Fallen Princess [Azecreth & FutaFanatic]

Peach nodded in agreement when Avrilla pointed out the issues at hand, which she simply sighed and relaxed. Though when offered another drink she nodded."That would be nice actually.."She assured her host as she finished her meal, leaning back with a soft, happy sigh."Guess I could but sure;y you have some interesting things going on here too..?"
"Oh, I wouldn't say it's entirely boring," Avrilla admitted with a shrug as things turned to the state of her nation, and she would cede that she might be understating a little but. She didn't want to bother her guest after all, not with what had been planned for the future. "We don't really have wars here, so the biggest concern is natural disasters, and the occasional raid. But those are fairly easy to handle." As she said that she poured Peach another drink, refilling her own cup as well as the two of them enjoyed themselves and their pleasant conversation.
She smiled, listening to Avrilla as she explained how things were in her kingdom. The lack of any real threat aside from natural disasters and the lack made her smile, wishing her land was just as safe, and yet she could never get rid of a bothersome pest who always tried to take over. Though when she thought about it, Peach took a sip from her drink and gave the woman a soft smile."There isn't much to tell about my escapes...all that ever really happens is Bowser kidnaps me, moves me from castle to castle until the hero of my kingdom comes to save me...Though being here..it feels nice to be safe for once, to not feel like a damn damsel in distress."She grumbled with a smile
An eyebrow rose as Peach explained how things went in her kingdom, at least as far as all those daring escapades were concerned. She could see how that might be a problem, especially if it was common enough to be less of a danger and more of an annoyance for the Princess. "Well then, I am glad to be of service," she replied with a graceful nod of her head, accepting the compliment where it was due. Of course, how safe her kingdom actually was remained to be seen, but for now things had gone well. "I suppose we should get on with the day, shouldn't we? There's a lot to do."
She smiled, nodding as the woman expressed her joy to help her. Peach relaxed a bit after finishing her meal, leaning into her chair and rubbing her belly with a happy sigh."Mmm so nice to just sit here and relax..not worry about anything for once.." As Avrilla expressed the need to proceed on with the day, Peach smiled and gave her a bit of a nod."I guess we should..what did yo have in mind?"She asked, feelingn relaxed, safe her with the woman
Avrilla rose from her seat, nodding to the servants to take the dishes away to be cleaned. They could handle things, leaving the Queen and her guest free to enjoy themselves for the day, however they might wish to do it. And she already had a few things in mind for them to try out. "Well it would be rude of me to invite you all the way here just to keep you cooped up in the castle. I was thinking I'd show you the castle town. How does that sound to you?"
As the servants began to take the dishes away, Peach looked to Avrilla, eager to see what she had planned for them at the moment. Peach laughed a bit as the woman expressed the lack of a desire to be cooped up all day long."Yeah I get enough of tha back home...would love to get a tour of the town and everything..see how things are going here.."She smiled, standing up as she now waited for the Queen to do the same and lead the way. To her everything was going well, nothing out of place aside from the apparent rare moment of being taken advantage of
"Excellent. I'm glad to hear it," Avrilla replied with a smile as she walked around the table and towards the door, heading out towards the town. No one got in their way, as would be expected, and after a moment she dismissed some of her servants, beyond a couple escorts, so they could have some additional privacy. "Fetch a carriage," she directed as they arrived outside the palace proper, figuring that Peach could ride in it. She wasn't going to insist that her guest walk after all.
Peach was excited, keeping close to the woman as they made their way to the courtyard to make their way through the town. She stood beside Avrilla as they waited for a carriage as it was soon stopped before them."So glad I came here..god its so relaxing..peaceful..or at least at the moment.."She pointed out with a smile, slipping into the carriage.
The carriage soon arrived, spacious and made with a craftsmanship that matched what the Mushroom Kingdom could do. Of course, the main difference here was that it was made to accommodate monster girls like her, and not just human beings. So Peach had a bit more leg room than she otherwise might have been used to. "Go ahead," Avrilla reassured her as she slid into one of the padded seats and gestured across from where she herself sat. It was time to get this tour underway.
As the carriage arrived, Peach smiled, letting the Queen slip in first before she followed, taking her seat acros from the woman."Spacey.."She praised with a bit of a smile, looking out as the carriage began to move. Peach was liking what she saw more and more, having forgotten what had happened the night before, now focused on how beautiful thi woman's kingdom looked. Peach never had much tome herself to just look and enjoy the sight of her own kingdom, always being snatched away and what not every chance she got to admire such beauty.
Soon enough the coach got underway, and the palace was left behind for the city proper. Curtains were pulled back to allow Peach to see out the windows, Avrilla waving and smiling to the various people that they passed by in the process. Her guest might be exploring, but for her it was just another day in her kingdom, and she needed to be visible to the public.

Peach would be able to see a kingdom that was thriving, various monstergirls of all shapes and sizes wandering the streets. Some slithered, some walked, some even flew, and there was a myriad of colors and fabrics to go with it. This was a kingdom that was doing well, and the people seemed content. "So, what do you think," Avrilla asked as they turned a corner, continuing the tour.
She smiled, staring outside, amazed at the different kinds of monstergirls that walked around, making her begin to wonder if there were any humans like her around anywhere. But nonetheless she looked on, admiring all the people, the shops and many things she saw during the ride. She turned her attention and a smile to Avrilla when she spoke."It's amazing..So much different than my home and yet so exciting.."She praised with a small giggle of excitement
"I'm glad you like it," Avrilla replied with a nod as she glanced out the window once again, the carriage turning the corner as it continued down the main streets. "I like to think that the people are happy as well, though I can't claim total responsibility for how the Kingdom is now. My parents did a good job, and I would not have made it without the support of my ministers and the people." She paused, before going on. "It would be interesting to see the citizens of your kingdom here as well. Perhaps a sight we can see realized in time."
She smiled a bit more, listening to the woman as she spoke, looking out the window."But you are maintaining what they have built and that's what matters.."She assured the woman with a smile, thinking on it for a moment when the woman mentioned seeing some of her own people here."I like the sound of that..No need to be strangers afterall with us being nearby.."She pointed out, enjoying the view and the many sights around the town.
"Indeed," Avrilla agreed with no hesitation, a hand brushing back her hair at the same time. The carriage turned a corer as it headed further along into town. She fell silent again, providing descriptions to things that they passed by when she felt that it was needed and otherwise allowed Peach to just observe things and take it all in. even if the end of her tail brushed against the princess' leg a couple times. It was just an accident in the jostling carriage, right?
She listened intently whenever the woman spoke, smiling all the while. Peach enjoyed the view as they moved through the town. As she feltnthe tail she shivered a bit, still smiling, paying it no mind. Afterall it was hard to keep still in the carriage and she thought nothing of it, not expecting the Queen to make such a move on her
With no mind paid to the contact Avrilla did nothing to draw attention to it. Instead she continued looking out the window as if nothing had happened in the first place. Why bother, when she had all the time in the world? It wasn't as if the two of them were going to be separated any time soon. "If you see anything you'd like a better look at, just let me know," she added as they rolled along. She was more than willing to accommodate her guest.
Peach nodded a bit as the woman assured her to speak up if there was anything she wanted a better look at anything, but she figured they had plenty of time for that."All up to you..We have all the time in the world to explore things a bit more while im here"She pointed out with a smile, letting the woman decide where they go, she wanted to see what Avrilla liked to do, and find out more about her and her home
"Alright then, if that's what you want," Avrilla replied with a smile. It seemed that Peach was more than willing to throw herself at the mercy of her hostess, and to be honest the Queen didn't mind it that much. It just made things easier for her, that was all. So she kept her answer to herself, letting them roll along a bit longer. She just had to adjust her plans a bit, but that would be more than alright. It wasn't like she was so inflexible as to be stuck in one thing.

At last they arrived at their destination, pulling up outside of an open air market. "Here we are my Princess," the queen said with a smile as one of the courtiers opened the door and let them get out, embraced with the noise of a multitude of voices conversing and moving about. She made sue Peach was alright before heading in, leading her through the market to see the sights. This was going to be interesting.
She smiled a bit when the woman agreed and led them to wherever it is she wanted to go. She still patiently looked out the window, eager to see wherebthey were headed. So when they stopped she smiled, more than happy to get moving and take a look around. Peach stepped out of the carriage with Avrilla,taking a short look around before shifting her attention to the Queen.

" So what kind of things are offered around here? Anything different from the other market we passed by?" The woman asked with a small smile
Moving into the market itself, Avrilla moved with a grace that one might not expect from such a lady, especially given that she was half snake and all. But there were stranger monstergirls in the area, many of whom were stranger than her. "This one has more people from the rural areas," she explained as she lanced back. "They can give you a better taste of what our kingdom is like."

Indeed they did, offering food, handmade goods, with a variety of colors and sounds to show how exotic it all was, at least from the perspective of visitors. There was even a fortune teller or two! Though whether she chose to partake of anything was her decision.
Pea ch responded with a bit of a nod as the Queen pointed out the residents here were more from the rural area, rather than the regions closer to the castle. Though she still looked around, amazed by the many different monstergirl's and things to trade."So many different people...always so used to everybody being toadstools and nothing more..aside from the others who serve the Koopa King.."She mumbled.

She moved closer to a few of the booths, looking at what they were offering, smiling, eger to go back home with a few souvenirs to remind her of her wonderful visit."Are all the people here women?"She asked softly, turning to look at the Queen. She had begun to grow curious given the fact she had not seen many males if any at all.
"Not all of them," Avrilla replied with a shake of her head. "Well, it's complicated...." At least, to trace back the history that led to this situation would have taken quite a while, and they didn't really have the time for that sort of thing. It was a history they could go over at their leisure later once they weren't exploring. But there were men around, they just weren't the most important in society here, strange though it may seem.

Avrilla led them along through the market nonetheless, taking it slow and making sure that Peach kept up while they explored the various goods to see. There was plenty to take home as souvenirs, that much was fairly obvious, and the people were more than willing to offer, either for sale or as a gift for someone important with the Queen.

They moved along, eventually ducking through a milling crowd near the center of the market. At that point it would be hard to keep track, especially with so many monstergirls around her. But before Peach could catch up she would find her arm grabbed, the figure who had done so unusual even by the standards that Peach may have grown used to at this point. Age told in her eyes, but she had a surprising strength that made her difficult to shake off. "You....the strands of fate are wound tight around you. Please, allow me to help you..."
She sighed a bit as the woman shook off the question, stating it was a complicated matter for a later time to discuss. So she still followed deciding she would ask again oncen they were back at the castle. She was focused now on seeing the market, collecting a few things here and there along the way. She was still shocked to find so many different kinds of people,each doing their own thing in peace.

When she began to fall behind however, Peach rushed to catch up in an attempt to return to her escort's side. But when she was grabbed she gasped a bit, eyes wide as she looked at the woman. She swallowed a bit, looking at her in confusion." What do you mean by that...?"
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