Of Knights and Deadmen (1x1 DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

"Come, miss Shion." Moriko said politely, "My Lady Yui has spared you, it would be rude to refuse such an offer." Senji looked a little upset with himself as well, looking away from Shion before following Yui.
Shion allowed Moriko to lead her by the arm, following numbly, not wanting to look in Senji's direction even in the slightest.
Yui lead the three to the waiting carriage, letting them get in before she entered herself, and they set off toward the castle.
Shion was sitting as close to the opposite side of the carriage, and as far away from Senji as the transport would allow her, but she still brushed against him now and again, making her scowl.
"If you aren't comfortable over there, you may sit by me." Yui spoke softly to Shion, who only glared at Yui as well.
"No thanks." She growled out.
"That's why it's worse, you're easy to turn traitor." She hissed back, the carriage bumping roughly as they moved from dirt rode to stone rode as they entered the city.
When the carriage stopped, the door opened almost immediately, revealing that they had arrived at the royal castle, right outside the front doors. Motioning for her guests to exit the carriage before her, Yui sat in wait. "Please, let yourselfs in, other Sinners have taken up temporary residence in the castle, my handmaidens can help you with whatever you need, be it a hot meal, a warm bed, or a clean bath."
Shion left the carriage last, the last place she wanted to be was just outside of the small sort-of safe haven. She was going to just leave through the gates, but she was stopped and ushered inside. Something didn't sit right with her. Entering, she was less than happy to be brought to a bath where she was scrubbed for nearly ten minutes straight before she was wrangled again, but this time into the Great Hall, where food was prepared for all.
A hand was placed on Senji's shoulder, Yui sitting beside Senji with her famous smile, suprisingly no longer on her face. "Senji, tell me what troubles you?"
"But you'll be doing good things, Senji. You'll be finding Sinners and saving them. The ones who don't have a safe place to go to will return here, and you will have saved another life, how is that wrong?" Yui said softly, removing her hand from his shoulder.
"If you're worried for your friend, she is welcome to stay as long as she needs, and is even under the protection of my guards. No harm will come to her as long as she is staying here." Yui said. "You have my word."
"If you need anything," She stood and gently patted his shoulder. "You know where to find me, Captain." She said, then leaving Senji to himself.

The remainder of the week, Senji wouldn't see hair or hide of Shion, making it obvious she was avoiding him at all costs. Some Sinners stayed in the castle, and others seemed to leave a few nights after they arrived, but nothing seemed off; they had simply left.
Senji felt odd in his new armor, brows furrowed. He didn't earn it nor did he deserve it. It bothered him but he tried to force it down with training.
Those who worked under Senji - his new squadron that he controlled - were also out training with Senji while they had the chance. There were a good handful of Sinners in his group, a few of them new, and whilst sparring, they talked to one another.
"Did you hear that sometimes Sinners go missing once entering the castle?"
"That's bullshit, they probably just leave, I've seen plenty of Sinners walk right out the front door."
"No, but the ones that no one sees leaving, some are saying that they're being executed in secret, others have this weird idea in their head that-"
"Shut up, that's all shit and you know it."
"Yeah, I guess, but still... No one even knows how the previous King and Queen died, they just "got sick". It ain't right."
Each and everyone of Senji's men stiffened up. "Nothing, sir!" And with that nervous declaration, they returned to practice in dead silence.
Deep underground, several dozen unconscious Sinners either lay or sat in a large stone room, most of them moved off to the side of the room. The room was lit dimly with torches, and many of the Sinners were badly battered; on the far side of the room, sat many torture racks.
A bloodied woman with blonde hair lay face down in a broken heap on the ground, her only movements were the shallow rise and fall of her chest.

Yui was busy in her study working with Moriko on paper work, taxes, and other daily necessities she had to do. "Moriko-chan, how goes all of the Sinners?" She asked, not looking up from her paperwork.
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