Fallen Princess [Azecreth & FutaFanatic]

The maid waited patiently, simply observing as Peach relaxed in the water, dipping beneath the surface to get her head wet at the same time. She wasn't on the clock after all, so she had no reason to not let Peach take her time. So she held back until Peach indicated that she was ready, which didn't take much too long as far as she was concerned. Time to prepare for going to work.

"Alright," she replied when Peach indicated that she was ready to be taken care of. Stepping over, the maid slipped into the water with a bottle left on the side of the pool. She moved behind Peach then, putting some shampoo in it before getting to work. "Let me know if it hurts," she added as she ran her hands through the blond hair, thoroughly getting it in there and making sure she gave her best effort to this. It might take a bit, but it would be worth it.
The woman closed her eyes and relaxed as the woman came over and prepared to wash her. The princess smiled and let out a light sigh, relaxing all the more once the maid began to knead the shampoo into her hair, the woman leaning back a bit, enjoying the feeling of such soft hands working her hair. Humming softly Peach let the maid do her work, waiting for her to move on to the next step as she fiddled with her fingers beneath the water."Feels so nice..."
The maid hummed as she worked, carefully tending to Peach's hair. Her hands worked calmly and confidently, experienced in what she was doing and showing it at that point. "Thank you Princess," she replied at the same time, lathering blond hair and making sure that it would shine when the time came. Once she was done with that she would move on, shifting to the conditioner. She had the feeling that Peach would appreciate it, and she put her best effort in. Couldn't have the Princess looking bad for her big meeting, now could she? That she would do, going through that cycle and then simply washing her hair off. All easy, for now.
Peach closed her eyes, all smiles as the woman worked her hair, unable to deny how good it felt, how sweet it felt to have such tender fingers working her it such a way as she had hoped. The princess hummed softly, enjoying herself when the woman now moved to conditioner, freshening up her hair, making her more presentable for the Queen."Ohhh this feels sooo nice.."She praised, eager to get cleaned up, to feel the freshness she was denied the night prior.
"I'm glad to hear that Princess," the maid replied with a smile on her face as she worked. "It means a lot coming from someone like you." Her voice was filled with sincerity as she moved on, methodically tending to peach's hair and making sure that every last strand was caught in her careful attention. Perhaps it was excessive, but for the Princess, and for the Queen, she could do no less. There was no doubt that they would be grateful for her hard work, and she could only imagine the rewards that might come as a result.

At last she finished the hair, hands dropping away to admire her work before she spoke up once more. "For now you can just relax Princess. "When you're ready we can have you get out of the water to apply some body wash. Does that sound alright to you?" There was no need to rush her, not yet anyways.
(..soo need a vacation from work)

She smiled a bit at the woman's words as she relaxed, letting the woman do her work as the princess closed her eyes and enjoyed herself, letting the memory of last night fade away. She simply sat there and enjoyed herself until she felt the water once again wash over her, rinsing off the soap from her hair, letting out a happy sigh before taking a moment to run her fingers through her hair and pull the water from it. She was happy to be treated with kindness, even if it was just a bath. But when the woman spoke, Peach looked to her and smiled. "We can get going now..Don't wanna keep the Queen waiting for so long because of me.."
"Alright." With Peach agreeing the maid stepped back o allow her to get out of the water before she did the same. They would move towards the showers nearby that were used for this sort of purpose. She waited until Peach indicated that she was ready before going at it, working the bodywash into a lather and stepping towards Peach. She would be very thorough, applying the lotion that smelled of lavender and would feel very good on her skin, making sure she got every inch that she could.

She was mostly silent as she worked, tending to the front and then the back, determined to be perfect both for her guest and for her queen. "Do you like it," she asked at last as she moved on to the Princess' back. "It's created from a special flower that we've found only grows in our kingdom. It does wonders for the skin."
She followed the woman to the shower, smiling, and humming along the way, enjoying the pampering she was being given, something she didn't much care for back home, given the constant danger around her kingdom. So once the maid began to lather her up and more, PEach bit her lip, trying not to fall over from how good it made her feel. But even still, she composed herself as the maid's voice rang in her head."Yes..feels wonderful...Been so long since I've felt this relaxed..this a ease...Shame it only grows here though..would do wonders for me at home..."
The maid smiled as she worked, practically reducing Peach to putty in her hands at the process. "I'm sure you and the Queen could work out some sort of deal if you want," she pointed out. It wasn't like them only growing here would be some sort of deterrent now that they knew each other existed. Nonetheless she continued to work as she spoke, at last tending to more sensitive areas as her hands fondled Peach's bust and worked in the lotion that she had at the moment. Once again objections would be useless, though with how it felt it was debatable whether there would be any objections in the first place.
She closed her eyes a bit, letting the maid do her work, eager to get going and get this done so she could explore the place a bit. The flowers were the last thing she would worry about for now, sure the Queen would let her have some. Bust as the maid now began to work the lotion onto her breasts, Peach shuddered a bit as she sighed."M-Mind not focusing so much on them please...?"
"Of course Princess," the maid replied with a respectful nod as she did one last pass before letting her hands move on. She wasn't trying to get her off like the last servant had been after all, she was merely getting her ready for her audience. So she'd move on, giving Peach some temporary relief up until she arrived at her next destination, working the lotion into her thighs and the joining of her legs. She needed to be clean everywhere after all.
She smiled when the maid complied, happy to see not everyone here was just out to ravage her. So with a sigh she looked over herself, wondering how much longer it was going to take."We almost done..? "She asked, curious to see just what the Queen had planned for the day, given she was sure she would be making her way back home soon. After all she still had a kingdom to take care of.
"Yes, we are," the maid reassured her. It would be a last bit of work as she dipped to get near the Princess' feet before she was finished with the lotion. Once done she took the shower head and moved it, allowing Peach to wash it off before passing her a towel so she could dry herself. If the Princess wanted to get a move on then hat was what they would do, and she would find clothes waiting for herself to wear. Soon enough they would be on their way to the meeting with the Queen.
Once handed the shower head, Peach began rinsing herself off, watching the lotion slide off her body and to the floor. Once the lotion was clear from her body she soaked herself in the water for a few more moments before she set it aside and began to dry off. With a soft hum she got dressed in the clothes that were prepared for her, giving herself one quick look before turning her attention to the maid and following her to where the Queen was surely waiting.
The maid watched as Peach went about cleaning herself off, and soon enough she was dressed and ready to get going. he same thing could be said for the maid herself, though she hadn't cleaned as thoroughly as Peach herself had. She wasn't the one who needed to be ready for the big meeting after all.

With peach ready the maid led her off towards where the Queen waited. It was a bit of a walk to be sure, but soon enough they arrived at one of the smaller rooms, where a table had been set out and the Queen already was, with a spread laid out for breakfast. "Good morning Princess," Avrilla said with a smile as she leaned forward in her seat and gestured for the main to back off. "Did you sleep well?"
She smiled a bit as they made their way towards the Queen, Peach excited to get the day going and see just what the woman had in store for her during her visit. She was at ease and ready to go, having forgotten the events of last night as she followed behind the maid, still amazed by the size and design of the castle. Though when they came to the room with the meal laid out on the table, Peach smiled all the more as her stomach grumbled, eager for food.

"I slept alright..Though I'm better after the refreshing bath I just had...Much better than the ones I take at home.."She praised as she took herself a seat, eyes staring and mouth watering at the feast provided.
Avrilla nodded as Peach told her about how her night had been, aware of that as well as the extra details she had left unsaid thus far. They were her servants after all, so they wouldn't have gone to such lengths without her being aware of it. But she wasn't going to tell Peach about that, not until she was ready to move on to the next phase of her plan and their cards were on the table for all to see.

That said though, she smiled as she gestured from Peach to the spread of food that laid out before them. "Please, eat. you must be hungry, and I wouldn't want to deprive my guest," she said smoothly, allowing Peach to take what she wanted and offering advise if needed. They were going to have a long day ahead of them, so they didn't need to waste any time on breakfast.
(Really am sorry about the delay..just been exhausted and depressed..never have tie to get on computer to do anything..by the time i get home i lay down and pass out, but have been getting better and worked out a schedule..if youre still interested...)

She smiled as the woman greeted her and took interest in her well being, as well as with proceeding with the plans they had for the day. With a smile, Peach began to set her plate , looking at the feast she had set up before she began to slowly eat. Enjoying her meal Peach ws silent, loving the feast Avrilla had prepared for them
((It's fine. I understand that life happens.))

There were plenty of delicacies to sample, and each would make sure that Peach felt full, but was also energized and ready for the day ahead. Avrilla sampled her own meal as well, supping with a casually regal air that she made look easy. She allowed the silence to last for a bit before speaking up once again, smiling as she turned towards Peach. "Now then, why don't you tell me about the Mushroom Kingdom? I've heard some of your people describe it, but I want to hear about it from the perspective of their ruler. Though apologies if I am retreading old ground."
She listened to the Queen's request as she finished the bite of her meal, swallowing it before she relaxed and gave the woman a smile."Not at all..Though it isn't exactly much of me ruling..as the monster within my land continues to try and take over by making me his wife..Makes ruling difficult when all you can do is try and defend yourself."Shaking her head Peach cleared her mind of the many thoughts that riddled her mind."But aside from that it's really nothing special..just your normal kingdom, has its issues like anything else but we manage to keep the peace..most of the time.."
"I see," Avrilla replied with a nod as Peach was humble in her estimation of her own kingdom. It was endearing in a way, when so many others would be willing to espouse their successes and their virtues. But for her the main concern was this one threat that kept trying to take over her kingdom. As it reasonably should have been, but it said much that it was the only thing she considered noteworthy about her entire kingdom. "I've heard some things about this monster," she noted as she dined on her breakfast. "I was hoping you might be able to provide more accurate details than the tall tales I have heard from merchants and travelers."
She smiled when the woman didn't question much about the way she spoke about her kingdom, the woman always trying her best for her kingdom, as much as she had spent more time being kidnapped and rescued. But that was beside the point now as Avrilla seemed to turn her attention to bowser, something Peach did not at all expect. However she went along with it, decding she was herself curious as of late what others from outside her land thought of the Koopa King."Like what?"
Well, it seemed that Peach was going to need to be guided into providing a description, something that Avrilla was fine with when it came down to it.Not that Avrilla minded, having dealt with diplomats before and used to such things. "Some description, I suppose. I was told that this monster of yours is a might beast, some sort of leviathan if the stories are to be believed, one that casts destruction wherever he fixes his gaze. Is it true?" She didn't expect so, but she had to ask.
She giggled a bit when the woman spoke of the stories she had heard about bowser, none of which were true, or at least from what she had seen."Not so much..Yes he is a mighty beast for the most part, if him being a massive thing as such. But as for him leaving destruction in his wake I doubt it..He spends more time keeping me hostage and being defeated repeatedly than actually trying to control my kingdom or even do anything close to it."
"I see, it sounds very difficult," Avrilla replied with a nod as Peach explained that not all of the rumors were true. She knew that very well of course, but it did not give her any greater understanding of the situation. Not that she needed such an understanding given what she knew already, but it would ultimately be more beneficial than detrimental to her cause. At least with what she had in mind. "Do you need a new drink? I'd love to hear some tales of these daring escapades of yours. They sound more exciting than what I have to deal with."
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