Fallen Princess [Azecreth & FutaFanatic]

"I know I don't have to. But I want to," Avrilla reassured Peach as they walked along at a sedate pace. "You're my guest, and we don't get visitors that often." Was it that bad that she wanted to make a good impression? Besides, it certainly seemed to be effective when it came down to it, and the Princess had no idea that anything might be amiss, aside from whatever she had been rambling on about that had happened in the market. It wasn't important anyways. "I mean, unless you would prefer that I didn't treat you like a fellow monarch or something."
She smiled at those words, finding it different compared to home as she was still adjusting to such kindness. Her toads were but that was because she was their Queen, their family. So to come here and be welcomed with it was wonderful."No no no..this is wonderful..just not really used to getting this treatment from those outside my castle.."She pointed out with a smile. After a while she moved herself closer to Avrilla, loving her company, finding it hard not to get closer to her."Why don't we do something you want? We've been doing what I wanted all day..sort of.." She assured the woman."After all you must have things you like to do during your free time."
That was fair enough, Avrilla supposed, and it was kind of the point. She hadn't brought her here to simply have the business done with as quickly as possible. It fit too, considering that she supposedly had no idea of the threats that faced the Mushroom Kingdom on a near constant basis. Why would she feel the need to not be as hospitable as she could? That was the strategy that she had adopted at least.

"What I want? I can think of something like that," Avrilla agreed with a nod. After a moment she would lead Peach back inside the castle, down hallways and past a myriad of locations to a special room that she quite enjoyed. Moving inside she would find a panoply of instruments, some familiar, many exotic. Avrilla would head over to one that seemed to be like a harp, but had a bunch of crystals laid out of varying sizes and colors. "So, what kinds of music do you enjoy?"
She miled when the woman finally agreed to do something she wanted, making Peach giggle in delight, following close behind Avrilla. She still looked around as they ventured further into the castle, Peach's eyes wandering along the way. She was eager to see what secrets lay within some of the rooms they passed but she carried on behind the Queen, ready for what she had in mind.

When they came to the room, her eyes wandered onto the many things within the room, smiling a bit, wondering what they were for. But when Avrilla sat by a harp, ready to play, Peach smiled as she took a seat by the Queen, answering her with a shrug."Not sure really, anything is good i guess..Never really had time for music back home..."
Now that really was sad. Even Avrilla could feel saddened by the thought that she was too busy to have the time for music in her life. It must have been a miracle that she turned out as well of a person as she had. Not that it changed her ultimate sentiments, but she could nonetheless feel some sympathy for Peach.

"Well then, there's no better time to start," she said with a nod before she began, Her fingers ran along crystals, setting them to vibrate at difference frequencies and tones. They wove together into an intricate melody, one that she knew fairly well. It would tug at the senses, leading Peach to a place of calm and serenity, where she could be relaxed and not have to worry about anything in the world. This was not the first time Avrilla had done something like this, and she smiled as her fingers wove to and fro on the instrument.
As busy as she was, Peach never had time to enjoy the simple things, always watching her back, especially with Mario proving to be useless sometimes as of late, leaving her to handle herself sometimes. All in all this trip was very much needed, as she had gotten close to giving up and just letting things happen.

Once Avrilla began, Peach sat down and waited, watching and listening. She relaxed, smiling as the Queen started playing, feeling her worries wash away, much like they had since she arrived. But she found it easier to enjoy as she sat there, watching the woman's hands effortlessly glide along the harp, playing the soothing tune. She remained there, engrossed in the music, slowly swaying herself to the beat of the harp.
The music flowed around them as Avrilla wove a delicate tapestry, one that soon had Peach swayed in the seductive and entrancing melodies. "Go ahead, lay down. Relax a bit," the Queen said without looking at the Princess, her voice seeming to blend with the music itself as she took it through slow crescendos and cadences, intricate melodies that showed just how skilled she was. Time passed by, hidden beneath the sensuous cords of music that reached their ears.
She couldn't help but feel at ease as the music played, watching the woman enjoy herself as she went to work.When Avrilla offered for her to rest she did just that, smiling as she laid down on the bed nearby, sighing softly, humming along, feeling her eyes droop a bit, finding it hard to do anything but relax.
Relaxing tones swept Peach away, and Avrilla shifted the melody as she watched Peach drifting off to sleep. Exactly what she needed, and the Queen took advantage of the opportunity as it presented itself. Soon Peach would feel like she was floating, and being engulfed in a soft blanket that seemed to caress every curve and radiate warmth into her form. Warmth and a bit more as she tried to light the fire of arousal within Peach with her music, She had quite the melody in store for her.
PEach was relaxed, at ease as she felt the oddly comforting warmth around her, enjoying how the tune drew out her senses, making her feelt as though he was laying in a bed, wrapped in a blanket and safe. But before long the familiar aroused feeling took hold of her, but witht he way she felt she couldn't pinpoint what caused it or even why she felt this way. Surely Avrilla wouldn't do anything to her like that right? But even so she paid it no mind, to comfortable to care as her arousal picked up, her juices soon beginning to drool from her pussy
If Peach focused on how she would feeling, she would realize that she was not being touched at all. A look would instead reveal that Avrilla was seated as she had been this entire time, merely playing the harp and smiling in a way that exuded serenity. To anyone who might pass by it looked like she was not doing anything that would not be expected a proper Queen.

But that was far from the case though as the music continued to strike at her senses, and to prey upon her mind. Contentment, calm, the same way that Avrilla looked was also the sorts of emotions she was trying to instill inside of her guest. This was to go hand in hand with a sense of arousal, to bath in the pleasure and not want it to end, or at last to not care enough to do anything about it. It felt good and that was all that mattered, right?
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