Of Knights and Deadmen (1x1 DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Yui held Moriko for a while longer, then gently kissed the top of her head. "I'll call it a day for the feedings, help me return to my chambers?" She asked, pulling her blouse closed.
Moriko nodded and helped Yui redress, deactivating her Sin and helping Yui stand before escorting her carefully out of the barracks and to her bed chamber.
Yui lay in bed with a soft sigh, feeling completely drained, her limbs feeling like stone. "Thank you, Moriko-chan.." She said gently, grasping Moriko's hand in her own.
Yui let out a soft noise, then rested her head back on her pillow to regain her strength, as well as rest.
The following day, Yui remained in her room, resting for most of the day, before she once more made her way to the Elite's chambers. Since she had become mostly ill, Moriko took up her tasks of traveling long distances, while she maintained everything nearby.
Yui nearly collapsed once on her way to the bed chambers of the Elite, entering and closing the door. The ones who had been fed yesterday, lay still in what appeared to be some sort of strange high, staring blankly up at the ceiling, dried blood still around their mouths. The ones who hadn't been fed however, seemed more agitated and as soon as Yui entered the room, one of the Sinners caught her off guard by tackling her to the ground. Tearing at the shoulder of her shirt, the Sinner pulled it back far enough to expose her shoulder, and he bit down much harder than needed. Easily breaking her skin and tasting blood, he bit down a bit more and begain to drink the entoxicating liquid. Yui had let out a cry of pain when he bit down, but didn't struggle beneath the man, allowing him his fill.
Once the Sinner had his fill, he staggered to his feet and collapsed in a bed, laying in bed with the same glazed over expression on his face as the others. The next person to stumble onto Yui, was Shion. Gripping the princess's shoulders, she bit down on the already bleeding mark, drinking like she needed to consume it, or she'd die.
Yui stiffened when she heard Senji speak, looking over her shoulder at the captain - Shion continued to feed however. "Senji... You weren't- no.. You have every right to know about this.." Trying to be halfway decent, she tried to pull her blouse up, only for Shion to bite down harder and tug at her shirt. "You don't understand, Senji.."
"All of this - this feeding - they came to me voluntarily." She explained, Shion stumbling off to a bed and collapsing onto it like all the others. Then a feeding frenzy started. Two tried to get to Yui at the same time, and both ended up latching onto her, one on her shoulder, and one grabbing her other arm and sinking their teeth deep into her forearm. She clenched her teeth hard, an expression of pain on her face. "They asked me."
"Why don't I believe you? I can't speak for the others, but I know damn well Shion didn't want any part of being here; let alone become a mindless guard. You're going to fix her and you're going to let us leave." He stated.
"Believe me or not, Senji-san... The choice is yours, I've never wanted any harm done to the Sinners. Shion came to me first." Her voice was growing weaker. "I do not have to undo anything, it will undo on its own within two days.. You may leave at your leisure, but outside of the castle walls I cannot protect you..."
"You're so very kind, Senji.." She smiled weakly, but couldn't manage to keep on her feet. "I shall wait here for Moriko-chan... She'll come and find me." She said, waving her hand slightly. Though she did seem sad that they were leaving, she gave him one more word of advice. "Senji-san... Be kind to the other Sinner you may come across... They're lost, just like everyone else.."
"They're scared. Don't hold your breath expecting me to send them here, I'm pointing them straight to the border." He said, moving and grabbing Shion.
Shion was hardly responsive at all, laying on her back with blood dribbling down the corner of her mouth. When Senji grabbed her, she simply remained limp on the bed, staring at the ceiling as if it were vitally important.
Shion hung limply over his shoulder, moaning weakly, but for the most part, not being too much trouble really.
Senji walked passed the men he had been assigned, informing them that he was no longer their captain and they should be careful of Yui before leaving the castle grounds and taking his horse.
Shion would eventually start to regain some motor skills, and would look up at Senji on occasion and hold onto his shirt, but didn't do much else as they rode.
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