Of Knights and Deadmen (1x1 DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Shion's cheeks blushed, and she averted her eyes, looking in a different direction.
Once they got close enough to the border, after many hours of hiking, the two took a break, coming up with a plan to get a suit of armor.
"I'll keep the fire going and watch the patrols from here." She said, making sure the fire wasn't so big it would be noticed, but not weak enough to go out either. "Get the food so we can hurry across the border."
Shion sat at the fire, warming her hands, it had been growing colder and she didn't really have heavier clothes, even back on the farm before everything had happened. She frowned softly, remembering her time back on the farm. She had many younger brothers and sisters, as well as two older brothers, all of whom she missed terribly, but she worried for her family's safety.
"Holy shit." Were the only words out of Shion's mouth as she watched Senji enter their make-shift camp with such a large meal. "We can't eat all of this-" She stopped short. "I mean... Well we have gone a good distance, and I can cure some meat for travel..." He mouth was watering now, eyes trained on the meat in Senji's grasp.
Shion went to work cooking enough meat for the both of them, then making enough to travel for a while on and preserving it before setting it aside to tend to the meat they'd be eating right away. "Um." She kept her eyes on the food, but her behavior was quite suggestive she had something imporatant to ask. "Have you ever thought of trying to save those who are Sinners that haven't been executed yet?"
Senji made a noise as he ate, "There was a one time I tried. Didn't work out so well...had to put the poor kid down anyway because his Sin became out of control."
Shion stopped preparing her food, stopping where she was. "Ones Sin can become out of control?" She asked quietly, her voice barely audible over the crackle of the fire.
He nodded, "The more unfortunate ones, anyways. It' like they develop a mind of their own or the Sinner is emotionally distressed. It's like your Sin knows what's going on in your head."
"So the Sin takes over your mind..?" She suddenly wasn't so hungry. "Will that happen to everyone? Is that what we'll all become?"
"Hard to say." He replied, "I guess it depends on the person. I feel like my Sin and I are one; it is an extension of myself. Therefore I can control it far more easily. I guess I shouldn't use myself as an example since I've had the time to control it."
Gripping her trembling hand tightly to hide her fear, she shuffled away from the fire, forcing herself to take a bite of meat so she wouldn't be weak from malnutrition.
"How could I not be?" Is what she wanted to say, but what came out was. "No, I'm fine." Along with a smile. "Hey, we should probably head out soon, patrols get heavier at night."
He made a noise but nodded, "Yeah, we have have some time left. This section of the wilds won't be patrolled until the moon is at least halfway across the sky."
When midnight came around, the fire was out and tube two were nowhere to be seen. The plan was for Shion to call the patrols attention, while Senji flanked the group and took them out; as Senji explained it, because Shion was still too inexperienced with her Sin, so she probably wouldn't be much help in a fight, which hurt. It was true, but it still stung.
Shion stood nervously in the dark, listening for the slightest noise, and for a while she didn't hear anything, but soon she heard voices and clinking armor. Letting out a breath, she steadied her nerves and stepped out from the trees. "Excuse me?" She called out, moving timidly down the road, most of which was easy to fake, but she was still scared nonetheless.
Senji waited for the right moment as the guards moved over to help Shion, "Are you all right, miss? Are you lost? It's dangerous to be out here at night; you may run into a Sinner!"
Shion flinched slightly at the name. Sinner. What had she done wrong, other than being born? "I'm fine, just a little behind schedule and tired, are there any taverns nearby I could find a bed at?" She asked, keeping up her most convincing act.
"Yes, of course. You just head back down the road and make a-" The guard didn't get to finish, a red spike sticking out of his chest before it was ripped out, the other guards losing their heads before they could react to what had happened. Senji deactivated his Sin and huffed, "Poor bastards..."
Shion backed away to avoid the large pool of blood forming beneath the three dead men and spreading across the ground. "Let's get off the armor and wash it up, then we can hurry through the checkout point." She said, working on removing the least damaged and bloodied armor.
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