Of Knights and Deadmen (1x1 DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Senji waited until the dead of night, when he knew Moriko and Yui would be asleep and the guards too tired to really notice him as he he made his way to the elite's barracks.
As to be expected, the Elite's barracks were dead silent, and all the lanterns had been extinguished, and each Elite was in bed asleep.
Several dozen Sinners who had "left or vanished" from the castle lay in each bed, both men and women, but it was still too dark inside the room to see who was who.
Senji took a lantern and lit it, moving slowly and carefully through the barracks. He made sure the light was as dim as he could make it but was still bright enough for him to see.
Each person lay exactly the same once Senji had enough light to notice it. As he made his way down the rows of beds, he could spot a familiar face, Shion. She lay asleep, though rather than looking like she was asleep, it was more like she was pretending, it all seemed to ridgid; all of them did.
When Senji spoke, Shion's eyes shot open and she stared at him, unmoving in bed, face expressionless as though she were a mere doll. Though her face was expressionless, her eyes glinted cold anger, like just by being there Senji had done something horrible.
He jerked away and left in a hurry, tossing the lantern back on its hanger as he left. At least they didn't talk, Yui wouldn't find out he was down there.
Shion did not pursue Senji, staying just how she was in bed, watching him leave before returning to her slumber.

Yui never questioned Senji, so like he thought, the Elite's never uttered a word, not even to their precious Yui. The next day, she left with three more, except this time, all three of them were tall, so Shion must've been left behind, or worse; had somehow ended up dead.
It was eating away at Senji now. He needed to know what was going on and if there was a way to stop it and/or reverse it.

((She's basically pulling a "there is no war in Ba Sing Se" thing, huh?))
Shion's blank face flashed back into Senji's mind, blank and lifeless, eyes hungry and angry; she looked to not even remember him at all, but that couldn't be the case, if anything, she should still be angry with him.

"Do what, Senji?" It was Lady Yui, she had returned early, only she was alone this time, both Moriko and her Elite Guard no where in sight.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She apologized and bowed her head to him. "I only returned early because I've been feeling a bit under the weather and Moriko-chan convinced me I should rest more."
Yui smiled more. "Thank you for your concern, Captain, now if you'll excuse me." She said, bowing her head once more, before heading off down the hall toward the staircase to her chambers, as well as the Elite Gaurds.
Yui had gone not to her own chambers, but the chambers of her Elite Guard, pulling off her heavy cloak and setting it aside on one of the beds. The Elites who were still in the room stood when they say Yui, moving to gather around her. "Please forgive my prolonged absence, I tried to return as fast as I could." She opened the buttons on her blouse, pulling down one side of the shoulder to expose a cut on the junction of her neck, which had bite marks and bruises around it. As soon as the closest one saw the open wound, they nearly slammed Yui into the wall. Grunting softly, Yui allowed the Sinner to latch onto her neck and suckle on the wound for her blood, gently stroking their head as they did so.
Senji was floating around the elite barracks, grumbling angrily. "Captain." He jumped and looked, seeing Moriko eyeing him, "Can I help you, Captain?" "No, I was just seeing what it was like...way better than mine and the others." He said. Moriko glared and signalledfor him to leave, Senji jogging off quickly.
A soft cry from the other room could be heard, warranting Moriko to investigate the noise.
Yui had fed almost half of the Sinners before she began to feel weak, having slumped to the ground as the Sinner who had her pinned to the wall fed. She didn't push back however, she still continued to let their head, even though she had lost quite a bit of color in her face.
Moriko moved in quickly and gripped the Sinner's jaw, forcing them to release Yui. She removed her gauntlet and knelt beside Yui, letting the brambles make a thick protective dome around them, "Are you ok, Lady Yui...?" Moriko looked concerned, genty examining the bite marks, "You need to stop this..."
Yui took a moment to catch her breath, nodding, then giving Moriko a kind smile. "I'm alright, Moriko-chan, they just get a little too excited sometimes and bite too hard.." She said. "I will not stop this Moriko, they need to feed... And they're my family, I won't abandon them." She said firmly.
Yui smiled, but it seemed sad this time. "I won't allow them to kill me, Moriko-chan." She said softly, cupping Moriko's cheeks in each hand to bring her closer, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman.
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