Of Knights and Deadmen (1x1 DarkMudkip/Jikkah)

Shion quickly dunked the bloody armor into the river and scrubbed at the still liquid blood, making sure nothing was left on it before tossing it toward Senji. "It's gonna be kinda cold, but you can manage - I hope."
Shion nodded her head, heading for the checkpoint with Senji. Of course she had been put in binds like any captured Sinner would've been, but it made her nervous. She would have to rely heavily on Senji if there was a fight, unable to do much with her hands behind her back. She was shaking as they entered the checkpoint, keeping her eyes downcast as they walked, trying not to attract anyone.

((Wanna bring in Moriko~?))

Moriko stood at the checkpoint this time, keeping an eye out for any Sinners trying to sneak over the border. Senji ground his teeth under the face covering as they approached.
Feeling his grip tighten on her arm, Shion glanced back at Senji, now becoming even more worried. "What's wrong?" She whispered, looking around for any sign of danger.
"That tall drink of water with the black hair is the personal guard to the princess. She's goddamn powerful." He whispered back.
"Why is she here if she's supposed to be guarding the princess?" A chill ran down her spine as a soft, soothing voice rang out. "You've managed to catch a Sinner? Good work, soldier; tell me, how did you find this one?" It was Princess Yui herself, a gentle smile on her face, and her hands clasped behind her back as she walked toward where Moriko stood.
Senji slipped back into his old soldier attitude, pulling Shion along. "Your Majesty," he bowed slightly out of respect, "my patrol and I found her in the wilds while making our rounds. She killed the others before I managed to subdue her." This was bad, so very bad; with Yui here it was going to be a thousand times harder to get over the border.
"Wonderful!" Yui smiled widely, though it was more disturbing in the fact that it was genuinely nice. "We've managed to turn over a new law, outlawing the execution of Sinners. Moriko, will you escourt this young lady to the carriage? We should return as soon as possible."
"Of course." Moriko moved to grab Shion but Senji got in the way. "Uh, with all due respect, uh..." Moriko narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Your voice..." She muttered.
Still smiling, Yui spoke. "Come now, Senji-kun, I worked very hard to make sure you had a safe place to come home to..~! I even am willing to put you back into captain rank with no restrictions. Come home with us?"
"Captain?" Senji repeated but mentally kicked himself for letting that give himself away. He tore off the helmet and scowled, "As tempting as the offer is, I'll have to decline." He replied before taking his dagger and cutting his forearm, activating his Sin. He cut Shion free and rushed at Moriko, the protector using her sword to block Senji's attack.
Shion activated her own Sin as well, looking nervously at Yui, who returned the look with a kind smile before she drew her sword. "Moriko-chan, please subdue our newest recruit, I'll handle Senji." She said, drawing her own sword and advancing to switch places with Moriko.
"Of course, my lady!" Moriko shoved Senji back and moved to deal with Shion. "Hey, get away from her!" Senji yelled and moved to attack Moriko again.
Yui was quick to intercept Senji, her sword clashing with his blade. "Why do you not return home, Senji? I've offered you quite the gem, why do you turn it away?"

Shion took a few quick steps back and quickly tore open a wound on the palm of her hand. A long, single tendril emerged from her hand and she looked at Moriko with the eyes of a panicked animal. "Why are you doing this? We haven't done a thing wrong..!"
"I would rather live free than help kill innocents, Lady Yui. You have a loyal enough dog anyway." He replied.

"You spit in the eye of God, you must be exterminated." Moriko spat.
"We haven't come to kill you. I meant what I said before, I've come to take the throne in the past few days, and I've implemented a new law. No Sinners are to be harmed any longer." She said, pushing him back, before holding her hand out for him. "Come with us."

Shion felt herself trembling with rage, lashing out with all her might and wrapping her tendril around Moriko's sword. "I didn't chose this!" She snapped.
Senji looked back at Shion, who was having a meltdown, before looking back at Yui, "I have your word?"

Moriko struggled to keep her sword in her grasp, "Yet you use your curse so willingly!"
"You have my word, sworn and kept until the day I die." She assured, her eyes holding no ill intent.

Shion yanked hard, getting a lucky moment and getting the sword out of Moriko's hands before she tried to bring her Sin back down on her.
Before Senji could take her hand, the sound of tin hitting the ground caught his attention. He looked and saw Moriko had tossed her gauntlet away and cut her arm, a large bramble shield made of blood shooting from the wound a hidden spike in her gauntlet had created to block Shion's Sin.
Shion was shoved back hard by the brambles, stumbling back and falling to the ground, tangled and covered in cuts from the brambles.
"Moriko-chan, don't hurt her, that isn't what we've come here for." Yui called out, her voice sounding slightly tempered in fear the girl would be harmed.
"Of course, my lady." Moriko stepped back but did not deactivate her Sin, "Please forgive me, but I didn't know what else to do; it was the heat of the moment."
"That's alright, make sure she is uninjuried and bring her to the carriage please." She said, then turned back to Senji to complete their deal. "I have your word as well, Captain?"
Shion looked confused and betrayed, looking at Senji. "Captain?" She echoed.
Senji looked back to Shion and made a face, "She gave her word not to harm you." Moriko moved and pulled Shion to her feet after deactivating her Sin.
Shion deactivated her Sin due to shock, staring wide-eyed at Senji. "I knew it. You were always with them. The whole time, God, why did I think differently?"
"Shall we return home, Senji?" Yui asked, smiling warmly at him. "You look like you could use a bath and a proper meal, as well as your friend here too."
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