Fallen Princess [Azecreth & FutaFanatic]

She grumbled and moaned as the woman touched her, only making the heat in her body grow more and more, almost to an unbearable sense. Her eyes watched, her hips gyrating as a cry left the woman's lips the moment she felt the fingers dig into her tender virgin hole. Her breathing was now coming through deep pants, her body writhing heavily beneth the woman, her cheeks flushed with red."S-Stop..."She whimpered softly, despite the pool of her juices that soon covered the sheets beneath her slender figure.
Oriane smiled at the whimpered plea, giving no real incentive to stop and all the more to go on as her hips moved, her body writhed, and she stained the sheets beneath the both of them as the fun went on. Certainly the monster girl was not planning to do so any time soon, and she said as much shortly thereafter. "not until I'm sure you'll be alright," she said in a sweet tone that belied what was going on, continuing the slow work of her fingers and hands, even as she ground herself against Peach from her current position. With the Princess as gorgeous and erotic as this, could she help it if she was being turned on?
Shaking her head the Princess squirmed more and more as she whimpered, now trying to get the woman off her. But given the pleasure she felt and the tingling sensations running through her, PEach's movements were weak and sluggish and only erved to grind her hips into the hand that worked her hole. Her breathing grew heavier, her legs shaking as the woman closed in on her first climax, her body trembling."S-Stop..s-something's..c-coming..."
Oriane grinned, meeting Peach's hips as she resisted being pushed off of the Princess. She wouldn't find it so easy to do, and it was obvious that the servant wouldn't be stopping any time soon. Not until she got what she wanted, and that would come soon enough as Peace made her current state all the more known with trembling words. "It's okay," she cooed, grinding her hand in all the more as her fingers twisted and pumped that much more fervently. "Just let it come. I promise you'll enjoy it a lot." She knew enough to know that for sure.
She shook her head, whining as she felt it build up more and more, as though a dam was abouyt to burst. She whined all the more, trying to fight it off, despite the woman's skillful hands hard at work trying to break that wall. But before long, her own body gave in, Peach unable to fight it off as she cried out, whimpering at the same time as her body arched and locked up, her juices squirting from her as she came, her body shaking uncontrollably.
Oriane could feel it coming as Peach neared her release, and though the woman sobbed and whined, it was too much at last as her body betrayed her in an explosion of pleasure. She continued as best she could through it all, holding Peach down as she bucked and writhed, silken walls clamping down and massaging her fingers as it sought something that she would not give. Not just yet anyway.

Instead she waited until the Princess had come down, lifting her fingers to present them for inspection, for both of them to see before moving on. In long, slow, dramatic and showy motions she would lick them clean, getting a full taste or as much as she could before they were well and truly tended to. She licked her lips then, a glimmer in her eye as she looked down at Peach. "Delicious," she said with a sigh. "So how are you feeling now?"
Peach's body squirmed against the woman as she held the royal female down, her breathing ragged. When her climax finally died down she lay limp, breathing heavily. Her legs shook uncontrollably, most of her numb as she lay there and watched the woman lick her fingers clean. PEa ch shivered a bit, now trying to squirm away and get away from the woman, wondering why this was happening to her."I-I don't want this..."She pointed out once more, her breathing slow, her body finally worn down and relaxed from her orgasmic bliss.

At this point she was ready to return home, but she had a feeling that this woman and even the Queen was not going to jut let her walk away so easily.
Oriane gave Princess Peach a confused look even as she sat back, allowing the Princess to move and do as she wished now that her particular problem had been dealt with. It didn't make sense, and while some resistance had been expected Peach really shouldn't have been this beat up about it. At least, as far as she was concerned. Then again, it had been proven that she had much different priorities compared to the head of state.

"What's the matter," she asked with a slight frown, even as she leaned back. "Didn't it feel good?" It had to have, right? Anyway, Peach leaving wasn't exactly up to her. She was just the maid. "There's no problem if you enjoy it, right?"
She blushed and looked down when the woman gave her a frown and asked if it felt good. It was hard to deny that fact, Peach not wanting to believe such a thing, but after a moment she could only think the woman was trying to help, seeming to know more about the human body than she did. After all she never had any time to take care of her needs between being a ruler of a kingdom and being kidnapped by bowser."W-Well...I guess I did..." Sh pointed out, keeping her gaze to the floor, her legs closing a bit as she sat there
Oriane broke out into a grin as Peach gave in, admitting that she had enjoyed it even as she looked away. It was another step in the right direction as far as she was concerned, and she knew that the Queen would be quite happy to hear about this. For now though she had the Princess all to herself, and she fully planned to enjoy it. "I'm glad to hear that," she said as she shifted forward once more, moving over Peach's lower half as she grinned. "Are you too tired, or would you like to have some more fun?" Either way, it would work out for her.
She watched with a rough wallow as the woman moved down, PEach biting her lip as she tried closing her legs in an attempt to keep the woman away. As good as it felt she couldn't just give in, lt something so precious be given to this woman."I-I want..t-to rest.."She whined, slowly trying to sit herself up. and move away from the woman
"Alright," Oriane replied with a slight pout and a huff as peach said that she wanted to rest. Well, Oriane herself couldn't go too far, what with the restrictions that she had with her orders. So Peach would find herself lucky enough at this point to be allowed freedom from her predicament. She leaned forward then, giving Peach a light kiss even as she lightly stroked Peach's soaked crotch. "I'll be back in the morning when you wake up. Sleep well."

With that she rose, waving at Peach as she walked away before leaving the room. Now the Princess could sleep, though whether it was a pleasant rest was a whole other story entirely.
Peach shook a bit, whimpering when the woman gave her crotch a pat. The princess took in slow, deep breaths of air, trying to relax once the servant left the room and left her to rest. Though for a good while she could only just lay there, breath deep and heavy, staring at the ceiling. before long though he passed out, left alone in an unpleasant slumber for most of the night.
The night was calm and peaceful, the best that Peach would get as she was allowed to rest and recover from what had happened. Whether she did so was another matter, but it would certainly not be the fault of her current location. The bed was soft and comfortable, as befit a place in the royal palace, moonlight twinkled and cast the room in a dull glow as the Princess slumbered. Thus far, everything was going according to plan.

Eventually the sun would rise, heralding a new day. Birds chirped and made known the morn, and a knock would come on the door, another servant there to tend to Princess Peach if she was awake yet. It was to be a busy day after all, whether Peach wanted it to be or not.
For the most part of the night she slept peacefully, after taking a good while to relax and doze off. When a knock came to the door, Peach was dressed already and standing by the window, looking outside, taking in the sunlight. She let out a sigh as she heard the knock."Come in..."She commanded, her face plain, the woman sadly looking outside, wondering just what was going on and why she was being treated like she was last night.
Stepping inside, Peach would find that it was a different maid this time, rather than Oriane. It seemed that she would be saved from that particular worry. Said maid was taken aback though to find that Peach was already dressed, and would not require her assistance for that. "Your Highness," she said respectfully as she stopped and bowed. "It is good to see that you are awake. Would you like to escort you to the baths so you can clean up before breakfast?"
She was relieved to see that it was someone else this time, the woman unsure if she could handle another event like last night. When the maid kindly asked if she needed escorted to the bath she nodded softly with a sigh."Yeah...I really need to wash up before meeting the Queen for breakfast..."She assured the maid before she made her way to the door, ready to clean up, to wash away the filth she felt all over herself, even if nothing was really there at all.
"As you wish Princess. Please follow me." With a respectful bow the maid would turn on her heels and gesture for Peach to follow her as she moved out of the room. She would lead the royal along long hallways, past gaudy decorations and other servants who were going about their business, subjecting the Princess to the sight of all sorts of beings. Well, assuming she bothered to look at all. She certainly had justification not to.

At last they arrived at a relatively plain door, which the maid opened for peach to enter before stepping inside herself. The blond would find herself in antechamber of sorts, a small room where she could get undressed and store her clothes for safekeeping. Beyond the sound of running water could be heard, and present were a few benches, as well as a shelf of cubbies for her to use.

"Do you need some assistance undressing," the maid asked then, hands clasped in front of her as she waited for an answer. Once again she seemed to be sincere in her desire to help, but whether Peach would believe it was another story.
Peach did as the woman suggested and followed, her eyes wandering along the way. She paid most of it no mind, not thinking much of anything out of the ordinary for the most part, not sure what to think as she was only focused on washing herself off and getting some food into her stomach. Though when they got to the door and soon into the room, she swallowed a bit with a blush when asked if she needed assistance. But with a deep breath she shook her head."I think I'm fine, but if you could wash them real quick that would be great...if you are able to that is..."
The maid didn't seem all that distressed by her refusal of help in getting undressed, and she merely nodded as she stepped back. "Of course madam. Whatever you require. Please, step into the other room when you are ready." She would do so herself first, either because she knew that Peach was undressing or to check the baths. Actually, it was both of those explanations. But for now Peach could disrobe and get ready to have a warm and relaxing bath.
When she was left to herself and not pestered for help, she miled an relaxed a bit more, feeling at ease in the hopes the other maid was just trying to entertain herself with the Princess. So when she undressed she folded her gown and set it aside, looking over her nude body before she let out a bit of a happy sigh and made her way into the room, ready to soak and wash up.
Inside the other room she would find a larger area of space, the soft sound of lapping water against stone filling the air as light reflected this way and that, distorted by the moving surface. It was a warm atmosphere, as suited a bathroom like this, and Peach would be aable to smell the scent of perfume on the air, refreshing to the senses and comforting at the same time.

As for the physical layout, the floor was made of tile. There was one large bath in the middle of the room, large enough for multiple people to go inside at the same time. Off to the sides were some smaller, circular baths that bubbled and seemed to be a bit hotter than the main one. Meanwhile against the wall were some benches where people could sit, some towels, as well as mirrors and the like. On the wall could be seen pictures, done in fresco and depicting all sorts of scenes on them All in all, it was well outfitted, and perfect for the sort of royal that they would now host.

The maid that had led her here now stood off to the side, disrobed as well as with her arms folded across her chest even as she showed no shame in her nude state. "Princess," she said with a bow. "Where would you like to begin?"
She smiled a bit and took in the scene, looking around until she found a bit of water and took a seat inside. The woman let out a sigh of relief once she felt the warm water wash over her body. She relaxed for a while, enjoying the soothing warmth of the water, as well as the few moments of being left alone she felt at ease, more than she had then when she first got here. For now she wasn't worried about much, simply enjoying the fact that she wasn't being bothered by that feeling once again, nor having a maid pester her touch her and more because of it.

But when she heard the maid's voice again she smiled some and looked towards the woman. And despite last nights events she wasn't bothered by the sight of another nude woman, after all it was to be expected in a bathing area. So when she spoke up, the Princess shrgged a bit."Not sure..wherever you think would be best.."
The maid stood by with a smile on her face as she watched Peach relaxing in the water. It seemed that the blond haired woman was happy, which was fine as far as she was concerned. In spite of everything she still wanted her to be happy and to enjoy herself. That was the job she had been given after all by her majesty, and she would not fail at it. Whether that meant good or ill for Peach though had yet to be seen.

With the direction, the maid glanced around the room as she worked out what it was that she wanted to do first. There was plenty to attempt, and she faced it with a mind dedicated to the task at hand. "Alright them," she said at last. "In that case I will wai until you're ready, and then we can wash your hair." They had to make sure that she was presentable, after all.
Peach smiled a bit more when the maid assured her she would wait until she was ready rather than jus t rush into things and all. So after soaking in the water for a bit, Peach sunk down under, soaking her hair and the rest of her body in the water. After a few moments she resurfaced, letting out a sigh and taking in a breath, her hair and body drenched in water. Letting the water drip off her body, she glanced over at the maid and gave her a small smile."Think I'm ready to be washed now...so we an get through the rest of the day.."She assured the maid.
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