Welcome to Ikebekuro;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

Mizuki crossed his harms and pouted in his chair. He frowned, "Beats fucking me," a hint of anger in his voice, "they think you're the best match since you're the closest to him, and yes I know you saw Namie at your house." A small bit of pride was stripped away from Mizuki when they assigned the task of killing Izaya to Sayaka instead of him.
Sayaka looked agitated at that and sat down in a nearby seat. "Here's the deal with that, by the way. Namie and I have a past, you see. A long... complicated past. The reason why she is even in Ikebekuro is because I am here, not because of your group. She wants to get to me. And if your boss has any brains at all, he shouldn't trust her to do anything because once she gets what she wants in regards to me, she'll just up and leave. Now, how would I know for certain that is what she will do? You could check my school credentials. You will see we went into the same programs and were taught by the same people." She waved a hand. "I would like to know what kind of man doesn't closely check the people he hires to make sure there isn't any discrepancies. I think by this point you are to be more trusted to do the jonb than he is, I so boldly say."
Mizuki let out an inattentive grown as she gave him the whole spill. Nonetheless, he listened even though he knew everything that she had told him. Nodding his head, acting like he paid attention, Mizuki leaned back in his seat and looked her in the eyes at her long winded speech. "Sayaka, we know that... In fact that's exactly why we hired her. You weren't getting any work done so we hired a spy to spy on the spy, and ironically enough we know you have some affair with him." Mizuki paused to let all of it in, "We don't need Namie and didn't plan to keep her long, but we want you to kill Izaya," the offer still stood.
She knitted her eyebrows together. Well, if Namie could get into her house than certainly she could discover what relationship she had with Izaya. Crossing her arms, she considered it before deciding to play along. "What did you think I was doing, anyway? I was doing my job with trying to uncover information. Whether or not I had 'some affair' with him is all part of the gig." She smirked a little. "And now I am a little insulted you all decided to bring in the most annoying thorn in my side to spy on me. I am not even certain I want to do business with your lot anymore. I mean, unless you're going to pull the 'we'll kill you' card as everyone else seems to love doing. Nothing original about that."
Mizuki mulled over the thought. If it was up to him he'd have the bitch killed, but he wasn't the one that was over her well being. "If it was up to me you would have been dead ages ago," he retorted sourly. A heavy frown sat firmly on his brow as he looked her in the eyes, "but unfortunately I don't have the luxury to," an overbearing silence settled in the room. The man leaned back in his seat and grabbed the two arm rest of his chair letting out a loud sigh. "So what do you want to do Sayaka?"
"It depends on what you plan to do after he is dead. Though I suppose I would go ahead with it," Sayaka said back, frowning a little. She was rather tired of Mizuki as well, though she supposed that the fact that they weren't fans of one another was obvious by now. "Who is it up to, to keep me alive?"
He raised an eyebrow in confusion, and thought that it was pretty clear. Mizuki shrugged and folded his hands in his lap, "We'll part ways. You'll get your money and we'll get our hit. Of course your identity would remain secret, and if there's any other request let me know." After Izaya's death, life would go in. It'd just be that much easier for the Yakuza to smuggle illegals in and out of town. Mizuki twitched at her last question... just the thought of the man sent tingles down his spine.. "The elder..." Mizuki mumbled.
Sayaka raised an eyebrow. Maybe... she should change her tactics a bit more to dig a little deeper. With a serious expression she looked at him, seeming somewhat concerned. "Are you in trouble with him? Is there someone threatening you in your network?"
At that point she had crossed the line. Mizuki closed his eyes, waved his hand, and shook his head. "I'm sorry, but that's none of your concern." Sayaka was clearly beginning to irritate him. The man could hardly stand to be in a room with her especially since they assigned her a job that was rightfully his. "Just give me a yes or no.."
"I said sure," She answered him rolling her eyes before standing up. "I suppose you want it done by a specific time then?" She looked toward the door. She supposed one vague lead was better than nothing...
Mizuki sighed seeing that she'd taken his 'spot'. Leaning back in his chair he contemplated, "Hmmm.. Let's see its Friday.. They want it done by the end of this week."
Sayaka nodded before she headed for the door. She paused before opening it and looked back at him. "My condolences for having all the fun," she didn't care if it pissed him off or not. She opened the door and left. She got into her car and drove home, waiting until she was inside and not seeing Izaya there. Not unusual, but she wondered if he got her message. She took out another phone and typed 'Need to meet up.' Message sent.
Mizuki flipped her off before she left. Izaya had been moving all day. She wouldn't get a reply until around sunset, that reply being a buzzing phone call from an anonymous number. Anytime it was anonymous, it was pretty easy to tell it was Izaya.
Sayaka had waited for the call and looked to her caller ID before answering, "Go ahead," she ushered. Even if she had assumed it was Izaya, she was always careful to not say any names on the phone or to assume that she was friendly with the person on the other line. They had a few minutes until the call would become traceable, as far as she knew. It was enough time to make a location to meet up. Meanwhile before the call, she had tried to get anything she could by searching for anything regarding a "Elder" individual in the city, her laptop sitting in front of her.
There was short lived silence before a familiar voice spoke flatly to her. "What's up?" Izaya was somewhat on the fence. He wasn't sure if she was still upset from him about earlier or... He let the silence ride.
"A lot. I can't say much about it on here but... we have a deadline. Is there some place we can meet so I can explain?" And she paused for a moment before. "And yes, I'm still pretty angry with you for not kicking Namie's ass when you had the chance."
"I'll meet you at your apartment." Clack... The phone line went dead and he'd hung up. Izaya was in the outskirts of the city in his new house, and it'd take him a while before he got there.
"Tch..." She clicked her tongue after he hung up on her, feeling even more annoyed all of a sudden. She set her phone aside to compile all of what she found so she could just show them all to Izaya at once. She wasn't even sure if this was going to go well judging by how that phone conversation had gone. All she could really do was wait and see how things would play themselves out.
It took Izaya quite a while to get there considering how far away he was. About an hour after their phone conversation, the front door of her apartment was knocked, and Izaya's familiar figure standing in front of the way.
"Come in," she hadn't expected him to come immediately over, figuring he was covering his tracks from what he had mentioned before. Sayaka was at her laptop, finishing her documents before turning her head to look at him."Do you want the good news or the bad news?" It appeared she had been busy with other things beside her technology work. There was a steel box set aside, nothing large at all with a detached lid on the floor next to the couch. She didn't pay it any mind.
The man did as he was told, walking through the doorway, eyes his little vixen. Lips parted in a cheeky yawn, with one eyes opened he looked in hers. "I'm not prepared for anything," his hand softly settled on the girl's hair. A kiss planted on her forehead before he walked over to their usual couch. Letting out a deep sigh, he exhaled, "Give me the good." He sat on the couch. He'd have enough negativity for one day.
Sayaka raised an eyebrow and didn't initially react as he planted a hand in her hair at all. "I got a decent lead on whoever the Hell might have it out for you. I'm trying to narrow it did down but I figured you might know something that would help that process along," she sat back in her seat and crossed her legs. "Some man referred to as 'The Elder'. Mizuki seemed quite shaken about him. Namie is also out of the picture according to him.. though whether or not it is the truth is in the air. She will be, anyway."
Izaya sprawled out on the couch, yawning enormously. Blahhh, blah, blah, blah, blah.. Her words went in one ar and out the other. His legs kicked back and his feet propped up, he laid on the couch, staring at the ceiling. His eyes closed and he found his peace. After all was said in done, hazel eyes stared back into Sayaka. She wasn't acting like herself. "Why all so serious?" plush pink lips cooed. It made him feel... uncomfortable.
Sayaka didn't seem pleased by how at ease he appeared to be. But perhaps that was because he did not know what she did, and what was worse... "Oh, I don't know. They told me they want me to kill you by the end of the week. Unless you don't want to give a damn about that. You have been doing rather well at that since this morning," she turned back to look at her computer, clicking through some files. "And I am busy with something else as well."
Izaya's eye lids flickered open. His gaze fixed on his partner.A fierce look swept across his face at her the claim to kill him. Then his eyebrow twitched after her last stinging remark about this morning. They couldn't work together if they were... so apart. His breathing became heavy and slow as he inquired about this morning, "Is Namie what got you so worked up..?" She wasn't acting like herself.
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