Fallen Princess [Azecreth & FutaFanatic]

Weakly she shook her head, her whimpers fading into silence as her body betrayed her and the touching and heat refused to go away. She shivered, groning evern as she felt the force inide her, the woman biting her lip as her breathing grew heavier, her body welcoming the pleasure as her legs opened."W-Why...."Sh asked weakly, wishing someone was here to help her, to get her out of this mess. But it seemed clear such was not to come, leaving her to endure until Tessia was done with what she wanted.
Tessia didn't bother to answer the whimpered question, since she knew that it was pointless. Even if she explained she knew that Peach wouldn't understand. Besides, in the grand scheme of things her blame didn't mean that much. It was something that Tessia could live, and would live with when this was all over. For now she merely had to focus on the task at hand.

Kneading fingers continued to work Peach's back as that silent force stayed at the forefront of the Princess' mind, stroking and curling, pushing her higher and higher. Soon she would be able to feel it in her very core, kindling the blazing heat and filling her in a way that was far different from what a mortal could do. There was more to it than just physical sensation,and Tessia encouraged that as she pushed Peach towards her finish.
When she was still ignored Peach whimpered as tears fell from her eyes and moans escaped her throat, her body succumbing to the pleasure within. Her body shook and the woman whimpered more, trying to fight, even as her pleasure increased, her body betraying her as each spike of pleasure rocked her body."N-No please...I-I don't..."She whined, her juices oozing out of her, her legs shaking uncontrollably, ready to blow."P-Please...stop I don't want this...."
While Peach attempted to get her to stop, Tessia had not come so far as to listen to the plea that was going on.It was all for the benefit of the Princess, and she would see that in time. But until then the seer continued to work over her body, playing on twitching and sensitive jolts again and again. It was only a matter of time, and soft hands wrapped around to massage her breasts as her back was left lone, that invisible force continuing to move inside of her as it filled her and toyed with her clit. Now, it was all on the Princess.
Peach continued to struggle, her body defying her all the while as she pleaded, begged for the woman to stop. But the more she droned on, the more she felt her body burning up, her core tightening, reaching its limits. She shivered, closing her eyes now, trying to fight off what was coming as her tits were assaulted and the attack on her insides continued. It wasn't long before her body broke down, Peach letting out a sudden cry as she came, eyes wide and her body shuddering as her juices gushed out of her, soaking her panties and the bottom part of her dress."N-No!!..S-Stop it......"She whined in between short, rough gasps, her legs shaking, her hips bucking from the intense pleasure ravaging her body.
At last the end came as Peach broke down, her body spasming through her release as she soaked her lower garments. Tessia held her close for all of that, hands coming to rest as she muttered something under her breath. Waves of pleasure would sweep over Peach, but beyond it there would be....something else, a strange sensation like a lock suddenly clicking open. What it meant was unknown for the moment, and the feeling soon faded away into the background as it was swallowed by the pleasure that coursed through her.

"Good, very good," Tessia told her with a hum. She knew Peach probably wouldn't forgive her, but it was ultimately for her benefit. She would see that eventually. For now she simply allowed the princess to recover.
She sat there, convulsing, shaking for a while after she came, her body still feeling the effects pof her orgasm. She sat there taking short breaths, ignoring the woman, avoiding her gaze as she stared into the distance. After a while she finally came around, her body finally once again under her control, her body relaxed, her needs sated as she looked tot he woman."L-Let me go now...."She demanded with a glare.
"Until we meet again Princess," Tessia said as she stepped back. The Princess would go unanswered, and instead she would clap her hands together. As the sound faded Peach would find herself back in the market, as if nothing had happened, with her clothes all back to perfection and the events that had just happened seeming like nothing more than a swiftly fading dream. Magic was pretty useful like that.

After a few moments Avrilla returned, concern painted across her features. "Princess, are you alright," she asked, thinking nothing was amiss except perhaps a case of nerves or homesickness.
Sh looked at he woman, glaring at her still as she moved to her feet, ready to find her way back, having forgotten about how things were when she was dragged away. Before she could move however, everything around her shifted, finding herself right where she was when she first met Tessia. As Avrilla approached her, Peach looked around with a rough swallow. With a sigh she nodded, forcing a smile."Yeah...I'm alright...I think.."She assured, not waning to worry the woman and proceed with their tour.
Avrilla's frown of worry vanished, replaced instead by a smile. "That's good." She wasn't sure she believed Peach, but if the human didn't want to tell her about it then hat was fine. It wouldn't impact her plans significantly. So she resumed the tour, and the experiences that had just happened would fade from Peach's mind like a passing dream.

They would spend some time longer there, with the Princess offered foods and various small trinkets from vendors, eager for her attention. Avrilla wouldn't stop her, though she did make suggestions if Peach wanted them. But all in all it was a fun time, as the daylight wasted away.
She smiled weakly as she followed, keeping close to the woman now as they continued onward, Peach watching around her, looking at the various things many people offered her. She smiled, happy to see the eagerness of them all. More so with just how different they all were from each other. With being so used to everyone in her kingdom mostly looking the same it was nice to see a place with such diversity. Peach got herself a few things here and there, having forgotten all about what had happened earlier. And as the light faded, the woman looked to the Queen."Guess we should be heading back huh..?"
Glancing towards the setting sun, Avrilla let out a sigh before she nodded in agreement. "I suppose we should," she concurred. It truly was a pity, how quickly the daylight seemed to fade away, but there was no helping it. At least there was always tomorrow, even if they didn't go to the exact same place. That much she was guaranteed, so long as Peach was here.

They departed then with the gifts that they had been given, leaving the market together. Soon enough they were back in the carriage they had arrived in and headed towards the palace, with Avrilla looking quite satisfied with herself as she sat across from the Princess. "Did you have a good time," she asked as they rolled along. "I hope my people left a good impression on you."
Peach smiled when the woman agreed, the Princess eager to return to the caslte and get some rest. After what she had gone through she needed to rest, relax a bit. Thugh she had no idea what awaited her, no clue just what it was Tessia was trying to tell her, if it was even anything important or true at all. Nonetheless she smiled and gave the Queen a nod."Of course..Its so much different here..back home..everyone looks the same..and yet here is different, and everyone is so lively, so kind.."She praised with a fgiddy smile, clinging to the few things she got while thy were exploring the market.
"Good. I'm glad to hear that," Avrilla replied with a nod, pleased by the answer. She was happy that things were going well, and the people were welcoming of the Princess. It made her mission a lot easier. That said, she carried on as the palace drew ever closer. "Now then, is there anything you would like to do this evening? I could arrange for some stargazing on the room, perhaps, or a quiet night in the library?"
She smiled, oblivious to anything the Queen had in mind for her, simply enjoying her time her, ignoring the few mishaps along the way. PEach was ued to locking things way in her mind, having gotten plenty of practice thanks to bowser and his antics. When asked what she wanted to do, Peach just smiled."Well perhaps we should do something you like? I really appreciate the welcome..but no need to go so far just for me.."
"It's fine, it's fine," Avrilla reassured her as she waved off her concerns. "I'm just doing my duty as a good host. So please, don't feel compelled to restrain yourself. If there is something you would like to try, don't hesitate to ask me." She wore a smile that was pretty genuine, even as the carriage arrived in front of the palace. Time to continue with their day, and she was looking forward to seeing what Peach would go for.
She looked to the woman as she spoke, assured PEach she could ask her anything. and agaisnt her better judgement she sighed."Well I do wanna ask..Is it odd..for someone to be able to control time..and be able to paralyze someone while making them still feel..everything...?"She asked, lowering her head, realizing just how crazy she was sounding now."I mean when we were at the market..something happened..someone named Tessia..she seemed to stop time..she did something to me that kept me unable to move and...something..a ghost or whatever touched me.."She explained, hoping she could have the woman assure her it was just in her head. Afterall she was violated twice now.
Avrilla gave Peach an odd look, one that spoke of some sort of confusion even as the Princess went about describing what had happened to her back at the market. "My, I've never heard of something like that happening," she said once the Princess was done with her explanation. "It sounds like something out of some lurid servants tale, or something like that. Rest assured, I've never heard of anything like that happening here, so it would be best to dismiss it from your mind. Besides, you look right as rain to me, whatever might have happened to you."
She sighed a bit when the woman put off what she explained, chalking it up to imagination and nothing more. She shook her head some and looked down, knowing full well what happened to her was real, unable to think such a thing could even be just in her head. But nonetheless she shrugged it off and put on a smile, deciding she wouldn't let that ruin the rest of her trip or even the rest of their day. With a smile she looked to the woman."So anything else planned for the day?"
"There are a few things," Avrilla replied with a nod. After a moment she began to move away, gesturing for Peach to follow her. There was nothing stopping them from walking and talking after all. "I was thinking that we could go for a walk in the gardens while it's still light out. And then afterwards we can have some dinner, before moving on to the plans I have left for the evening. How does that sound?" She figured Peach wouldn't have any objections, but just wanted to be sure.
Peach did just that, following close behind Avrilla as she moved, enjoying the peace and all, something she had little of as of late. So when offered a walk through the garden she smiled and nodded."That sounds great.." She responded with a smile. The thought of roaming a garden that wasn't covered in man eating pirhana plants was wonderful. And whatever else the woman had planned only made it better, surely the Queen had something interesting to do and something civilized compared to what she had dealt with so far.
It did not take long for them to arrive, and they exited to the rear of the castle where the garden was waiting for them. It was well tended to, and clearly showed the sign of love and care that had been put into it by the monstergirls who took care of the grounds.

Leading her along stone plants, Avrilla would take Peach towards the large hedges that waited nearby. First though were rows upon rows of flowers and other plants, a myriad of colors that enticed and soothed her senses with sweet scents. There were many exotic kinds as one might expect, and the Queen did not mind describing each new one in turn as Peach asked about them. It was clear that she enjoyed conversing about her kingdom and the various things within it, and soon enough small blinking lights from fireflies could be seen as the night continued to draw closer. In an atmosphere like this, it might be easy to forget that anything had happened.
She smiled a bit more once they were outside in the garden, Peach taking a look around, admiring all the familiar flowers, as well as some she had never seen before. She had her own garden at home, but it wasn't much of anything, never having time to tend to it, leaving it to become overrun by piranha plants.

Peach followed close to Avrilla as they moved through the garden, smiling nd taking in a breath of air when she caught wind of the scents and aroma of the flowers nearby. She let out a soft, soothing sigh as she took in another breath or two. She asked about them here and there, always enjoying the smells and sight of flowers, something she missed out on at home. When the fireflies began to appear, she smiled a bit more, looking to Avrilla."So what's next? Not quite tired or anything yet..."
Avrilla glanced over as they walked, glad to see Peach was enjoying herself. She entertained every question proposed, and made sure to give Peach the time that she needed to slowly move through all the flowers and enjoy herself at the same time. She didn't think anything odd of it though, relating it more to the foreign plants than the inability to have a garden in the first place because of Piranha Plants. She couldn't even image that.

"I figured we could enjoy this for a bit longer," Avrilla replied with a shrug. "You seemed so happy here, and I don't see why we need to hurry around this way and that." Time was on her side after all, whether the Princess knew it or not.
She enjoyed the fact that the woman was enjoying the time to answer every question she had brought up. She slowed down a bit to enjoy the garden, loving the fact that she was able to ust walk around and enjoy herself. It was so nice not having to look over her shoulder, wondering when Bowser would try and make his next move on her or the kingdom. So with a bit of a smile Peach looked at her."No need to really go all this way just for me.."
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