Of Knights and Deadmen (1x1 DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"That's good to hear. We must make sure our new family is protected." She said, smiling warmly.

A month would pass, and even if he searched every inch of the castle, Senji still wouldn't find any trace of Shion, nor hear word that she had left.
Yui approached Senji and his guard donning her armor and sword. "Captain Senji, I have an important quest to set out on, and I'd like your company." Along with Moriko, stood three guards in head-to-toe armor, their face shields covering their faces completely. Along with swords on their hips, each guard had a knee-length loin-cloth that was black as the night; the Royal Guard Captains each had red versions as well as a cloak, and the rest of the soldiers white ones.
The three guards stood in a perfect line just behind Moriko, arms folded neatly behind their backs.
"We'll be heading to the next town over in the east, there have been frenzies that have left a group of Sinners stranded there when they would usually be transported easily. I've taken it upon myself to go in person to ensure their safety." She said. "But I'd like extra support, just in case it gets to hairy." She smiled, and it almost seemed flirty. "And I enjoy your company."
"Wonderful, then we'll set out within the hour, make sure you have everything ready to go." She said, turning on her heel and leaving, her new guards following right along with her.
Within the hour they set off toward the neighboring town, each on horseback this time to ensure they would all arrive as quickly as possible to settle down the frayed nerves.
When they arrived at the town, it was easy to see where the Sinners had taken refuge, inside the checkpoint just beyond the gates. Dismounting her horse, Yui made her way to the crowd of towns people gathering around the checkpoint.
"Just give them up!"
"They deserve death!"
"Death to all Sinners!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, please!" Yui called over the crowd, her voice easily louder than the mobs, but they didn't seem to honestly care, for the didn't see whom was speaking.
"Thank you, Moriko-chan, but that won't be necessary." Striding forward with confidence, she made her way through the crowd, which upon seeing who it was parted quickly and went dead silent.
"Please, do not turn your hatred upon the Sinners, for they will become the pillars to hold up our society. Please return to your daily lives, I can promise you that no harm will be done to you by these Sinners."
The job was cut and dry easy, but Yui still had some smoothing over to do. Ordering her newest three guards to stay with Senji and his men to ensure the Sinners safety, she left with Moriko.
Each guard stood stock still, obeying Yui's order without a word, none of them looking at either the villagers or Senji and his men; they were like statues.
All three of them stood as still as a tree, not budging an inch nor acknowledging Senji; when he spoke, they remained silent, staring ahead. Two of them were of average height, one being slightly taller, and another being much shorter than the other two.
Once again, Senji got the same response of that he'd get if he was talking to a tree.
Senji's men watched their captain nervously. "Captain?" One spoke up. "Those are Lady Yui's Elite guard, they don't speak. At all, even to Lady Yui herself, they just obey."
"I heard they only listen to Lady Yui, and if needed, Lady Moriko." A soft murmur from the group arose, but was quickly quieted as to not anger their captain.
It took some time, but the two finally returned. "Well, that went better than expected. Shall we set off?" She asked, flashing her usual gentle smile.
They traveled more slowly this time, having to escort the carriage full of new Sinners to the castle, but when they did, it was like taking a breath of fresh air. While Yui was leading the new Sinners inside, the guards this time remained with Moriko, having been left in her care as to not frighten he new arrivals.
Senji was growing more and more suspicious of Yui and what she was doing with the Sinners, the back of his skull tingling with different scenarios.
When night fell, only two of the new arrivals left the palace, or went missing if you were more suspicious.
Yui dissmissed the three Elite Guards once she settled into her bed chambers, all three of them walking in a straight line toward a lower level barrack floor that was off limits to almost all.
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