Welcome to Ikebekuro;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

"Perhaps. You seemed content just lying there with her on top of you. Did you expect me to be the one to do something about it? Were you waiting on me to do the dirty work?" Well, she was. But that was beside the point in Sayaka's mind. She appeared to have pulled up some sort of chatroom, scrolling through what had been said since she had last checked the window.
A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he sat up. Hazel eyes stared into hers. His jaw locked and he took the verbal abuse. He should have stopped her, he knew that, but somewhere in his mind, he thought he could get some useful information from her. Izaya closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and faced Sayaka, "Well.." he paused, "she's tearing us apart. Is that what you want?"
Sayaka waited until he was done speaking before she turned in her chair and looked at him seriously, "I am careful when it comes to her. She has been following me for years and I'm annoyed by it because she's so pathetic. I don't decide to trust that many people because she comes after them." She crossed her arms. "But I have decided to do something about it. I want you to think I can handle that much, at least. I'll do what you want in regards to Mizuki and the rest, but I want to handle Namie."
Izaya listened. He was all ears. From her sincere speech, it sounded like Sayaka had something deeper than what Izaya could understand against Namie. If she didn't want him to interfere with their feud, he would be more than happy to let it go. His instinct was to say he'd defend her of Namie put her in danger, but... he knew she wanted to handle it herself and she meant it. Taking in a deep breath, he nodded, "She's all your Sayaka.. Now what's all this crazy talk about elder and killing me?"
She seemed a little surprised that he didn't ask anymore questions. She swallowed a hard lump in her throat before answering, "There is an individual in the Yakuza systems around here often referred to as The Elder, apparently. I am digging up what I can of all recent instances where the term pops up to see if I can narrow people down to who it really is. The thing is this person wants me to kill you since they've caught on that I've been sticking close to you." She sighed and gave a stiff shrug. "They gave me until the end of the week to do it. Mizuki's pissed about it as well. He's made it pretty clear that he wants me dead if not for what use I am to his boss." She turned back to her computer. "Sooo, I have a list of people. If you might know who might have it out for you from them?"
The elder... the name rang a bell. Now all of a sudden the two were in a very, very tight situation. "The name sound oddly familiar," the man leaned in closer to get a glimpse at her computer screen. Izaya frowned for a moment as his research on the elder began to come back to him. His breath heavy and full, "The only thing I have on The Elder is that he's a living paradox... Old, but young... and he speaks in complete opposites," eyes beamed towards her computer screen, "did you find anyone that looks rather young?"
"Sounds like something out of a crappy fantasy movie," Sayaka commented before she started to narrow her files down to the ones she had assumed were younger than others. She pulled up rows of pictures where upon clicking on them would reveal some information about who the faces belonged to. "I suppose we could narrow it further in what vicinity Mizuki has worked in... And there," a few faces disappeared from the screen to rule out some of the people she had compiled.
Izaya looked at them intently, studying the pictures one by one. With the information they had it was impossible to pinpoint who was the elder, but a detailed background check could solve that out. Then it dawned on him. His throat closed and his eyes wide, he looked at Sayaka and his heart pounding. "We've got to get out of here," he instantly stood up gripping her by the wrist and running towards the door.
Sayaka didn't like the look that he gave her before he was pulling her up. She always hated surprises. This was no exception as she had no choice but to go with him. "What the Hell? You figured it out?" She pried as they headed towards the door. Well, she did have plans but that required her sticking around. She supposed she would have to put those on the back burner for now as she looked at him with a hint of concern in her eyes.
Izaya kept his hurried pace.. They had been there way too long.. sat in one spot way too long.. met at the wrong place way too... His hand settled on the door, looking back at Sayaka, "No, but," he twisted the knob opening the door. Several men resembling Mizuki's henchmen stood at the balcony of the apartment with gun in hand, "They have.." In the center of all armed men stood a familiar face smiling in delight. Namie staring at Sayaka.
Sayaka didn't look too surprised to see Namie at the center of it all once they had opened up the door to a group of goons looking back at them. Sayaka's lips set into a thin line, she stared back at her with a hand in her pocket.

"Whoa, grew your hair out, Saya-chan! Good to finally see you face to face," Namie spoke up cheerfully, seeming absolutely beside herself in glee that she had caught up with them. "Hand out of the pocket. And step away from one another, will you?" Sayaka lifted her hands before taking a side step away from Izaya. Namie then looked over to the information broker. "Looks like Mizuki is gonna get his way after all."
Izaya gritted his teeth. hazel eyes stared at the black haired woman fiercely. His eyes shifted towards his partner before looking back at Namie. Instead of stepping to the side he stepped forward, eye to eye with the bitch. The soldier surrounded them, guns pointed to each of their heads. Izaya remained calm steadying his breath. "They want me right?" The man put his hands in the air, "I'll go, but leave her be."
"I don't think you're in a position to be negotiating what we do with anyone," Namie raised an eyebrow. "But how noble of you. I figured you would be more into cutting your losses judging from what I heard about you..." She stepped forward to Sayaka and shoved her hand into Sayaka's pocket, retrieving the phone she had had her hands on before they confronted each other. She checked it and her eyes narrowed. "How long has this phone call been going?!" She turned it around, showing that Sayaka had dialed a number and called it.

Sayaka didn't change her expression, nor did she say anything.

"It's probably being traced," Namie threw the phone down and stomped on it, the mobile exploding into pieces beneath her foot.

"Well..." Sayaka stiffly began with her hands still up, "My cavalry has been on its way since this morning's stunt you pulled."

Namie didn't seem to like the sound of that but didn't say for the gunmen to do anything. She looked around before walking to the balcony and checking outside. If Sayaka was not bluffing, then she figured they could already be there. She glanced back over at the two. "And if we kill you right now..."

"You can take the chance if you want," Sayaka interrupted her. "But I wonder how many of you would fall in the process? Or better question, which ones?"
Izaya held his breath underneath the tension of the two woman. Sayaka had ask for Namie on her own, and that's what he gave her. Whether Sayaka was bluffing or not he had no idea. His eyes stayed steady on Namie with gritted teeth.

"Tch," Namie furrowed her brow, slightly frowning. Her heart began to beat, but she kept a concentrated gaze on Sayaka. She was loosing it and couln't tell what was a bluff or a lie, but if there was anything Namie wanted to do it was to tear Sayaka apart. "Down the broker!" She yelled out at the henchman.

A barrel bashed at the back of Izaya's head, the man falling to the ground. The scope of the henchman's gun aimed at his eyes as he looked into the barrel. His breath steady as he closed his eyes, only opening them to get one last glimpse of Sayaka than looking away. He couldn't distract her from business.

"Call your reinforcements off!" She yelled back at her, "or your boyfriend is dead."
Sayaka knew that she had to be careful in the next few moments. Looking at Izaya and then to Namie, pressing a hand to one of her knees, index and middle finger slipping from a clenched fist. "No. You call yours off."

In that moment, there was a pair of light "ping" sounds. the two henchmen that were nearest on either side of Izaya fell down, small holes etched deeply into the side of their skulls. They were dead before they hit the ground, the gun falling to the floor in a clatter. Sayaka didn't move to pick it up, though. She didn't seem that moved by the fact that there were now two men dead in the apartment. She pressed her hand to her hip now. She smirked a little as Namie stared down at the fallen gunmen, looking livid. "Let me tell you a story," Sayaka began, being rather timed with her words. They didn't know if within the next moment, they were going to be shot down or not. Some of them were looking around, one noticing there had been two holes shot through one of the walls of the apartment to shoot down their fallen comrades.

"There was once an elite group of cyber terrorists, led by an esteemed man of a university in Central Tokyo. They were all so very loyal to this man like puppets on strings... until one day, things went wrong and he decided to cut his losses with a few of them." Sayaka shrugged, "The group was disbanded, split into two definite groups depending on what they wished to do with their ex-leader. Some of them eventually achieved making him disappear off the face of the Earth as punishment for underestimating his pawns." Her grin expanded. "While the other group still wanted to follow him blindly."

Namie seethed at that and jabbed a finger at her, "Shut up! It is not following blindly...! You just got angry because your parents hit you too hard and your new family didn't want you!"

"Then again, I'm not the one okay with my back up becoming collateral damage. And you all look like you have broken into my apartment to kill Izaya and me. I wonder what the police would say?"
Ding.. ding.. Two of the soldiers fell by Izaya's side. The man slowly beginning to get up. Another soldier ran towards Izaya to pin him down. A fist harshly buried in his face as Izaya stood up in full. Three henchmen on the floor and Izaya rubbed his fist, looking at Namie with cold unreactive eyes. There was only four henchmen remaining, but they didn't hesitate to point their guns at Sayaka and Izaya. At this point Izaya saw the guns as just a bluff.

Breathing slow and regaining his composure, it seemed that his partner was becoming rather cocky through her story, and it brought a smirk to his face. Izaya yawned dully the stand off was becoming rather boring. "Can we leave now?" the man rested his hands behind his head regardless of the guns pointed at them.

If the henchmen shot then all of Namie's men would be dead for sure.. If Sayaka's back up shot it might startle the henchmen to fire.

Namie was enraged. If the Yakuza was going to go down, Namie would bring Sayaka with her. "Ahhhhh!" She yelled quickly drawing a pistol from the buckle of her skirt before thinking about the repercussions. "Ding.. Dink.." shots fired at Sayaka.
Sayaka had been expecting Namie to lose it eventually but to use a gun, it was dangerous and difficult to avoid. She ducked down and ran at the girl, one of the bullets grazing against one of the hacker's arms, causing her to bleed. She withdrew something from under her shirt and waist line before ramming a fist into the back of Namie's head.

The girl fell and two other pings rang out before two more henchmen fell over dead. Sayaka whipped around and shoved the ice pick that she withdrew into the throat of one of the two remaining and shoved him away with the item still in his throat. It happened quickly. The remaining man, flustered, aimed his gun at Izaya instead and shot at him. Sayaka paled as she looked up and saw this, not quick enough to stop him. "Watch out!"
A turning Izaya, faced Sayaka. Head twisted towards her as she grabbed his attention with her cry, his shooter unnoticed. Thud.. the bullet pierced through his chest a ray of blood splatting out. Mouth open wide while eyes locked on Sayaka, the man's body hovered towards the ground. His head hitting the concrete. Black everything turned black.
To her, it happened in slow motion. She dove down but didn't catch him, trying to be careful as she gave him a shake. She didn't hear the other man being gunned down, her attention fixated on Izaya now. "Oh, no no no," she quickly rattled off. "Don't pass out on me! I'm sorry!" There were footsteps. One of her friends who had helped take down the gang members had come up towards the apartment. She looked up at him feeling sick. "We need to get him to a hospital!"

"Jesus..." A scruffy looking Japanese man stood over them before leaning down. "I will tell the guys to bring the car around and I will drive you. The others will clean this up... you're crying?" He looked to her. He had noticed that there were tears trailing down her cheeks.

"Shut up and do it!" Sayaka snapped at him angrily before placing a hand on Izaya's chest to apply pressure.
The Japanese man looked at Sayaka a bit dumbfounded. She was usually the one that was calm and collective and now she had snapped of emotions. "Alright.." he muttered before walking away.

A heaping wave of blood came coughing out of his mouth as she applied pressure. His eyes flung open and his gaze staring at her. Pain painted all across his features. The man laid his head back as she applied pressure. Eyesbrows crunched and face winced in displeasure. The man felt oozier.. and oozier.. and.. Finally he blacked out once again, the last seconds before his eyes closed, they looked into Sayaka's.

The care was soon brought near by as the Japanese man returned to Sayaka and Izaya. "The cars in the front let's go!"
Sayaka continued to get her hands bloodied as she applied pressure until the man came back with the car. With his help, they lifted Izaya to the car. Sayaka sat in the back with him laid out, head in her lap as the man drove. "The man with the ice pick in his throat broke in. He shot Izaya and I retaliated in self defense." She concocted a story as they drove, Sayaka still looking a little shaken up. "Keep Namie locked away. I will deal with her later."

They pulled up to the hospital and the man got out to go ask for help. Sayaka took the moment alone with Izaya to brush some hair from his face. "I did not mean for my personal affairs to..." she didnt know what to say. Soon nurses came out with a gurny to take him inside and into surgery.
Izaya was behind closed doors for what felt like hours. They didn't allow Sayaka in the operating room just because of common law, but when the surgery was done, a nurse came through the swinging double doors to bring Sayaka in. On the bed was a bandaged up Izaya, eyes barely opened and body tensed. It was clear he was in a mass amount of pain, the doctors had even said he was in critical condition. The nurse led Sayaka into the room and claimed that visitation was only for an hour.
It had been a few hours until the nurse came to let in visitors. Since Sayaka's crew did not really know Izaya, they left her to handle it by herself. Sayaka walked quietly into the room, assessing his appearance at first before standing at the foot of the bed. "So... I'm not sure if you're even willing to listen or not, but they are probably going to pin this all on the Yakuza, though the Elder might not get caught in the fray." She frowned. "But we'll get him. Or I will. That's for sure." Once she was out for vengeance, it was hard to stop her.
The man's eyes slowly opened at the sound of footsteps towards his bed, and there she was, at least he was still alive to see her. His chest raised heavily, with each deep, painful breath his eyes fixed on her before she began talking about something he needed not hear right then. He let her ramble as he turned his head, easing into the pillow, eyes closed as he breathed slowly. "Not now Sayaka.." he protested against the unnecessary information being thrown at him.
Sayaka paused and gave an understanding nod. She did tend to rattle on when it wasn't needed. She stood in a heavy silence for a long while before coming around the side of the bed. She was a bit hesitant to touch him at all because of how he looked to be in so much pain and so she refrained for now. "Sorry. I guess you have the right to be pissed at me if you are, by the way."
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