peach couldn't see it as she shook her head once more, eyes weakly looking around."S-Stop please....no more..."She whined, her body wek, trembling under the touch to her chest, her breath heavy. The princess was struggling now as the voice rang in her head."I don't know what you're talking about at all...I'm just a princess.."She pointed out, unsure what to say or what to do.
"More than just a Princess," Tessia insisted, even as Peach asked to be freed and insisted that there was nothing special about her. "Would anyone go to such lengths for a mere Princess, either to capture or rescue?" It was hard to admit, but she did have something of a point. Bowser had expended quite a bit of effort to get her, and it wasn't simply because he had a lack of targets. Just something to think on.

While she was sitting in front of Peach though, that sensation continued and expanded. The ethereal force grew rougher and began to stroke not only at her breasts but against her crotch as well. The incense added to the kindling heat, keeping her from coming down on her own as she was toyed with, and Tessia seemed ignorant to what was going on. Though whether it was true or not was another story entirely. It could be that she was the one responsible.
Peach swallowed hard, left to let those words linger in her head, something she thought nothing of as of late. After all Mario always saved her from bowser. Part of her thought the Koopa King took her just to get another crack at the plumber who always foiled whatever plans he had. After all, all he did when she was his captive was move her around or lock her up in a cage and nothing more.

Peach whimpered now as she felt the heat growing between her legs, her body burning up much like it had when she was assaulted by the maid only the night before. With a slow breath she shook her head and whimpered."B-But the only thing threatening to me...i-is you...You won't...let me go..And keeping me....here...why does my body feel...so hot right now...?"
"You may leave if you wish," Tessia pointed out calmly. It wasn't as if she was restraining the princess. But with the power of the incense it was doubtful that she would even manage to make it out the door before she collapsed. Nonetheless, she could try if she really wanted to go for it. The woman she was with seemed remarkably indifferent to that prospect. She didn't answer the other question though, and as if reacting to it the force assaulting Peach grew rougher, kindling that heat as it pressed down against her bust and crotch. Whatever it was, it definitely knew what it wanted.
Peach whimpered, shaking her head as she felt the entity continue to touch her body, tease her more and more as she sat there. She looked at the woman as her question was ignored, the woman refusing to tell her anything she truly wanted to know. With a whine Peach did her best to rise to her feet, trying to move and make her way out of the room. She hoped that if she could get away from the smell, the incense that took her, she could regain herself, even if just a little bit."Y-You're no better...t-than the woman...from yesterday.."She whined, her body heating up more and more, Peach taking note of the fact it only affected her private areas much like the maid from before had done to her.
"I am trying to help you," Tessia insisted as Peach accused her of being the same as that maid from last night. She couldn't help it if Peach didn't believe her, simply because of the inability to provide context to the visions that she had seen in a way that the princess would be able to understand at the moment. But Peach would find it hard going, her body feeling like she was moving through molasses. Whether it was because of the incense or something else was hard to tell, but it was nonetheless effective in keeping her rooted here. "Whether you chose to believe my words is not for me to say."
With the inability to really move, Peach found herself stuck in the chair, whining more and more as her body heated up more, her juices now drooling from her, soaking the panties she wore beneath her dress."I don't....want your help...I want to be left alone..."She whined, growing agitated now with the woman's persistence in giving her nothing but riddles and refusing to help her. "Y-You're causing all of this....The incense...everything..."
Tessia said nothing as she rose from her seat and circled around to stand behind the Princess. Peach was agitated and less than cognizant as the heat from the incense mingled with what was being done to kick her around into high gear. Tessia added to that, smiling as she let her hands rest on waiting shoulders, gently massaging them in a calming and almost hypnotic manner. "Enjoy it while it lasts Princess. The future holds much worse in store for you."
Peach shook her head, whimpering as her body trembled, her loins burning, shaking as the need grew inside her more and more, aching for release. The Princess tensed up, only to suddenly relax as the woman began to rub her shoulders and assure her to simply enjoy it."B-But I don't want to..." She whinedm her breath in deep pants, her legs closing tightly together, her juices now drooling down her legs.
With the mysterious force acting from the front while Tessia worked on her from behind, it didn't take much to reduce Peach to a hot mess. No matter how tight Peach kept her legs, it wouldn't stop whatever was being done to her as her folds were stroked and toyed with. "Why not," Tessia said as she continued her massage, letting her hands trace down Peach's back. "Doesn't it feel good?"
0She shook her head still, her breathing weak, body slumped in the chair as Tessia worked her shoulders. Her legs rubbed against each other, desperate for relief as the assault continued on her body, refusing to let up as she whined."N-No...I-I don't....."She whimpered, losing the ability to focus, her juices drooling to the floor, her body betraying her, her mind in shambles as she tried to think, tried to keep a grip on herself, feeling her breaking point nearing.
Peach might refuse all she want, but by this point it was clear that her mind was at a different spot than the impulses of her body. Her legs were soaked and the force that was being applied to her showed no sign of letting up. Tessia continued as she had as well, moving to massage her back then even as the Princess slumped in her chair with whimpers to join what was being done. "Feel the ecstasy," Tessia said with a smile as the force shifted, to the point where Peach would be able to feel it deep inside her, even if she had never been touched like that before, and even if there was no physical sign of it being present. "Do not reject human nature."
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