Welcome to Ikebekuro;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

Mm.. her mouth was warm and his cock was exactly where it belonged. Beaming hazel eyes looked down at her and his hand gripped a tuft of her hair, angling her throat up towards him. Hips began to pound against her tiny plush lips while the big beefy girth rammed the ridges of her throat. Izaya's balls slapped repeatedly against the girls chin, clapping and clanking. Hotter and hotter the fiery rod grew baking in her mouth, hazel lust over eyes locked with hers, and at that moment, Izaya felt like she was his.
The girl made a small sound as he turned her head upwards to meet him as he proceeded to fuck her throat intricately. Tongue lie flat against the bottom of his length as he continued to move, meeting his movements, leaning forward each time he thrust forward. She didn't seem to mind how rough it was, in fact, she seemed to enjoy it as she made another sound, keeping hold tightly against his hips as they continued, never pulling away, looking at him with eyes full of heat and desire. That was it. She didn't care what he did with her.
Another sleek wave of cum bolstered into the barrel of his shaft. Hips swung back before thrashing down her throat. It was as if the room had paused for a moment, hazel brown eyes of lust met with equally hungry eyes below her. A bullet of cum blasted, splattering every inch of her warm throat, hot throat. He held it there, cock crammed down his play things. His hips finally retracing as he began to pull out.
Sayaka shut her eyes tightly as the sticky liquid entered her mouth and she gulped it down graciously, the sounds of her swallowing filling the sudden silence. A majority of it slid down inside, lots of hot stuff coming out to wear a small trail of it slid out from the brim of her mouth and dribbled down her chin. The hacker pulled away, a sliver of cum stretching and breaking off between them. Sayaka licked her lips, purring lowly. "Ha ha..." she chuckled. "I suppose I got you, my dear."
The hot thick liquid pumped down her throat in bumpy waves as he pulled away. His head dangled between her lips, slowly leaving her mouth altogether with a soft pop, and a small wave of cum drooped from the slit of his head, coating her plush lips with a white frosty present. Rolling off of her to lay beside her in her own bed, hazel brown eyes turned towards her. Soft lips kissed her forehead, "That's my girl ~"
The hacker pressed her index finger against her chin, wiping the remaining cum off and licking it off her fingers with a smoldering gaze fixated on him. After, she turned to face him as he settled beside her, smiling softly. "Hm. I know what I want. I can't help but to try and take what I please." Her hand drifted to his chest, fingers tracing lazy and feathery circles around where his heart beat. "...You were lying about the ring thing, were you?"
Her words went in one ear and out the other. The man looked up at the ceiling in idle thought. There was no ring, but that didn't mean much. In silence they laid, Izaya pondering over her question. It felt like eternity before a soft rich voice answered her prying question. "Sayaka~" his tone strong, and his voice sure, "will you marry me?"
Sayaka lazily settled her head against the pillow and looked down to her slowly moving hand as he asked her. "I'm not sure if you mean it or not," she said honestly before laying the flat of her hand against his chest. "How do I know it isn't one of your plays, hm?" She craned her neck and eyed him amusedly.
He was relaxed. His hand sifted through her hair, and the whole ordeal was unfolding in an informal, laid-back fashion. Yeah, yeah he heard her words, but they didn't amuse him. This time he turned towards her looking her in the eyes. Hazel hues locked with hers. "Sayaka," he repeated, this time stronger than last, "will you marry me?"
She paused when he turned and looked at her. That expression of his was chilling and it took her aback a brief moment before her thoughts began to gather themselves. "...Okay. Yes, alright," she said after a moment of considering it, wondering if the pleasure of their love making had made her pass out and she was having a strange dream. Grinning mischevously, she leaned into him and grabbed his right hand, lacing her fingers with his until she worked the silver ring he wore on his index finger off. She moved and placed it on one of her left hand fingers as their fingers were different sizes. "I am keeping this until it is all official, MmKay~?"
His fingers lazily laced between hers, expecting to hold hands. His eyes looked over her nude frame, an inward satisfying smile expressed itself on the outside. Feeling the fiddling of her fingers against his, curious eyes peered down only to see that he was being robbed by his own girl. Laughing out loud, he kissed her forehead softly before looking up at the ceiling, "Does my say even matter?" His fingers curled around hers to hold her close.
Sayaka snickered and pressed their foreheads together. "Not this time, I'm afraid. But not to worry. We will settle everything once we get an annoying gangster out of our sights... and whoever he is employing to piss me off." She hummed lowly and lifted her free hand, messing with the tuff of his dark hair at the back of his head. She looked at him for a prolonged moment of silence before she braved speaking out loud. "...Maybe I have really fallen for you."
Izaya raised an eyebrow. This was the first he had heard of anything about the gangster employing someone to bother Sayaka, but he let the notion pass. The man didn't care to think about their outside world, especially not at the moment. In the dark away from everything, this was their haven. His hands softly held the curves of her sides, a warm vibrant smile spreading from cheek to cheek as those words comforted his heart. In a playful light manner, Izaya poked back, "Love you too~"
The girls gaze softened and she nestled her face into the crook of his neck trying to forget about work. Her mind eventually eased and she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Sayaka felt sluggish in her lack of desire to wake up. "Mm..." she sighed as she remained still in bed, eyes closed although she had been awake for a few minutes now. She knew she had work to do regarding Mizuki but just a few more minutes of rest sounded lovely.
Of course the one thing you couldn't rely Izaya to do was get up early in the morning.. The man was dead asleep... A the nude body next to hers was completely exhausted. His mouth hung opened and repeating light snore echoed through the room.

Just about the time she woke up... Mizuki had called her early, early that morning. Riiing...! Ring, ring, ring! Her phone went off, the bright bold print of Mizuki's name glowing white on her phone.
Sayaka sighed and pulled herself from the bed, throwing one of her silken slips on as a temporary clothing as she stepped into the living room, the faint sound of her ringing cell reaching her ears like an annoying alarm clock. "Nng..." She wiped the plane of her face as she picked it up and saw who it was. How annoying. She cleared her throat to disguise her lack of awakeness and answered the call. "Well, must be urgent to be calling me instead of me calling you. What's the matter, then?"
Mizuki skipped all formalities, as if they were need between the two anyways. "We've just got some critical data I'd like to go over with you. It might help us solve the whole Izaya case~" Mizuki's voice was filled with thrill. Ironically the person they were looking for was in the bed of his own employee. "Namie is also on foot, but she's not doing any better than you," he said sarcastically, "maybe I'll have to fire her instead."
Sayaka's eyes narrowed at the mention of there being data that Mizuki had found... and then he mentioned a woman by the name of Namie, bitter memories flooding back to her all at once. Now she understood what was going on. Mizuki was more of a fool than she had originally thought. "I see. Did you want to transfer this data or would you like to meet face to face?" Perhaps in his elated stupor he would give away where Namie was going. One could hope, though the world wasn't that convenient.
Mizuki paused for a second.. Too many things could go wrong if he did transfer the data. "I'd like to go over everything thoroughly with you face to face, and that way no outsiders will be able to access it. Namie was basically just as useless to him as she was but at least she had some technical skills.
Sayaka hummed in affirmation. "Alright then. I guess it will be our usual place. I'll get ready and head on over right now?" She looked back to her bedroom door. She wasn't sure if she had a good feeling about this or not.
"Sounds good~" the male hung up the phone with a clank. Just like the previous times Izaya was as dead as a log. He didn't move, toss, or turn, but the hardly audible snores murmuring from his lips filled the room.
Sayaka hung up and sighed, setting her phone aside and walking back into the bedroom, grabbing a fresh set of clothes for the day. She rolled her eyes at the sleeping Izaya but decided to not try and wake him as she changed. She walked over to her nightstand and pulled open a drawer, grabbing a few things out of it for just in case if the negotiations went south. She didn't find it too important to wake Izaya up for a meeting. She knew she had a job to do and so she stepped out the door and closed the door behind her. She left her apartment to drive to the usual and mysterious place that she often met Mizuki at. This was going to be interesting.

Meanwhile, the other hacker watched her leave from her car, smirking as she sat back. Namie had known what she had suspected was true, it had just been a matter of patience. She stepped out of her car once Sayaka left, placing her hands in her pockets. She walked up to the apartment and knocked on the door, as if visiting an old friend.
The chance that Izaya would wake up was few and far between. Just like previous time he slept as if he was knocked out, literally. The whole time Sayaka shuffled and changed in her room, Izaya didn't flinch a bit. And when she left he continued to stay in this vulnerable state of sleep. The apartment door was wide open and no one answered Namie's knick after Sayaka left. Izaya sleeping in the bed.
Namie waited before she checked the door. Foolishly enough, it was still unlocked from Sayaka having left. Smirking, she stepped inside quietly and shut the door behind her. Looking around, she crept along down the hall to the bedroom, looking inside, eyes coming alive with a curiosity as she spotted Izaya asleep and nude. The girl slunk inside and crawled onto the bed, hovering over his form before straddling his waist and pressing a hand to the side of his face. "Good morning~" She snickered.
Izaya was fast asleep until the door creeked open. He had assumed that it was just Sayaka checking on something and went back to slee . Eyes closed and guard down, the man drifted into a light slumber. The females figure on top of a limb body before bringing it back to life with the hand on his face. Wrinkling his nose, he shut his eyes tight, "Sayaka..." He moaned groaning at the interruption.
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