Of Knights and Deadmen (1x1 DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

She could feel the tips of her ears heat up in a blush and she sputtered out a jumbled sentence. "Wha- I-I.. I can use it fine enough!" She said, unsure if it was a good or bad thing.
Shion's entire face went red this time. "I can take care of myself!" She turned and stomped off quickly through the forest, obviously offended.
Shion stopped in her tracks, clenching her fists. "No, I'm gonna kill each and every guard that comes for me." She said, tone shifting to a more serious one.
"Yeah, you can take out maybe two or three...but you kinda need training." He said. "Come on. I'll teach you a thing or two; help ya live longer."
The young woman turned to look at Senji, a sceptical look on her face. "Why would you help me?" She asked, sounding as though she was actually considering his offer.
He shrugged, "You seem innocent enough for a Sinner. Looks like you don't even have the heart to kill a rabbit for dinner. You won't last; and I'm not even saying that to be a cock. If you wanna stay alive, you gotta learn to fend for yourself out here. A village elder won't teach ya anything outside living in a community."
Shion looked down at the ground once more; she only did have about two days left of dried meat in her pack of she really rationed it. "Fine, but if you're expecting something from me in return, you're not getting it. I'm not a prostitute. And I know how to catch rabbits! I just.. Don't like to kill them." She muttered.
Senji's face lit up and he started to bumble, "I-I-I wasn't even going to ask for sex, stupid!" He finally sputtered, "I don't want anything in return, just...someone to talk to, I guess. Pass on my skills in case I do end up getting caught."
Shion stood there with a red face, and still pretty flustered. "Fine." She muttered, nodding in agreement to the deal. "I guess that's ok.."
Shion nodded and motioned for him to take the lead, mostly because she didn't want him traveling behind her so soon, but partly because now she didn't know which way to go, she had lived most of her life in one village, and hadn't ever traveled outside other than a few times to find some lost cows.
Senji grabbed the small pack he had and started heading south-east, towards the border; it would take a week or so to get there.
Shion trekked with Senji in silence for quite a while, and while she wasn't all that great at fighting, she had built up endurance and pretty average strength for a farm hand, so she kept up with Senji's pace easily. "When we get to the border, how are we going to cross it?" She suddenly spoke up, brows furrowed.
"That's a shitty plan." Shion mumbled, not at all impressed with such a poorly thought out idea. "And what if we can't do either of those? Then what?"
"Kill anyone who stops us." He replied, "Rushing and hoping we get over the border before either us get hurt is even more stupid."
"I wasn't suggesting we ram our way through the border, but I'd think you'd have something a little more thought out." She mumbled, sure that they'd be caught before they got anywhere near the gates.
There was silence for a few minutes before she had an idea. "You could always go under the guise that you're transporting a prisoner." It came out, half as a joke, but who knew?
"I was really only joking." Shion said, not all too happy that he had actually agreed to the plan she had jokingly proposed.
"No, it's probably the only plan that might work." She said, waving her hand. "We can do it, we just- we have to be careful." She said, letting out a shaky breath.
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