Welcome to Ikebekuro;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

Namie smirked deviously and caressed the side of his face. "Hoh. Guess again my dear." She chuckled and leaned forward, centimeters from his sleeping face. "Open your eyes. Someone a bit better for you is here." So this was why Sayaka was being so useless... though to fuck her clients, that was new.
The makes face ruffled, wriggling his nose as he closed his eyes shut. Taking in a deep breath, his eyelids fluttered open to see an unexpected pair staring back at him. "I see an old hag," the male said calmly.
"Hm?" Namie didn't seem offended by the insult as she continued to sit there along his waist, chuckling to herself. "You misunderstand. I am offering you a chance to get back at the man who wants to kill you." She pressed an index finger to his chest and drug it down slowly towards his abdomen. "You enjoy playing with the emotions of those you consider under you, right? Why don't we play together?"
The male ruffled his eyebrows, looking at her condescendingly. His mind quickly snapped back to his girl Sayaka, and he started to resist her persistence. Fingers lightly brushed away her finger trailing down his body. Hazel brown eyes looked into hers with apprehension, "What the hell are you getting at?" The last part of her attempt of a little rondevu caught his attention.
Namie didn't seem phased by the fact she had brushed her hand. "Hmf. Like you don't know." She rolled her shoulders and looked off at the side of the bed, a mischievous look clouding her eyes. Looking back at him, she leaned over him and lowered her voice. "Mizuki is obnoxious. I want to destroy him just as much as you do." Even though she could care less what happened with Mizuki, she could still play the part well. "As for you... you have quite the attractive body. It's not fair to keep it to just one person, no?"
Hazel eyes lowered and locked with hers unimpressed. Talk was cheap and her words didn't mean much. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she might have been working for Mizuki from the start.. Especially after the first day he met her. Her last comment struck a chord in his veins, his eyes twitched. A frowned masked evenly along the brow of his eyes, "It's fair enough. She does a better job than you ever could."
"Really?" It annoyed her to no end that he would put Sayaka before her but she knew to conceal it. She giggled lightly before she reached around to his waist. Naked, his dick was exposed to her. "I wonder what your body thinks. Surely it doesn't even matter. You will crave attention despite your so called alliance." She smirked and rubbed his length slowly. "She will leave you once someone offers her more than you did. That is her game."
His member was solid. Hard. But not from her. Morning wood had kicked in once he was awake and he couldn't help, but be hard as a rock. Un-reactive eyes peered over up at her. The tip of his cock pulsing in her touch. Her words went in one ear and out the other in disbelief. "I guess I'll call you when she does," he said tauntingly.
She didn't seem to have an intention of stopping as she stroked the hardened length and chuckled dryly. "Let's get real. The two of you together is like a time bomb. I'm certain that it will be a bad ending if you keep it up. Mizuki is an idiot... I would be far more loyal to you if you'd be willing to have me."

Sayaka had forgotten the one flash drive that contained information regarding Mizuki's case. She doubted he'd be pleased if he had anything to transfer to her and so she had to make a quick turn around in order to go and retrieve it. She cursed herself for leaving the front door unlocked, though she doubted Izaya would have much of a problem with intruders as she had been lying low for a fair amount of time... And then she stepped into the doorway to the bedroom to head toward the night stand that contained her equipment. She stopped in her tracks as she beheld the visage of Izaya on his back with Namie straddling him, hand over his cock. "What... the fuck?"
"Look I don't need a little duckling following me around, tooting the horn of loyalty," he'd started to become irritated with the girl. Calm, cool, and collectively, he looked her in the eyes, "Now I need you and your poor sexual skills to get the..." The door slammed open at that moment, and that daunting figure of Sayaka standing at the frame caused him to smile. The male whispered softly to the girl, "You're in trouble ~"
Sayaka looked between them before she slowly walked in and pulled the drawer to the night stand open. "Keeping yourself busy, eh, Namie-san?" She nonchalantly asked as she withdrew the thumb drive and stuck it into her pocket. She gave her a brief look before she backed out of the room again. Namie seemed surprised that Sayaka hadn't flung out in a fit of rage at her, before choosing to slide her legs off of Izaya. Namie covered her mouth with a hand to conceal a toothy grin. "What was that again?"

Sayaka could have thought a hundred of things, but she pinpointed one thought and kept to it. With a stoic expression, she headed towards her front door.
His eyes followed the girl as she passed by the nightstand. Izaya yawned lazily locking eyes with his lover, "At least get her off of me~" but it seemed like Sayaka was in no mood to talk as she stormed out. His eyes veered back to the hardly familiar lady ontop of him the man rolling his eyes at her question. "I said you're bad in bed, now get off."
Namie looked displeased but rolled her shoulders before walking toward the bedroom door. "Oh, it doesn't matter. Your newfound trust will be your downfall and Saya's paranoia will draw unwanted attention. You will see!" She hoped that she had mad the girl angry. Smirking, she left the apartment.

Sayaka, meanwhile, drove in silence towards her meeting with Mizuki. Parking, she withdrew one of her many mobiles and stared down at it, thinking hard about her options. She took off the ring she had stolen from Izaya and put it into the glove box before typing in a message and sending it to him. She knew: No calls or messages. But the phone sge used wouldnt exist after the message was sent. 'There are many ways to get lice off of you I hope you know. Ready to do things my way?' She sent it before snappung the phone open amd also smashing the battery and phone against the ground under a foot. She tossed the husk of the phone out onto the road and took the pieces of the broken battery, placing them into the glovebox as well to be disposed of later. She then made her way inside to meet Mizuki.
Izaya yawned, lazily looking at Namie. "Yeah, yeah," he shooed her away. The apartment was empty and silence ensued. His phone vibrated loudly in the living room of her apartment. Putting his clothes back on, he walked out of the bedroom to pick up his phone. Then the text came. The text... enraged him. He huffed and puffed in a sweep of furry. The only thing he read was that she didn't trust him, and now a line had been divided between the two. He wanted her to burn. The male grabbed his belongings and made his way out of the apartment.

In their usual spot underground, he was there. Mizuki had been awaiting this meeting for quite some time now, and after sending Namie out it seemed that she was just as useless as Sayaka. Hopefully Sayaka would have some good news. As usual Sayaka was escorted to the meeting grounds. At the end of a clear circular table, Mizuki sat, staring at her.
Sayaka pressed her hands to her sides before walking up to the chair, looking at Mizuki. "Well, apologies for the delay. I forgot our handy thumb drive for a moment there," she figured the truth was okay to tell in that moment.
He greeted her with a slight bit of hospitality. "No worries ~" he motioned towards the chair, "take a seat." His demeanor was strangely friendlier than usual. A wide grin sat on his face.
The hacker tried to show her best that she wasn't concerned about this new upbeat Mizuki as she slid out the chair and took a seat. She didn't like the feeling she got as she looked at him expectedly.
Mizuki smiled from cheek to cheek. "As you know I told you there's some very important news I must let you know." Mizuki's eyes shifted from side to side as the tone of his voice lowered to a hush whisper, "but I must not let anyone else hear..." The male waved an hand towards the hacker, signaling her to come.
Sayaka wasn't a fool. She could jump to conclusions and be brash sometimes, but she knew better. She sat her back into the chair and crossed her arms. "My, I thought you wasn't able to trust me that much. I'm flattered, but let's be professional here. You can just say it out loud. Afraid the expendable henchmen might hear?"
Mizuki's eyes shifted from side to side looking at his henchmen. The man lowered his voice and directed it towards her. "It's not for them to hear.." he checked once more to make sure none of the lower ranks could hear him, "and its classified within our organization."
Sayaka looked briefly back to his little henchmen and raised an eyebrow before peering back at Mizuki. "Make them leave the room. And then I will come over there," she proposed. There would be no other way that this would happen as she had in her mind.
Mizuki sighed and leaned back in his chair, clapping his hands twice, "As you wish princess," the guards receded single file into the door she came from, the male looking the strong female in the eyes.
Sayaka waited until the others were out of the room before getting up and walking over to Mizuki's side of the table as she said that she would. "Alright, then. What is so important and secretive that you cannot tell everyone else?" She wondered if this was going to some big break in her work or just a trap.
Mizuki himself looked uncomfortable with the situation. His eyes looked at her, but soon darted away. A heavy sigh escaped his lips. "We had a meeting last night and the higher upshave agreed.." the man paused, "they want you to kill Izaya.. For a whopping sum of 15 million.."
This was definitely a sweet turn of events. Sayaka looked at Mizuki dead square in the face as she pulled back and eyed him curiously. "Well, well. This is somehting new. And why am I being tasked with it instead of someone else?" She decided to be vague just in case if someone was listening in. "Who has decided to make that sort of decision? Tasking a hacker with it?"
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